THK FRIDAY I to loan- on curlty PFankOane a J prank AND A Parlor Tea Will li held at the homo Mrs Friday the 13th commencing at pm Proceeds in AW pi Vte Trip id Hawaiian 1 Mission aw i Bolton Practical Pastor and House Decorator and Streets Newmarket Or Clark DENTIST Overflow Personals ton Iff spending the her parents here returned home on Fri day alter Visiting Quebec Anne ana week with Main Street Newmarket- Dp Wilkinson DENTIST Office Mock Newmarket Dunn Qualified Maternity tiox 309 Newmarket JWlss G Small Organist of Christian Church Teacher Piano and Theory Terms on application Newmarket Fair The Exhibition which is one the best Id Canada Mil be held this year on Tuesday Wednesday iocJ Thursday Sept and The number given Is larger than ever be fore aud attractions will bo so that ho one should bliss attending St Newmarket pulton Organ Theoret ical Brandies introducing the tot System S Hank Toronto Newmarket JiL WEDNESDAYS A eld en Mr rather an exciting experience on Monday While Washing a window the lad- he Was using course lit came down and a Sail water down also but not add Very much to the enjoyment of the occasion to Say ho was not Berlously io- jured from page carmine throne paintings adorn the walls and inter rlor show artistic decorating va rious kinds repaired to one where she and cordially rreeivee any American who call upon her The of ivo A stand Was lor by thirty ya8 standing Whru on- iKaltoi took place svnted the band with silver and like the Aharon they all The Hawaiian are a musiolovlng people and the son old Hawaiian or the wields tiio end teaches his men all the new and popular j is heard on the Math Laud With this band two wo men have Mini in the open air for post and day without seemingly their as they are still sweet and Is advancing the School modern and Including Hawaiian The to oh shin pa inxmd oh at vatious period Many ladles a bunch of colored paper W0cntcr Winnipeg or i J Walker NEWMARKET Ontario Veterinary PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Nifrht Livery Phono Womens Institute The the Womens Institute will take At the home ol Mrs Luke King on Saturday Sept paper on the Ma fug White Bread will be will also be a Mending Contest All ladies are welcome Kindly take thimbles Fall Fairs Oct and Bradford i Oct foe all classes and conditions in visiting a Kiudefaiten School out children we found only about or four whites The lit tle ones ate taught the art of rice cooking each day One room is up with stoves and utensils to correspond Those not on certain days serve others Brown sugar only is allowed When the tiv it liyman Jackson Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES the Office Papcss flenee il Office Private private London Weston Oct Newmarket Sept 17 IS 19 Zephyr Sept East at children are not- well they fuse the stgur but recovering their usual add sweetness to The Aquarium itwBroii the the building Wing stone and surrounded with greenery and con tains the must specimen of to be anywhere New York Aquari um cannot compare with the various specimens here many hems Japanese waters Even Naples- cannot boast of tet ter and the finest in the hive been attributed to that City are various colors shapes and sizes some as half Inch In idh These are thrown and the caught by come one on and as the streamers arc twisted to gether by a rain- how is lor mod binding he ship deck lo shore At every the band plays airs our anthem as snip to move away the sweet strains Aloha across the widen open Mna ocean and lovely Hawaii is Idt ho- hind but the memory retains the consciousness that here Is most beautiful here the a I res I land the idril for coming Cholera broke out In Honolulu t as heretofore stated and quarantine placed On everything even to lu thing i ml I he second time during our us turn our laces trip buck was enjoyable with a ship- load Many having I learned sweet airs while with melody helped along by resldcntcrs of the Islands and the wee- smaV hours algJt Was heard last musical sound at night and fast In tin morning Upon reaching San Francisco weather was in full blast as August are the cold windy Warm clothing was sailing the- water was very rough from the Sound Dm im steamer travel on is filleu to Jul lest capacity trav ellers bound for Wash ington British Columbia It was a motley crowd going to Viclpria to follow races in In hold so a gang professional thieves steamer rifling and suitcases hut captured by fist mate placing his man in irons a cabin with a over him as morning dawned the bird had flown and was not recaptured until weighed anchor at Victoria at p m when he tried to get ashore by a woman dresstl in seals in costly