Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 17, 1911, p. 8

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THIRTY FIVE YEARS Nil not OnT Jin For thirtyfive years and I mm now a over seventy I have been a terrible from Constipation No matter what remedy or physician I employed the result was always the same impossible to get a cure two years About I read about and I decided to try them I have used ever since They are the mud only medicine that suited my casc If it were not for Fruitatives I am satisfied that not live JAMES around foeBab VANDORF Wonderful Case MONTHS IN The regular monthly meeting Vandorf Institute will bo held Mrs Marshall Wilsons home ilay November owin to An nual convention in Toronto in November and Mrs Wil son will give a report of the Con tention at the meeting followed a musical program Meeting convenes at pm v WHITE HOSE church his year j was a son of the late After illness nearly seven I years duration Mr Smith pass- led away at his late residence Lot Con Whitchurch Mr Smith Christopher Smith one of the eers of Whitchurch Township who in addition to farming Conducted a veterinary business for many years Deceased was religion a and In polities a Conservative He was highly respected all who had pleasure of his acquaintance He leaves a widow one daughter and one son lie funeral took place Thursday to Aurora I and was attended a AND CAME OCT UNCORK tired Him in Few Weeks Mr Fred Mascn the up holsterer and mattress manufacturer of St Andrews says eczema on my knee caused terrible pain and The sore parts Would and burn and tingle then when rubbed or scratched would become ver painful When the knee got warm it worse and the itching and burning and smarting were almost un bearable I tried various remedies hut got no better so decided to io to Montreal ami take special treat ment I received at Montreal Hospital for thir teen weeks but at lh end of that ime I was not cured and almost A advised to give trial of Appetite or Distress after Having Symptom that Should not Disregarded Appetite is just a natural desire for food of food or stomach distress a eating means indi gestion or dyspepsia Overeating is a very dangerous to a person good general health It is not what you cat but what assimilate and that does you good tiouu of the Strongest liealthiest and heaviest persons are in ode rate eaters There is nothing that will cause more trouble thn a disordered stom ach ami many people dally contract maladies simply h rough dis regard or abuse of the stomach We urge fttl I Knit any stomach derangement indigestion or dyspepsia acute or to In Dyspepsia Tablets with the distinct understanding that wt will d vntir without IN GLOOM I am sometimes reminded of the tot who on a rainy morning look ed out of the window with frown and deeply sighed Then she said There are so many horrid things Why do there have to bo such a of cm mother And what Is troubling my Mile girl today I- answer ten Almost as soon as applied am- OT if after stopped the Etching and i they I tat ion I persevered with the balm and it was soon do pain was reduced to and evident that flay it e satisfied the We them to our have to recommend dav tho sole spousi- by the time had them- Wo holiest Very large neighbors number of friends and used a sow boxes of was unite cured Since then has bit oil poison iu my linger time when 1nger was in be without them to Ihv very cured prompt aiding neutralise he gastric Strengthen the greatest remedy iu the world for all forms of Indigestion and Dyspepsia is Doctors as well as hundreds of people proclaim it cures all stomach troubles because it makes the liver active strengthens the kidneys puri fies the blood and keeps the stomach and clean is the only remedy made of fruit juices a box 6 for or trial size At all dealers or sent on receiptof price by Limited Ottawa I digestive to anil thus to promote perfect that feared WJt nil Unhealthy symptoms have to been mas- are for Want a House If- so call on Hughes Heal Estate Agent Houses for Sale Two good brick houses apply to Hughes agent New Brick House On Prospect Ave lor sale Apply to H Eves Newmarket Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented tad paying good interest Posses one month K Newmarket Two hundred invitations issued tor ipierade ball The invited ones all very busy planning costumes l lie event The engagement is announced of Miss Arundel daughter the late LieutCol and Mrs of Admiral road IoroUto to Mr Elliott marriage take place in St Lukes Church on Tuesday Nov Mrs Rogers spent Tuesday in Newmarket the guest of Mrs Richardson Miss Sinclair the Scotch Settlement spent the weekend with Miss Lukes Mrs A has returned af ter spending Ito holiday in Sharon I and vicinity Miss Jessie Sutherland gave all euchre Thursday ladies being present We arc sorry to hear that l on last while work ing at the a Ptrt of his thumb and finger cut oil by saw Mrs is from a painful which j Saturday evening last amputated For eczema bloodpoisoning piles ulcers sores abscesses varicose ul cers bad leg soles hands cuts burns bruises and all skin injuries an I diseases is without equal 50C box all druggists stores or post free from Co Tor I lonto for price Refuse imitations ioi lames Leonard gave a dancing on Wednesday last enjoyed Mi party a crowd gathered themselves till morning Mr thas Davis wV are sorry to hear has typhoid 1 1 is many hope that he will recover Father Nolan of held a very successful mission here last week and also in and forty hours devotion in King Church The Iunipkin Social held in the hall en Halloween night was a success A largo crowd was in all report having an excellent time Messrs Slier man Wilfrid Michael spent over