mm to loam on good Farm X 4 AND COLLECTOR Bolton Painter and Corbet StrcoU Newmarket DENTIST Newmarket mvK is rf I ite- lin- ro- to ay icd Life to A ot in- ied life A lex- I J Wilkinson DENTIST I field Block Newmarket Dunn Qualified Maternity Nurse SI Newmarket Hiss Small Organist of Church Teacher of Piano Organ and Theory Terms on application- Niagara St Newmarket Hand Hurt Mr Frank Warren on of the A Factory bad ho have band hurt Ho was changing saws on a ilium when a board lei on his hand fastening it between the and In to extract wai will off work for a few day v A Growth If cannot see gnat which has place ID our lotvn Inst arc blind And say do not mean in any one particular cither There haw leco in the Wjay resldcnoo ire in way added business houses and in ways has greatly- and when public that In the Very best SocUohof Ibe country and this infect Ion spreads even to that is within our cts have one of the best situated in the very section and out own people the fact is still a and better town coining you anting in thi forwutij movement Sept t Fair CONf RUHTIONS Mrball A 1 Matthewsoo A i g S Jeweler Ncwmartot j WUMt a Rennctt A A nn TN intern a Harvester NcW- a ado Dp RlehQfdsofi a COLLEGE ST TORONTO Late of Aurora Hours Rooms NEWMARKET Graduate Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Livery Phone Jackson Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES At Era Office Newmarket Papers issued at private real- it desired- Op J Boyd Graduate medicine of Toronto Diversity also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician and mem- bar of the Royal I EMUad Former ellmlcal assistant la Eye and UrJ- Watty College Ear Nose and Throat London Cor Main and No Hours 19 My may be had at any aaUT al day or Blab by ai or phone NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO LUESBY Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at too Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smitai Grocery Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto afmaarket AlWal at 1035 GOING SOUTH Leave a pm ftllaadale 100 030 PHOTOGRAPHS I We art to Portraits that are right and oar long experience la back ovary picture wo make The child she parent too grandparent all are a good and artistic fm- when we do work Come In at any time or more dcoirable make an appoint ment Photo Artiat Oopoaiio Post It Is Bound to Conic Nothing is Attracting more atten tion the tourists who pass thru this section than the In allowing Newmarket Canal to remain small proportionate expenditure wouldlnake it Even the tives you ttdmil he finisttixl and- it will bo finished some not- so very far in the The and speetfioaiious tor the Canal through Georgian Bay understand to be about completed The Contracts will be let this Tits means thai the Trent Valley Canal will be from end to inside three years This is where Canal will be an important trade factor Given water facilities freight and our factories will soon double- or tribbfe in number and Newmarket will come to her own as the County Town North York Overflow Personals Mr Marshall in away on his holiday Mr spent Sunday In Tor- Mr Cbas Mortimer was In on Saturday Miss is spending a few days in Toronto Mrs Hilton Detroit is visiting Mrs West Mr David Brotoks loft lor his holidays Monday Mr Toronto spent Sunday at his home here Mr Chas Roadman has left for to accept a position Mr A Willis ot Toronto over Sunday with his parents here Mr Frank Smith of leaves for a trip to Montreal Katlo Anderson of Toronto pent days in this week Mr Gregory of Toronto was visiting his son Mr J Gregory on Tuesday Mrs and two daughters spending a couple of months at Dray toft Mrs Hughes is spending a lew Mr and Mrs left on Friday to a visit with her sister Lit Mr and Mrs B W Hunter and family- are spending the week at Jacksons Point Mr of spent days this week with friends In town Mr Geo West returned home on Friday after spending a couple of weeks at Western Mr W of Toronto was in town a days last week visiting his mother of Barrio spout a few days with her sister Mrs E Mr and Mrs Smith of Toronto aro a few days with Mr and Mr and Mrs W Hess of Toronto were visiting with Mr and Mrs a lew days this week Miss returned on Friday weeks