Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 17, 1911, p. 3

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peeks OH nmervo Wednesday THE NEWMARKET ionic of the Pwtry Horse at heir last is laid or a build tog The frame work will now pro ceed and the rootwill be on in a Res Islands lit evening the cruise to the South Sea Great preparations particulars later Work ft sale o Fancy nor Aid St Pauls Church l lilt Court iom King George Ho le Police Court fanners are the Will near Holland having a dispute over a pig Col Lloyd hear next Tuesday to settle the matter Read for Tire new stalled Sec- Death at the Nome Last Sunday an old man named Michael passed away at Industrial at of years came from and has hem an inmate for five rears or more Old age was the cause of loath He was interred Plot on the farm Practical Sympathy Master Workman Allan and Record er Hughes lpon Monday evening ant presented her with a cheque for hems the amount the ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER All Alive A Time for a Change aad a Man lor the Time Walton of Aurora Receives Unanimous Nomination Considering the short notice call ing Liberals North York to gether a the inefficient advertising the meeting in the Town Hall on generosity of paying the expenses of the Liberal candidate for of having Ugh and thought he should expend some of his surplus cash in Tuesday afternoon was pretty well paying the expenses his picuks attended and quite representative but without calling on outsiders for was nothing compared to former si stance he gets gatherings the and what It rough with this he will nil been had proper and more somewhat of a picnic another extended notice been given character on the December president Mr is high lime that corrupt took the chair and the meeting pro- were eliminated he said and Winter furnaces have just been Messrs It Osborne Hie ftich for Mr 1his street Mr Andrews and Mr Lloyd They installed a in Mr Geo A new home Prospect Found Dead A man named Walley who worked at the Tannery and lived with his mother on Ave was omul in yesterday had teen in the states tor weeks and returned home the I of liquor in usual way to nominate Mr Howell we a champion by candidate to represent the moral reform nonexistence in the approaching Provincial the Model School and its disudtuirt- ot lie live Broke the Shaft last week a horse i one the down stores vert restless at ADMiee lied tow the Special Notice Owing to all wholesale houses In our of charging strictly I am compelled to put my busi ness oh a Cash Basis so on and all ownei and jerked and Wood and a until in some manner j lh horse I irtei one choked of the shafts Assistance at onto re- ffou Feed etc must be paid for at when ami ordered or upon delivery H- Eves lifted lie situation Womens Institute A Mr Allan Howard has sold his res idence on corner of Prospect and timothy t Mr Jos was a splendid attendance at Wft0 takes possession in about one last Saturday Mr Howard intend to build the home Mrs pew residence for cost yt Mis Lehman Newmarket gave I Spring id paper on The Home- Lemon has bought one of and Mrs Albert Scotts houses Park Ave at an interesting reading present occupied by Mr The next meeting will be held at the bonu Mrs Penrose 2nd Whitchurch worth League The meeting last Monday the direction of market Society Hoard met o Saturday evening no appeals against the There were no appeals ol the Judges and the were ordered to paid by the MisI Treasurer Mr K Robinson and a very interesting I amounting to entries this paper was Miss I numbered II5S an increase on the present trouble i China of more a hundred at any pre lowed the missionary report for Bradford district by Wilkinson Monday- evening the Literary and Social has charge and a d program is assured air was a great On tin whole the success the Icounts were also passed at the above meeting and arc parable at the A Special Car On Tuesday evening a spec at was engaged by the Liberals to af ford an opportunity of hearing Howell Esq in Hall the questions of the day When Treasurers office on were 2a left here there more got on at and after leaving Richmond Hill was full There was general satis faction expressed concerning the new leader and hope of the Liberal Party in elections next Methodist Church Sunday will be the las ie vice in the Town Hall nixt Sunday all services will be J in the Sunday School Department until the Queuing of the auditorium Rev of Toronto will be the preacher on Sunday ov will also address the Sunday School in the afternoon This will I in the form of a platform meeting There will be special music assisted by an orchestra and other teat ires lo nuke it an interesting and opening New Methodist Church The radiators were putting the work back arrived on Saturday morning and on Tuesday evening heat was turned on the building the Another shipment art glass arriv ed on Tuesday and the building was pretty well day The balance of the glass arrived yesterday and two men are putting it iu The masons and plasterers are back and the work is pushing along satisfaction The Carpenters have about finished in the School and the painters expect to conclude the finishing coat by Tuesday next enclosed the following say this now and as up to their decision elections The scrutineers reported the fol lowing nominations Lewis Toole of Mount Albert L Jackson of Newmarket W l of J I Davidson of Luke Gibbons King Hill of of Newmarket J M Walt On of Aurora The addressed the audience and resigned in of Mr J at Walton his Choice iHnng made oft motion of Mr Lundy seconded by Mr Andrew 1 Davis of Newmarket amidst enthusi astic cheers Mr was then introduced and was warmly received Ho declared that he accepted the nomination not as a matter of personal congratula tion but as the standardbearer of the Liberal Party and it was a tattle lor principle that he would fight not in his own strength but backed the strength of o staunch Liberals all parts of the Riding lb Whitney Government taking vantago of the situation though with a majority of in the House it should been strong enough for anything had forced an election up on the Province an election of several months at a very busy time of the ear for trades and when municipal oHieers should claim passing attention and IS months before the term of office expired for which condition of affairs they will have to answer The Liibeial party is not complain ing nor cast down by defeat principles of the party and the re cord of the past is a stimulus or present action while the vain boast ing of Mr Lennox and King City that lie wanted a tight and diil not want to elected may put an end to his selfgloriiioation Our opponents to say that it is not welt to have the House in Toronto of the same political kind as the one In Ottawa It is our turn to them to live We staid upon our record as a Party the breaking up of the Family Compact the intro duction of Responsible Government vote by ballot and enlargement of the franchise and we are not asham ed of the Party How does your blood take it to icceivp such a chal lenge when you think Hie nun that have represented us Win Lyon Mae- Dr Widdiiield lion J Hon A ft Ladies Underwear Heavy Knit Vests and Drawers In and White 25c Unslirinkable Natural Vests and Drawers a It Our Great Seller Is Our Vest is Nothing to it Mens Underwear From 500 to Mm Hoys to from to I ages the bilingual question Northern Ontario were all touch ad upon sbow- the incompetency of the Administration Russia had A greater Czar he said than Sir James Whitney oi House He explained Hon Frank bill that was passed in an afternoon by which private rights Ignored and the Province made richer to extent of one million dollars The inaction of the pro- ines that to exist in Toronto one of which was by a grand jury called for strong condemnation Also in the of the Revised Statutes of the for which are not yet pub and for which has been paid to the Commission to- with the sum of for lunches Thats a sample of the proposed economy ot Whitney Government Mr made of suggesting that this was a Itaruyaid Campaign 1 The Government had done thing hut the fruits of the Liberal Ad ministration duties liCtHises Temisk and spent the surplus which they found On bund It time for a Change We have good cause a good can didate and a Rood leader with a large vision and North York Liberals win election The meeting closed with cheers for the King Walton and Rowel The Reason is here We Handle the Same Old Makes and Pair are a Little thMper Last Year w Sugars will be Much Cheaper later on rooms are Much Higher and Still Going up in Price Buy Your Christmas Early and Currants are both Advancing In Price Canned Cherries Canned Plums Canned Peaches Fresh Herring 10c Kippered Herring RUNTON SI A lust Let me in ing that should one Say my mar riages are null and void they are Is A FALL STYLHS STANDARD PATTERNS stating positive untruth that about as gentle as I can it Alex Mackenzie Pauls Mens Association The the AftoVe was held the room oil Wed nesday night with a number in attendance A musical program was given sting grama phone selections songs and duets Games etc were also indulged The next meeting will be held on Wednesday Nov for which a dhate is being THE LADIES For le Hay Mare Harness and Waggon Co Cars Collide at on the Met ropolitan line on Saturday last a local passenger service car collided with a Newmarket car causing quite a sensation The local car had switched at to allow the distance car get in front the Newmarket car stopped and tXe car close behind ran with full speed into the of the big car curse some of the passengers those who were standing ere Considerably shaken the fenders of ears were smashed but serious results occurred will he in the opening the Sunday School Davis Sir Mulock on Sunday Nov AylCsworlh The carpenters putting- in the Walton referred lo gallery stairways and will rush the period in Wales when work in the auditorium next week that though in number they were strong in grit Depot land with emphasis that found There is considerable life about J rand Trunk depot these days A good deal of heavy material is Coin ing in and the exports are numer ous Messrs Greenwood and Mot- call shipped two cars of hogs and cattle on Wednesday