Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1912, p. 2

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t a KaVV tea WJ iiv FRIDAY v Wanted at A bouse woman and a kitchen Apply at Pickery College Wanted A man to drive delivery rig Stead employment Ms Stark Tprooto rAUs of Owen Sound Is Visiting Mrs I J Pa fiuflalo last week on a business trip Miss oh a a Irwin of Durham vis- Maid Wanted Or young girl to learn housework Apply to Mrs Jackson Church street- Lost Main Si Newmarket Tuesday morning part of a Watch Chain Finder will Oblige by leaving It at the Office LOST bunch of Keys and pair of Spectacles in the motor accident near Richmond Hill on July Toronto Sir Wilfrids Tour Is a pari the be tween and next the will be peni by Sir and ft his more Intimate political lends in the tour of WrAtern Canada Northern On- says lie will last Friday it and and will Mlss is a deliver a addresses On Midland Miss Ironside on Wednes day to visit In Saskatoon Miss of Toronto spent Thursday at- Mrs ft J Miss is speeding part dt her vartiUon In Miss is spending a week at witnMUs Miss Morton leaves morrow Or where she school Miss Ma is spending a wooW in sister Mrs j ft a KM ft ft For Sale On street near hardens house in good con dition static cistern and first class water well Apply to WILSON the quesUons seems id us that the of North York Liberal Association should busy endeavor to give Wilfrid an opportunity to again address the electors this Hiding Newmarket is ready to do its pari tow aids extending a cox- dial reception naval policy of Liberal with the United States Is now better and Will receive a hearty of York when the next opportunity J Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing System Studio The Hank Toronto Newmarket Caution A reward will be paid for leading to the conviction of the party or parties who have stolen articles on several occasions recently from the arm adjoining the Pickering College on tho South BROWN Manager House for Sale On Avenue south of Queen rooms and bathroom Large gar den stable cement Ap ple trees etc Apply on the prem ises ffl Newmarket Readers of the advis ed that tho Fall Term in Shaws Schools Toronto Is now open and that students will be admitted school day till Dec 20th for course in Business Shorthand Civil Ser vice or Telegraphy The new Catalogue just issued inter esting in its details and is mail ed free on request Write for a copy to H Pres ident Head Office and streets Toronto Stringency In vioW evident stringency of the- Rritish market the question We been hit ting tile iJondon too heavy u hand it is given out that the negotiitions tor the purchase of the Dominion and tion Co by Sir William and Mr Wood have fallen thru owing it is said and not specifically remarks the l to stringency of the London money market the purchase price some twenty millions of dollars Referring to the foregoing periodic al strain in English Money mar ket Kingston Standard observes that straws show which way the wind blows but this is more than a straw it is good load of Hitherto Sir William has markedly successful in floating enterprise on the London market but in the above it looks as if the tables have turned The illustration however is not a solitary one evidencing coming change Several municipalities have had to take much less ttnili par for debent ures and during month- Mayor of experienced forced example of present offers for Toronto bonds were so low that he refused to negotiate If this attitude toward Canadian se curities becomes general in British financial circles a corresponding de gree of caution will mu nicipal and other corporations of the Dominion Make haste slowly will he the part of a ft ft ft ii a I jl MX J V Accident The ran into P bridge at the Narrows on Thursday evening of last week tore away her upper deck and rail ings about fifteen feet back The boat was returning from a moonlight trip to Strawberry island and had about one hundred and fifty passen gers on board They had a most ex citing trip iron start to finish At Strawberry Island it was Impossible to land nt the wharf part of which had been carried away in the last storm so it was necessary to use boats One of these was too heavily laden and sank in a few feet of water a short distance from the shore the occupants standing in the water to their waists On the re turn Journey about oclock the smashed her in about Icet above the waterline by running Into the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge across the Narrows which was not opened at the proper time The passengers disembarked at the bridge end walked the three miles home A panic was avoided with dif ficulty and tho young boy in the re freshment stand Johnstone by name had a very narrow escape from the crushing In of the upper deck Luck ily no one was seated on the forward part of the vessel the weather was cold The Messrs men who in charge of s wining the bridge and claim that they were not on duty as tho bridge was not even unlocked when the steamer struck Captain saw thejhridge before she strock and rung for the engineer to reverse but was not in time The blew her whistle tor the bridges to open at the usual time when approaching Narrows and on this occasion the Grande Trunk and road bridges were both opened in plenty of time Another menace to navigation Is the light displayed on the P R bridge which shows red whether the bridge is turned o not navigating through