x ERA AUGUST a i ALBERT I JOHN YATES SUTTON I kWV MOUNT PLEASANT I Tho oh Prof J A HUM evening Holt won by to The ncx KBaWICK Miss toe lo To tired ate but cant after a pretty itch her t Albert on Mr rose gave n Illustrated lecture on Oft on in the Methodist Church on Monday evening Mr J KiRhtley ft wine to his Stop built three years ago to has sold moth er ficneral store lo and will remove lo sermon Mr and Mr Walter have lw heartfelt iyualhy of all their neighbors In the their Infant laughter Tle the sorrel to be taking place of referred to a couple weeks last week turned to attend flro outing at artiki In Huron Vera pent Ronnie SvTnUayl Mr ami Mrs Mongolia n the guests of Mrs Hose IovMt Miller of pdW a visit last week to his ear Mr of was In town on Monday Mitt PiH Meads Mrs and Mr for the West on Monday Mrs Hunter Toronto Seems bicycle is quite under way In this neighborhood of the lr to be a sound The Indies Aid held on of Mr was Well cehi to appreciate the Ihe Also occasional WhI iivst will wanders to Suth the village an much vl i JAM at the homo Mrs Mr lShieWs returned from Ws trip on Monday Mr and Mrs tiffin Una ami Miss Stair are visiting at home Mr J Rowland Mr Geo Scott Toronto was a visitor over Sunday at the home his brotherinlaw Mr David- Son Mrs Creeper Is vis iting At the home of her brother Mr Barrett Miss of Toronto visiting at the home of Mr French Mr Sloan has been fn sick for the past few days Mr Horner left tor with a car load horses and cattle or Monday is John the Dwelling for Sale In Mount Albert sevenroom brick house with acre garden en easy terms A bargain Well 3w Mount Miss- Mabel visiting Miss Hill and Mrs Miner and llV spend ing some days with Mrs Nor- ris Miss ioroUy of Toronto the guest of her cousin Miss The Misses their sister Mrs Moore a visit last week Misys Ida Millie spent a pleasant week at Or chard Beach returning on Monday Mr and Mrs I Trover have been spending the summer at Lodge here to Toronto last week Miss ltljj Sprague with them for a iw at tJiVir home Mrs and Miss Ross of have returned home after a while with Mrs J Mrs Hills sister 13 ice Bluest this week Mrs John Mr Miss Mildrei Miss Minnie White motored to iim one last week returning the lowing day after a most trip Morrison of Sutton is spend ing part of her vacation with Mrs Mahlon Miss of Orchard Beach was the of Miss Aylward over the weekend Vcfa Warriner Spent Sunday with relatives at Mis Myrtle Mr John r Hot and tfrs VnnNornun were the rues Mrs Morten for a e ays Miss Mary Main left tor ton last Saturday to resume teachers Miss was Toronto over Sunday Ms mother is visiting this Case Aurora Is Ms grandparents Or and Mrs Womens held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs J on Tuesday A neloo oLMrs Laws visited her from Saturday to Monday Miss grosser has returned al ter a ton days vacation with Mr and Mrs In camp in Newmarket couquny expected Mis her gro4on Master nHs are taking In the sights of Toronto the worlds future melrupolis Was heir id StickUm our old ail and pleased his Is Noes he ho does SabhaAh when grain In whiskey and Ha hi tended camp Miss Sadie and liss el flieni weekend ML- Albert Mr VVMter doing rushing business with his threshing fds of her sister Mrs Mortlinjr IbcWmmih Corny A Poor Weak at Now that the harvest At termed trill od patiently which a stroai would way than bay oofbt to bo Beery woman know mod by writing to tb Medio V Mi boon ho Hotel nd SuriloU Boflklo OUT wider In of than ay other In coon try His ara toe their affioaoy The moat lor and Dr fi I your patronage and 1 Is about to jeuscitate the farmers about a little recreation The annual ex cursion of the Christian Sun- urn dlontlvHio Mary Miss a w Me tea Monday NW Karle ft Miss Helen of Mr and Mrs of Ihelf son fc IT WOMEN WOMEN WELL W gtyas bo Market Good prices guaranteed Urgent Need Along Canadian Lines dav School will be held on OtbnaMv SMJE to Park and the Treat lev Canal leaves and and Point at calling at Jacksons Music and loard child ren AU children belonging to the Keswick Union Street and haven carried free- A many will plan to take in this the last excursion of the season BALDWIN STRAYED Came upon Lot rear ot 3rd Con East on or about and red sow Owner will please pay for ad and taVe her away A HENRY Unfavorable weather makes your Owl feel somewhat and noncommunicative therefore xqqqq excuse me if I havent much to say Mr and Mrs Thompson To ronto are spending ft brief holiday here Miss Mary Taylor is spending a few days with her cousin Mrs Mustard Scott Mr- and Win Aird week attended tle raising an immense barn on the premises of Mr Mustard