apparel The First Mate was on alert and after a tussle with the prisoner finally placed him in irons Calgary and Saskatchewan it ah ideal with weather experienced In those places This Island Is for its rich do- posits gold silver also limUr lines of mil way shout around the island to small towns where are mined and shipped Fish ing Is another Industry The at about Unity miles from Victoria sends annually to Japan half a million dollars worth of fish are carried oh with heavy There Is much unused land state will when a bridge is built the Island with the mainland The project Is now on and luju are It may goon bo Tie dock at two miles to city the largest Whaling carried on atfcl many vessels arrived rich hauls They Were especially ate in securing Ambergris This is in la- female throw it up on generally I taken intestines It is a J Oct pp S J Boyd ia medicine ol Toronto Oho LI Graduate University i3so Lioonliaie Royal College ol Physicians sad ber the of England assistant in Bye Hospital versity College Ear Nose and hospital London England Office Cor Wain and Newmarket Telepbcme My services may be had at the day or nigh by calling at dhe flax or Prepare to attend the New market Fait week Mr the watchmaker who has been doing business Park has moved his busi ness to the store on Main Street with Ma- At the Primary School on Tues day considerable commotion was causod by a colony of wasps who had established themselves under the porch About two dozen of pupils were On Monday while tar was heated in Hunters back kitchen it balled over and on flue Things were pretty lively for a few minutes but the conilagration soon extinguish- ed v Era till Christinas lot again In response to securing their man passengers were allowed ashore Seattle is a prosperous bustling resting upon a series of Northwest resting upon a series of hills Olympic Mountains tower to the westward with the to the eastward and beautiful Mr tenter completes tin picture to the south One unaccustomed to a hilly country feels fatigued at night fall owing to strenuous walking The City was gay with decoration as The was in vogtie at- I HI NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST E6IONS IN Monuments and Head Stoneu elsewhere GEO Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITH R OSBORNE SONS Next to TR Time Card Farm Produce Fair market Saturday prices as Egfis per 26 to Butter per lb and 28c Dressed Chickens per Ducks per lb to Crab Apples per a5c Apples per basket 25c Plums per Potatoes per bag to to each per Pickling Onions per qt 10c Cucumbers per 25o Onions per bunches per bunches Carrots per bunches 10c 7 and each Cauliflower lto Spring Chickens per lb Old liens per lb Ducks per lb Pigeons per pair per pair to Hides and lie Calf Skins to Sheepskins 35 to 45c Tallow per lb Si bo it GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 1025 805 GOING SOUTH t Leave a to 820 Newmarket Toronto p ii PHOTOGRAPHS We equipped produce Portraits that are right and our long experience la back of every picture we make The child the parent grandparepvall are a good likeness and fin ish when we do the Work Come In at any or If more dcelrable make an appoint ment E Photo Opposite Pott Phone The Canal claimed first victim by drowning Sunday afternoon Halt men dressed in their bathing were balancing on A raft In the Voter above hick Second Street about two miles north of Newmarket when by some means the rait capsized and all were pre cipitated into the water about feet from shore One young man by tho name of Russell was unable to swim and was drowned in about feet ot water As near as can be learned the other boys managed to- save themselves but did not make any attempt to save young Russell They all said they could not dive Three men from Newmarket along la a and one ol them immediately undress ed and dove for the fiody but could not find it Mr Jos came along and by means of a fishing troll from canoe brought the body to the surface tho hooks catching into bis bathing suit This was about half an hour after the accident tor was called who worked for an hour and a hall but life was Coroner Wesley made an investiga tion as to the responsibility of the accident A Deceased was about twejity years a arid was a member of an Eng lish family who recently settled on the 2nd Con East not far the ol the Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A peacock others a brilliant red I officers at Seattle jumped with white stripes pale yellow gold and others resembling toads or reptiles Surf and aquatic sports are pleasures which are to few people on the mainland indulge in here by children January and July alike At the waters