m Wf S- SSK- FRIDAY O Red Brick for Sale About or to Newmarket 1 ST a Wanted bond severs and to learn mens J A ABBOTT Clothing factory Comfortable Cottage on Wrui oil St Kent free to man and wife Willing to help with housework and chores Other work to bo had in neighborhood Apply to Box 26S Newmarket lb look as what let Whitney regarded s a political hobo when ho assumed- the Prem iership of Ontario is now be In ning to regard as a political Alluding to point change Globe Vhitaey scorns to given up thundering against of member of the Legislature as Sheriffs nine Premier Whitney began such Kir James In stripping of his virtues so rapidly that he may catch politic pneumonia any day now the their- been fruit tffic on doe hut the lark traf fic the excursion season Airs A Ontario of during the Fair of la of our Town mlllfcer DressMaking MRS WILL is now pre pared to do cutting and lilting Of Coats Dresses etc hex home on St Also a Jew more for Sewing Terms reasonable For Sale or to Rent Combined store a Albert next a nd dwelling house door to Dominion Mass- business location further particulars apply to MISS LKKK Lock Bo Albert NOTICE A meeting to into consider ation the advisability or forming a Cemetery Co to take over all Bury ing Grounds now Under the of Friends and others in this vicinity will be in the School Room of the Friends Meeting House Newmar ket on FRIDAY OCT A PHILLIPS J A CODY WIDDIKIELD If interested kindly attend Bush for Sale BY Tenders will be received up to of Oct for the purchase of bush in Con of King com prising about acres consisting of beech and elm Par etics can tender for the whole bush or for mill timber This bush Is near to railway- For further particulars and terms apply to JOHN COOK 3w3b Kcttleby PO NOTICE A Who to blame for a goodly por tion Of high price of lake the question of toUiatiJca as an illustration The farmer gets thirty cents a for Tito by a liberal addition of moisture succeeds In filling some thirteen cans from a bushel for whch be charges the a can retailer latter them fo the for niiuj each and the ukiumte COhsftrJibr has to pay lor bushel of tomatoes at the price oj per Two Elections to the ROW being one for Middlesex and other for North Waterloo Nominations will take place on and on the of this numth Middlesex vacant through the of Mr Robert Sutherland the member I and North Waterloo by the resignation of Dr N Lack- net te9 5berifl of Waterloo As polling on Thanksgiving Day no doubt the number of ballots cast in both constituencies will be large There is no mistaking Wilfrid on the naval ques tion In his address before the peo ple of Cornwall amb vicinity last Monday evening he defined his attitude most distinctly He said We wait for the policy of the and will judge merits We will support it if it right oppose it if it is but the shall be given upon merit and not upon passion or prejudice In the mean time and while we continue to wait and wait laughter we stand where we have stood right along Our pol icy is a Canadian navy built Can ada equipped in Canada managed Canada twdcr the control ol the Canadian Parliament and the Cana dian people and ready if should ever in danger I will not say that it Britain should ever le on trial to do the part a worthy part as a loyal daughter of the old Motherland through the is to have the exhibit tobies grown In shown last week Nov- Li Krird Fair sent to the Ontario In London display Arthur before Monday guilty the theft of root the Kim street branch of the Pank of Toronto and was sentenced to four years In the Kington Penkontiaryv He was iuivd to Irs fall by track- The of sites for four new In east end of wus to the lhion by the Toronto Kast District meeting the Methodist Church on Monday last Toronto lots Of blunders a representative looking after- Us lay before the the Toronto Hoard of has already his year the assess ment on worth of private property which has heretofore occur red to the credit of the Separate Hoard This means atou in taxes to the gain the of a million and a City too who think they know rj i Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to Ontario Vot ers Lists Act by His Honor Judge of the County Court of the County of York the Council Cham ber of Newmarket on Wednes day the day of October at noon to bear de termine the several complaints of er rors and omissions in the Voters List of the MurficipaiMy of the Town of Newmarket for 1912 All persons having business nt Court are required to attend at the said time and place Dated October 1st J HUGHES Clerk of Town of Newmarket E LUNDY HEAL ESTATE NEWMARKET Has the following Property FOR SALE IP A ft t nearly new Modern Frame House rooms and bath beautifully located and well built Extra large lot wlttx stable just outside corporation in East Qwillimhury Price extra well built Frame Houses Modern hardwood floors rooms Very large lot stable fruit trees shade trees Nicely located on Pros