Miss Milne and Miss are Tp About four hundred turn- Camp Sparrow out to assist in good oaus not forgetting to put the grub away Given wain sunshiny tot next tea days Canada will reap the largest crop in its history All indications at present are favor able and thi Western farmer- busy preparing for a crop ftK will to heeded tlj3 ityise crop and store it for This sturdy to drawn mostly from Ontario and of thorn will stay in West after getting a glimpse of its many possibilities The man who goes out with the har- vesters gels an exceptional opportunity rn a small investment He not only gets an opportunity to a little money but also a chance to look of the finest Wheatland in over with a view to possible of KsoenatVE vacation here of was homo sleek of the now IfoM-Kwel- conductor on AiM knee Mr baggageman on as oft work thU ill health mips Oft or Toronto is weeks the attest of the Misses River St ft Birch spent a of last week in Toronto visiting sister Mrs- J Fountain Me and Varies and chil dren- of are spending a portion of their vacation here Mrs J McDonald arid little Miss on Satur day- The latter is improving slow ly airs Bailey and daughter have returned home after a few weeks visit at the home of Mr- Bailey here A party composed of Wm Mer chant J A Cook and others were up this week after huckleberries Mr and Mrs left on BOQERT General I- 470OO0O Fund ToUlAnet e7 A Complete Banking Service of Sinking by Tub promptly mid money without made on Farmers Travelled and Letter of Credit at each breach of bank ah Mount Albert Branch Manager Strayed was ether home dura- Came upon Lot in the 3rd of East on or the of August a red Spring Owner can have same by proving pro perty paying charges and taking the animal away JAMES A ROSE 3w32 School Opens Sept 3rd YOUR School Supplies Miss Turner has returned from her visit with Mrs The sonase Victoria Harbor Mr Ross Milne of Toronto in town recently visiting his Mr A J Milne Mrs J Bis has arrived from a visit of several weeks at Onurio Miss Trivet of Newmarket was the guest of Mrs day last Mrs John Smith and ner daughter Miss Lillian Smith aftjn after a couple of months sent in the west of Toronto is her vacation with her aunt Mrs Ed Mr Milton left for the west ou The League Lawn lo on Monday was enjoyable between fttly rtite Ine present Mr las A Mrs P Ghapells SUTTON WEST Where you will find a Full Line of AH Public School Requirements Also we carry a Large Stock of STATIONERY POST CARDS READING ROOKS BIBLES i ACCOUNT BOOKS TIME BILL HEADS PENS PENCILS Everything as Good as the Rest and Cheaper Than the Cheapest Farm for Sale IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GWILLIMBURY i IV i item A Tenders will be received for the purchase of the homestead Farm of the late Thomas being part of Lot 17 In the 5th of above Township adjoining tho village containing Seventytwo Acres all cleared good bouse and bank barn with stabling ltuatf and good land at eat rented tor two hundred dollars a year Must be sold Co close estate will be received by the un dersigned up to the Fifteenth day ot September The lowest or any other tender not necessarily ac cepted Terms on ALSO The Farm WoodsldeV- at present occupied by the undersigned on the baseline the above mentioned Township Convenient to Lake Sim- and Metropolitan Railway con taining one hundred end fifty acres nearly bleared and excellent fann ing land the remainder rood with good spring the buildings ate nearly new on the and In first ctas condition an easy farm to for a man that deals In cows stock Rural mail delivery and telephone Take a look at these proper- ties Terms easy Meet- wholly prepared and most interesting paper on of Victory and after l he remainder of the usual League service in teresting program was given ix threenwjmte speeches on the Canadian Minis ters Trip to Great Britain The Tour of New Ontario by the Liberal Party Canadian Na tional Exhibition Movement Fall Fashions by Messrs Floyd Cunningham J Smith Willie Hill Walter Wright and Lewis were highly instruc tive as well as mirth provoking and augur well for the place QueensvjUe pifjllc speakers will take in the world some dav not far distant A song by the Misses Vera and Nellie Smith Doris Stephens and Bertha- a recitation by Miss Mabel Wright concluded part of the ev enings program Refreshments passed and games played until came A demonstration ot a day at nit ty Summer Conference will be in the Methodist Church on Monday evening August the 2Cth beginning at oclock Following is the program Chairmans Address Song Service 3 Prayer Bible A Mission Class Study 5 Institute Hour 845900 Missionary