spouse iu the hearts of he declared a historical the people were small the Liberals 0 North Yolk die old Liberals will know why I We have a right to Ik respected by our opponents and under the leader- Mr Howell K a has taken Mr A Howards place ability integ- Mr is buying for Mr Upright ntfW of character the while the latter is away deer- Party will continue to wiekl hunting in this Province and the Canes are Shipping live or North i York will put up six cars every week Two cars of onoraWe light to give him skowers left this week direct for you will win Liverpool for die English market needs most of all more pro- spotless ad- Reform Rally It is announced that Hon W I Mackenzie King President of the LiiAial Association of Ontario will address a public meeting of tors of York at Aurora on Tuesday evening Nov 21st Now lot there be a grand ralL- on the occasion Mr Mackenzie King is an able and other addresses may also lie expected KESWICK Big Reductions in Millinery LOT ONE Fell shapes nicely trimmed latest style r to to clear SI LOT TWO Fancy Dress Hats ranging in price from to for LOT THREE Hats in Velvet and Silks to for Mr Editor allow me space in your pa per to correct a wrong report and one which has placed me in a very unfavorable light in this the validity my marriages The report was starled over a year ago last September when performed the wedding ceremony of a couple who came to me was told then that my marriages would be null and void because I was not Ca nadian because was not a member of the Ontario Christ ian Conference Before performed any wedding ceremonies over here I lirst of all carefully looked into the law which gave me the right to mar ry I asked Dr who was the deputy registrarmineral and got his advice which was favorable me I consulted some of our local Mr Puller will occupy Mr David lawyers including one in Ottawa and house when is finished jvcry one said that as duly Mr James King returned from the ordained appointed pastor hospital last week It is to he hoped here had as much right to marry I that he will continue to improve He Mr J spent Sundav with friends in Maikham All the threshing is in these parts The Ladies Aid at Mrs Jesse Cou nties last Friday night was very successful spent enjoyable evening Dr Wilkinson the Missionary Pres ident of Leagues of the Bradford district will address the league on Sunday night Mr Ezra King has finished the cement Mr David house Mr Davidsui our genial barber is to having good luck hunting I CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS t I at all in Canada and in London Em New York Chicago Spokane- Mexico and Newfoundland Every ol Banking transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will ha a heretofore- NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS I I A English market Tho Office Specialty shipped a car to kce Winnipeg- this week and also one to and mintsratlon for proper of this province and I predict no Duncan morning Nov clock a very interesting event place at St Johns Church when Miss Nellie ol Margaret IXv ma and granddauter of Mr and no Flanagan of Queens vi lie was married to Mr Frank Duncan Mr Mrs Frank Duncan of this town Rev father Whitney officiating her travelling of grey broadcloth and largo with white plume red charming She was given l her uncle Mr Wn attended by her cousin Toronto who In becoming suit with hat match while jroorn was assisted by his broth er Mr Duncan he grooms gift the bride was gad watch and chain to the bridesmaid sunburst f earls and scarf pin the ceremony the bridal jr We driven Locust Farm home the brides mother and where nmWr of hvl assembled and Partook delightful wedding Mr Mrs Duncan received many Presents and left on the amid showers of good wishes Vancouver That midnight sneak is around again On Tuesday night he Pried Up ar Llb- window at Vie station the broke open a drawer which Contained nothing of value took the keys and opened room but apparently disturbed nothing left the premises without obtaining a cent for his This gent is go ing to nabbed some of these nights it is to be hoped that lie will receive just punishment and Buffalo their return the- will reside In Peed the to absent friends I Lis such a Permanent place In Home that wo have added a Few Pieces in this lino to our stock which we have Marked at Prices to Sell Quickly Our Stock Silver and waro Fancy and Chime Clocks Most and at City Prloes Ask to our New Coffee Strainer the Most Unique Ar ticle of its kind over placed Sale A CO and P Ticket Issuer of Marriage will again govern this grand I Province Ho asked for a comparison of the two parties Charges had been made all over country about ballot switching ans stuffing but the To ris think nothing of disenfranchising the old Riding cutting it up for po litical purposes so that you would not know ft He contended that County boundaries should not bo changed And again the electoral frauds are now carried in the Courts of Revi sion which in mdstl receive more attention if the Reform Party Is have Its own Many of the of the late Government are subject to criticism and tho rights of tho elec