The Way It Looks Sir preelec tion manifesto supposed to outline a progressive policy or his Administra tion in the future is disappointing even to many of his own political party To besure it is long enough in all conscience but practically about toe only new suggestions for the future is the avowed attention to do something for New Ontario and By taking Lydia PinkhamS the creation of a new Department in Vegetable Compound the Provincial Government to be The following letter from Mrs known as the Department of Tower Rock will prove bow unwise ir It Is for women fo submit to the Hon Adam Heck as Minister in dangers of a surgical operation when charge In the mind and thought of for Sir James to policy for tSan the development of New Ontario For more than six long years he has been I fullered severely with a dis- which the vast replacement I could area of that part Province for J presents but the enaction of his ministration appears to have been in ffiStWtti accord with his vowel when without much relief in Opposition that it was land and at last sent me JacV Pine and Rocks Now Out lie to Ann Arbor for appealing to the country his re ar operation I was lo fie Ontario in the c came home suffering Sa worse than before too much device to allure My mother advised favor of the electorate than an me to try est conviction favoring a of Vegetable Compound and I did Today am well and strong and and do all my own housework I owe my health to Vegetable Compound and advise my A Peep Behind the Curtain friends who are afflicted with any female complaint to try it Mrs It No Paw Paw he Michigan declared that bribery and corruption If you are ill do not drag along until to an operation is necessary but at once take Vegetable results of late Dominion the Conservative press of thirty years it has been the stan- remedy for womens ills and has especially figuratively speaKmg positively restored the health of thou- held up their hands holy horror at Bands of women J the mention of such a and and anon since have demanded proof the allegations Quietly abiding time the Globe allowed Conservative to have their swing until they hold enough to boldly challenge the proof Last Saturday by way of reply the Globe just drew asid the curtain and lowed a peep behind the Conservative operating camp down in Glengarry After pointing out that the people are ho evenly balanced politically in many constituencies that a cou ple of hundred corrupt electors may and often do turn the scale the Globe gives the following as sample of how the game was worked The other day Mr McMillan the Liberal memberelect for Glengarry exhibited a roll bills containing al most six hundred dollars that had com direct to hint from the Conser vative campaign chest in that con stituency The men who received the money knew the name and the political record of wouldbe bribera wellknown Toronto Tory They learned that he had big sum money to corruptly and I was Crippled could hardly walk and had to down stairs at times on my bands and knees My doctor told me had an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism I was in the hospital for weeks but was scarcely able to walk when I left ft I read about Dr Maes Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start and for the past six months I have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever JH Sanders P O box Rockaway Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism but Mr Sanders tells plainly what Dr Miles Re storative Nervine did for it One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of Nervine makes an ex cellent remedy for rheumatism which is now known to be a nerv ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves as does Dr Mile Nervine Sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Dr Miles Nervine with salicylate of soda under a guarantee that assures the return of theprice of tha first bottle If It fails to benefit At all Druggists MILES CO Toronto Can Our Western Letter ear as in ill sis The Womens Suffrage Association of Toronto is taking active measures for securing the enfranchisement of women Margaret Gordon IJGM president of the atovc Association has written a lengthy letter to both Premier Whitney and Opposition Lead er asking that the privilege now accorded to women in municipal elections be extended to Parliament ary elections Tie privilege may be delayed but it is coming Winnipeg Man Nov An early cold spell has been followed by fine weather for threshing and this some what work is going on with all speed is far ahead of Saskatchewan in this respect and any losses that may- out of delayed threshing will fall upon the two further Western Provinces Manitobas fields almost cleaned up at this writing The closing months of the find Winnipeg business men hustling to keep up with trade demands and build- busy to close up work as far as possible before winter sets in Some contractors are working day and night their work forwarded and the Sterling bank building on Portage has been closed