APRIL A Duncan AND COLLECTOR Fainter ud House Decorator Niagara and Strata Newmarket Clank DENTIST Mala Street Dp Wilkinson Block Newmarket VOCAL INSTRUCTOR I Toronto will he In Newmarket Tuesdays an Thursdays Studio at Mr Geo street Pieffe Builder Contractor Carpenter Joiner and Cabinet Maker Painter and MAIN STREET BRADFORD Estimates lor Building Free Issuer LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private tar Papers Issued at private it desired Dp s J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical fa fiye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My services may be had at any the day- or night by calling at the or phone NEWMARKET County Council Mldutes The of Ss of York County W are the hands of ttw Clerks tor distribution among It Any person can have a copy for Sylvia The Anglican Young Pcopie As sociation will operetta In two acta entitled Sylvia In the Town Hall Oh Thursday April commencing at oclock Plan opens at Pattersons drug store on Monday April J at Tickets Will Probated According to the will Whitchurch who tiled 3Vst an estate valued at made Up as follows Equity in lot 10 in the Con of Whitchurch compris ing valued at S3 hook debts and promissory notes iJ27ti life insurance household horned Cattle sheep and swine other efTccts will the widow is bequeathed the household lurojture the tlOdd insur ance and An annuity of Ida May Paisley is to ho paid on her wedding day or on her thirti eth birthday Vila- an other gets at the death the widow and a similar will paid to daughter of Rev The re sidue of the estate on the widows demise will be equally among five brothers and two Sisters the deceased Malcolm Paisley soon leaves the formers goods mall requested to prepare bylaw in tin bo by the V wyh v as possible to put every WaterUVcr when the toads Were ruugit and Do Marble LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones gar Call ordering GEO Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Deceased Mrs passed away on Sunday morning flier maiden name was Mary Shanks Alter her marriage she lived id East Gvillimbury until about nine years ago when Mr bought Mr Joseph Wesleys farm St and moved on it They sold the farm some live years and moved to another house on Got ham St Mrs had been af flicted with rheumatism tor some years For the past year she grew steadily worse and pneumonia setting in She was unable to endure the double strain The fun eral service which took place ou Wednesday was conducted by Rev J Simpson The hus band and one daughter Mrs Par kins are left to mourn their loss Methodist Church The attendance was small last Sun day at alt services Solos were rendered by Miss Stephens and Mr Eugene Barker The pastor explain ed new system of finance to be adopted the 1st of May which Is intended to do away with all ap peals for from the pulpit The Mens Meeting A oclock in tbe Gymnasium was well attended Mr It Schmidt presided Tue Orchestra led the singing and Mr Barker a solo A most address on Character was given by Mr Haget- one ofthe Secretaries who also addressed the congregation at evening service He congratu lated on its quiet Sun day and the Trustees the Metho dist Church for their progressive spirit in providing such a commodi ous and wellequipgcd Gym Next Sunday Rev John Locke Davenport will pleach morning and evening Mr Locke was at one time located at Bradford and is u very line speaker Dont miss beat ing when the raw winds enough to The dog tag make a mummy cuss oer was amended increasing prlie the and that dislocated to S3 all his bones and raised a fuss Ills make a paltry heap and appointed a to- half of it must go to his Wagon In a report regarding the locution of in repair to Ws rusty bay keep his stomach full ot hay but adjourned he does hot despair Ive seen no vry rv tat vit who life work to fret and whine about his lot When duty calls htm to the without be takes his load a Johnny spot Municipal ClerksHelped the bill of Mr Henry by the which prorogued Qii Tuesday clerks have had their fees in creased it connection with vcitets lists measure is an to the Voters Lists and provides that the clerk shall be entitled to the necessarily by him in of the duties imposed upon him by this act and shall also be entitled to the following compensation cents for the name every person entered In list com plaint Two cents for every name entered in any necessary copy at the list complaints Two cents for every or made by tlie judge in the voters list and in copy of the list as revised Two cents tor every name in the statement of charges made by the judge In the list Eight cents for every necessary no tice to any party complaining or complained Five cents for every mile necessari ly aod actually travelled by him in effecting service of a notice of appeal or complaint Three doYtars for every day9 at tendance at the sittings court IT WAS STONE IN THE BLADDER was down what the doctors called of the in the back and in niinaliiig and the attacks which frequent to unbearable agony I became bo weak could not walk across the floor My wife read in the about GIN and sent for a bo the very first I felt that were doing me good The pain was relieved at once and the were less frequent In six weeks the Stone In the Bladder came away When I recall how I suffered A aa healthy and able towork I cannot express myself when I what have done for me JOHN HERMAN Hamilton site box for at all dealers You try them free by writing for a free to National Chemical Co of Canada Limited Icpt A Toronto T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a m p Toronto Newmarket at 340 GOING Leave AlUadale Newmarket Toronto ar p in PHOTOGRAPHS I We are equipped to produce Portraits that ere right and our long experience back of every picture we make The child the parent the all are assured of a good likeness and artistic fin ish when we do Jhe work Come in at time or if more desirable an appoint ment E Photo