Thanksgiving at their respective We urge you to try a of Dyspepsia Tablets which gives days treatment At the end that time your money will return- led you if you are not satisfied course in chronic cases length of varies For we have two larger sizes which sell tor and Remember you Can obtain Remedies in Mis ion- only at our Recall store J It V- Drug Store round Dead Has smiling million thousand things More that I could count up month After breakfast was disposed of the mother I you to into ho library with mo dear That was a favorite resort with the little girl so she made no objection Once there the parent handing the a pencil ami sheet of parer Now write down as many of the million things that trouble you us you Of course one sheet wont a but viiu Com start on it Rather dismayed but still game little one seated herself and put two headings One read It in his will lieoltfc gone away and- Sadies to my seat maty dont like her Then She to bite and looked crestfallen Her mother kept silent allowing the little maid to gather ideas At meek Voice said I cant think of any more put it too high do not you When allows habit su ing the gloomy side of things to he- come a trait of character trials ate usually Not that one comes ful but tin mind has gotten a twist and discovers more troubles than exist The habit must if you are to live a life And it must realized The best way to secure tids is to look Carefully over your blessings As you do so you will begin to see how remiss you have been in not giving praise and loving favors for all his many gifts Mrs Anderson- 90 o Honored by Women A woman of I you Millions be- mark confi dence on Dr V Pierce Bufftlo Every where there women who bear witness to the wonder- working curiopower o Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering ram and successfully grapples with weak and IT WEAK WOMEN STRONG IT HAKES SICK WOMEN WELL No appeal I ever her con fidence misplaced wrote for the Worlds Medical V Pierce President Buffalo Dr Piervs PtUeta mild bowel movement oace a da For Oho Days Work will any Man or Woman in Magazine NKWHAItKBT which may ulctvj I dead body of David Barclay friends had been missiug siiee Tuesday was found near a wood pile in any town Or village any article fioill lltClf now All to do is secure a few subscriptions to leading monthly publication A lourspir to work will Ik sufficient to earn the article will ward In ly tree of tost to your address Among some of the splendid premiums offered are you premium you ibsoU Gold Bicycles Eland Suit Cases I Ill the farm Barrio homos arc St Mich- living on the 6th concession- on Messrs Sparks and Pearson Pick- from from visiting a neighbor she fell Barclay left his home on the concession about am on Tuesday to to v While he met friend named Harry and the two went together across lake to Roches Point on business They returned about oclock the same Barclay rowing the boat letting his horse from the hotel bams Barclay start ed out to visit lack friend He was a mile ladies about threequarters of by three young New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni- also a number of choice build- fog lots Apply to dislocated her arm at the shoulder The flour mill resumed work wee aft being closed down weeks for repairs Mr at heavy expense the of men and machinery and For Sale this six has I has the mill iu good working order House with summer kitchen pantry good basement lAt Apply to Mrs George Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket Mr John 1 lamer of this place has purchased Mr farm on the 3rd Mr Calhoun town oyer Thanksgiving visiting the hitters parents We are sorry to hear that Mrs Stephen Clarke is very ill of Lloyd town spent Sunday with Mrs here Mr Gorman not hum of Newmarket was in town a couple of days recent ly Mr Rimer Black of Linton spent Sunday with his father who is very ill near Aurora lost two hags of were in driving in the opposite direction For Sale New brick house on Ontario street rooms pantry closets separate wide verandah on trick piers also rear verandah bay window col lar full size and divided furnace downstairs finished in oak upstairs 3d Georgia pine wired for electric lights cement walks line home for farmer Come and see I Terms to suit purchaser not sold reasonable time will be to good tenant Scott Main street North concession of consisting of acres of choice land in fact it is said to bo one of tie finest farms in township Whitchurch Mr Walter who was grant ed a loan of by the town lust January to start a tannery here has succeeded in forming a Joint stock was wheat recently and the Uriel traced to the tenth line of King Mr Humphreys at King City Methodist Church on Sunday last and the King City pastor was here Mr Williams Toronto preached in St Mary Magdalenes Church company with a large amount of on Sunday as the pastor capital which will enable him to con- was away duct the business on a large scale Miss Cora Hewitt has charge of n a The company have purchased site on street south of Mr Knowiesslauchtcr house Plans tor the high school as Miss Chubb has given up same owing to Hie illness of her father a building feet four stories A number from here attended high with a basement have been Match at pared and It is expected work will Greenhouses Gorham St Cut Roses Carnations Chry santhemums Friday Flowers Bulbs Special Tulip Mixture 15c per do large size stand ard sorts and sure to flower Butch Hyacinths named sorts each mixed varieties 5c Romans Hyacinths 5c Freesiu Purity 2c Tulips named vari eties 3c each Daffodils sin gle and Narcissus White 3c Sacred Lilies Callas Crocus 2c Iris Mushroom Spawn Brick 20c 111 PERRJN ELOQUENT SPEAKERS commenced at once Should the