are soft and velvety and feel as If One cart remain in the water tor several hours without being fa tigued There is uo fear sharks those tigers of the sea never cross the coral reef which encircles the ls- lands Sports sorlcanoeing and boardriding are fascinating The natives paddle canoes out to edge of the reef then stand erect surf board like a feather on the inclined plane of the front of a are hurled shoreward at great speed The natives have practised it infancy ana are experts but white boys are rivals The element of which enters so potently Into all things Hawaiian makes even the climate conditions al most impossible of description Statistics show a rather high rain fall because rain occurs at night or we see what is called there liquid sunshine rain ailing on one sWe the street only while sun is shining Sentiment affection are at tributes the Hawaiian nature The instrument is the resembling a small guitar The voic es of the darkskinned race are mel low and rich and their favorite song Aloha is on lips and its business social life at every turn Aloha is a word tljat cannot he translated It means Greetings farewell Love Best or any sweet ami the national song of Hawaii When the six days toll is over from San Francisco twelve from Japan multitudes on the with garland Lela around their shoukkvs and Aloha greets the traveller who has braved roll of waters When hour of departure strives these garlands of affection are thrown around the shoulders of depitiug friends and ship pulls away life ate thrown back into water saying to those on land return my love you Those made tissue paper Orange in color national color or the iu beads which are principally on the order of beans beautiful color are carried back to tie mainland as souvenirs as reminders of the morbld secretion ordinarily called tumour but a article as it is used for the finest perfumery com large price per ounce Some hauls were voided at tliousands of dollars owing to tte Victoria has been sleeping jnilnbw in its slumber new life standing on the old of a future with a splendid des tiny the gateway Pacific and the Orient A real estate boom started and property was soaring high verMook the initiative a year previ ous and people were rushing there from all over Contractors and real estate men expecting- to make a for tune in a night Victoria was on a more steady basis however As of pop ulation are English and Canadians they are more slow to rush in to tread upon ground without investi gation and time In almost- every block in the City Tea are presided over by dainty womerA and at noon largely ed by business men as there are no Cafeterias the oldfashioned still catering to hungry On the site of the Hudson Bay trading post now- stands a brick business building A tablet has been placed on- the side ol building to chronicle he fact Victoria has many attractive homes and all kinds architecture with beautifully kept lawns and gardens and really it is a very delightful city No More Dandruff Falling Hair Scalp Itch Men and women do you want a splendid head of luxuriant hair free from scalp itch and dandrufl Do you want hair so radiant that it compels the admira tion of all who see It you want a scalp as immacu lately clean and bright as a newly- minted coin Do you want to use a hair dress ing that will surely prevent baldness that always refreshes and- invigorates and makes your entire bead feel fine Then spend cents this very day and get a bottle of PARISIAN Sage at any drug store or toilet goods counter Use it as directed and you will never care to use ordinary tonic again No poisonous sugar lead no sul phur injurious ingredients In PARISIAN Sage for Oik XT Cam the landing of the first pas sengers returning from the gold fields of Alaska It was a gala week The harbor brilliantly illuminated was as gay at night as the city by day The parks are- very fine es pecially the natural Park with its immense trees Another interesting point is the University Campus where still stands since the expose tion some of the Forestry Museum with many exhibits donated by Lewis and Clark the Stadium to attractive grounds The next point to visit Is a city of homes with wellkept and beautiful lawns and miles of boule vard a twohour ride from Seattle the lumber business holds Ta up it will never compete with Seattle which is backed by the Alas ka trade Still another steamer is waiting to take us down the Sound to Victoria a fourhour calm dreamy tide in touch with land on either side The entrance to the landlocked har bor of Victoria Is one never to be forgotten Passing through the strait of to the entrance tht scene Is beautiful Fronting the har bor