in at the rate of a story a day the contractors a record for bricklaying in Canada on so large a building The Development and Industrial Bu- reau of this city has in hand plans for one of the best permanent exhibi tions on this side of the Atlantic This plan includes the erection of a building with 10 WO feet of floor space and pJatc glass on two streets in centre ot the city This building will be used for Bureau offices and for displaying the of Canada natural and in- dustrial The project is the- out- come of a proposition for enlarged quarters that has been before the Bu reau Executive for some months and is calculated to make the most effective means of publicity for Winnipeg and the West that could PRICES a Reg Price 100 Burdock Blood Bitters I OS ft Our Price 75 Paynes Celery Compound 0 50 Fruitatives Williams Pink pills three for 50 Kidney three for 50 Chases K Pills- 25 Carters Liver Pills 25 Thomas Electric Oil A f 18 20 18 Ml mum Kia GOLD FISH IN A GLASS GLOBE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY BOTTLE OF Cherry Bark Cough Swop I be devised I Details of the Winnipeg Business Mens Excursion to Ktirope have been 3 worked out and the trip is now on a Jg basis of receiving and dialing With will be business Should they bo extract ed out out for Dent be too booty and They MAY be caved Curt wrtH flva Our dytc you SUCCESSOR TO NEW YORK DENTISTS tnder date of London Nov a cablegram states that the free dom of London is to he presented to Karl Grey of Canada The despatch further states that four other will be present at the presentation viz the Duke of the Mar quis of Lord Aberdeen and Karl Minto The people of Cana da will lie pleased to learn that Karl Grey is thus to be honored DUST KILLER A handful in a line YOU SWEEP absorbs the dust brightens the floor and cleans the carpet One free trial for health ALL GROCERS A A banking authority in Toronto company to hold and realize on the assets of the Sovereign Bank to a reporter Of the Hear said Sover eign Bank shareholders may not lose a dollar except the use of their money since the everything has been settled Mind irj I do not say this a an inevit able certainty hut you may take it as a reasonable possibility Hover- el Hank shareholders will be glad if the assets pan out as well as indicat ed Packed In and for use in stores office and public buildings Application to Notice hereby given tht of the city To ronto County of York pro of Ontario woman will ap ply the of at be session thereof for a BUI of Divorce from her husband John i Mechanic of teid City of ToronU on the ground of adultery at Toronto in province Ontario the of August f Toronto fit Toronto for castle of Mr McMillans advice took the money offerer to thern for their votes and turned it over to the Liberal candidate There is evidence available to upset a Hut while wholesale corruption failed I its object in case ihes garrlans with their One loyalty to their candidate and to Liberalism there were no doubt thousands of dollars expended in iarry that did not come bade to Mr McMillan iA there were bun of of dollars used elsewhere In the same way The dark hand also in in North Vork notwithstanding the purity declarations of he BOTES ft is stated that on account of the weather unfavorable and reason not having been at all profit able the has extended the season ten days from the 1st of means the season will close day A press despatch from Winnipeg says Complete figures of the votes cast in the recent Dominion elections for all constituencies in the Provinc es of Manitoba Saskatchewan ami Alberta show total vote in these three provinces of Western Canada of for the Liberals and for the The total Independent and Socialist vote was in Manitoba the Conserv atives have a majority of in Saskatchewan the Liberal majority totals up to and in Alberta the Liberals led by The time for petitions this year for Option elections next January expired on the last of this month up to Which eighty have filed The friends of regard the as a social evil will put up a strong fight in these eighty municipalities for protection borne and public morals ft The Dominion for business at Ottawa on Tuesday of but according lopesseor respondents the Capitol new have simply been marking lime and exception of for the balance of the have practically little ready for It is announced that Mr Howell the newly appointed Liberal leader will open the Ontario cam paign at a Mass Meeting to lie held at Hall on the evening of Nov next Tuesday I his onsl ratin vill Mr ft wells entry into the realm of Provincial politics the new Liberal I leader addresses will lie given I L Kin President of the Ontario Association i Hon P ol villi- and Mr A Hacker the To ronto organizer A of music another gar dening embroidery a childrens page of stories and several good short stories and make Canadian Home Journal for November as en tertaining as It Is interesting helpful The minister of many mar riages encounters armi6lng incidents some of which arc relat- Id by