pect Ave Price Frame House rooms nearly new opposite the College grounds lot good and fruit trees This house will rent for per month is an A investment at House large rooms mod ern on nicely located lot on Pros pect Ave close to the business cen tre of the Town Also a lew more good houses for less money but not quite so well lo cated I also have a few Elegant Building Lots on Prospect Ave Grace St Millard Ave Ave and the Gardens I have three Good Farms for Sale three Market Gardens and some very Choice Sections of land in Alberta which I have inspected and can recommend at to In the new subdivision of the town known as Connaught Gardens lots are Very Cheap and sold on most favor able terms Prices range from 200 to per lot and are sold at cash to 10 per month without interest Call or write Agent for P Lands Office Over Neat Market Main Street Newmarket From Chicago came the report two suave strangers succeeded in swindling Norman Todd Hamilton out of the sum of It was said that Mr Todd who- was in the Wind City on business met the two in a cafe Between a friendly drink penny matching was Shocking Tragedy in a Quebec Village St Bernard Que Oct children the whole family of Mr and Mrs Alexander Gravel burned to death in their home here early this morning The mother and father went out last evening to a party leaving their ten youngsters who ranged years of age to IS mouths at home They returned after midnight and then noticed their house was In flames Both father and mother made frantic efforts to get into the building to rescue their children but the heat of the blading house which was of frame construction was too much for them There is no lire fighting apparatus in this village and the father and mother had to witness the consump tion of their home and their Dragged Away the Parents At first the cries jot children were piteous and both parents had to be held back by neighbors who prevented them from rushing in to blazing pit Mr and Mrs Gravel towards end were in a state bordering lunacy and were tak en by fore from the tragic scene The fire copgtately destroyed house and the skeleton of the eldest child a girl and skull the youngest were found It- is thought that the flro was started by a lamp which was left alight In the bedroom of child ren Free Testing of Farm Seed During season the Seed Branch Federal Department of Agri culture will test free of charge sam ples of seeds of grasses clovers and cereal crops This has been the poli cy of this Branch since the passing of the Seed Control Act As a guide to growers dealers and Others desire to have samples tested grading and germi nation a leaflet of Instruction has been prepared Under twentythree numbered paragraphs there- are de scribed among other things how to prepare pack and address samples of seeds of various kinds Useful notes are given qualities affecting the value of seed It Is also pointed out that injury to wheat from frost or dampness Is usually appa rent In the color and shrunken ditlon of tho grain While a hulled kernel sound oats is usually semi- transparent and not brittle frost ed kernel Is dart and meally partic ularly at the tip and is usually brit tle Instructions are given for clean ing grass and clover but grow ers wlfose farms are not- clean rec ommended to sell their seed In an unclean condition to a wholesale mer chant who has special power cleaners who desire to have seed test ed may procure a copy of this circu lar by applying for it to Publi cation Brand of the Department of Agriculture Ottawa it all Another fire at North To ronto night caused a loss of cm when IhV bams on the Anderson property just north of Glen Grove were burned The sea sons crop of tons of hay and acres of bats were consumed Another painful case of shoplifting occurred on Montiay afternoon re sulting in the arrest of Mrs En- field and her two daughters aged respectively twelve and fifteen Crv- about afterwards dont wipe out the disgrace of purloining and sending the shoplifter to Jail is a terrible mortification to innocent rel atives Prof Allied Baker head of Mathematical has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education in succession of Prof Wright the University of Toronto Rev Dr McQueen of Ed monton Moderator of the Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Canada spent Sunday and Mon day last in Toronto on his way home after a visit to the old country A big League gathering from the various Methodist Churches of the City is being held in the Met ropolitan Church every night this week SeVernl returned missionar ies from China have delivered inter esting addresses Henry who robbed Charles of St on Satur day was sent to penitentiary for years by Magistrate Denison The jury awarded Mitchell damages his suit for against Gerhard in the civil assizes for injuries sustained when struck hy defendants motoi wagon ota the night of Jan when plaintiff was attempting to