is the Parliament with spacious lawns paried in shrubbery and brilliant with myriads flowers almost jail the year around and is a of stately archi tecture and imposing strength Di rectly facing the harbor is the Km- press Hotel built by the C P R which lias probably held more note- able people within Its walls than any hotel on the continent To its right House TheGrand Trunk Pacific at rises the Post Office and Custom A of a million- dollars will soon he under way and command a nwg- view of the harbor The City is rich in parks Beacon Hill Is espe cially beautiful with its golden cov er of blossoming a pic ture Indelihly impressed upon mem ory From the top of this hill with the surging waters of the sound- at ones feet across the straits snowcapped Olympic Mountains rise above the town of Port Angeles Washington The view from Bridge framed by dark fir woods on either side is another scene of indi vidual beauty In Gorge Park the sweep the tides through the Gorge each day marks a wild pictur esque turmoil- of seething waters Fantastic cottages built on the waters edge gaily decorated by skilled Japs J At evening these are brilliantly lighted and all that can tickle the palate of man can be chased here Also Japanese tea gar dens in close proximity music by a band magic lantern pictures thrown on the canvas In open air contri buted by street car companies The- public have much to during summer months Educational opportunities are very good The High School Is in affilia tion aith the University of Montreal In addition large numbers of private colleges Hoarding and Academies of Population about fifty thousand principally Eng lish and Canadian The climate on the Island of Van couver Is considered more even than on the mairland the winters moder ate and summers Hawaii is prmfcunetd a Aeroplane Crashed into a Crowd cool indeed Paris Sept Three persons were killed another is dying and four oth ers were seriously injured in a terri ble accident at Gray fa the Department of HauteSaone today This was the opening day of the meeting at this place and be ing Sunday a great crowd flocked in to the enclosure An aviator named Beard had trouble in getting bis mon- ascend Finally he thought it was all right but instead going up aeroplane made straight lor crowd Beard tried desperately to control the machine and kept shrieking to the people to clear the way The people expected that the machine would rise every second and did not move The aeroplane crashed into the crowd while going at a speed of miles an hour A man a wo man and the daughter Were Milled instantly Their todies were terribly mutilated the propelled of the aeroplane Another woman is dying from her injuries ami four per sons are in the hospital with serious injuries Chinese Killed Shanghai Sept immense loss of life is reported in mail advic es which just been received from WenChow in the Province of I The Chinese estimates give the f death roll as between and as a result ol a typhoon combin ed with- torrential rains and high tides occurred on Aug Great floods followed and the upper WenChow River overflowed its banks and swept over a vast The town of Tsingtein miles to the northwest of WenChow was overwhelmed and of the inhabitants were drowned Various other towns and villages were de stroyed and a prefecture at which is an important missionary was washed away a TOMATOES CANNED WHOLE Tire best way to can tomatoes whole is simply to pack them with out peeling into widemouthed Jars Half fill the jars with cold water put the jars into a saucepan or the wash boiler with water to reach halfway to the jars Bring wa ter to boiling point boil halt an hour take out he jars fill them to over flowing with toiling water and seal In this way you will all the value the tomatoes You can do this after dinner when you have a tomatoes left Just jar at a time and you can do it while wash ing your dishes- This is particular ly a nice way to do for those who pick the fruit their own vines as it ripens In a short time on will have a goodly stock ta this delicious fruit on hand tor a rainy day and can opened in winter will New Fait and Winter Styles Samples SemiReady Clothing Samples Show Someol toe FINEST WEAVES AND PATTERNS Ever Shown ln STYLES DIRECT FROM Prices from 1 to 35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE I Delivered in Seven Days I Satisfaction Guarantee or Money Refunded Also Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots GIVE US A CALL F DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter I I The TREADRASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe L I I i ace cm 500 A who 11 lU W I WRIGHT v ARCHIVES OF TORONTO