Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1912, p. 5

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Barrister Notary to loam on Rood on curity prank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR r a l Bolton Painter and Houso Decorator Street Newmarket Dp ST Street Newmarket vat Ion Army Band of Toron to made tilings town last night arid In spe cial on Sunday V Fine Horses Mr A received week a shipment of a line bunch of Clydesdale There are fix torn In lot and arc certainly splendid Clyde RANSOM FOR ALL There Is One One Medi tel Jesus r Dp Wilkinson DENTIST l Newmarket mrs Dunn Qualified Maternity 309 J Eagle Hotel Rented M Hughes agent has rented the Eagle Hotel to Mr albert Mt Albert lor a boarding The Worlds of a Mfditter- The Churchs Need of an Advocate Is Salvation In Any Russell In Sweden i Helen Small ATCM Organist Christian Church Teacher Piano Organ And Theory Terms on application No- Niagara St Residence Newmarket- Dp Chester COLLEGE ST TORONTO Hours Rooms Will The estate of late William Hill Township the Surrogate Court last week Deceased left property valued which passes to his Widow three daughters and two living in The Metropolitan Railway Late Cars will leave Toronto tor Newmarket and intermediate points at ILIA pin on Mht Sept 3rd tin and Special Holiday as show in the small Time be Aurora J Walker NEWMARKET Graduate ol Ontario Veterinary College PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Boyds Livery Phono 6S Monday morning Limits Cars as per Time will bo operated on- Tuesday Sept 3rd Stockholm Aiig Pastor Russell of London Tabor- arrtTed from Finland this morn ing He addressed large hero and We of his addressee from I Timothy There is one and one Mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus who a Hansom for all testified in Many wonder why God not forgive freely without requiring the death of as a basis for reconciliation We are to forgive those who trespass against without requiring full amends because we do not occupy- the place of Creator and judge towards our fellows and we ourselves sinners tike others For Creator sin and remit penalty In this city bring In a reveniH MfliketDay at the Union Stock yards has been chinked froti dad this will Invylvo sonio financial to Mt so to the hunter per haps as to drovers and I they have boon shipping Hint thelrsUck airived on day AH Sunday fed and water ed well before selling on Mon day It is lliat by Ing day a of two per cent wilt be a loss Friday was riding a and carrying eggs In a basket ho was shocks by an rider and eggs the sidewalk on Wilton Avenue valued his bicycle at Wfijcli was badly damaged The Hon Provincial Secretary ban ictmbcd trip fco the Coast Cruelty to horses added to the city in the fines in Police Court The Karl and of Hon fiupett a couple Jays in town last wev en route to the shkot- big to be attraction At the Revolver Club on A eatabllshod a new record at inimii by be tho Halt on Sept ember under direc tion of the Ontario Department or Agriculture Newmarket RULES Only pupils of schools KlUfc Township Will bo permitted to take part In the following corn V will bo charged for any exhibit must or the work of for Exhibitors of poultry must supply their own coops All exhibits of grain must be the product of supplied by the departments All articles exhibition be lii place not lator than it and on day Pair as tog commences at oclock Ail onirics for exhibits must bo made to the teacher of School section at least One week before the date of the Pair V and Class are to all toys or girls under years Of age In Town ship going to School or riot GRAINS I NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE SEE OUR ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us celled lot Labor Day- e would bo to admit one of two I a score MO out a Kettleby on layman Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private tar Papers issued at private resi- If desired King Council meets at Saturday Next Monday is a holiday Labor Day SchOoU reopen next Tuesday flickering College opens on Ytte weather and bright warm sunshine is generally appre ciated The bright weather will facil itate harvesting the crops Watch Newmarket grow Arrange ments are being made for an addition to the already large Office Specialty building Increase ot business war rants It Erection of Tannery building is being proceeded with rapidity Some new machinery has already teen re ceived for installation and a new 350 horse power engine will be required either that the things were too severeso that tic Would a of the decision or secondly that man was imperfect in and unable to keep a perfect law and therefore should be excused for breaking It Divine Justice cannot admit either premise Man was created perfect Dp S J Boyd Graduate In medicine of- Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and fcarof Royal College of Surgeons I England Former clinical assistant Bye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Noee and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timouay Ss Newmarket Telephone No ConsulUtlon Hours services mar be had at aoy l day or night by calling at or phone fc NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO ll Fumade Work Plumbing in the image of his very good and the law under which he was tried waa reasonable and penalty of death because unworthy of life was a just penalty Again for God to have exercised His mercy and to have justices of His own decree would have opened the door for transgressions on of angels and for each creature might justly claim the pri vilege of Sin once and be once lor given by an impartial judge would vitiate the entire principle justice Instead God manifested His love by providing a satisfaction for minis sins a substitute under the The Logos left the heavenly courts and glory and was made flesh and died the Just tor the unjust not compulsion but willingly for the Overflow Personals joy that was set before Him He en Mrs Prior loft on Wednesday for dared the cross The joy included Saskatoon W also His own