Imagine the embarrassment of the man who suddenly he midst the that he has no ring or the lady was large nnd I while wetting In the ac cepted Way heard a boy call Do you applications The excursion kept to executive heads of and financial houses and will un doubtedly be made up of the very best men of the West together with 11 eastern men who will represent their houses The itinerary will include- these points inOrcat Britain don Liverpool Manchester Crewe Wolverhampton Birmingham She I field Rugby Northampton Bedford Derby Leeds Bradford Carlisle din burgh Glasgow Lon donderry Giants Cause way Belfast Dublin Chester and Bath Side trips to the continent will take those who wish to Paris Berlin Hamburg Rotterdam Brussels Hook ol Hol land Munich Salzburg Store Canadian Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Ihone BEING r I was wondering the other day what it would be like to have so ciety go back to the simple way of even a quarter of a century ago and whether we should not lv be awakened to the futility and foolishness of much we now think inevitable Just fancy a Vienna Piajue Dresden Hanover a I life without a telephone for in- The cost of the trip stance an existence without at Winnipeg continues to attract much acqU with our as a convention arH do fancy work and at Among othr organizations that con template meeting in this city is the International Brotherhood of Workers This body intends to meet in Winnipeg in and will find this a very attractive place by reason of the remarkable electrical development that is being made here Western development outside Win nipeg is making good progress Rail road work is particularly active On families worn and there might be reading With thoughtful discussion and real excitement an infrequent dance or play if one went over to tea at a friends house everyone could sit down There would be talk in stead of interjections and rest in stead of fatigue And the old- fashioned things to eat would be ready dainty Bliees of brown and white bread carefully butter- ed and hot biscuit and ginger October the opened an- bread and seed cake beloved of other stretch of construction work my palate and Jelly layer cake the Oak PointOypsum in Manlwith sugar sprinkled over it and toba Before the winter it is We should linger over goodbyes that the company will have and go strolling home by twos threes and saunter across the street miles of new line ready for wUh n0 deathdealing buzzwagon ation in Manitoba Saskatchewan and UB better Alberta With the completion of stop following this enticing dream the TorontoTrenton the cards for twentyHCVen teas has now in operation miles half a dozen dances and luncheons of track in Ontario at me from rack Did Five branch lines totalling j you ever think would seem miles of track was opened last to be married in plain white few days ago Mrs V Lynn of Midland sued on of herself children for undated damages for death of her In Midland on April i fall iUil at time of the aocfdeni was on the a car it rails ixA rat killed one Iirg his body 1diy Tie Sid not to trial being arranged for 11500 A new Provincial loan one mil lion dollars says Telegram will be authorized Government at the firit session of legislature providing the Government Is retfrned Propri ety rather than requires one to add this provi Five millions borrowed year now another in pros tit be added pil ing up the public debt Mr Hugh Guthrie P of has been made proud recipient of of one of the Coronation by a titer front Colo nial of the British stating that by command of the King the was sent to him a the of the delegation of the Corona tion Canada The medal Is of silver engraved- or are of their majesties d on the obverse tfde their initials surmounted by crown I For regulating tlio invigorating and lazy the up the liver Dr Morses Indian Root Pills proved for over half a century in every quarter of the absolutely safe and effective miles The Big River line north happy young fojks who from which is 85 milts I mated and when you went north from Prince Albert and to have people kiss you farthest north railway track in a- tenderly and whisper soft The branch from instead of mobbing you southwesterly to and pelting you with pened as far us miles and rice Of eourse such MM to now oind as far as Mc- now popular usage Boric miles Additional miles popular sontlmcnt the good Mae from trade make it almost a criminal to opened soon Prince very much on the map of the West Ibis The city Ontario Horticultural Exhibition TORONTO November 13 to SINGLE FARE FOB THIS ROUND TRIP With added for admission cou pon to the- exhibition From d an Northern Ontario Railway Sta tions Grafton and Inter mediate points to Toronto flood going from Nov 13th to inclusive Valid to return until November Apply to Agents for tick ets and information R Asst Gen Pass Agent Toronto Representative Wanted at once for work In mux locality Will guarantee to per day Opportunity to ad vance rapidly Will literally for spare time Work not difficult Experience