franchise bo extended women was the subject of a strong debate in the Aurora Liberal Club on Wednesday evening The af firmative was taken by Messrs John Ferguson Webster and Dr Scrivener The negative side was taken by I Walton J McDonald and Broad The affirmative arguments pot the decision Messrs Mulloy and lames acted as judges presided There was a large attendance and the interest was keen It is proposed to ask the Stouffville club over to Aurora to debate the same subject If come special provision will be made for ladies to hear the argument The club meets on Thursday evening In addition to the ordinary business de- bates will be held on economic moral social features of the meetings make the rooms attractive to young men Revolution in China Andrew Carnegie at a dinner in New York was talking about of war Once at the height of Civil War lie said two way station saw en legs depart for a military hospit al Those wooden logs said I man are rather an pro test against war arent they Yea agreed the other they are what one would call Stump speech es Ertolaf ml tilt lie ciA clamed to look Dry ny t way for copy til our ftd our 1 1 mm 30 Adelaide St W- Toronto Mr John Wells is serving on the grand jury in Toronto Tlie from here report four doer a Miss Sylvia Tilt has returned af ter visiting relatives in Toronto The home of Mr and Mrs Robert Archibald was the scene of a happy gathering on Thursday evening when a reception was tendered their son and his bride Mr and Mrs Geo Archibald on their return from their wedding tour to Thcdford and other places Guests to the number of about forty gathered after par taking of an excellent dinner toasts were proposed by White and responded to by Mr Archi bald Mr R Archibald King Mr Archibald and others The rest of evening was Spent with music etc until the woo small hours when all dispersed to their homes tho happy every success and imaginable on their matrimonial journey life Among thoso invited were Rev White of Klelnburg and others from King Strange Cedar Mills and Holly Park Streets Han With Blood Nanking Nov The Imperial troops today descended on the inno cent Chincses of this city and before their awful work was don thousands had been murdered and their bodies had been left to lie in the citys streets With the excuse that they were striving to put down the rebellion every person suspected of having revo lutionary tendencies was killed Tin Manchu soldiers did not stop with the killing men who wear but slew women and children as they ran through the streets Thousands managed to from the city and to find refuge behind the lines of the rebel soldiers who were gathered about the city in numbers ar than those Imperial troops within but ineffective against the Imperials because of the lack of ammunition massacre at Nanking will prove to bo worst feature of the revolu tion so far DONT LET THAT COUGH ROB YOU OF SLEEP You probably know all too well how it goes Just you doze off tickling starts in your throat A gentle cough still asleep and then another First thing you youre wide awake coughing your head off A few nights of that and youre worn out and weakened that the cough lakes a tight grip on you But why endure it Syrup Licor ice and will soothe that exasperating tickling loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the mucous membrane It not only stops the cough allowing you to get sound sleep but it goes root of the trouble and drives out the cold Children willingly take Syrup of Linseed rice and because it tastes so good Your Druggist has it or can quickly get It in and bottles National Drug Chemical of Canada Limited When a short distance from the concession road for some reason or other Barclay got out of his buggy and t is supposed the animal started up the road without him It is supposed the old man then went across the fields to the house Irvine Roger son with whom was acquainted Before reaching the house he had to fence and in doing so fell on a bottle cutting the main artery of the right arm which bled profusely It being Halloween the family did not open door when the old man rapped supposing someone was merely play ing a trick Not admittance the old man turned away going to the rear of the house where exhaust ed through loss of blood he died The horse he had driven was caught about two near his own farm and tied to ice by Win a neighl or who suppos ed tin old man was calling on some of neighbors Consequently horse was compelled to spend the night in the cold roadside As it was customary for the old man to go for or two at a time visiting friends his ahspnce a first crcaUfl no After two divs search was organized on Thuredav to find the missing man David who was unmarried lived with two brothers George and John at Barclay CHARACTER NOT REPUTATION THE GOAL Think less of reputation than of self-respect- Give vourself grounds for believing in vourself and will have no need to worry as to the others have formed of your ability If we were as anxious to stand well in our own eyes as In the eyes a outsiders if we exalted the crown of selfapproval the commendation of the world then we should realise that character arid not reputation is the real goal of effort Nervous Condition RESULTS PROM KIDNEY TROU BLE minister said last night said 1 Dont be afraid of givin your life worth to Skates Boxing Gloves Books Write today for one of their catalogues A postcard fust to win one of premiums will to MAGAZINE 143149 University Avenue TORONTO CANADA other folks Why whats the in And 1 use of said to mv wife For Sick kidneys make you feel sick In a number of ways and it is now known that a nervous condition often results from kidney trouble When the are sick the whole oq comes