Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1912, p. 3

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A NEW ELLIOTT OUT vis Now Heady- Write for Full Particulars Concerning a School Maid Wanted Or young girl to learn housework Apply Jackson I For Sale On street near Gardens house In good con dition stable now cistern and first class water well Apply to MRS MINNIE WILSON Newmarket PO House for Sale On Prospect Avenue south ot Queen rooms and bathroom Largo gar den stable cement henhouse Ap ple Apply on prem ises F Newmarket Wild duck season commenc ed Monday but for southern pari of Ontario the present meat has fixed the open season fox the list of this mouth Jus wild duck should bo preserved On tario to allow them to ity to the Southern to bo- killed where no close season obtains Is something pot hunters rind hard to Winnipeg Tees rises to politician who finds It somewhat trying to have to make a round of the Township Fairs in order to keep In touch with his constituents may realize what an easy time he lias of it when ho that J I Cote has returned from a journey in the iy of Athabasca which he represents in the Alberta legislature It is about as large as the maritime provinces Headers of the arc advis ed that the Fall Term in Shaws Schools Toronto is now open and that students will be admitted school ill for a course in Business Shorthand Civil Ser vice or The now Catalogue just Issued is inter esting its details ami is wall ed free on request Write for a copy to Shaw Pres ident Head Office streets Toronto A byeelection to Ontario legis lature wilt shortly take place in East All a vacancy created by the Of the late Robert Sutherland MPV the way this byeelection will afford fl splen did opportunity for Premier Whitney to advocate his policy of the treating system and for the Opposition leader to poli cy of abolishing the bar Mr George is Spoken of as the possible Conservative nominee A Canadian press despatch from Calgary states that a potato war is now on in that city tot ween the and the merchants Incensed at what they contend is discrimination I against Alberta grown potatoes in favor of British Columbia number ot farmers have or- opened local markets lowering the price of tubers about as the price 66 local grocers Farmers are using the local papers doing a rushing business fc I MONTREAL THE Is the National Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada It Is national In all Its alms It uses the most expensive ings procuring the photographs from all over the world- Its articles are carefully selected and Its editorial policy Is thoroughly Independent A subscription to The Standard tests per year to any address In Canada or Great Britain IT FOR Montreal Standard Publishing Co Limited Publisher The Globe of the worlds highest gardens states Mi Davison of over Sunday rs Kerr Is Visiting her sister Mr- Boyd is spending bee Mid4fTin Oelroit Messrs and fKinoW bxatth In Toronto last Week Miss Smith Of Toronto was visiting oyer Sunday Dr Boyd attended ol bis brother at on visit ing friends in this xek tor and Mrs Gat- bis mother week Mrs Cano gave a tea yesterday afternoon for Miss ftobie Point visited her brother here One day last Rov A Boyd Mrs Boyd and family after their visit at Mrs J Davison has gone to Smiths Kails to visit her sou Mr Davison tt Up Smith has returned from and reports crops good in that district and Mrs spent Sunday in Albert with Mr and Mrs Roy Miss Rita Irwin of Durham was the guest Mrs Jackson two or three days week Mr and Mrs John Williamson of Rochester spent Labor Day with his rather and sisters Miss Walsh who has been sick tor some months is wo regret to say suffering terribly this week Miss Ray Millard was dangerous ly ill with pneumonia t Tuesday nd at last account- was not Miss Mabel Davis is homo from Alberta on a years leave of- absence was a College teaching start Miss Sarah alley of Salt returned home on Wednesday after J OUR STOCKS ARE HOW AND OK INDIVIDUAL l Whaler sort of Furnishings you need for Wear Can be Beat Parr based at thia Store Purchased More to you d with the Device of Our Broad Stocks are now their Beat and we have tried to Include herein the Very Suit the Very Sort of fleet Meal your and Well weve we leave Id Addition to the Our Stoeita and Quality the Vex low Sift kins Characteristic our Store that Ifr Po