tors should be regarded If elected Mr Walton said he Would attempt to be fair and try to be fearless In the discharge of Ms duty Mr Walton said conclusion that the had no intention of a candi date but submitted to the urgent rc- quest of many friends He asked for party support of the electors not himself bub for the party ho is t I represent and will go Into the itlon to Redeem North York Hartley K of To ronto was the next speaker and for an hour or more Ire laid open in consistencies and arrange ment of the Whitney Administration- political in Provincial Elections be appeal to and are therefore of great im portance They dealt with education moral and social reform taxation I agriculture care of the feeble and In sane development of our north try ami ration of justice dealt a backhanded blow at Mr H Lennox for his unnecessary has been away six weeks The Womens Institute Keswick will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs John Warriher on Wednesday Nov at oclock On account of having to postpone last months meeting will have the same program Miss Blanche Morton will give a reading on the of Simplicity Miss Winnifrcd will sing Mrs Fletcher will give a talk on Physical Culture for Wo men All are welcome ZEPHYR r J I Miss Laura Horner Is home again after visiting friends in Newmarket for the past two weeks Ben Foote has the foundation for his new butcher shop Pickeiiug arrived home on Monday from the huntinggrounds This company secured three dee in our days hunting Mr Wlntorsftcin has purchased the house of Miss M Me Lei Ian We shall be pleased to have Mr Winter- stein In our midst but will be very sorry to Miss She Intends moving either to Goodwin Or There are few villages size Zephyr can boast of as fine a barber shop as this burg has Frank Raham the proprietor is an expert barber J as any oue here in Ontario To quote the law from the Marriage Act which leads The following persons being men and residents iu Canada Solemnise ceremony of marriage I The ministers and clergy- nun of every and religious denomination duly ordained o ap pointed according to the rites and ceremonies of the churches or de- nominations which they long The first rule governs my and that of every minister of the Cn- Conference 1 am resident In Canada am the pastor of Newmarket Christian Church I am ordained I am a mem ber of the Christian denomination ami as such comply with every phase of the marriage law as required That my citizenship interferes with me has no foundation in fact Tlie congrega tion In the Christian Church here call a Hindu South Sea Island er here and so long as as lie was a resident of Canada duly ordained ho has the right to perform the cere mony ot marriage The Ontario Con has nothing whatever to do in the matter The right to solemnize marriage Is not a denominational right but a one granted to me and others by the Provincial Parlia ment But to be sure of this point I wrote to President the Con ference here and to the members the Executive Hoard of said Confer ence This is what they say Rev Percy Fletcher Keswick says As President of 1 Conference I declare you the per I set right to marry Mr Secretary Con ference says No action on the part of Conference would make any differ ence as to the legality of the mar riages performed by vou Prof J N Dales of Drayton Ont says So far as I can learn tho question of Conference membership Is not relevant From the office of the Attorney- General I received the Your wisest course is to act as your predecessors have done Now Mr I have other quo tations from the former deputy re gistrargeneral other lawyers but I do not wont the public to ho both ered with all of thorn I have acted all way through within my rights and desire to acquaint tho public with the results of this enquiry It was very annoying to me I assure you foy it me out a criminal It was very annoying to the many couples I united lor If they were not legally married they were then living in licensed prostitution and for their good nam I make this public I We Wonder How Any Woman Can Get Along Without GOLD DUST TUESDAY Nov Ed A Sutherland Lot will dis pose of his horses cattle imple ments etc oclock mos crtdlt on sums over J Kester auctioneer She wouldnt try to if she but knew its count less uses and time and laborsaving aid Theres nothing about the house from cellar to attic that GOLD DUST will not clean and do it better and quicker than soap or any new fangled cleanser GOLD DUST does not give a mere touch-and- surface cleansing but makes for thorough through- cleanliness everywhere Because of its superior sterilizing power no trace of impurity can linger in its wake GOLD DUST is economical too a little goes so far does so much Try GOLD DUST for all household cleaning and see how much time and hard work you save yourself GOLD DUST Is sold In size and large pack ages The large package greater economy D i1 tha GOLD DUST TWINS Made by THE K COMPANY Makers of FAIRY SOAP the oval cake Montreal LJ I At Reduced Prices to close out balance of Seasons Goods 1 T- OP ONTARIO JBJMJ lmWwji l- 1

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