Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 17, 1911, p. 7

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r a fl f THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER T SEVEN Weeks SOTO Voting Next Monday Volo early or the Auto next Monday morning and dont wait to be sent for Opening of the Liberal Campaign Announcement Have You Seen the Comet is now visible oast about five oclock in the morning In a cloudless at the hour named looking eastward it may be seen with tie naked erf Hi occurred to you thai there until Christmas ff would remind that our Stock China never was j w ml handsome styles and endless variety to choose from assortment for 15 A roil a fine selection for tin and contended lint although faience a support I New Grocery Store A new grocery store is being erects on Millard by Mr Joseph Wesley for Mr Fred to meet the needs of thickly Settled residential part of the I town He Will no doubt do hurry trade in that location about the meal hours OK NEW LIBERAL LEADER Hall Toronto was packed the doors a hundreds turn ed away on Tuesday evening when Mr KC leader Liberal party in the Province Ontario mode his public ap pearance since his appointment His speech was an tensity tie mani festo Issued several days ago alter was lead the party Mr Howell firmly announced that the party was opposed to the so- called bilingual schools of the near future and in of the boundary Ontario should have suitaWe port on Hudson Bay for vessels most important con sideration requires the early settle ment of this new district ing irrespective of party realize that one of the diniculties and perils out situation in Canada Is danger of a cleavage in interest and id da Is between the East and West If you believe in the policy if you have faith to see the glory o the which lies before us and cour age to undertake the and re- which that future de mands i this to the Kip Van Winkle policy of the present Government I appeal for your eon- Mr Howell extolled agricultural possibilities of Ontario but drew at- Our The Colonial Theatre Quality China The mOVingpicture show has fr will you double attraction on hand for these on even set days and the crowd on Wednesday Oar lT night was ell pleasel The extra Bowls for saxes you at numbers on the are given by it Family of Hall and At low prices lor eye coo on our ds at China and Tom 1 specialist and luai miy song and win- Da v sun it Hie York Co is Tnft and Canal ill should not prevented from par ents they should le taught the 1 to the decline In rural in all of the population The province the 1 propose progressive measures for the On he reiterated tho stotement in J improvement of present conditions of his manifesto that the would agriculture and these the speaker discuss the question during he next promised to set forth length in his term of the Legislature and snhmit address at Friday a the conclusions to the before important was that a I general election Commission composed non party was returned to power he said partian experts Ik appointed to con- one of the first acts wo bo to re- sider the problem of declining the Ontario mid latiou and Municipal Hoard which its eluding probable technical instruction actions has become a public disgrace in and fruitgrowing He strongly a more pro- rural policy in with the of Northern Ontario and system of the pro- A IMPORTER OK STAPLE FANCY CHINA China Hall Grocery Newmarket and I lollard Landing ami have men and teams There is still quite bit to do in the at Huron street letting the water in f Holland Landing the is clearing the course the canal to opn water On his a man got a slight cut near the eye with the other daV Mr time The Temperance Question de Howell to le who said Hon- W I Maek occupied the chair llumcht it was great honor to Ai tlcri leader of the Literal Party in to Referring to the We do not hesitate ho the desire of the people for progressive social and moral reform Mi a We will ve early the matter and will forum- policy upon the said there should the Government can iiss judgment at the next it ro ot the Fruits now arriving we have NEW CURRANTS NEW RAISINS NEW TABLE FIGS CANNED CORN PEAS MATOES BEANS AND PUMPKIN NEW CLOVER HONEY SEC TION OR STRAINED Quality Guaranteed THY OCR BLACK AND JAP AN TEAS They arc Good Ones The Leading Reliable UptoDate Delivery Phono CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Furnace for Sale slue good as new Cost Will sell at half price En quire of L Jackson Newmarket Boys and girls Can up hates Some people need to be reminded that SnowCleaning ByLaw is i force in Newmarket Delivery sleighs were around town Wednesday mors the first of season Vote early next Monday and carry the Auto ByLaw Winners of prizes Bell Piano are given in our advertise ment columns Our merchants commencing to show Christmas Roods Busy as Nailers Office Specially Works are il luminated every evening The are working overtime so that one de partment will not be waiting on an other when moving some of the ma chinery to the new building Another connection is being made with the town water main on Water street For lire protection The new engine will be tested next Monday morning This will drive the dynamo that runs the motors in the new building Lovely Flowers production of flowers at Per ms Greenhouses has readied that point of quantity quality that orders ar being taken for outside points and shipments are being mad be a department election not in the to investigate eon- referendum but as the Policy fir in order that steps be we willstmd fall taken to prevent the growth of slums lie blamed the Whitney Gov ernment for the conditions which ho alleged were to he found in rural parts of the province where the population was decreasing Mr King declared that the prison reform work now being done by the Hon Mr was start at the wrong end The fifst thing to do he claim 3d was to protect the honest or Meanwhile we now submit for the of electors two important specific proposals The first is the abolition of I ho vote necessary to by laws Another plank in our platform is that during the continuance