Artist Opposite Post Newmarket Phone Chester 3 COLLEGE ST TORONTO of Aurora Hours Phone North Rooms li AT J GREGORYS Cleaning and Prcsslax Above TORONTO JOBBING Two Doors North Hunters Newmarket The Cost At the meeting of the Confer ence Committee of the Board of Trade In Toronto on Wednesday Hon J Davis speaking of the high cost of living said that Over seventyfive per cent of the in crease had been in the In many Instances manufactured goods were cheaper now than formerly on account of greater efficiency in manufacturing Farm- era should apply business prin ciples to their work and make a fair profit Those that did this were very successful There should bo such large Imports of food when we had so much uu- tillod land in Canada Mr J P said that farmers took care of their Implement In York thousands of mach ines had been standing outside all winter If the farmers would put tho energy and tho same number of hours per day into their work that the business does the high coat of living would ho solv ed he Rural Postman The of the Rural Postman which became a reality in Canada under Liberal Administration of Sir Wilfrid furnished a new experience to mall curriers and is poetically described by Mason The rural day by day on his long and toilsome way and takes the farmers mail he jogs across the hills and moore and much of hardship he endures for small supply of kale Ive seen him driving through the rain but never knew him to complain or read the riot act ho pushed his old nag and greeted with a cheerful song the cold wet cataract Ive seen him- when blew Ive seen him when the snow storm snow but never heard roar Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Cane Reeve Pearson and Councillors Cane Lyons and Mr Winger made application tor road work sidewalk and electric light also a fire hydrant on Andrew street Four new houses have gone up on the street seventeen build ing lots have been sold the past few months The application of L Jackson on behalf of the Trustees of Metho dist Church for permission to grade on North side of Park Avenue was referred to the Chief The Chairman of the Board ol Health Mr J and the Medical Health Officer Dr S Scott called the attention of Coun cil to tlie requirements of the Board of Health Act which provides that persons proposing to build should present plans to the Council before commencing work as certain require ments are necessary to be approved such as drainage cesspool fir pro visions etc The necessity was emphasised by the odor in various parts the Town and the Council promised to give the subject attention Following bills passed Pittsburg Coat Co four cars coal 33994 York Radial on same Duty on same 9809 flL Stringer unloading Tears P M to unloading car A supplies WAV I Andrews coal coal 436 to 85 35 from Packard Co repairs meters on same on Dog Tags Application for water service Gilford Mann Park Ave Cedar street J Timothy St Lane Andrews Oak street referred to and Committee Inquiry was made concerning cer tain places that are using water without meter The Fire and Water Committee was HE ATLANTIC BASIN Few persons realise the enorm ous dimensions the basin of the Atlantic Ocean It forms a huge hough Li all probability extend ing from the North to the South Polo dividing the World from the Old Were it possible to drain oft the from this oceanfurrow a scene of rugged and imposing grandeur would undoubtedly be revealed It has been said that in the empty cradle of the ocean would be presented to view the very of the solid earth strewn with wreckage of past ages with treasures of the deep a sight the limitations of which are beyond the power of Imagination There is of course great variation in the depth of mighty At lantic but in all probability the deepest part is In north be tween the Bermudas the Banks The Gulf of Mexico has been plumbed and the waters In the deepest part were found to be less than a mile in depth Between Cape Race In Newfound land and Cape Clear In Ireland there Is a remarkable steppe which is generally known as the telegraphic plateau these two shorelines Is a great circle distance of one thousand six hundred miles and it Is estimated that nowhere along this route is the sea more than ten thousand feet deep The future may pro duce improved scientific meets by which the ocean depths may be more closely Investigated but as yet many mysteries of the Great Atlantic remain to the persevering scientist cures Howard The readers of this paper will be to that there is at least one dreaded disease that has been able to cure in all Its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the oaly positive cure now known to the medical fraternity being a constitutional disease inquires a constitutional treatment Hails Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing its work Tbe proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure Send for list of testimonials Address J CHENEY Co Toledo Sold by druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation I j but never heard bin root so- A I Orders For New York April armed with revolvers Invaded a res taurant on East Fourteenth street early today held up and robbed one Last a hotel manager of Jew elry and money aggregating in value Thirty persons were In the restaurant at the timo but the rob bers made no attempt to molest others Last and a friend were play ing cards in a corner of the room when one tW four men strolled over thrust revolver in Lasts face and demanded his valuables The hotel man thought it was a joke and laughed whereupon the other three highwaymen covered him with pis tols After the holdup thebandits backed out of the room warning the occupants to make no outcry end es caped in a A to J The policy In the of Agriculture With reference to tfao granting of j aid under to the owners of Thoroughbred stal lions generally mating with approval and Is at the objects when policy was undertaken Amongst other thiols owing to the rigid conditions imposed it Is encouraging rdalntalnlng class horses and serving to the system of breeding followed in differ ent where stallions are located The stimulus given In this the use of Thoroughbred believe lead to in the light horse htock of the Thoroughbred stallions If really good Individ uals may be expected such an Influence Inn the of Canadian horses for sad die and harness use as Is greatly Heeded and greatly to be destred The premium placed Upon soUndneas and prepotency though the grants awarded by the Is serving to check use of unsuitable a res and Is tend to type of the utility of which Is beyond While as should be stated Is is not the intention of tho department to encourage tKo breeding Of horses to develop a type In horses closely to that Of the Thoroughbred there no question but- that Infusion Thoroughbred blood light legged marcs of the be of in Improving the of the stock got them by of various light- harness breeds himself to be Justified therefore In further prosecuting the policy begun last year the Honourable Martin Agriculture has fed the continuance of the grant to bo available for all Thorough bred stallions standing or public service during season of which comply with the conditions imposed the Department The conditions under which as sistance will be given ore lowat All horses on account of which aid is given by the Depart meat must be registered in the Thoroughbred Stud the Canadian National Live Stock Horses shall be of good size quality and conformation and shall be free from all hereditary unsoundness these conditions to be ensured by submission annually to a thorough careful examina tion cither at the hands of the Director General or such other of the veteri staff of the Department or other persons as the Minister may from time to time appoint for this purpose Horses so approved shall be duly and properly advertised to stand for services of mares under the ordinary and general condi tions usual in the districts in which they are to be kept at an annual service fee except In case of Thoroughbred mares of not more than to insure such service fee to become due and payable only when mares prove to be In foal Any person firm or corporation owning or controlling Thoroughbred Stallion in regard to which all of the conditions above set forth shall have been duly and properly fulfilled shall on production satisfactory evid ence thereof and the act that a reasonable number of mares other than Thoroughbred mares have been served during the sea son be entitled to receive at the close of each such season the sum of the funds of the Live Stock Branch If in the event of a horse dying or becom ing incapacitated for service dur ing the season an approved sub stitute is immediately placed in the same district the Minister may after due consideration circumstances authorize the pay ment of the subsidy above men tioned The neeossary forms will be fur nished on application to the Director General and Live Stock Commissioner De partment of Agriculture Ottawa Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A ooc ORIGIN OF AMBER Amber Is obtained from many countries It is particularly abun dant on the shores of the Bailie but is also found Sicily China Madagascar and the Indian Seas The origin of this mineral Is assigned to a resin which flowed from certain trees during the antediluvian epoch The probability is that the large and Irregular masses of amber are tho produce of the trunk the smaller pieces having come from the branches and those whjch have a slaty structurehaving been formed by a series of layers It is not supposed chat any of the substances was derived from the roots of tho trees great quantity of the mineral thrown up by the Baltic Sea is ascribed existence of an enormous deposit In the basin of this sea Here it is believed there once existed on extensive forest where Baltic am ber was formed the trees at one time flourishing on a low Island which was subsequently submerg ed by marine currents flowing from the north Toronto Jobbing House t Have a Stick of White Pine Norway Sprue Hemlock to Order Special mm Bat All of work Aafc sad Georgia Run to Order Work Sticking Turning Bandsawiaf AH Sac Work THE CANE SINS CO LTD J ST MENYOU NEED NERVE i j Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA Hamilton April smothered to death by its mother the 5 weeks old infant of Martha was found dead in bed be side her yesterday morning Miss Brodlcka who is prostrated with grief states that she the baby to bed at and woke up sev eral times during the night to feed It out that when she woke up this morning It was dead All th evi dence points to accidental death by being smothered Send the Era to absent friends Wonderful EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER MINED YOUR SYSTEM control oil actions of body so say- 1 that will weaken ihe Ewly scd ruined thousand of promising young vitality and they They lins mentally physically and sexually Haw Are you dipoodent and Kloomyj before eyes with dark circles under veakbackkdneslrHtabeparitalcn of ailment In en face eyes sunken hollow cheeks careworn ex pression poor memory lifeless distrustful lack energy and at tired cbecge- afe moods premature decay pains hair loose etc Thia coodidoaour Now Is GUARANTEED TO CURE treated of almost a liud not have to us FREE OF CHARGE will tell you whether you are or We caaaa of NERVOUS VARICOSE VHNS BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free of Msa If vaabU to QUESTION FOR HOME TREATMENT DrsKENNEDYKENNEDY Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswold St Detroit Mich AIMetters Canadainust be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor If see us personally call at our Institute Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices vrhlcli are for Correspondence and I for Canadian business only Address all letters as KENNEDY A KENNEDY Windsor 1 ARCHIVES O i TORONTO hi