Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 17, 1911, p. 6

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1 NEWMARKET ERA scale AGENT ALBERT My DONALD GRANT MOUNT ALBERT CHURCH OF Divine service will to held day morning at 11 am Friendly Societies Hall A welcome t all on Sun- in the heart v GUILD LITERARY The next meeting of Guild will ho held Wednesday night Nov The program as before Indicated will Ik- one exceptional interest Don I forget the date METHODIST CHURCH The L Li No will attend divine sccvicc in Methodist Church On Sunday evening Nov Gth at oclock The pastor Rev will preach- The public are cor dially Invited to be present man III Armstrong Bailey A Mainpric Harrison J Old ham Ancient History I Took Lapp Bailey A III Moore K merfeldt Harrison Ian- son Form Algebra I Watts Ross Pickering It L lVarson Godfrey city attending the wedding Mrs- Nelsons sister Miss Mr Win Pero went to the week Mr Lake late of given consisting of songs recitals etc Those for the arrangements arc wot of all praise in their laudable effort are toilers of needle of They are toilers of the needle ton is now at Campbelllord station it may be said not in mortals to command sue- Local News The Hell Telephone sent a from Newmarket to look o the lino last week The funeral the lute Mrs Crock er too place on Sunday at Briars Hill Cemetery There were about one hundred gentlemen Six acted as There were a number of Our Toronto In the Assize Court last Tuesday the jury brought fl verdict of man slaughter against Wilkin who stood charged with Killing his wife Another case where Intoxication I Its deadly work Vigorous He Ihe work J J ua a lid cess Thev have done more they descno All that is required to bring this Associated Charities last Monday about is constant succession j nilit to ask churches missions to cooperate oil Christmas chasers and ornamental articles Which they will offer at most opportune time when are thinking of purchasing l pres ents for their friends- By putting so as to avoid double donations to any one Chief Inspector of the License De partment received a message from PRKSBYTKRIAN A Urge delegation from Sab bath School ami Guild attended the Convention at on day of last week Among them We noted Mrs 1 Cameron Mrs Ross Miss Sheridan Misses Leek 10 Kir ton M Hear Rev P Cameron Mr John and Mr jr Ill L I Watts Walker K God frey Literature M Pick ering I Watts r auspices of the the CONCERT A under the League will be held in Methodist Church on Monday Nov An interesting program will given by the following talent Miss Lila Mr Gorge Barker Mr gene Barker Miss Stephens Miss Mildred Miss Miss Ruby Six posters for particulars PERSONAL The numbers of the Wo mens Institute paid a visit to the Mt Albert Branch on Thursday last Mr John French has returned from an extended visit with friends in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Mr announces that he i is not a candidate for municipal for Mrs II of is in town on a visit to her fa ther Mr Richard Mr John Terry of Cobalt was in town this week on a Visit to bis mother Mrs John Shields of Toronto was visiting friends in town last week A number from Albert and cinitv attended the Liberal tiou in Newmarket on Tuesday Miss Gertrude Moore left this week to take charge of the SCllCol at Bit Bridges II L Stokes HI Godfrey Science l M Picker ing Lome Stokes L I Watts Godfrey I Pearson Ross J Goodwin II WalktYi Geography I M man III 1 Watts M Walker funeral Mainprize L Stokes God frey Stokes Goodwin Ross L Pearson Mrs intends giving a lant ern lecture tt Knox Chuich Wed- Rev Sinclair is holding special at the Church this week is a moving picture show of the Coronation at the Town Hall Thursday Friday and Saturday l again am delighted poll Mis John Oldham is be about the house John and Oldham are- a very and re- to Mrs couple never woid and ha iug a dis- much you thus- view the neighborhood postals of Sutton at A fll Grant only each j ft tfsR Moid of a pretty severe type 111 l vi Mr Geo Cruder of home night for the a rough spoil with those who visited Fair brought licit will ixmsc Tuesday eVining trains deer from the Sudbury district In the on Tuesday a number ol men testitut that Joseph who murder ed lames in this city last May was then and is now incapable of realizing what he had done a vote of to the City Conn Oil diciuVd lo of North Toronto to I em- CONTINUATION SCHOOL Report for September October Names in order of merit Form III Annie Bella Cook Barbara Armstrong 5 Harri son Grace Marry Bailey lean Oldham Lapp George Oldham Annie Gra ham Floyd lj Robert Form Daisy Watts Mabel Pickering Godfrey Nettie 5 Hen Lyle Stokes Mildred S Max J Lyman Pearson 10 A Walker Stokes Form Law Russell Grahjui Howard Brooks I Shaw Byron Armstrong Clark Toole 7 John The following pupils obtained honors in the subjects mentioned be low L honors or cent II honors or W per cent III Thirdclass honors or per Cent Form