Newmarket and I J with ibo Men A oner a MrVs New Kail Shirts that Has no rivaVla IhU part Ontario The season nob- blest Patterns and Colors are here and every shirt is well made Quality OUR DOLLAR Wo we sell the Dost Dollar Shirt -in- country Kverroiie Permanent Col or Coat Style all that the Alpine Garden of holidays with Miss Ida laic out by the late Canon formerly of the Hospice Carpathians Balkans t CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS IWW l APRIL MAY JUNE 11 JULY AU0I M HPT I LOW RATES Early application be mad KlPlf to a MURPHY Pa Tcwau OILY LIME HO CKAMU OF CiRB ATKINSON Agent Newmarket of Little St Bernard takes the pre eminence It is situated at an ele vation of metres or fret Here are to be found almost all species of mountain flowers only those common to the Alps Pyrenees and Caucasus and even from afar Hima laya canon conceived in hut- it was not until 102 that his project became effective the flatter year the commune of gave him the land A Quebec paper La has been playing Henri Boufassa without gloves In a recent article re marks In sixteen years of his public life Mr has suo- in obtaining the execration of tle majority of the and of the Liberal chiefs He has aggravated the fanaticism of public men already badly disposed to us of Lord Earl Grey Sir Wilfrid and Mr Borden he has too often revealed position he occupies By blackguarding ho has lost the respect even of those who do not differ from him An autocrat full of hatred against the Conservative party nourished from infancy in Canadian Liberalism too proud to acknowledge a chief too unsociable to have true friends a bad bedfellow coldhearted egotistio and ungrateful ho has spat in face all those who have him in his career and has shown himself as arrogant towards his former bene factors as he was servile in the face their generosity when it ministered to his ambitions Im made drug Judging from the reported increase in I ho quantity of co- cane imported into this year two thoughts present them selves 1st It indicates spread of the cocaino habit among Canadians or forces tho that the foreign- element coming into tho country are making much use the drug Restrictions will to Iks made more stringent on this dendl than has heretofore obtained Thomas Mason in Magaiioo makes the following vatlonJ ft Artist ciLtnre is divided into realistic impressionable and mystic In the realistic we see things as wo think they are the impressionistic as we hope they nev er will be in tho mystic we look mysteriously and frankly admit that it would be no earthlyuse to Im part to common minds our own su perior opinions Leslies Weekly a fashion paper in strong terms takes exception to the immodest apparel young girls now in vogue It says The freak ish fashions which shamelessly dis play physical rather dhan the in nocent s of young girls are a disgrace to tho girls and put their mothers in equally bad light With largo and- hats transparent waists skirt inches below the figure Is step Ve are much inclined to agree with the Montreal Star that there no class of idle woman in Canada who plenty of and little to do to finance arid lead a agita tion The expressed thought that conditions which lead to tolly in England are absent here is no doubt truthful and hence we can afford t discuss the extension of the franchise in a sane and reasonable manner Canada can afford to do without English suffragettes as emigrants to our shores i no use the count Is in Send the Era to reaching but a few the knee so tight that bodily displayed at fh stockings the thin nest and brightest onr girls pre sent a very Improper spectacle sent a very Improper spectacle What has come to bo a common street sight today would not have been tolerated ten years ajio Miss Mary assistant to the Judge of Chicagos Juvenile court- styles grow worse each year When a dresses this Way it is her mothers fault The ofdfashionpd mother con tent with simple gowns and frocks would not tolerate such attire on her daughter She is sadly needed now to affect a radical dress reform A press cablegram towards the close last week reports an interview with Lord on the Won of- the Panama Canal in which he deprecates too much public dis cussion pending further developments He said was intended by the treaty every Ration hail free and un restrained of canal it would be of great benefit to every country Trade with the west coast would be facilitated and it would cheapen the transport of and of lip goods which form so large a pro portion the traffic ot the railways If these discriminating provisions however in the States should come into operation they would hamper other nations which carry so much the oversea trade We look upon it as an absolute especially Great Britain thai this should have been pot upon the treaty The foreign office will doubtless put the matter he ore the American Peo ple in its pro light and we have the assurance that a very largo hod v of American opinion is not satisfied that it should and Mrs Harvey and baby visited their parents at Roachs- Point and from Saturday to Monday Miss Manning has returned after spending two weeks in the City and Mrs Manning is spending this week with friends there Mr and family spent Labor Day the home Mr Oscar Morris and were driven to anil from the station in Rev and Mrs hunter spent a few days in town the guest of airs M last week and Shave now returned to their home in Ala bama At the annual meeting of Division Court Clerks held in Toronto this week Mr Robertson of New market was elected a member of Executive Committee Mr and Mrs Lome Cole of To ronto spent the weekend with his parents also and Mrs Roy of Toronto Labor Day with his parents Mr and Mrs Cole on Yonge St Word was- received yesterday from Mr Jackson per steamer th left August He is having a nice warm summer The killed two Polar bears the day before he Wrote Messrs A Ken Rob ertson and Wake Howard with a par ty of twelve motored to Brampton on Sunday afternoon and returned on Monday hut the roads were too mud dy for a pleasure trip Mr and Mrs J got home Saturday night after a de lightful holiday of six weeks in Man itoba He reports that the wet wea ther is delaying- harvest operations and the farmers are fearing damage by frost Mrs Geo Richardson gave an in formal afternoon tea on Thursday of last week in honor of her daughter- inlaw Mrs Dr Richardson of Cal gary at which quite a of ladies attended Mrs Don Suther land poured ton Mr and Mrs If red J Hughes of Windsor aro visiting his father and sister in Town Mr Hughes is a graduate of the Era Office and wo arc pleased to learu that after nine years spent there as manager of a printing office lie is about to start a job- of fice for himself We wish him every success Mr and wife of Thorn- bury were visiting in Town and vicin ity this week Mr Hartman attend ed school in Newmarket when there was only one school in Newmarket and only one room in that He re members when the New Era was first issued in a where Watsons jewellery store now stands Mr Winch and wiie from Owen Sound after spending a few days at the Toronto Exhibition last week spent a short time at New market visiting his sister Mrs P Morton on Timothy street They will spend a days in the vicinity of renewing old Mr Vinch somewhat with progress of the town of Newmarket Ho also re marked there could be no mistake made by investing money in a town that has the schools conveniences and growth of It is surprising when you com pare this town with Owen Sound Sole Agency Century TIES Overalls Handsome Fall Neck- in on Diversity of Rich Designs and Colorings Mens Silk and Knit Derbies each our Fall Line of Ex clusive Ties at each Bitlfi Zoo Wo soil the Famous Peabody Union Made Overalls which consider to be the beat on the market A 30day Guarantee accompanies evety yalr For every rip that occurs durt period of time wo pay for every button- that hursts of pay These Overalls are made of strong Drill In blue or black stripes They are made In pants and bib and completely cover and pro tect the clothing Prices pair All Sizes We also sell the Jackets to match Overalls Do not be fooled We and have been agents for this Celebrated Overall tor the seven years and we hold and are in possession of papers confirming our agency sist on getting this brand UNDERWEAR Mens Full and Winter Underwear in Complete Assortments of Sizes and Styles Your every ecd can Filled at this Store SPECIAL Mens Shirt Wool worth up to WflJ each Sale at wo JifJeS to Quality Shoes Boots and Shoes This Footgear is Comfortable Sty lish and Durable All Sizes I and are Included and we can vouch for your finding per fect Fitting and altogether Satisfac tory Shoes At we are featuring the Monarch