Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 17, 1911, p. 1

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ivTViirS rtSJi vri PERN TOTS NOING BASKETS nor CRUMB TRAYS SMOKING BONGS at WATSON STORK The Era acknowledged to be Beat Leading County Paper as well as being the Oldest in York County TBRMSS135 per annum paid In advance to the United Stat No Paper sent outside North York unless paid In advance A fine new assortment including Elegant Chime and Hall Clocks feet his No trouble to show them JEWELRY STORK J- JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor J I Newmarket Ont Friday Nov 17 1 No Single Copies ots each GRAVITY WASHER 7 op Rockies Saves Womens Lives in Makes Washday a Pleasant Day r New and Practical idea Out Toronto alone washers in use in Think This Over did Mother do tin- washing wash w ash How With How did your Grandmother With a Washboard How did your GreatGran Imothet With the course tieing still further back they washed with a wooden Pounder well instead of going hack or standing still why should you not go lie rounder was good enough before the Washboard came In And the washboard was good enough before Washing Machine was invented the washboard is as much out of date as the rounder ami the Wheel or other relics th olden times The washboard way is the slow hard wearing way Hard on the back bad tor the hands wearing n the nerves making muscles and sore is why the 1900 Gravity Washer lias been instantaneous success is growing the favor women everywhere Because it saves all this labor and annoyance by doing the washing jtseU PHONE HARDWARE NEWMARKET ONT The Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very convenient The money can be withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should one die Interest is paid from the day the money is deposited and continues to the day it is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH F FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard Owing to the fact that the Mine Owners demand SPOT CASH tor all coal shipped to Canada it is necessary to sell it the sune way After 25th will be sold only for cash with order or on delivery P Pearson Cor Church and CARTERSFRED BOWSER AND BISHOP Phone New Fall Materials Are In with knowledge of what should be worn this season Wo invite you men to look them over Because we behove you will find this new stock full of sug gestions Before you buy anything for Fall lot us you YOUR NEWMARKET PHONE MAIN ST 1 Try Cord of our Short Hard Wood at a Highest Cash Prices Paid for Grain or cord W H V Three million live thousand dollars is the price Toronto will have to pay or the hospital on this broad American Continent It was announced a few days ago that an additional would re quired to complete the new General Hospital College Street Toronto Contributions already reach JjUOuoo and the Province will be appealed to for this required to com the institution It is current report thai I will be removed to West on in the near future World moves and vent ions furnish of proof Just now Mayor Engineer Uust are talking of introducing cars system for certain districts of the city- Overhead wires and poles will be required of course but ears may swing out from straight purpose line to pass other Vehicles a success in England so ate said Canadas Trade Commissioner Holland Mr Brest sent in his resignation to th Ottawa Government He formerly resided in this city doubt the Borden Government would hate recalled him had he resigned John was arrested on of last Week while in the very act of through a window at the of Ho told the that be Just took method of gaining c- to the house to seek a friend He woit play again ai hat sort of game for some mouths to come That newspapers have ore t do with moulding public opinion than all other This was the subject of debate held under Ihe j pices oi the Intercollegiate Union bet ween Victoria and SI Mich aels College Victoria won the de bate taking negative A great many motorcar and other accidents in this city arise from the people not paying attention to street t radio To remedy this it is propos ed to decorate the streets with this jsignH Don on the sidewalk doubt in a lots of the Grand Trunk Pacific Bailway Mr iVheclor mountain and topograph who is at at Canadian o ft r the mapping oil the district He Says We have a great of material collection of photographs Cannot We just 10m- what is Very nearly mil Circuit around Boson the high est in the The peaks and Valleys lakes and wa terfftlls in all side of it and the are Very the The is immense aud wor for as to come exploring mapping ami lie There is of high peaks and large snow fields glaciers southwest of a he There are also great peaks- up the and to line- The most showy part of IS Iht- Pass and Glacier and the to has I hoy it is In addition to the Mr Wheeler reports that ills party lave Collected over tiUO of ani mal and bird life and a botan ical as will This llon whith wasprgajiitd by the T P has been aj most successful cue and when its results are printed will be fircat value Tle acts now known bear out the general impres sion that the territory contiguous to the division of the T P will surpass that which can he seen en any her the transcontinental lines city without looking busy section of the pie do attempt to cross before they look For allowing children under of age to visit his movil picture show unaccompanied by parents or guardians John Beamish had to in cash in shape a line in the police court Now will the movingpicture showmen bo good The political atmosphere in las well as in the country is unite cloudy It rumo red that tie ttil1 be running mate for Mr- in j North Toronto instead of his od division Williams carpenter re siding at We fell an street car one day last week and received injuries which proved fatal J On Tuesday of last week three au tomobile and one motorcycle drivers had to over cue hundred dol lars or fasl driving in the city After all the warnings and lines im- it seems singular that Auto and cycle drivers dont profit by the lessons taught in the police court I Trains from hunting grounds in the North have been handling lots of deer carcases during the past week a vast majority cotton tails with a few sporting horns I The first this season of the Workman gets Damages Montreal