have found It very difficult this Reason to ascertain the position of the P R bridge The lights on the other two bridges show red- on the water and white on land when they closed and white on the wa ter and red on land when they are opened for the passage of vessels Times The Telegram makes this editorial observation dose of and Henri cure for the alleged unwillingness of Hon to let Bri tain perish The paragraph is Wrong Dose makes the announcement aimh i cost of living is a little And part men thab living lower this summer than it was months ago Of course if tho Otta wa statisticians say- so we presume It must be true but housekeepers who go to the market on Saturdays for supplies somehow have a sort of disquieting notion that the statis tic collector has made a mistake Mr J was Mr Hill at his summer bonus Island over Sunday and Mrs home on Tuesday after spending ft month Lindsay Mrs Oliver and daughter return- from Orchard Beach yesterday af ter the summer outing Mrs Isaac fefrpaxd after two months at bald Jacksons Point Logan Moore and two child ren from Saskatchewan spent over at Dr Wilkinsons and Mrs of Toronto spent Saturday afternoon with her parents Mr and Mrs Albert Stork Miss Florence Gibbons has return ed from an tended trip to Buffalo Rochester Clifton Springs and New York Miss of Belfoun- tiiu is spending a couple of weeks with her Miss Annie Meek Mr Hooker Is away on his holi days and will a few days at Toronto before returning to market Jones was in Toron to on Tuesday attending the laying of the founjdntion stone of the new Cathedral Bros Andrews and V Cane represented Pyramid Lodge at annual meeting of I 0 in Hamilton Mr John Summerfeldt and sister Miss of Albert visited Mrs on Friday of last week Miss Smith of Mr Pas- more and Mr Ben Smith of Toronto were guests of and Mrs Win Draper this week Miss Edith Brown who has been visiting with Miss Simp son left for her home in Detroit yesterday morning Miss Susie Lambie who is in training as a nurse in Toronto en joyed a few days vacation with friends at Newmarket Miss Winch of Paisley spent a few days in Newmarket at Mr P Mortons Timothy St on her return from Island Grove Mr P Fox of Toronto stop ped a few hours in town on his way ma rat i I SW Models a t Aihleiio Typo Natural type and the Conservative Typo No Taste Is you can Satisfy it Your Choice of the Typos and Styles in this Famous Line of exhibits Good Taste and Smart- sacrificing that Distinguishes all Good Garments Intelligent Supervision and Skillful Tailoring produce Results that will compel you Appreciation Before you buy your Pall Suit or Overcoat be sure to seo these We will leave the rest to Your Own Good Judgment Handsome Style Book showing New Suits and New Owrcoat Models free on Inhere has been issued by direction of the Minister Agriculture at Ot tawa a conspicuous poster calling the attention of potato growers to the importance of examining their crop to ascertain whether or not it is infect ed with Potato Canker The bang er shows in natural colors a potato plant the whole of which is by disease It also shows the ap pearance of individual tubers In which the Canker has started to work Growers I who discover suspicious symptoms of the disease in their crop requested to send affected speci mens to Dominion Botanist Ex perimental Farm Ottawa The post er is issued as Formers Circular No 3 of the Division of Botany and is being distributed by the Publications Branch of tins Department of Agri culture Tho Telegram remarks North York listened while Col John Gray- described Col Richard as a man who could de fend his Country with sword or plow Canada Is watching now while Col Sam Hughes Minister of Militia proves that In the hands of Men entirely great the fountain pen is mightier than the Boss Yes the writer remembers Col Gray He made observation quoted fifty years ago during tho McMaster- years ago during McMaster Tyrwhltt Morton ejec tion to Canadian Sen ate In those days Senators were elected by the people and as North York not specially enamored of the who depended more on military titles distinction than reat merit Mr McMaster was return ed as their representative by a ma jority so decisive that neither of above ever fired a Po litical shot in the Riding j HAVING A DEFINITE a definite aim who want to do better without concentrating on any particular fault be mastered or cod to reach ed make slow progress without defining f nine out of The first es sential in getting you want Is to know what WW v ITS ONLY PURPOSE f ffilUfc cried a teacher to a hopelessly dull pupil whatever do you think your head is for J Willie who evidently thought this another of the 1 that teachers are always asking poo- urel Please Miss he on Miss Elizabeth Fox also Mrs Frank and of wore visiting with Mrs J Col lins Park Avenue for a few days Mr Lawrence Winch Paisley spent a few days at Newmarket on his return from the Lake visiting his aunt Mrs Morton Timothy St Mrs Playtcr is laid up with a sprained foot which she re ceived in alighting from a in Toronto that took fire last week Mrs C P Morton spent last week visiting friends in Toronto and will spend a few days at the Exhibi tion before returning to Newmarket Mrs of Ottawa nee Miss Myrtle Norman a former High School pupil at Newmarket was the guest of Miss Carrie Rose last Mon day Elliott and wife of ville are spending a few days with his brotherinlaw Mr F Irwin Mr Elliott is an exPresident