irritated causing headache- ditzy spells fits blues thats says I Theres the miserable sinner Hed sooner a beggar Would starve than give A cent towards buy in naer I our ministers prime he Is Hut I couldnt quite determine When I heard him it right and left ust who was hit by his sermon Of course there couldnt be no mis take When he talked of longwinded prayin Peters and Johnson sot ami scowled At every word he was savin And the minister he went on to say Theres various kinds of A religions as good for every day As it is to bring to 1 dont- think much of man that The loud amen at my preachin And spends his time the following week In and guess that dose was bitter enough Hut noticed he didnt open his mouth Hut once after that to holler Hurrah said I for the minister Of course said it quiet Give us some more of your open talk Its very refreshing diet The minister hit em every time And when he spoke of fashion And out in bows things As womans passion And com in to church to see the styles I couldnt help And my wife I thats vou And I guess hat sot her ttinkin Says I to myself that sermons pat mans a queer creation And Im much afraid that mo3t of the folks Wont take the application Now if he had said one word about My personal mode of Id have gone to work to right myself And not sat there J Just then the minister says ie And now Ive come to he fellers f Whove lost this shower by using their friends As sort of moral- umttrellar Go home says he and find your fault Instead of your brothers home saiu be and wear coats Youve tried to fit lor others My wife she nudged and winked And there was lots of And lots of at tour pew It sot my blood Says I to myself our minister Is little bitter Ill tell him when the meetins Im not that kind of critter- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to His Home for Weeks Heavy work severe fitraiiiini- evil habits In brought variety I Laid severe and up a week at a Iick ihiyUutoU rue an operation wis lay iuiy I it veal found out all iney- sqiai ski wrote tc- 1 got slow month was J for months ma ICiiimuncidtoiok day my Low no I wo so much my- condition IlenlvLvd me to conut ra Kejtc Kennedy uLe ha trttnent t 1 Jhoywoa iuare ski il I wrote the- 1 nut tot Tun New anil in nd- I p arn we in a mac lira a treatment mil never loose a day I your Valuable treatment HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED BLOOD the prevalent and ftofasl disuses They sap very viciui ml ttiiiesi era fraud system will cause firl raw Mercury in euros all blood symmonu our NEW on acts later Iowa your broken j vitally you the man you the dagger SlgoaUf you lost hop to marry your Leon you cur it her It you Conioltition No matter who treated ycu write for an Chuc Book Free Boyhood Uanhood Fatherhood Illustrated ten Mod NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PRIVATE No or Confidential tad Coil of FOR HOME TREAT Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Mich rtT 1 letters Canada must be addressed J a W to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- i ra i went in Windsor Out If you desire to see 113 personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and no patients in Windsor offices which are foe Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windior or our private all know we are miserable hers but we bate to other peo ple make the admission or us Slickly throat and coughs heals he l rnrrr SECUREDi out attacks rheumatic pains weak eyesight dull tired days and a constant inclination to to worry over trifles Booths Kidney Pills strengthen sick kidneys euro backache regulate urine and to normal con ditions are guaranteed- All dealers sell box postpaid from tho T Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie you would like to test them free write for a trial box SHOT IN A SALOON Western Canadian papers have pub lished the following press dispatch from Washington State Yesterday morning about two oclock a saloonkeeper named nine miles south of the boundary lino below Creston shot and killed a Swede name was unknown Swede accused him of taking too much and remarking take your change out this pulled his pistol and shot him dead Later when all was still dragged body to a slough but being observed by another man he emptied his on him slightly wounding him then taking 1000 with him to Port Hill and into Canada but doubled back his tracks and was caught todav this side of Forty EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Public Notice is hereby given pur suant to the Statute provided in that behalf that all persons having claims against tho estate of late of York County marble dealer who died at Newmar ket on the day ot September are to file with the undersigned solicitor for Mrs and John tho executors of the said lull particulars of their claiua properly proven on or the day of November 1911 as immediate ly thereafter the executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets amongst those parties entitled having regard only to thoso of whose claims notice shall then have been received WIDDIF1BLD Sol- for Executors Dated 2nd November 3w42 the business of aart others the iy of Preliminary advice Chirttl dente tftitact pijt and tA EARS Trade Lnjone ndtm a and Hin Lit til fUboctchxro itloa I I- Line CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA tickets at reduced rates now on sale at any Grand Trunk Ticket office Full particulars from Grand Trunk Agent or address A DUFF Toronto J Agent IF YOU ARE GOING TO OR- Rot rates and time cards Call on local agent Tr Toronto to Van couver 1020 p daily For tickets and Sleepers apply to L ATKINSON Agent Newmarket a t l I I I I

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