Nov 10 Hidge Weir today rendered his decision in the famous Workman case condemning the defendants to pay Dr Work man and ill the costs in the case Dr Workman sued the College ioi for wrongful dis missal and the ease has been some thing of a sensation from the start to the prominence of clerical wit nesses called upon to testify During the reading of his judgment Hon Mr Justice Weir commented in rather SCVore terms upon the testi mony given by some of the reverend gentlemen Reduction in Price of Cement In November it was announc ed that the price of cement had been reduced That announcement was ad mitted by many as a Corroborative the opinion that I the merging of the Cement interests in Would prove a good thing for the public The theory of a consolidation such as tlK- Canada Cement Company is that the consolidated interests are in a position to effect economy in he production and distribute n That the Canada Ccnnmt Com any are working upon the idea of increas ing consumption by lowering prices rather than curtailing prodnctii n and obtaining higher prices is shown by its Presidents report to the Shareholders tle last annual meet ing when he stated It is confident ly expected that he Increased and Increased output will re sult in further savings in the cost of swimming exhibitions of the lad- ami distribution and it thO C A St J took place last evening before ST lI lh0SC a large and enthusiastic gathering The compolition cats especially Jurthor evidenced by the Miss Beaton were really wonderful announcement which was made on Floating in various position 1st Mil of a still fur- ami back somersaults logrolling reduction the price of cement and swht swimming and sink- The reduction sonic districts is b exUaudVing all air from the barrel and in others the ilungsctc formed part of her ex- average I his reduction with the re A large hotel is being erected at the a yearmeans a very terminus of the York Radial Rail- lo hl nent consumers In Port Credit and the work is being rushed to completion despite the of the fact that local option mav oh- cost v iced by the President tain In the township after this year o will be It will he known as the M again next year so that the House and is designed for a Sum- W W J A Toronto bank is also R reductions Rough Lumber ani Inside Trim Saab and Mouldings of all Kinds for Trim mer resort erecting a large building for a branch office Mrs Browning of Bracebrldge who was visit to her brother In this city was taken ill one day last week and dicu before aid reached her The doctor said it was heart disease Bev John A Starr of has been appointed a Commissioner with the power of Police Magistrate to constitute a Juvenile Court In to its customers enlarging uses to which Cement may be put The Feeding of Cuttle The Toronto Weekly Sun of De cember will contain a talk with Simpson Ronnie on cattle feeding with special refertnee to the market and feed in this exception al year Mr is full of this cltv specially to deal with in- fnr n venile The appointment nude nnder alio Dominion Imenile Act Mr Stair been f J by phone or from carters Bowman Hy Trent Boyd NEWMARKET ONT pastor Of Allandale Methodist Church for ov two years During week a Boston broker named Richardson was arrested in tho King Edward Hotel city He one copy will be worth a years sub scription to any practical feeder You cannot afford to be without the information given in this talk The Sun will be sent free for balance of to all who subscribe now Is charged with the theft ot WM A ami to bo with- delay Miller McCormlck known as the Sky Pilot of Navvies was In the city for a few days recently A fire out early Thursday morning of last week at the boarding house of Mrs Caldwell Church St DO IS REASON You have placed all the large ber ries top and did about damage Cause jj 1 ft I Thai saves you the lug through the box for them 50 YEARS AGO From Era Kyle Nov 12th Mr The New Leader in Ontario Died on Emma eldest daughter of los painter aged It years The markets state that wheat Is telling Yellow made use of at the last iiumlcipal election is i mute a stir Tic list annual Conference the Christian Church elected Elder President Mr A Samuel Trcas Preparations are being made Tor the Upper House election Mr of is of as candidate The is composed North York and South Slmcfe municipal corporation of Hol land is not working very smoothly an agitation has sprung up In favor of back into the Town ship Aurora on tie other hand is thinking separation J Pass the By Law Next Monday i AND 25 YEARS AGO From Era Kyle Nov i with todays issue of the Era is a supplement being an open Bring the Auto Factory here tejg A to Public questions of that day in The spirit of progress is in the ait In answer to questions Sir Oliver vindicates and there is every that that the town would have Government from leanings to loan the Harding Auto- cess to all invoices company at wards the Church Borne mobile Company to locate in present 12 to men Mr- left Monday Newmarket will pass without a but during the busy season employed I lor California to spend the winter vote in two shifts keeping t failing health that will add lo our open and day There is no pro- The thermometer marked degrees sirable population that will give em- of the industry failing withjwlow freezing point last Wednesday to men who support families i fivs years toy which time momne and thus contribute to the general of liie loan would paid to make j fclgnt tramps were quartered in the welfare of the town is all times mortgage secure on the balance Lockup during the week desirable accomplish this one of the ium t i things suggested is invariably lt considered was the result of carrying us have more industries- io oh- the various ByLaws submitted these industries it is customary log the past years every one of Mr 11 Cane spoke the A young peoples party took prosperity of the town which he j Councillor last to throw out all sorts of inducements which he had supported He believed including five sites bonuses present proposition was a good Hon from taxation etc but this one lor the town Someone had said time Newmarket has an Opportunity to him Was not- the auto to grow without Increasing the bur den the pople The ratepayers evening and a jolly time is reported York County Council is in session this week