III Algebra I a Wage and Oldham Bailey Cook and III Geometry I K Cook Oldham Lapp A Mainprize Armstrong a Harrison A Graham Arithmetic I a Bailey Harrison Cook II Armstrong III Wagg A Harrison Wellwood Physics I Cook None HI A Mainprie Armstrong M Moore J Well wood Chemistry a Graham A Main prise Cook Bailey W Oldham Moore III Wellwood 1 Annie Mainprize SUmiierfeIdt A Harrison Bailey B Cook M Moore Harrison Armstrong J Oldham Lapp A Graham Oldham Wellwood Latin I None A Mainprize III A Harrison French I one II A Graham III Bailey Composition I A Harrison Mainprize roerfeldt Oldham Bailey Cook Ill M Moore Armstrong HarrJ son British Lapp M Moore Latin M Pickering Godfrey 1 Watts III Ross Louie Stokes Stokes It Walker British History Goodwin him Pickering Watts Lome Smokes L Stokes Composition I I Watts II M Pickering Walker HI Godfrey L Pearson Stokes Ross Lome Stokes Harman Goodwin Grammar I Watts Ross Pickering Ill Pearson M Walker French I Godfrey Watts L Stokes Pickering Ross HI Lome stokes Walker Form Algebra I Law Graham Brooks Geometry Law It Graham Ill D Shaw Armstrong P ill Brooks Science I I Law Graham Toole Shaw Brooks B Armstrong Croucht French I I Law Brooks Toole Graham B strong I Grammar 1 I Law Toole Shaw III Armstrong Latin Graham B Armstrong I Law I Shaw III Toole I Law Toole Graham P Brooks Shaw Armstrong Literature I Law Graham III Brooks CI Toole Armstrong 1 Shaw I Blackball Fire The town bad a scare on Monday morning when it became known that the stove pipes the Town Hall which is being used as the school house had taken lire Flames and were seen issuing from the chimney and at one time it was thought likely that the shingle would take lire Ladders were se cured and pails of water were got in readiness but luckily they were not required Mr Nelson instructed the children to leave the building and this done in perfect order of the people iMurdock Chapman is having Aid chairman of the Hoard of Works in presence of of citizens drove the fust them home as a souvenir of spike last Tuesday afternoon on the new car line on siuet His Royal me on Highness the will Albeit inspect the veterans on the the big show is chock is mil of joy but you can put record as saying that James is ditto ditto ditto they Government lawn in this made a comfortable of clearing i city and caking up their fallow James Hon Frank Cochrane Minister of Albert did sows elegant work with Railwajs and Canals came up from I the NorthWest breaking plow well Ottawa Sunday evening and spent named Judges such work it J most of Monday in conference with is No I Sir James Whitney Hon J J The cold snap caught many Hon It is have i Good and Well SO will a Pleasure to show Them A Complete Stock Winter Foot Wear BOOTS AND LIGHT FELT Goons Complete Range of Clarks Mills Insure Warm Rubbers and Sox for the Sloppy Weather We have them Cheapest for Years Local News- Our Slock of Groceries is Always and Besides we you fi Bars Comfort Soap for Best Extracts at Worlds Best Oil gal With Lots o Other Prices just as Interesting you We will not only SAVE you Money but MAKE Feed youi Poultry PRATTS POULTRY GUARANTEED EGG PRODUCER We Stand Behind Try it and Be Convinced Package A Every THE CASH STORE J pin It was as severe as I stood they discussed the political of for this time of the year 1 situation in Ontario with regard to look for Indian Summer coming election- lowl by a mercurial disturbance long The seventyfourth anniversary to remembered j of Frank Tomlinson has again Church and The funeral the late Miss been dabbling iu real estate This ell streets was observed on Sunday Virginia place at time he has purchased the Robt Rid- 1 last rfith appropriate services St Jamesi churchyard Tuesday j del farm En Little Hell a fine pro- Ml is biting blistering dimming afternoon petty but bearing unsavory name curse against everything decent Rcv R J Campbell of London Tidy Tommy has everything snug and pure Thus did T England will his lecture at Bond and for winter Another ex- j Humble arraign the traffic last St Toronto on Friday Nov of his long head is the way Sunday night before a large he has shot out sparrows from an gat ion of the British Welcome League We hear that Mr Herb Mann of entrance to his barn Outside is good The steamer City has sold enough accommodation for the at her- dock here on Monday k Owe- to the census returns imps across the lake in ice tt Sutton has now a population Bruce Riddel accidentally ran a J from the water line to We are glad to JCW QUEENSVILLE j Gibson were being conveyed belong ing to the Lieut Ciovemor was hit by a street car at Ike intersection of College Si streets on Friday evening one was hurt South Toronto Conservatives rve hear that Mr large spike deep amongst cords house Geo who had his leg broken and tissue his knee the other day i o the pilot Tops of cars from the north were all covered with snow Eighteen by a runaway team is now able to It may make him permanently lame inches of snow reported in New his bed J The past summer season was The Social Mrs Travels in aid pleasant but veayshort one- The of of the funds of St lames Church on trees were in leaYjust five months Place fell down stairs on Monday Friday was largely attended and be- Nature is now dormant awaiting and the two pails of hot water he six and seven hundred dollars day Spring was carrying scalded his arms and was the result Elections Provincial elections arc legs He was removed lo Send the Era to absent friends now at hand If J Cane should Hospital We are sorry to bear that Mr bo the Liberal candidate for North The members of and Frank Arnold of Virginia is in the York Uncle give him a panics the Royal Grenadiers under hospital Toronto plumper and the right hand of walked from Messrs Brooks Brothers the paint- lowship Such a man I can and do Saturday night into the have made a very satisfactory respect city a distance of miles It vision A and George A for division B as party to the Legislature at the election month It was thought that J I L Starr would oppose Mr but he backed down at Tuesday nights meeting A tcport is quite current i circles that i furs are to be found on the markets dyed goods look ail right but the quality is not there Lands At per acre in Edmonton District easy terms of DAVIDSON Mount race job at the Methodist Church Man About Town A SUTTON Personal Mrs Boat tic and child of Toronto have been visiting few days with her narcnts Mr and Mrs Johns Dr Stevenson of Aurora was in town Tuesday Reeve Arthur Pugsley was in the city on Wednesday Miss Wylder is staying with her sister Mrs Beatson Miss of Orchard Beach was in town on Tuesday Mather of paid hur ried visit to Sutton and Virginia last week Mr James Anderson Ainslie Hill returned homo from the West last week Mrs of spent the weekend with Mrs ALhert Jacksons Mr Miller McDonald was Kes wick on Tuesday Miss Stevenson of Toronto is stay ing with Mrs Jacksons Mr Clark was in the city on business last week Mr J Woodcock was at on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Hector Cameron are in city attending the funeral of Mrs Camerons mother Mrs Jack son- Mr and Mrs Crocker child have returned to the city Miss Barnard is on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs J K Bar nard Mr and Mrs of Michigan spent the weekend with Mr- Mrs James Mr Alma Lake was la the cltv on Thursday Mr Rcrt who was teller at the Metropolitan Bank aero has transferred to Parkdale Toron to Mr J South of is the new teller at the bank Rev of Mount Albert was In town last week To Mr and Mrs Will a son Mr Fred was In town last week Mrs P Kelson and Reggie are in Shooting Accident Theodore Prince of street Toronto while tramping through tho niarsfl near edge of Lake not from Port Bolster was shot in thi leg by a charge from his own gun while duck hunting He earring his gun muzzle downwards and tripped over a snag I This threw him forward and some- how hammer of the gun struck g ami discharged the contents into Mr Princes leg The accident hap pened or miles from the camp but was rushed there on a stretch- by comrades where first was rendered Next day he reached To ronto by rail and was taken to his home and medical aid summoned Bolster near where the accident happened is about miles north of fOOQf Purging the dross They do took six hours to make the that William Edward I officially distance notified three soiled of Sutton Torontos filtration plant so far that their room was preferable to jus its main features are concerned is their society Therefore they have now completed Th3 last load of flown My head is so lame I cannot think M Mrs Wm Arnolds sale was well attended on Monday and the stock which was in condition sold well The weather on Monday was cold sand has been depositedJato the last of he filters Sir Wilfrid while in the city on Sunday attended service in St Andrews Church and was pres ent at the baptism of the infant soar of Rev and Mrs Crawford Brown It will he remembered that Mrs Brown wife of the pastor of St Andrews is the daughter of Sir Mel ville Jones and Sir Wilfrid was pres ent at marriage Two children were sent to the Hos pital this week bitten by a eat with rabies the children undergoing the Pasteur treatment For having milk for sale composed of 10 per cent of water a Chinaman was fined in the Police Court on Monday One woman and men re- 1 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO E Osier president Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL RESERVE ASSETS A branch of this Bank will be established in London England on 1st July next at This Branch will issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description ol banking lysines Information will be furnish on all Canadian matters cial department will be provided for the use of visitors and bearers letters of credit C A General Manager Li but bit seems to be little now is some talk of a new house Mrs L of Toronto is spending a few days the home of being built on the line All flu tter father Mr j provements are welcome The Ladles Aid of the Presbyterian Mr Wellington Sheppards wind- Church held a very pleasant meeting i mill to all outside appearances looks at thy home of Mrs J C McFarland to be read for work on Tuesday The hunters returned Tuesday night with full complement of enough to he tlk- middle of January passed examinations at tho College of Physicians and passed away on Sun day as the result of an accident the day previous the Relnhardt Brewery when Ik fell from scaffold His lung was pierced by broken rib Th fifth weekly outing for business girls was held last after- Mr Wilson Sweet has moved nearer Belhaven fish markets Best wishes follow him SUTTON WEST I 1 Copying Framing Enlarging A A E MILLER Farms for Sale Business Places If Buying or Selling Write Us noon by the Somers of 3W acres East Training They assembled at Sunnyside and walked to Long mile from school not far from a shot a beautiful black bear- Dr Wilkinson of Newmarket will address the League 0 the Forward Movement for Missions at the morning service on Sunday Nov 19th A good attendance of League members Is rcouestcd Tho Boy Scouts have received their badges and have their club room com fortably fixed up for the winter The patrols greatly interested In a Competition for new members higher standing etc the winners to receive a camping outfit Mr Is improving his by cladding It with cement j bricks thereby addin greatly to appearance of the south end of village -088- SHARON very consequently church attendance small The ladies of the WA of St James Church and their friends in- tend holding a Sole- of Work and entertainment on Thursday Nov 30 Judging from the busy work that has been going on for some past and from the preparations already made for the entertainment this promises to most successful func tion Tho sale will he opened at pm and will with vals for refreshments until tho even ing when a highclass concert will On and after Thursday and Friday September and MISS TERRY WILL HAVE HER Fall Millinery DISPLAYED AT The Reliable Store The Increase in General Store Trade strengthens our prospects of a Big Millinery Trade Call early and get just What you wont deer and in addition Mr J Lewis weather on Sunday was not Branch The girls lighted fire on good market Town land level and a rich clay loam 140 acres under cul tivation acres swamp roomed frame house bank barn and other out buildings rural mail delivery eVee- tric lino mile away On very easy terms milofl from miles from StouRville acres under cultivation acre orchard 9 roomed stone house bank barns implement and piggery Terms down balance arrang ed acres miles from Goodwood good soil under cultivation win ter grain all in and ploughing done bams on each lot good frame house aero orchard plenty 0 water build ings all in good repair Get our terms miles court land all clJared and under cultivation rich clay loam soil land level two good wells windmill wa ter forced to house and stables roomed frame house- hip roocd KESWICK the beach and Cooked their own sup per On Sunday Rev Dr Barclay High Park Avenue Methodist Church asked his congregation for towards erection of a mis sion church building at the corner of St John road and Lee When the collection was counted there was found Saturday Sunday and Monday were terrible stormy days on Ontario the wind at times blowing miles an hour At the annual meeting of the Laymens Movement on Sat evening last Rev Dr Donald McGilHvray of Shanghai China a Presbyterian Missionary home on fur lough declared that the Chinese re volution would probably be good for tho missionary cause there as the now would bo an improvement on the old Robert In the was found dead In his bod on Sunday morning last by his wife she went to call him Heart disease WestWard Conservatives will hold a convention this evening to nomin ate candidates to the Legislature at the coming elections The meeting is to bo bold in Brockton Hall and a lively is The carriage in which Misses bank turns good stalling underneath other outbuildings all in good Terms down balance arranged at per cent acres Brock una from Sunderland cul tivation balance in pasture and tim ber small orchard- clay loam land slightly rolling frame lo barn and other outbuildings cash balance arranged Kfin 50 Good clay loam well No waste soil Buildings fair Get our terms Purchasers stock and implements acres in the of County of York mile from Albert J mile from church from Post Office all cleared acres under cultivation good clay loam soil acre of bearing orchard plenty of good water comfort house good bank bam d other outbuildings Terms balance arranged number of clients want ing to exchange Western Ian Is for Eastern lands Have vou anything to offer S A f BklTPA

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