of the license system we will secure the re moval of its administration from political influence The Whitney Gov- hardworking men rather than to at- eminent promised to remove the license Administration from tempt to reform the criminals He thought also that the Government should take steps to prevent the spread of tuberculosis A branch the Government should be formed to gather and disseminate informa tion on the best methods of prevent ing the spread of disease In Con clusion Mr King blamed the Whit ney Government because work- politics and apparently attempted to do so for a time but soon yielded to the spoils faction and conditions have been growing worse give the present Government credit for the fact that at first it put forth a vig orous effort to enforce liquor laws but recently there has been a serious relaxation The only satis- men were killed in the Dominion every factory rented year He claimed that manufacturers a commission y is the appointment for whose acts the Gov- public am ii- Si should be compelled to cost of loss 0 life just as they had to bear the cost of accidents or dete rioration Workmen should not bo eminent will be directly responsible Taking up the subject of education Mr said Education should be one of the supreme concerns of our compelled to go to court in order to Government but we find unrest and gt justice A Chief Justice was now dissatisfaction throughout he the auestfon hut work- due to muddling and men wanted to get away from chief I of educational affairs By justices the mcUel schools Mr opened his address by the Government deterred young the enthusiastic of means from entering come given him by the gathering I the teaching profession The result which accepted as evidence of has been the almost total interest in Ontarios I pea ranee of a new supply of male the board has made itself a disgrace and has lost the con fidence of the people And If we re organize there wont be any double- tracking of he con cluded O A Bargain Indeed Two cents a week is exactly what- it costs to guarantee you great est treat you ever enjoyed That Small amount per week or year will secure you the greatest amount of newspaper reading to he social and industrial After teachers a serious loss schools bad on the Continent paying a tribute to the late leader and a scarcity of female teachers and VOCAL INSTRUCTOR of Toronto will he in Newmarket on Tuesdays and Thursdays Studio at Mrs Geo Church street roses Strange as it may seem some People send to Toronto for flowers that get at own door and save express charges Patronize home industries and get the best first cost Hun A Muekay Mr it Is impossible to secure properly that he had not aspired to qualified instructors We believe that to Toronto almost daily The demand leadership but that having regarded restoration of the county model in just now i for chrysanthemums and to duty prepared stitu tions and Increased grants to to devote his best energies to it common schools would greatly lln- to Explain P Mr Rowell claimed Sir James The School Whitney had failed to explain why health oft pupils vital the election was brought on interest and medical inspection iu Lie and suggested that the real schools of Toronto as In many cities rasons were a desire t forestall Dr of the States and report on ain has shown good results but in Minister of Education for Ontario Miss SOPRANO Will accept concert engagements and Transferred The High School Board has been notified by the Ontario Dept of InicuHure of the transfer of Mr W J the resident director in North York Essex Centre whore Iks will have charge of till work of the Dept he having previous to his appointment to Newmarket been assistant in the same district Mr John has A is the schools and wish to take advantage of the position of the Liberal party in the province After referring the obligations of Address Newmarket 0 Music Store Toronto care of Miss Marie Strong the a Government In to social and industrial betterment Mr on the efforts now being mado in Great Britain and the United Slates to solve the pressing of the day Canadian Liberalism was l0 in full accord he said with the conP has not issued a single regulation or suggestion as to how medical Inspec tion should bo organized In our schools The question of hools Mr continued diiiltcd of pupils in singing ll of l District and we are advised strugglo In Britain that his services are immediately available making We regret the removal Mi social reforms by has aroused great public interest Government has failed to declare its policy although strongly urged do so After seven years Department the Government should be ready io avoiding the wards who was just getting acquaint- perils which menace society both in with the people of this community I Great Britain and the United States U The annual Mothers Meeting of the T held at heme Mrs Heath on Nov large number was present appropriate readings on lines light refreshments were served a pleasant social time Was spent by all The rul meeting will be held on at the home of Mrs Win Everybody welcomo at our meetings and hardly down to business in his Departmental work STRANGE The Branch of jork Womens Institute November Mis the North held their meeting at the home of here After the business of the meeting was os of the members were invited jo the dining room where Mrs Alex and Mrs Gillies Prepared to give a demonstra- Jon In table setting and serving a dinner to A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the ladles who so kindly entertained us all went home had been one of c lest the Institute had ever held ooo Christian Church The eightyninth anniversary of the church will be celebrated next Sun day also morning inc pastor win conclude his series of sermons on the principles of the Christian Church Subjects a m The Union 0 Christen dom Good Cheer for A cordial welcome for all- A Chemical sermon to children in the Sunday School on Christ and Sin defend the conditions a and JjJaj It the Government does not know in real conditions then the Administra tion is incompetent and Inefficient The