board a Yonge St oar A little girl named Delia McGoey St daughter of a street car conductor was instantly killed on Tuesday afternoon on the way home from school by being struck by an The car was driven by Scott of Davenport Road and he Is under arrest on a charge manslaughter over the estimate with one month to go This was the announce ment by Hon A J after securing the compiled reports of the succession duties branch for the months to the of Sept T a drug clerk the store of Mr Fairman Manning Ave was attacked and beaten into sinility by a masked shopbreaberlast The burglar ran sacked store and got away with about which he found In the till Steps are being for merging Methodist Mission and Social Union organizations Into one corporate tody to control all local work Dr Benjamin Watson of Edin burgh has accepted a professorship at the University of Toronto to commence the 1st of next month A stranger threatened some of the Sessions jurymen the other day Judge intimated that severe punishment would bo meted out to anyone guilty such an offence The Royal Grenadiers founded In formerly Royals intend celebrating their anniversary on Nov and by a monster reunion of all available members since the date of its inception It may not be generally known out side ot the city that Toronto has a Central Neighborhood House where Jews Italians Poles and other for eign nationalities huddled together in to houses bounded by Queen and College streets and Uni versity avenue can find a homo or recreation for advice and for as sistance in their dally struggle for a living KIt along the line playground movement and Is doing a good work for those foreigners v Later ante was I Pic with that Mr v Tlie annual plowing match of King and Plowmens Association will be held on Mr neat Maple on Friday be given a bath in alcohol after which shaken until dry If Boy Scout Movement is to bo made a military ane as some superloyal people desire it will alienate the support who- support it because its original intent was physical and moral wellbeing of those who participated therein Kingston Sept While the funeral services were being held over the remains of his dead wife at bis home ana as the hearse drove up to the door John Roberts an aged resident of Perth Road his room where he lay ill with Inflamma tory rheumatism The shock of his wifes death killed him Feathers that have grown grimy on Harrison id Toronto was of Mrs over Sunday Toronto spent IW weekend at her old home Mr Crosby of Ml- Albert visit ed hoc sister Miss Barker over Sunday Miss Wright Toronto of Miss Lulu Sunday Miss Mcintosh return home after spending week With Mrs ft J i IK Simpson has sehtrd to address a Men Meeting In this evening Miss spent in Keswick with Miss Sheppard Mr S And have returned tfomJacsous Point where they the summer Mr Jaekfion visiting his daughters at Bronte Hamilton nad for ten Mrs H Simpson is pending a of weeVa with her daughter Mrs Marrow In Mr and Mrs of Jer sey spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Osborne Timothy St Mr Cameron lor on Monday to reenter the 0 A for another term Gold of sister of Mrs Wilkinson Joseph spent weekend with her Mrs spent last Fri day with Mrs Dr Wesley at their fine new cottage at Roachs Point Miss has been en gaged to sin Concert at Niag ara Fulls- on Thursday evening Oct Mr the harnessmaker being unable to find a shop in Newmarket has gone to Cochrane to try the busi ness there Mr Cameron Allan who Is at tending St Andrews College rotfto another year was home for the weekend Miss Grace Kirkpatrick of New Haven Michigan visited Mrs Ro land over Sunday ami called on old Newmarket friend Mrs La Jackson spent Tues day with Her sister Mrs Harding at she having been In poor health lately but is improving Miss Lediard of Owen Sound was tlie guest of Mrs Hewitt or the weekend She left on Tuesday to attend Training School Toronto Mr A who is now residing in Toronto was calling on old friends Town on Wednesday Heis representing the Trusts and Guarantee Co Toronto Mr Harold Davis and bride of Kingston spent a few days in Town last week Mr and Mrs Aubrey Davis had few friends In to meet them last Thursday evening Mr Mcllroy of the of Ag riculture Newmarket lias gorje back to the O A Mr of Stratford an undergraduate of the College has taken his place and Mrs Wesley and also Miss Beatrice spent Sunday at their cottage at RoaChs Point The lat ter left on Monday to enter Victoria College Toronto for another Mrs Richard Osborne had on Thursday of last weeki from her aunt Mrs Thos McQuillan of To ronto who was also accompanied by her Mrs Win of Toron to J K Hughes Town Clerk got back from his trip to the Pacific Coast on- Tuesday He met Mrs Beckett at Vancouver who wished to be remembered to all bar old New market friends Mr Thomas Laws father from spent days in Town this week and proceeded to Toronto where his wife Mrs Albert Is seriously 111 after