of the Hamilton Conference Mr R Schmidt Office Specialty Works was away on a business trip last week through Chicago Milwaukee Cincinnati St Louis and other American cities Dr Wilkinson Miss Meek and Miss Paul went to on Monday to assist In the program at the Young Peoples Meeting and tho same three were at Keswick last night- P The editor is indebted to Mrs Prospect Ave for decorating his desk with choice glad ioli and asters They ere perfectly lovely and show what can be grown in town Mr Harold Garrett family left for their in Davidson on Tuesday accompanied by Mrs Garretts sister Miss Florence Thompson who has gone on a visit for a couple of months Dr and Mrs Mllllgan Win chester Indiana called at Swarth- more the home of Rev J Webb one day recently They spoke very appreciatingly of the work of Mrs Cornell in Mr Arthur and wife spent a few days of their at Kenora and bad a pleasant trip down the Great Lakes They called at Swarthmore on Tuesday on their way to Welling ton Mr McCormack wife and doubter of Pembroke art spending a weeks vacation with her It is since was teller in- the Ontario Mr Vancouv er was a guest at Mr J Mil lards last Friday Mrs Lome Miller and daughter of Toronto have been visiting friends in Newmarket and vicinity Richmond Hill Liberal Mr Newton been appointed to a position on the stall of the Colum bian Conservatory Music Toronto and has been granted the exclusive rights to teach their epochmarking methods in Richmond Will andNcw- market Worshipful Master Hill Tuscan Lodge Newmarket invited the offi cers of the Lodge to his summer home at Island Grove Lake on Sunday last After partaking of his bounteous hospitality hud en joying a delightful sail in Messrs Watson Stewarts launch motored home in evening high ly pleased with the outing Mr Geo merchant at Virginia who for years was the treasurer of Georgian Township was in town on Monday He has bought Mr Art Cockerills new brick house on Joseph Ave and intends to move here la October His son will suc ceed him in business in Virginia The Era extends a cordial welcome to Mr Evans and family to the Hub brought two of her grandchildren home wih her f Miss Olive spent a few days at Jacksons Point Messrs Archibald and sbaw left for the West last Friday Schools reopen on Tuesday next Sept Kettlebv Fall Fair will be held on Sept Miss Garrison of Toronto visited Mrs Mr Curtis was home for a few days and has taken another trip to Quebec and Montreal Mr and Mrs Baker and Miss Ber tha are home again from their trip to Wis i WE MAKE KETTLEBY The Harvest Thanksgiving services in the Anglican Church will be held on Sunday September Morn ing service at am and evening ser vice at Clergymen from Toron to will havecharge of the services A farewell party was given Walter Clarkson on the eve of his departure for the West He will be accom panied by Council meets here on Saturday August 31st Mrs and Miss Rogers of Toronto and Miss spent a few days at Wm The Misses Steele of Alllston and Messrs Wiggins J Marshall and G Love were at James Murrays Mrs was at Mrs Jos Mur rays Seymour and family Toronto are at Mrs A Suymours Mrs Wiles and Mis were at J Butchers Misses Ferguson and Cairns Messrs MacDonald and spent Sunday with Miss May Stephens Miss Edith Burling is spending her vacation with relatives here Miss Stokes and Miss Gladys of Newmarket visited at Jos last week Miss Charles of Aurora Is spending a few days at Mrs IHca- cocks Mr and Mrs Marks spent a few days at All Mr pd Mrs Campbell of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Watsons Mrs Walton is spending a couple ol weeks at Mrs Rev and Miss Ei leen are visiting her mother in Orangeville Mrs Geo Chappell at Norland Mrs M Robinson spent a few days In Mrs Stephens spent a lew days THE LEADING Undertaking House buy Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A EUBALIilNG A SPECIALTY Night colli attended to at resMeaos John Millard and T THE CRAbLB In Newmarket on Aug 1913 to Mr and Mrs a daughter Aug 22nd in Newmarket to Mr and Mrs Sanson a daughter In Toronto Aug 1912 to Mr and Mrs Chester Jen nisi ii nee Miss Lillian Peter- man of Newm a daughter A SPECIALTY Both Foreign and Domestic i a COFFEES Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced G MB All LEY Our Phone No THE ALTAR 1 more Newmarket Ont on Wed- August Wal ter Ayers Briggs and Helena At kinson both of Lawrence Mass A John Webb officiat- DOftLANDMALONErAt Winnipeg Man on Wednesday August Arlhur Profes- sor of English and History in Pickering College Newmarket to Ellen ot Win nipeg THE TOMB r PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson Phm B MAIN STREET NEWMARKET L Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates TELEGRAPH OFFICE House No Stow Phone No fc Aug ft Hue8t n S only a year for years when Funeral last Friday afternoon from her brothers residence Andrew St to Newmarket Cemetery many moons the Palmer factory becomes their property A i 3x mm mm mm in this town was yesterday taws but keep the disposed of to the Gold Medal insured for 20000 In Company The building is a employ hands threestorey solid brick ft flrsfc Commencing February It cost the town the W year thereafter factory for the Palmer Piano Co Keep moving Luck the failure of the company after lex tt I As a compromlsa if nave grown sherita all over and- no them AM tote rt3uU vA iron out ARCH TORONTO j ems

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