supreme must be j firamfather the welfare of children and from l town Mr Rowell then up the standpoint we cannot support of the development New either the extremists who which comprises of prohibit altogether the use of entire province French in the schools or of The Government instead wo have no English taught in Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal By odds it is best family and farm paper ever In addition lo the Paper a most beautiful picture is included It is entitled Home Again and is well worth a dollar alone No home In Canada be it ever so rich or ever so poor can afford to he without the bargain OHIJia Boy Shot RIFLE DISCHARGED Nov Sixyearold Francis McDonald son of Mr McDonald a died today as tho result of injuries sustained yesterday when a rifle accidentally exploded McDonald and several other boys were watching who is fourteen years of age loading a 32 rifle weapon dis charged mid the entered Mc- Now is the time you should wear Good Boots II IS- Northern Ontario Donalds forehead He was to the hospital but despite all efforts expired this morning is the son of Mr T of Detroit and was staving with his W this Nursery Stock a tried to wake them to the importance working knowledge of English of the problem Mr said tho child is handicapped In life has patty proposed to create a fcr avenues of advancement open Wo believe Buying Cheap to Save Money is like Clock to Save Time Newmarkets Exclusive Shoo Store Repairing Noatly and Promptly Done i b PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 1 Hi Department of Immigration and Col- 1 him It is the duty of the smallest baby ever born In Huron county was left by the stork at the home of Er nest A nee and wife near St It is a boy and only 1 lbs Its hands are larger than a mans thunm nail I Aside from Us It is a normal healthy child s it is said The Census The record Census Bulletin of the Dominion has just been mado public and contains the complete census of towns and Following are the figures of those places in which our people arc more or less Interest ed Aurora 1279 Bradford MM Holland Landing Markham Newmarket Richmond Sutton Weston sets at rest the population- of to state oniation with a Cabinet Minister at therefore to see that every child re- its head and advertise Northern a thorough English education Ontario all over the world Rut l would not seek to Railway Reforms FrenchCanadian children Waning Mr Rowell emphasized the reforms their own mother which the Liberals proposed aw concerned about is that in connection with the Temiskam- should master Railway should be ignorant problem largely ooeof teach- Before ordering trees write us fur our Catalogue and prices or see our nearest Agent We are the largest growers of fruit trees in Canada Pull Apple Peach Pear Cher- salo Friday I and Plum trees Our trees are noted for their line root system and largest limb growth Our nurseries are patronized by the largest and progressive fruit growers of 100 Canada Write for an Agency The Drown Bros Co Nurserymen Ltd Brown Co Ontario DEPARTMENT this store your Butter Market and save money We will place on lbs butter at lug and Northern would restore Us pr actor as road hrouh adequate under the jurisdiction of Dominion I Railway Commission subject it to municipal taxation subject to the court- i u win- every school and pro 17 tar the respective towns and villages of Send the ERA to absent friends the County and vicinity pclling litigants to secure a flafbeforo entering actions it- The rail way should be extended to Hudson Bay within the confines and other branches constructed as required by the development of region Further Extensions We further propose that rail way should bo extended to a suitable outlet to Hudson Bay And brandies required lor the development of country ho said The great dis trict of is still being ad ministered by Dominion Govern ment It has not been divided the Provinces of Ontario and Manitoba boundaries of both of these provinces must bo extended and administration Our policy is briefly to provide through adequate training schools a competent supply teachers and thus under and alow it to regulations that the pupils in Instead of com- rc and province a thorough English Mr after passing references to conservation the regulation of trusts and reform of tho Ontario Railway arid Municipal the civil service and electoral laws clos ed wijh an eloquent pica for main- of Ontarios premier place among tho provinces which together form most progressive loyal and factor within the Empire so aptly described by Mr Balfour as a coalition of free nations of the things Liberal party would do if returned to power continued Mr Howell would ho lb re organize tho Ontario and Muuiclpal Railways Board By lis recent lb iV This Week -o- Sets pes dainty ware China Jugs for each Not moro than two sold to any individual o 1 Nov Fire night entirely destroyed the carriage shop of Reeve Cameron Norwich A large stock of carriages and cutters Bulk Teas Black Mixed or Japan at contain more quality and on ground fl were saved value than any 30o tea on the market and a tea peddler would- ask loss on- the building is partial- you for inferior teas covered by insurance Nov The assizes opened hero today at one oclock Chief Justice Sir William pre siding There was no criminal busi ness and the judge was presented with traditional white gloves Tnir civil docket comprised five jury cases Marshall v was a case for damages arising out of automobile- accident The defendant was mulched for at a farmer trial On appeal to the Court of 5 HOWARD Prize Winners Tones Miss Wallace 1st Miss 2nd Cash Paid On Calling These Inhibition Instruments are now on Sale at Factory Prices peal now trial was directed Today R mm was settled by payment organs Weekly Pianos weekly and up ol Hi action was dismissed t- The BELL Piano Organ QUKLPH ONTARIO Limited without costs The plaintiff sued as administrator of her late husband who was killed by his horses running Kstablished away I 1 OVER INSTRUMENTS NOW IN USE OP mm

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