visit with Mrs Dr Misses Grace and Hill of Hamilton spending a week with aunt Mrs Hi S Belfry The Misses Ironside of- Ohio visiting with Ironside a few days woek Mr Albort Holmes left for Tor onto on Monday whore he has a situation In Mall service Mr W Hutchison and Mr A of- Toronto spent Wed nesday with Mr and Mrs Barrett Mr W Scott In Niagara Falls this week as a delegato from Lodge to the Grand Miss Robinson Goodwin re turned on Saturday after spend ing a holidays with Dr Mrs Wilkinson J Hughes M And- rows and Verne Cane Ham ilton this week attending the an nual meeting of the Miss of and Miss Sadie Nelson of wore guests Mr and Mrs J C Galbralth a few days this week R Hughes Is superintending the building a bridge St near Cos fords Corners comes up to his parents over Mr Harry has added a verandah to his house on Plate Co Office Specialty Manufacturing Co Newmarket MasseyHarris Sellers Co Toronto Hardware Co Toronto Ltd Toronto J Sons Aurora iv u I Toronto The Canadian Rubber Co Toronto r The Eddy Co Toronto- J Millard Furniture etc New market w Photographer Newmarket Geo Wholesale Tobacconist Toronto Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Mb imperial Oil Co Toronto Bros Publishers Toronto Book Room Publishers Toronto Piano Co J Simmons Florist Toronto Stewart A Wood Wholesale Paints etc Toronto Bell Piano Co Toronto 7 A Sons Tobacconist Toronto Yokes Hardware Co Toronto Willis Tailor Newmarket Goodyear Tiro and Rubber Goods Co Toronto Tobacconist Newoark Fergus Photographer Newmarket Moore Tailor Newmarket Herbert Agent Aurora HMl 500 5 00 500 00 flfl I I L- f A Simmers Seed Co Toronto A A Co Wholesale Harness Toronto Hi P Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Agent Aurora C J Harness Maker Newmarket Co Toronto A A Conover Agent Aurora J Baldwin Miller Aurora A Atkinson Blacksmith Aurora Alive Bollard Toronto Ut Duncan Gents Furnishings Newmarket J Watte Flour and Feed Aurora Chester Brown Tobacconist Newmarket r I 444 in4 44 44444 l4t4- 4 4 4 fc a 00 50 Important Fall Fairs 191 NEWMARKET FAIR At Newmarket Sept Canadian National Exhibition At Toronto Aug to Sept u- At Sept and Dominion Exhibition At Ottawa Sept 5 to Quebec Provincial Exhibition At Quebec Aug to Sept Western Fair At London Sept to 444 Coldwater Sept and 20 Lindsay Lindsay Sept Barrio At Sept and 25 w At Sept Midland Midland Sept 2tf and 28 Sutton I At Sutton West Sept and At Oct 1 and AlliBton At Oct 3 and Scott At Oot At Oct and Schomberg At Oct and 11 Woodbridge At Woodbridge Oct 15 arid At Oct and Bradford At Bradford Oct and 23 flMle a few yards- rem rfrtt wile ttoU Victoria was drowned in Go Bay on Tnuiaday about oclock Prof been In water ply a few seconds Death was duo to Twenty Ovc persons at- looter week on the For the first time in the history the lakes will do a Torohtn to Cobourg Dur ing two weeks of National Macassa of the Ontario and ion will make the trip dally ex cept Sundays the half of Aligns t returns for this City foot ed op to as against for tho last Harold Kbudson last Week stealing ft horse and wagon from Alex Sent to Central Prison for eigh teen months This week Is Childrens Week ut Beach Park All child ren being admlttwl ttw ami Where the com in picnic- Dirties being supplied with hot and all without iiue As the rough work at the une oh August eta Quelle and Stagg the Potlv Court On the and remanied for is out for Fred as the Person In lie Alex Villandle arrested while of about worth mends his bail last week diamonds are in the custody the Police Court Rev Dr James China who has been supplying Metropo litan Church pulpit during the holi days brought Ms services a close last Sabbath evening has sperit years in China and is an authority Chinese Mis sion Work At toe matches Opened Monday last at the Long ranges there are nearly 500 entries Thirty Scotch teachers are how in Canada on a visit and were in City last week Dairymen visiting the city report it to be a fine season for the cattle but housewife to understand how under the sun milkdealers account for the shade of the milk ami the present price of cutter Americans visiting this city during the past two weeks emphatically state that bets between friends of and Roosevelt for the Presi