tion i Recreation 9lo93d SLite- Service Talks A demonstration will also bo held at Keswick on August Every body welcome The following paragraphs in the Victoria Corners items in- the last week Miss Turner Miss McMillan and Miss ot are vis iting Mrs at the this week The Methodist Sunday School is in creasing I rnembershlp Miss Queensvllle addressed the scholars on Sunday afternoon Children FOR FLETCHERS A TO I A in a place of safety A dear old body gone I refer the decease of Mrs John Nelson of Winnipeg who passed away some days ago in her year Deceased was mother of Mrs Sinclair of Baldwin and for many years was a wellknown resident of these parts As I intimated she was a dear old soul beloved by all who knew her a real old Scotch grannie Miss Lottie Toronto spent a Jew days at the old homestead Maple Villa- Her homecomings are always hailed with delight by Uncle Owl on whose catalogue she stands as a superfine A young lady Thomas and John Taylor have threshed and the returns of their fall wheat equalled their most sanguine expectations left for the groat shoot at long Branch ranges this week On departure he ex pressed himself as in fine spirits and more confident- than ever before Lyman H Miller and family re moved to Toronto last week As neighbors we got along splendidly The gave him a tremendous sendoff They not only waked him though he wasnt sleeping hut they wakened tle whole liood Need I say more I trow not Theres an awful hum of at Maple Terrace Dr Grahams farm The says out for the finest all North Get your greengoggles ready In the chimney Dr Grahams house a family of bees have taken up quarters and cannot them f John Muurojr Gum Swamp also has a swarm of bees that for some years took up a squatters claim In his house Efforts to make them va moose the ranch might result In a great circus Miss Susan Anderson now of Al ton Miss Bessie Ramsey one of our wonderfully young ladies and Miss Dales daughter of Prof Dales Drayton spent last Friday after noon with Mrs Albert Yankee schoolmam On Mountain View potato planta tion you may see the dandiest Top of praties In this section When John planted potatoes on a mountain top sown yea outright John laughs v Ho laughs best who laughs Work on the rebuilding the dam is still in progress When Ml wao thought complete a flood came and washout resulted A new regime system of operation was insti tuted by the boss and is hoped it may be a success this time Our friend John Thompson William wilt thoroughly understand and predate the difficulties to be over come A great many amateurs en gineers tender their advice on the matter but Frank wisely repudiates cheap advice Tearing Up Old LandMarks The are making a complete meta morphosis ot their gray pit hill in Gum Swatnpf That steam shovel bates the Right under the bed- they have unearthed a mlnature lake pure water We shall probably lose several prominent families from our midst ere long Alex Hadden leased a farm near Virginia and Rid- giving up his present leasehold Many formers in the West today for Hamilton Mr prosperity to the that attending the Grand Lodge they went West with a harvesters ex- as representative the a few years ago and later Sutton arid Mrs took up a homestead and there are Is visiting fior mother there thousands of acres of rich fertile Aurora Band arrived In soil waiting for others on Saturday afternoon on their Along the lines of the the K road that has tapped of with a rate of cent a mile to points beyond The Pine Plaza where a band concert was given during the evening excursions will leave Ontario Sutton Offhand Rifle Club between August 16th and and held a shooting match on route via Chicago and will- Aug for a silver be followed tho most interesting to offered the This match the West For full information apply to any agent of the the Bay of Railway Central On tario Railway ST SOUTH Miss of Sutton is visiting her sister Mrs Will Burrows this week was won by P Curl by a scoro of points These competitions are to do contested over the one bun dled and two hundred shots at each range ordinary sporting riflos to he used The medal becomes the property of any member who wins it three times We extent a cordial In vitation to any person who would like to become a member of bur club to Join ua in these shoots CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY 60000 Harvesters Wanted Excursion to Winnipeg Choice of destination left to the excursionist a mile from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Swan River Edmon ton andto allother points on the Canadian Northern Railway Returning halfacent a mile from all points on to Win nipeg to original starting point DATES OF AUG Toronto and 0 and Onta rio Toronto to and South thereof AUG Toronto and jail stations east and south of Sparrow Lake all stations on Central Ontario Railway and stations on Bay of except Kingston also points on other lines north of TorontoSarnia line and east of but not including Lake and Renfrew AUG 28- From Toronto all 0 stations east and south of Sparrow Lake all Central Ontario Railway and Bay of station and points east of but including North Bay AUG 3fTFrom Toronto to Sparrow Lake on also points- on other lines Toronto to North Bay Sudbury And west thereof The richest country in the West- is served by he Canadian Northern Railway The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very and the wages the highest Write for Guide showing 35600 free homesteads awaiting the settler For full information applv to R Pass Can Nor Toronto Mr and Mrs John has visi- Next shoot will be held the tors from this week Wednesday In Sept Having Whats the matter with ceived an invitation from the Hes all right Oil to Fine Zephyr members to hold the next these Sunday evenings Our friend Walter lias out with his threshing outfit We wish him every success Miss Helen also Mr Bert Salter and friend were guests at Mr on Sunday Miss Sadie Burrows gave a thimble tea last Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs Will Iegg visited Mr and Mrs Geo onSunday Miss Mabel Mortimer over Sunday with in Stouffville Mr Walter was laid up for a couple of days last week but Is able to toe around again Miss Nichols spent a few days at Mr Mortimers this week Mr and Mrs John lender visited at Aurora last Sunday Lots of music in our town cheap match In that village The following is the Curl Noble A Millard 70 J Curl J Yates score Montreal Aug put an end to business in the Bijou Dream a printer and t preacher moving picture theatre on They eat drink and wear like- Street today The blaze- started in the operators box and the operator lms TO the preach was badly burned about the arms and world to come head There were about forty peo- pie in theatre at the time but NOTICE all got out safely The blaze was Was TAKE NOTICE that a ByLaw for extinguished before much damage done- Francis Joseph Austria King of Hungary and raising 500000 under the provisions of of the Tile Drainage Act will be into consideration by the Munici- A number of our young iebple Europes oldest monarch who Council of the Township of East at the Municipal Hall Sharon on the day of Septem ber at the hour of Two oclock in the afternoon A R MacKENKIE Clerk If you have made up your mind to live in a town then stand up for It and if you know positively no good then silence is golden Do all you can to help along every man who is engaged in legitimate business Do not send away for everything nice you want still expect tho home men to keep a stock to suit- the whim one or two customers The success of your fellow townsmen will be your success on Sunday celebrated his eightysec ond birthday in good health at a Austrian wateringplace ascended the throne December 2nd and his reign of nearly years Is now longer by some weeks than that of the late Queen Victoria- and exceeded in length in history by only that Louis France Strayed Came upon lot Con 3 East Spring Calves two and one Red Owner will please pay charges and take- them away A DdAM We Represent The Royal Fire Insurance Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Insur ance Co of Canada issuer of Marriage Licensee Conveyancing Done J A Sl WATER cool and sweet refresher the farmer builds Concrete WeD or Tank r FARMER above all others appreciates good water He drinks agf more water than city man Tne citydweller is dependent upon the public watersupply for the purity of his water while the farmer can have his own private source of water and thus be sure that it is pure I and healthful- hasnt found a better drink than cool water properly collected and stored fiut in order to keep water fresh and pure a tank or well casing that will keep out every possible impurity must be used CONCRETE IS THE MATERIAL TANKS AND JVELLCASINGS J IT It protecting vour water from of all It cannot rotor crumble It easily cleaned inside Time and water instead of cauim it decay actuaUy it Formtr Information Publicity Canada Cement HERALD MONTREAL i I HERE art of other for your If you would like to know of them write for our book What the Farmer Do With Concrete The book free will help you to from a perch to a site rWcijt you rfonl to pr A- go bay bo Aii is on bar Thin know yam or totting At lil of Vim iii V mm ftS3 nftF f r fi tags MR mm mm S