not required- Interna tional Bible Press Toronto Oat I0w33 has strong healthy growth and Montreal has the birth rate of any city in the world and stands second in the death rate col umn St heading the death rate list Nov A fatal ac cident occurred here this forenoon oclock a short diutaiice from here in which l farmer by tlie name of Richardson was killed to gether with a learn horses which he was driving The accident was on the Grand Trunk Crossing and It was the morning train from bo Hamilton that was responsible for it Richardson was on his way to town and apparently did not hear the approach of the passenger train team was on the track and the engine hove In sight a few yards away and he could neither jump nor avoid the suggestion I can hear the remonstrance modistes and the tracks l time to and Jewelers and and accident fiddlers arid the bride And ho made by the city having demon- rated he lacl that the census was about short A local company has iren formed In Prince operate a transportation system on the Saskatchewan River be tween and Prince Albert- It propoMd In the first instance 10 bring coal down the river A steamer a targes will be built for this prpoe This Is a quick followup the completion the Dominion the water route that Will iindjubtdly do great things In trans port at ol noii Perishable goods In the West Lindsay Nov The survey for an electric road from Port Hope and Lindsay Is under way in this section dnder the siijervlsion Messrs A Mann- the morning and carry bouquets of fairylike beauty and accept gifts of splendid silver and the like and make your wedding day the strain on your nerves Which It must bo and look hack on it with what philosophy you can For there Isnt the In modern woman to a halt and custom rules all the World more Inexorably as time flics I DO know why women loved OAcn Virginian It was because when he married lit tle school maam there was no rlco- throwing or bridal trip no display of any sort There wasnt a real woman Who read of thalrpilct going away riding by hhU to that lovely secluded nook In the far West whose heart did not Thin Hair on Top HARNESS NEEDS J DIX Harness and Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket Manufacturers of Kinds HighGrade Harness 2 WEEKS SPECIAL Horse Blankets lor Horse Blankets lor Halters Double and tra Heavy Long Leather Shank reg 150 for only Set Track Harness Beaded Lines etc 1800 ONLY Come and Sec my HandMade Team Harness Mad- to wear and the prices arc Axle Grease Oils Polios Whips Brushes and all Supplies kept in stock REPAIRING A Is the present salary of Miss Ruby Long who obtained h business training in our school Results snug savings account bright outlook Would you like week Send for our catalogue and learn how Central Business College To ronto Shaw Principal KhlsM what I Should 25c a box every where r I If Parisian Sage the hair grower that J Patterson guarantees not cause halt to grow where the hair lis thinning out nothing on this earth will And we Hay to everybody you can have your money back If Parisian the best hair grower hair saver hair and dandruff cure on the market today It stops itching scalp and i falling hair And makes hair wow thick and abundantly or money hack cents lor a large bottle Parisian Sage makes the hair soft and brilliant and promotes growth like Ive asked scores of women about It and not one of them but sighed or smiled and said It Ideal Real women I mean not those curious persons who can tell you to a copper the value of their gifts and exult quietly and In a wellbred manner over success ful marriage celebration I not blaming wonder ing If that sort of success will be worth the yearn of test Hint follow It Saturday Night Nov A clergyman of shot a partridge and In dressing ft made the peculiar find a green snake in the Intestines The mouth of the was lodged near he stomach and It was appar ently sustained by absorbing a of the partridges dally food- bird was fat and In good condition although snake measured over two in length Nothing known to Science is better for this painful ailment than It reduces Inflammation stops bleeding ends the agony Easily applied and cleanly Why go on stiffen ing Why not try it Read the following cures Some Proofs of Power MR THOMAS J Clog Canada It Ijhambord street For put I troubled with hut I t I obliged to cftiicul number i nil the roimdiva rocoiniiioiidud but do no fiOoil boon to I fifty box and after applying lb limes frit irked relief I with the trcatiuout Mid tended into a permanent cure WILLIAM KKNTY of terribly from tin pain I various hut nil failed to do mo ho lihui wan tired f trying rtimodhfl when I heard f snd thought wis M I would give this a trial I procured a supply jviry other medicines hid to euro ECZKMA POISON COLD SORBS CHAPPED HANDS BORES CUTS SCALDS And ill SKIN And DISRASRS AH And or Co Toronto tor Rvfui harmful jvy I FREE BOX Send ihlicoupinnumtcl paper Co And trial to JSP J sr a Eva pa m nil PC S m r I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO