Girls Wanted factory Wanted General Servant Field Park Ave Apply to I V Girl As soon as possible wages ranging from to per nip- for or rnos For particulars Mrs Ai mer Snider Kciloe Man nee Miss Ethel Wilton Newmarket House to Rent Comer Prospect and streets Ail modern conveniences Apply to Mrs Isaac Silver Prospect St The Harness Shop Over Library may have to move out Jones is selling oft cheap sei pi Eggs Hatching fresh per I To Farmers Royal highness lor sale on terms If not disposed of at once be wilt stand at hi own stable dur ing the season Prop Newmarket Building Lots for Sale outside of the Corporation the Greater Newmarket Nicely sit uated Terms easy Apply to or Town Heal Es tate Agency that be art decidedly Inclined to agree with position taken by the Toronto Star the On Government for Mr Camay the official ex plorer or I nation the now terri tory recently assigned to this Pro vince Federal Government It aays- may be WeUfjuatW fled for the on which bo is to be sent and It is Dot necessary to criticize appointment in that respect Ho is however a the House and the rea sons for disregarding law ana us age which warn strong In Hon Adam Deck we to not fit In making the ap pointment Mr is In the midst of a longdrawnout service o the public ho could not be ex pected to indefinitely at Ms own expense nor was it desirable that he should either drop work or cease speak for it In legislature The situation was Unusual and justified Unusual treatment Without doubt in our opinion tl Government has made a mistake and stuck a heavy blow at the indepen dence of the Legislature by the Cro at ion of a precedent inimical to the public- interest- opening a door Calcu lated corrupt the peoples rvpre- Roth Dominion and statute law forbids members of from accepting the Crown Since the above was put in type a- report is current that Sir Game has decided not to accept the ap pointment The Star that has spent hM time in Chicago oh an invention for wheats The foe shocking farmers worked fine- Any person the latter statement cart find plenty of proof up la Major Collins President of the Army and Navy Veterans Asso ciation stated to the Toronto press this wee that he had received In timation from Ottawa that the Ke nton Act recently pass ed by the Parliament Would to Volunteers In raids and No is made tor bounties widows tin very class people who need the mono most- hut they have no votes r Card of Thanks th late Mrs HOTS At high noon on Tuesday last the formally prorogued the Ontario House alter assenting to bills passed during the session ine Guard of lienor was furnished by the Queens Own Hides Win The family of desire thanks to the for their kind assistance and sympa thy during her illness and In connec tion with the funeral arrangements also those who brought flowers r Here is ruling inlaw to which triors 1 being a tenant of a farm implies promise on the part of tenant to culti vate the lauds according to the cus tom the country- For Sale At a J J Taylor safe in firstclass shape and Owner has- no fur ther use for same Apply to The Bell Telephone Co Sutton West PO Box The Ottawa Citizen rises to re mark that Sir lames Whitneys Government has ordered that all the babies in Ontario must be vac cinated before they are four months old The Citizen thinks this is one way to discourage the industry A question arises Will the stork strike NOTICE All persons are hereby notified to have their premises put in a sanitary condition ny the 1ST OP MAY Inspector Wanted A Girl for Hand Sewing Apply AT J GREGORYS and Pressing Above TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Two Doors North 0 Hunters Store Phone Newmarket Orders Called For and Word has beefl received Kings ton Jamaica that the Government of Jamaica has negotiations with the Canadian Government for subsidizing a line steamers to run between Jamaica and theiice to with a port Call in the Winter A has been submitted to the Govern- by looking to formation of a company o acres of banana lands on the north side recently taken a New York company Mr John New Is in lowi visiting lend a Miss Is bomr from Icterboro for the glimmer Winter has to Newmarket A and Mrs spent in city and J To ronto spent Sunday at Mrs Mr Albert Torootwwas will conduct service morning and ov ers Messrs Davidson ftiissell Walter Johnston left for West on TUfcsdaJ night Mr from AgrlcOHural for the summer last Wednesday Mosler visited his who has been in poor health lately over Sunday Mrs ftrowii at the King ierge will not receive next this Miss Anderson who visiting her parents over the Easter holidays has returned Mr J the Banquet at the King Edward Hotel Toronto on Wixlnes- night Mr of a iOCa pr yotj HOW I J ii- Queen Quality Shoes Sit t OOP pupil ot Newmarket High was visiting friends in Sunday What might have proved fatal hop- Sabbath will service ev ening in the Christian Church next Rev I Conduct Svrviw to Mr Waives on morning while hitching his team up They became frightened and hitting the throwing Mr to the ground underneath the sleigh Glad to report that he got Oft with a severe shaking up ORCHARD- Turner who was vls- itins her Mrs K Morri son and Mrs P J Andersoi has re turned to Evelyn Everest entertained a number of her friends on Saturday evening in honor of her sfsterinlaw Mrs ftet Mrs S gave an At Home at hei residence and Thursday afternoons which- Last Friday Mr Frank Wasley ot attended to the ladies of Whitchurch fell from a tree he was town trimming and was nearly killed The The Hamilton Herald to rein ark They propose at Ottawa to investigate the famous cruise of the Arctic the investiga tion is to proceed it to hoped of those Eskimo ladies who daiiCed on the deck for the en tertainment of the ships company will not have to appear in the report as such publicity might cause dissen sion in the best Eskimo society rfl Cucumbers 200 acres of wauled jbllity Highest price paid for product deliv ered ab the Salting House in New market the coming season Our Man ager Mr Parks will bo at George Hotel Newmarket from a in p on Saturday April 27 make contracts and specify J seed that will ho provided CO LTD Toronto The Mpj for of- Hidings in the southern part of this County Dr Godfrey is credited with hav ing expressed his opposition to Mr Howells proposition to abolish the bar but favors legislation suggested by the Premier against the treating system As the Exposi tor remarks doctor is April fooling- prevent treating while retaining tho open bar ia Scrap Wanted Having located on Superior Street opposite the Grand Trunk I am prepared to pay Top Price for all kinds scrap iron brass copper rubber rags bottles etc delivered on the premises or notified through the postoffice will call and collect the same The Hamilton Herald considers that tho public committee of the Ontario Legislature declared that the Department education did right in withholding a grant to the Springer school he- Cause a French teacher hod not been engaged Hardly a member the committee would personally endorse what the department did Tory majority could- not condemn the government but vote the to n A Wagon kept on the road all time 3ml It is now being planned to send Hon Geo Foster as a representj alive of the Borden Government of this Dominion on a trip to Austra lia A press despatch dated last Tuesday states that it is considered probable that in connection with negotiations for a preferential with Australia tho member for may go when limb he was standing on broke and ho fell on his back a log Two ribs were broken and one Medi cal aid was at once summoned and yesterday he was doing nicely LEMON J The warm weather of the past few or Outdoor Conditions will Measure days is making the look pleasant The long cold winter and the scarcity feed made it very strenuous but should be thank ful everything is as well as it is Misses Lena and Marie Sanders of visited their uncle Mr Mi Cook for a few days during the hol idays Sorry to have to report that Mr Drewery is still confined to his bed Mr ami Mrs White ville were guests of his mother Mrs on Sunday prior to their departure for the city where they Intend to reside BRADFORD On account of the installation of installation the General Hospital this week the new eglnb the Dyment very painful operation Mrs Dawson and her daughter Mrs Hoy C Hose Mt Albert spent Easter To- rem to with their cousin Mrs James Walker Miss Edna has resigned her position as teacher and soloist of Charlotte St Methodist Church and is now at home with her aunt Mrs Messrs A and Davis Inspectors of the Bank of Montreal paid official visits to Branches of that institution at New market and Aurora this week A potty was give Mrs Manning last Saturday afternoon for the pleasure of Rev Neats three small children from Kingston who were visiting in town over Sunday The many friends of Sir Allen Ay lee worth late of Justice and former member for North York in the Dominion Parliament will re gret to learn that he is now under going treatment for erysipelas- Our latest advices were to the effect we ore pleased to report that his con dition was satisfactorily improving Mr Albert Bogatt came home from where Most men have a price they count on paying for a suit It you have been planning to pay for your spring suit now is your chance all previous seasons by iitg the best range of suits ever shown in Mens Blue Worsted Suits Fancy Worsted Suits a- Mens Imported Tweed Suits Made in the very latest styles lined and trimmed with one goods NO MORE NO HESS m To introduce the celebrated Greene Swift line of special order clothes to our trade we are placing a range of 50 patterns of tweeds and worsted suitings on sale made to your measure in seven days fit workmanship guaranteed I Sons the plant has been shut down for several weeks During the severe thunder storm on Sunday evening Mr Frank Thomp sons barn was struck and three cattlQ kilted The barn was savetj Mr A came near losing his valuable horse last Tuesday He broke through the platform and and his staff had a hard time saving him The services conducted by Evange list in the Methodist Church growing in size Interest and power The Presbyterians and Meth odists are emulating each other in the meetings and Pastors Buchanan and are much encouraged have already enlisted for the new life ZEPHYR He has been in delicate health for some time but his many will be glad to hear that an improvement Is Evident though It will bo some time before he will be very robust again The There was big time at the Meth odist Gym on Wednesday night of the boys were in uniform and went through many stunts to the surprise of about spectators Among the latter was Mr Travelling Secretory of the Provincial A and a cham pion athlete who gave the hoys a tenminute address which was ap preciated NOTICE ilie Imperial Trade Commission which he is a country- visits that All owning are re quested to get Licenses for the same by the 1ST OF MAY According to ByLaw No HO By the same Carters and Teamsters are required to have their Licenses by 1ST OF MAY El Inspector House to Rent Brammer 1 Enquire of Jos kat Profitable Poultry Actual yield for tour months from layers Dec Jan Fob Max record for winter through season which Is surpass Buy your eggs for hatching a strain HHhpde Island Reds which without a peer as tabic and wonderful egg producers Flltech Aubrey Davis Oh A press despatch from Ottawa this week gives intimation that the of has been having sugar- bush experience along yith Sir Ed mund and Sir Donald Mann as his guests Theftarty which Included the Duchess tho Princess Patricia aud a number of aides and IMt Saturday by special car and visited tho Roman mon astery near Chelsea They went through the sugar bush and witnessed the process ol making- the maplo sng- Sap has been running freely In the bush The royal party and their quests were much interested in the spectre Former president of the defunct Farmers Bank Dr was Identified and in a Chicago restaurant on the Inst Word was senttb Toronto and De tective Wallaco immediately proceed- to Chicago to the Dr to Toronto where ho is wanted on a J Meyers and las Cain loaded a car of cedar last week for a Ann in Toronto sold his gasoline engine to A Horner and has purchased a 5 horsepower steam engine A Horner has contracted with the N to erect a warehouse on their grounds at Zephyr for cement and lime Miss Laura Horner expects to leave for the- West next weefc Profit is erecting a new sta ble on his lot on Church St He also to overhaul his residence summer Rudolph Meyers returned home af ter spending the past year in Car man Sask Miss Sadie McClelland has been em ployee by our trustees as successor to Preston Meyers to manage the junior department of our public school Win Hays shipped a fine load cattle from here on Monday We are sorry to report the illness of reeve Bain causing him to be ab sent from council on Saturday last We glad to hear Win Horner and son Frank arrived at their safely Liverpool April Canadian Pacific Steamship Company liner Empress of Britain which left St on Aptil 5 arrived here today anil reported having encounter ed an Ice field of a hundred miles- in extent when three days out Halifax It is most unusual at this time of year to meet Ice so far south Yc Montreal April Miss Annie I a school teacher lost life in a fire which practically gutted the interior of a boardinghouse at Street this- morning Paris April According to de spatches published here an Italian force in attempting to make a land ing on the Tripoli came in to conflict with the Arabs After a severe fight the Arabs retreated and left dead The Italians also lost heavily THE LEADING- Undertaking House You eat Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard Phones ant IB- School Reports Report of Easter Examinations- No Whitchurch Form Percy Parkinson Annie Sr 1th Ford Lehman leta Sproxtoh Kenneth Mapper Florence Marshall Jr Clara Greta FlintoR Mabel Allen Form George Parkinson Emma Laura field Gladys Yokes Roy Reynolds Norman Hop per Alex Gordon Gil- lord Hottpcr Cora Allen aU Srf8r Carl Reynolds Philip Brandon Jr Fred Hopper Morjorie Hopper Robert lason Fogol Russel Sprox- Frank Foote Mavis Hopper Charles Maurice Parkin son Sr 1st Viola Vetch Willie Jr 1st Mary Reynolds Iva Ivan TabletAbsent Karnes in order of standing 5 Saucer hat is the latest fashion It goes with the teagown I suppose How to treat the confirmed CRADLE King April to Mr- and Mrs Roy Stiles a daughter Chicago for some time the name of Coleman The extradition charge before the Chicago court preliminary contempt of CASTOR I A Children Kind Always Bought Fine him for Tbo mail carrier between Walkers Point Grvenhurst on Saturday with the mail over from Walkers Point to covering the distance ten miles In minutes Port April A Main an employe af the Rubber Co and his son aged ventured out Inaflat boot on Saturday after noon on a fishing The HAYES In Mount Albert on Satur day April to Mr and Mrs Hayes a daughter LEPAKDIn Town on April to Mr and Mrs Preston a daughter CAMERON In Newmarket on Ap ril to Mr and Mrs Da vid Cameron a son FINNIEKAAKKOn April 113 at 35i Lansdowne Avenue by gey Alexander Macillivray Presbyterian Church Bell daughter of Mr and Mrs James of to Mr Alexander son of Mr and Mrs John of To reside at Perth Avenue Toronto WE TOMB At his late Residence ln on Monday April John Russell in his year THOMAS At 33 Elm Avenue Toronto on April Re becca Thomas widow he late George Thomas in her year Funeral service at the above address on Tuesday April at Re mains wiUbe taken by private car to Aurora Cemetery leaving North Toronto at pm by Metropolitan Railway We have just received a consignment of Oranges and Grape Fruit for Marma lade also some Fancy Navel Oranges for Table use They are from to per We have a choice variety of canned Fruits put up by ourselves in quart jars at and per jar I Have you tried the new Krinklo Corn Flakes as goods as the best and sell for 4 Dried Fruits are high this year but we can give you a nice line of Prunes at 10c per lb G MGGAULEY I Oar No is PURITY AND OUR MOTTO R 13 GST QUALITY Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Patterson MAIN STREET NEWMARKET a Chocolates Weekly Pbone No Store No j BOOHS THAT you tMna you vaat i i i know 2 J la a fit J ROflDHOOSH All Omni will receive On win fthoqi for that There it a priced and i c re any ad ccoitniciIoD ana Bluing jolt ihf and Information that Mimarb lhat want and need was found this morning bottom AH 1 t WGk- mmamm paiolioK etc lie No oi or for xfca I WBDKRICK J A PC and want arid lor and 4 r -v- MV ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO r i s 5 R t A r SSS 53