Warden in the chair ten are evidently seized with the value the proposed new industry for the public meeting last Monday evening was best attended that was ever held for a similar purpose Mayor Pearson took the chair promptly and called upon the vice- president of Board of who the all business overdone lie thought their con- earns were paying larger dividends than many other industries and there was room or the prices to come down and still leave a good profit A great many machines were being into Canada against a duty whichalone would be profit saw no reason why they be made in Canada and this and he should not right here was of the prime movers in Newmarket The tendency and well with all lories is to locate in cities where the details to inform the meeting better shipping facilities are afforded Mr A was and it becomes necessary for places gratified to see the large a tend- situated like Newmarket to offer some- at explained that the compensating Indi icemen t to Mr announces the sale of his farm stock by auction On the of Zephyr correspondent reports that snow ell in that neighborhood to a depth of several inches last week Mr the new grocer at the North End while putting a barrel of molasses down cellar the head came out ami the contents flowed over steps and down to floor Thanksgiving Day yesterday a Union service was held in the Meth odist Church Revs Webber J C Smith and took part At the Whitchurch Township Clerk am it the cellar Automobile Co- of London who have been in business for two years and manufactured last were desirous of mlarging their prem ises but do so would require Mine financial assistance Ho knew for fact that 115 orders were cancelled if the present ByLaw should carry The business had been built up Mayor Pearson remarked that iictsfor sgivi Of course it would not do Esq every proposition In the past thej- of the Municipal- Councils have exercised good resignation Two In their selections and every the Council for thing has turned out well He felt Place viz confident that this would be market last was with poultry and dairy pro ducts i the father and son who are thorough was proud to reside in a town mechanics and hard working teople a people toother which Tlay could very easily get others to was not the case III some places art when join them so far as investment is heir growth retarded concerned but to do so means share of prOUs which men they are entitled to In re- so county returned moving location they desired to get nearer Toronto which is one their best markets They WW just cases on- the Court docket last took his scad hunters Mr On Saturday last referring this part of York Co from grounds and pretty the town to loan at 5 percent- ami tree taxes for ten years except school taxes they will spend on site buildings aud machinery give the town a first mortgage on the entire plant not to ask an money the town until plant is fully equipped and in run ning order tor weeks to em inent Mr It P Schmidt was strongly in ploy at least the hist year and repay the loan owners would keep the est in twenty equal annual MfMU nada hut toi very little extent portions and our own town He was sure birds among their friends Hot every industry aided in the past had forgetting the editor returned ten fold to every property- A mouthorgan band paraded Main holder in the town He had no doubt Street Monday evening about the success 0 this industry A gilt sign adorns the front of casuso the people why were In it Hardware Store had made their money by hard workj The High School Literary Society and had confidence In further Invest- entertainment in the Town Hall this week was a decided success ill speaker and the Mayor had mauo KoUh enquiry at London and find that the chances on this of the men is above only factory ta proaoh proroso to have a mak ticl and would result In very great benefits to the whole town Italys little war has already cos about a hundred and twentyfive mil- working capital of a feet long a To feet wide and two stories huh Mf MoKav the they expect that before the end of too rents was duo to tho in- year to employ about men Their line of manufacture is business shoV been runabouts and light delivery vans r within the past vears grocers butchers ami bakers etc the Mr Brunton considered that the in- niechanics more houses to build was a good thing for the town but cautioned the property holders about the necessity of polling their Mr j ealed upon votes as tho Act requires twothirds himself in favor of the By- the possible vote in Its favor to voted carry the thus everybody during demand in the And what was puzzling him was to know if there was a site in the town available Mr assured him that the Co had already a site which was perfectly satisfactory it was practically secured Meeting closed with cheers for the King I sucn who has stays home prac- spoke of the t against the ByLaw West for such vehicles The Woman Alive to lier own best interests as there is need will help her whole system with the tonic action of Ottawa Nov 10 The Cana dian Pacific Company has opened negotiations with the Mines Branch of the Government to pur chase its entire peat plant at Alfred Ontario The desires- to continue the industry commercial lines and supply the City of Montreal in particular with peat fuel It re gards the success of the Government experiments Q incontrovertible proof that peat production in Canada has now become a commercial enterprise of much importance mi III All women should read special directions with every box ScU la 4 Pa says you keep everything here said the young son as he came into a general store I guess your pa Is right said the merchant And pa says continued the lad reason you keep so many things is because you do hot advertise No More Dandruff J PATTERSON KNOWS WHAT IS MAKING CLEAN SCALPS In to rid your scalp of filthy dandruff you must kill the germ There is a hair dressing called Pari sian Sage which is now in every town In Canada It is guaranteed by J Patterson to eradicate dan druff stop falling hair splitting hair and scalp itch in two weeks or mon ey back It you have get large cent bottle today and rid yourself of it Remember that if dandruff are not destroyed in time the hair will surely fall out and baldness will follow I

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