an operation at the General Hospital A birthday party was given by Mr and Mrs Watson at their bake home on Tuesday honor of Mr Martin Taylor who was that day Over relatives and friends were present and they hod a jolly time Mr J Allan Baker son Philip of London were the guests Rev and Mrs Webb on visited Pickering College In which institution has taken a great Interest They are on their way to Canadian West Mr Baker is a Canadian by birth Mt and Mrs en tertained a number of young people Friday in of Miss Montgomery of Snult Sto Marie daughter of Mr Geo Mont gomery and Montgomery of Pa who are visiting in town Among the Newmarket people who attended Sutton Pair Friday were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Jackson Mr and Mrs Wake How ard Blizzard Luke Doyle Wtley Jas H Mortimer Frank S q New models art cooitanuV being added to our lino to keep pace every now feature Bui the feature of comfort and durability which havo mem the favorite of supporting and moulding for every a price for every purse AND LOOK RAPIDLY TUB BIO RE being stocked with the new and beautiful for A every day bright freeh new goods are delivered at our doors goods of supe rior merit selected with much care by our buyer a man of splendid taste and thoroughly preferences and needs people this section- CORDIALLY you to come and see these new goods- We will be glad to show them to you even If you are not road to buy just yet course Selection la much while the goods freshly and ftsKurlmcnts arc but any Way learn some fashions secrets you are flro to look aroUntl and and It you should feci Inclined to Invest In some of the beautiful new you will be gratlnVui to that our thanks shrewd buying lower lowest Coma SOAK OP A WHAT IS NEW IN FOlt KALI The natural the feature the new cor sees Busts are low a ad waists are and hip the new models are very flexible and very comfortable while perfectly to naturally perfect lines i fc MODT STOCK OK osiery IN TOWN So you may be sure we can meet every retirement and from the finest Cashmeres to the serviceable Wor steds HUNTERS I I The beaten yolk of an added to any cream soup just it is will improve its flavor TUB CRADLE In op to Mr Mrs H- Barker a son THE ALTAR the brides home Baker Hill York County on September- 1912 by Rev Clarke Edna Gertrude only daughter of Mr and Mrs Ezra to Mr Morgan Baker both of Baker Hill the residence the brides father on Oot 2nd 1913 by Rev A McNeil Mr Jes se Smith of to- Miss Dora daughter of Mr WmHat- fie of Keswick STONEMURTON At the Church of Epiphany oh Sept by the Rev o Bryan Annie Ellen Ada daughter of the late Barton and Mrs Murton to Stone son George W Stone Newmarket At Orillia on Sept by Rev W Anderson Jessie Mildred elder daughter of Mr Dickson Alberta and Herbert youngest son of Mr and Mrs J Eaton GROCERY WE MAKE UITS A SPECIALTY Both Foreign and Domestic OUR TEAS COFFEES WE TOMB At Beamsville at the resi dence of her soninlaw Rev J Wass on Saturday September Elizabeth Sutherland relict of John Bradford in her year Interment on Tuesday at Mount Pleasant Cemetery Bradford Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced S Our Phone No ia Shra vanished like chart before Mathewson near on Prtday be given a the c4 they are si THE LEADING Undertaking House You Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING ft EMBALMING A attended to at SMITH At Hamilton City hospital Sunday September 1913 Smith only son of the late George Smith- Funeral from the residence of Mrs Irwin Macdonell avenue Toronto on Wednesday Ootober at noon Interment at Newmarket upon arrival of train leaving North Parkdale at pm WALSH In Newmarket on Sept Elizabeth Walsh 54 years 44 VERNON In Manchester Ont on Got 3nd Mrs Lavina Ver non Mrs name was Lavina Wilson and at one tune she resided In Whitchurch J ST NORTH AH will DR I PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All and Family Recipes J W Patterson Phm B STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weakly TELEGRAPH OFFICE I A House PboM No let Store Phone No I J if Big War Cloud in the East Constantinople Oct were issued by the Turkish war min istry this morning for a general of all the forces European and Asiatic Turkey The neglected demand the Bal kan kingdoms that Turkey the conditions prevailing among Christian inhabitants in Macedo nia and Albania which was the cause of the present tense situation has been almost lost sight- ol in The slightest untoward incident will undoubtedly start a general con flagration according to tho prevailing opinion diplomatic circles in Lon don and the great powers might eas ily into this The only bright prospect in the sit uation is that the Balkan States axe inclined to give the great powers a little more time In which to try to induce Turkey to introduce fee re forms demanded in Macedonia Continued on Page v- 1 WD TnhnTT almost lost sight In n WW Idleness makes hours It days woflully v