exaltation to- the Tight hand Divine Majesty Miss Jauet Galbrath is visiting friends In Torontor Ethel spent week end at Mrs I Wilson and son spent tho week end at Keswick Mr Walter of Bradford was in town on Wednesday Mr Gordon spent a few days in Toronto this week Mr Lawrence of Joseph Ave Is visiting at Toronto Mrs C Hughes spent the week end visiting friends in Eavetroughing 3 of Our Specialties Thus the Man Christ Jesus gave Himself He laid down an human and resurrection the reward of the divine nature and glory far above angels The human life laid down Is to be appropriated for humanity a ransom for all to be testified in due time Tiniii 6 But that due time has not yet come nor has that sacrifice been appropriated for man kind Hence the sin of the world Is not yet taken away although it to be as the Mediator Jesus has laid the price of human redemption In the Miss Dicks of Toronto hands of Divine Justice but not visiting with Mr S yet applied it to Adam and race Mrs Maw and Master Harold are spending a few days tf I Bridegroom The Church Is called Mr and Mrs Norman Smith Body of members The leave September 3rd for whole completed will constitute the great Mediator the Moses Mr A Mosior leaves for Mont- w will inaugurate the real to spend a few days New Covenant for the of wv I all mankind after completing His I better aacri6ces Stephens of Aurora Is The first of these better with Eliza Stephens floea was that of His own flesh and tor a few days was finished at Calvary the P Pee and Bum can is the flej of Church which spent Sunday at Orchard Beach with Mr Jack Cane shooting at a with a three-inch- at He twelve shots and was within the bulls eye In in interview on Saturday- Sir Donald Mann stated that tho It was not planning to from Kincardine Miss Ethel Rodsevelt daughter of the Progressive party candidate lor the Presidential Chair in the States is visiting with former ot Virginia at Ottawa They are the guests of Sir Lady laurier and expect to visit Toronto next week The 15th St Day and ah tradition says if on that day It will rain for in had a terrible rain storm that day Sat urday was the last of the forty days and it rained here days out of the forty The home of Chief Sir Wil liam at Tarvls Street- was entered by burglars some time last week The Chief Justice was away at his summer home on St near Newmarket ami Mrs knew nothing the aflar until Wednesday forenoon Entrance was gained through a of the con servatory at the rear but as far as could be ascertained only in money and some trinkets were taken- Section Oats liest Oats On plot fsanvplo and yield considered Eight prizes Section Beit kept of Barely Or Oats Eight prized Section Host Barley grown on blot sam ple and yield considered five Com pest ears grown on Bight Beat kept of Corn Sis prizes POTATOES Class III Section Empire State Pota toes Beat grown on plot Twenty prizes Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY N E W A R E T 4 i J Harvesters Excursion Urgent Need for Men Along Canadian Northern Western Lines He has been accepting and offering for now nearly nineteen centuries His own Thus He said to of Miss Lonsdale of Toronto is TaraU9 whom thou guest of Mr and Mrs persecutes When the foreordained Lyons See Bathroom Outfit at the 9hop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Nut to Smiths Grocery ft- T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 180 ISO MS AllsjUale 1025 S40 GOING SOUTH Leave a ax J 1 I I art equipped that are right and our long experience is back every picture we make The child the parent the all are assured of a good likeness and artist fin ish when we do tbi work Come In at any time or If more desirable moke an appoint ment Artist Opposite Poet 16Sa a few days this week Messrs J Thomp son and Mr Marsh loft for the west on McGrath Mrs J and Miss Edna were visiting at Toronto over the week Miss Flo of Toronto re turned home Tuesday after spend ing a coutpid of weeks with Miss Edith Soules Mies Clonens of Detroit who has been visiting Mrs Aubrey Davis safe a solo in Methodist Church on Sunday morning Miss Wright and Miss Mabel Wright of Queens lie also Mrs of Fort Frances the guests of Mrs Mr and Mrs J Pearson of Toronto who have been spending a lew weeks with Mr and Mrs Ell Shierk returned home WfedV A Circus Fire Sterling- Wis Aug 2d Lions roaring tigers snarling elephants trumpeting and thousands of persons fighting and struggling unexpected liberation all tho suvog beasts in Brothers circus were tho component parts a seri ous panic that followed the burning of the main tent that show here this No one was serious ly injured and prompt action by the circus employes prevented the escape of any of the of the menagerie but the tent was de stroyed together with poles seats and otber paraphernalia The animal tent was and the cook tent also suffered The circus men place their loss at will be Impossible for to fill their date here fire started just as the crowd for the af ternoon performance had nearly fill ed the lot on the tents were number of His members shall have thus been offered when of them shall have passed to Him beyond the veil by the power ol the First Resur rection then the great be tween God and mankind will be com- Then blood atonement will e applied on behalf of the world Then Divine Justice will accept thai ransomprice Thereafter the world will be free from the curse In the type Moses mediated the Law Covenant with Israel by sprink ling the tables of the Law represent ing Divine Justice and then sprink ling the people with the blood bulls and coats But before he did this he made preparation for it by sacrificing the bulls and goats So Christ Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant has not yet sealed the Covenant either with God or with men First Ho must kill the better sacrifices The first and principle one of these was the offering up of himself That work He finish at Cal vary then He is offering up as His members those who come unto the Father through Him presenting their bodies to the Priest that He may offer them as Jiving sacrifices holy and acceptable to God The invitation of this Age is to suffer with Christ to sacrifice earthly interests and hopes to be dead to the world with Him and thus to be made sharers with Him in His heavenly glory and Kingdom But none worthy to offer sacrifice nor could God accept any Imperfect sacrifice hence the Divine provision is that we our bodies to the High Priest or sacrifice He then becomes our Advocate and in harmony with the Divine will accepts us as His flesh and sacrifices us as such imputing to us of His own merit to cover our blemishes Thus the Church Is in the Beloved Given warn sunshine for ten days Western Canada wil reap the largest crop in its All indications at present are favor able and the Western farmer is busy preparing for a bumper crop inn will be needed tc- gamer this crop and store it for use This army of sturdy ers will have to to drawn mostly from Ontario and many of them will stay in the West after getting a glimpse of its many possibilities The man who goes out with the har vesters excursion gets an xceitional on a small investment He not only gets an opportunity to make a little money bub also a chance to look some of finest Wheatland in the world over with a view to possible future Many farmers in West today owe their prosperity to the that they went West with harvesters ex- a few years ago and later took up a and there are thousands of acres of rich fertile soil waiting for others Along the lines of the road th has tapped of miles of virgin in W an army men will be The fare will be 1000 to Winnipeg and with a rate of onehalf cent a wile to points the beyond ihe excursions will leave Ontario points between August and 31st and the route via Chicago and will be followed most interesting to the West For full information apply to agent of the Bay Quinto Railway or the Central tario Railway Section Beat kept of Potatoes Fifteen prizes Class Soctlon Senior 111 and above on weeds In our Section Three prizes below Senior III on School Fair Three prizes Section Collection of cot less than twelve weeds pressed mount ed and correctly named with com mon name Three prizes Section Collection of not less than twelve Insects named with common name Three prizes Section Collection of not less than ten Weed Seeds named Three prizes Section Apples Northern Spies Three prizes Section five Apples Snow Three prizes Section SBest five Apples any other variety Three prises Section Two loaves of Bread girls under Three prizes Section Two Specimens Sew ing girls under 15 Three pi Class Section Colt any breed the next M POUITRY Class Section 1Best pair Chickens cockerel and pullet Three prizes Class Contest Naming Weeds and In- fiftctj For the pupil naming cor rectly the largest number Two prizes SPECIAL Wednesday Afternoons DURING and August Can Save Money by Your Shopping AT i I Toronto Jobbing House any the PILES Skimmed milk and water a little bit of glue In it made scalding hot is excellent to restore old rusty black if well squeezed and pulled dry like muslin it will look us we I as or better than new You find I burning pain slops nd brings with means cur Wfrynaiprem IUS7 Horner left on Monday for West Meyers of Mt Albert spent Sun day at home here Geo Thompson ol Claremont spent Sunday under the parental roof Harvesting is in full swing and some farmers have reported being done Mr and Mrs layman of were visiting at Thos Meyers over Sunday Miss of Toronto visited her sister and brother hero over Sunday Mr and Mrs Shier and family of con visited the formers sister Mrs on Sunday and Bain at tended a meeting ot the Scott Agri cultural Society held at last week Clarence Meyers left on Monday for a trip to the West and To the School carrying away the highest number of awards to bo used for School Library or School Garden State of Ohio City of Toledoj Lucas County Prank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of J Cheney A Co doing business in the City of Toledo County aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this day of De cember AD A LEA SON Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Co Toledo O Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation fee a KNEW SHE HAD FORGOTTEN She had just returned from a shop ping tour tired but radiant He had just returned from office tired but well tired Quivering with delight at the array of samples snipped from rolls of gcops she emptied the contents her purse into her lap Tbere was a metallic sound A look of dis may crossed her face There she exclaimed I iust know there was something I had for gotten buy What was it dear he asked with an assumption Interest Im sure I dont know she re plied petulantly but I find I halfdollar left BIRTHDAY CUSHIONS Just Arrived New Fall and Winter Styles Samples of SemiReady Samples Show S of the FINEST WEAVES AND PATTERNS Ever Shown in Newmarket STYLES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Prices from 1 8 to 35 SUITS AKD OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE Delivered in Seven bays Satisfaction or Money Refunded Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots St Shoes GIVE US A CALL DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter In embroidery circles birthday cu shions are not only a novelty but If prospects I becoming quite a fad Usually it look good to him bo expects to re main there We wish every suc cess The fair will be bold on Oct honest Judges We been secur ed also improvements have been made in prize list Mr will have charge of the light horse ring A first class Vaudeville Co I ly for has been secured to entertain in- the wise the form of a sofa pillow with a design that exhibits the symbols of in which the birthday cure For instance snowdrop for January daisy for April honey suckle for June pond lily or Au gust morningglory for September J I TREADEASY The READEASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe We an of who mD Ccsfc liable Sboo W WRIGHT EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER i I TORONTO

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