Boot which is One of the Best Values we have ever offered These Boots are made of Solid Leath erpatent Leather Box Calf Kid Gun Metal Calf or Velour Call They will give Endless Wear and Complete Satisfaction Price Miners Perished Browned flour makes delicious brown gravies Put it in a set on top stove or in a very hot oven When It begins brown it should be constantly stirred until brown all through Forest Sept Harry Payne aged a years killed when a toarn which he was driving ran away throwing to the SocP V ww- standi Lens France Sept least coal miners are dead as the result of the explosion fire damp which oc curred yesterday afternoon in Clarence pit near Three of the rescuing party were among the killed and a number of others were injured while trying to succor their entombed comrades OI the sixty men who work in the pit only were brought out alive Many were seriously injured Further explosions occurred this morning and the entire pit Is on fire The mining engineers have therefore decided that it be sealed up Twentyone bodies teYo been brought to surface before the Continued explosions caused the res cuing- parties to retreat anld abandon the attempt to roach remote sec tion of the pit in which many the victims were working Program for the League Sep The Christian Virtues Hopeful ness Rom 515 Con secration Mr Coo Mrs Gould When and How to Improve the Mind Virginia Hill Fred Wilson the most from Prayer 34123 Clarissa Courtney Sarah 22 Believe Believe Much Believe Strongly John Brown Mrs Rac 2D Missionary Boldness Acts 23-3f- Geo Courtney Miss K L Gait wafl the successful competitor for the gold medal tor best of five horses shown at the Exhibition in Toronto last week and won a large number of other awards in cluding silver medal for the best mare of any Only those things that aro in to living are learned THE LEADING- House you Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John H Millard and El 3EJ t WE MAKE Windsor Ont Sept A of was imposed on proprietor of the Michigan Central Hotel in the police yesterday tor Sunday liquor selling Inspector says he entered the hotel Sun day August and in the- bar dis covered a number of men drinking defence that the stufl he was selling was only near beer but Magistrate expressed the opinion that the men woufd not sit about a hotel on Sunday merely for a drink of the near stun It IS stated on good authority one of the largest automobile firms will next year discontinue all agen cies and sell touring ears direct to the public at at the this is true it marks the beginning of the end of automo bile agencies and the paying by the public commissions averaging and on each car formerly sell ing at 1000 and under Within the next two years it will he possible to purchase a neat runabout tor and now someone will put a tire on the market that wont leak we can give our attention to airships But have you noticed that the prico ot horses hasnt dropped TUB CRADLE King Tp on to Mr and Hrs J a son Leslie Roy CAIN At Sharon- on Sept to Mr and Mrs James Cain a daughter GOODWIN At Holland Landing on Sent 2nd to Mr and Mrs a son KITTO At on Aug 1013 to Mr and Mrs Peter Kitto a daughter TUB TOMB Place To ronto on Sept 2nd late of in his years In Newmarket on Aug the 29th Amos Hughes Willson formerly ron THOMPSON6n Wednesday Dent at his late residency Sinclair avenue Toronto John Thompson formerly King Ont Funeral service on Friday at 8 p Interment on Saturday morning at King on arrival train leaving Davenport Station at a King Tp on Au 3ist I Henry Brown father if Mrs Reg and Mrs Watson Millard of Newmarket in year ITS A SPECIALTY Both Foreign and Domestic OUR TEAS COFFEES Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced G S Our Phono No is 35 RD6S PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson B MAIN immmLITTl Sharon on Sept 3rd 1912 Amelia Mclntyre Watson beloved wife of Thomas Watson postmaster in her year The funeral will take place vi Men- day Sept service at the Meth odist Sharon at pm Interment at Newmarket Cemetery A J t WO AH NEWMARKfiTONT MAIN STREET Aeent for Cameras and Photo SuppHee FreehHuyleis Chocolates OFFICE Phone No Store No 1 t fc rat Ud a ttiODUl uJ no Md MSgMg 0l a iralftbui tad sit sad MM I But you that the I 3 ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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