dency were few and far between After the revelations of ot tbo gold brick game in New York those who have been imagining that the farmer and Citi zens- of small villages were easy marks can now take a back seat Lots of men of in Toronto have been gulled but they kept their secret Betting on the races is given- as the cause of the wrecking of Ae ca reers of two Toronto hant clerks Roland Harris clearing house teller of the Standard Bank has to answer to the about from the funds while Arthur Richmond pay ing teller of the Elm Street branch of the of Toronto lies at deaths door in St Michaels Hospit al following two- attempts at suicide after ho bad stolen several thousands from the funds entrusted to his care NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE V LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY EWMARKET STOKES LOS Wednesday Afternoons DURING and August You Can Save Money by Doing Your Stopping 1 Toronto Jobbing Just Arrived New Fall and Winter Styles Samples of SemiReady Clothing School Fait Wotk In King Township The school Fair work carried on by the Ontario Department of Agri culture in King Township was a great success much credit is due to the boys and girls who have tak en part in the competition An idea of the class of work done can be gained from the fact that over per cent of plots scores above out seed consisted of Km pi re State Potatoes Golden Bantam Sweet Corn OAC No Barley and Banner Oats Following is the list of prize win ners 1 COMPANY a Pupil POTATOES School t Marshall Goer 2 Vernon Mawer Laurence Sheordown Leonard Dion Aurora Bert King 7 Emerson Aurora Willie Coupland Temperanceville Maurice Temperanceville Lynn Schomberg Chas Russell Schomberg Dennis Cliflord 14 Olive Doyle John Archibald Pottageville CORN Victor 1 I t Teacher Mr Miss Harrison Mr Hollingshead Miss Mr Harris Mr Miller Mr Harris Miss Brown Miss Drown Miss Miss Harrison Brown Kilty Miss Miss Firth I 1- I 3 Miss Kilty KOSfl Companys come dinner Thats makes these tears Got to wearmy Sunday suit Wash my neck a ears Got to git my hair combed up Slick as it kin be come for dinner Jest Poster me Got to hold my horses When theres compny here And pit waited on the I didnt Got to mind my manners Nice as Comply gets the drumsticks And git a wing in parlor Thats what children gits I wasa Hon Id Scare em into fits Then wfcen they was Tell you what Id do Id eat up the compny And the dinner too Chicago News Samples Show of the FINEST WEAVES AND PATTERNS Ever Shown in Newmarket STYLES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Prices from 1 8 to 35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE Delivered in Seven Days Satisfaction or Money Refunded Also J t 1 1 Harvey Rutherford Madeline Case- Aurora Mr Harris Ross Lloyd i Mlss Kilty Willie Reynolds Kftttleby Mr Frank Sohomhcrg i Miss Harrison GRAIN Harold Russell Schomberg v Earl Edwards Miss Harrison Willie Thompson Mfss j Arthur Evans Aurora gillie NoWeton Alvin Kennedy Brock Rao Kettleby 4 V V Miss Mr Harris Ar Miss j wt Mr Mr on Street Brock Rao Kettleby w- Mr Captain Hicks Murray an officer attached to the Gordon Highlanders who has seen much service last night shot and Wiled his two young daugh ters severely wounding his wife and then committed suicide with the same weapon Ho is supposed to have became suddenly insane Delta Aug The home of Harrison two miles south Elgin village was burned to the this morning about oclock along with three children the youngest a child of eleven montns the others and five years old respec tively The eldest child aged seven years who was build ing by Thomas Dwyre be ing badly burned died about noon The fattier and mother left alone Vienna Aug was a sen sational crime at the cathedral here Tbe clergy were on their the cathedral in their when a young man darted Into the and stabbed Suffragan Bis hop the back dropped to the street vestments dyed escaped Bishop Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots J Shoes GIVE US A CALL DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter 1 TREADEASY The TREADEASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe an coo of 500 Agent dl Shoe W WRIGHT NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER