Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 3, 1911, p. 8

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r j Uifil I look Fnitaltas If bile around the Hob an- to Feb have been sufferer for the past years with Constipation Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach I tried many remedies and many doctors but derived no benefit whatever Finally I read an advertisement of I decided to give a trial and they did exactly what was claimed for them a I have now taken for r tome months and find that they axe the only remedy that does me good I have recommended to a great many of my friends and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly PAUL J JONES At the residence of the brides aunt Mrs on Saturday October Mrs May Andrews of Aurora was united in marriage with Mr George of King Township The ceremony was performed by Rev G Rob inson in the presence of the imme diate friends of the bride and groom The contracting parties will reside in King Township Miss Gladys of Newmarket her uncles A few days ZEPHYR J attended the School Teachers Convention at Shields unloaded two ears coal at the yards last week He also loaded two cars of potatoes j at Mr John had the misfor tune to lose his thorobred brood mare last Thursday night Inflammation J was the cause A concirt will be given on Friday evening Everybody come and en joy a good time Mr Robert reports thrilling experience on Friday night last Ho Is the returning from Toronto between and oclock in the evening and was bearing his own home on concession when he was held up by three men He put up a good fight for a Mine but was overmast ered after he had received a few hard knocks and had his clothing badly torn The highwaymen reliev ed him of his wad of money which amounted something over one hun dred dollars and also some small Change He secured Mr Ed- Archi bald and the two went over the ground finding some of the silver on the roadway Mr can give no J particular description of his assail ants owing to the darkness The brick work Mr George Hills hew house is in progress A number from here attended New market Fair huntsmen have gone North after deer The party includes Rose Alex Phillips 1 Fuller and Joe core for Constipation and Stomach Trouble because it is the only medicine in the world that made of fruit juices and valuable tonics Hundreds of people have been cured as if by a miracle by taking the famous fruit medicine a box for trial size At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruitatives Limited Want a House SO call on M Hughes Real Agent New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply to Eves Newmarket 27 I WO iaie goou Itemed axj Paying good interest Posses sion in one month ROBERTSON Newmarket New Brick House INFLUHNCK OF For Sale with all modern also a number of choice build- raj Apply to I For House with summer kitclien pantry and good basement Apply to Mrs George Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket Scientific American The variation in the composition of plants of the species when grown under different conditions has been the subject of much study during the past half century that a monograph published by the United States Department of Agriculture on the subject Will un doubtedly be welcomed by stu- dents of physiological chemistry The monograph in question was prepared by Mr J A with the collaboration of Sherman and is entitled Experiments on the Composition of Wheat The experiments recorded were begun in with the collabora tors pantry clouts separate lhe 0ffcc wide verandah on ligations of the Bureau of Plant For8aie New house on Ontario street also rear verandah bay window eel- Industry and consisted in growing full size and divided furnace wheat from the same original seed lac tun any wiiw me same finished In oak upstairs continuously in each of the three in Georgia pine wired for electric lights cement walks home for farmer Come and Terms to suit purchaser not sold in reasonable time will he tiered for rental to good tenant Scott Main street North Greenhouses St ent Roses Carnations Chry santhemums Friday Flowers Special Tulip Mixture per si stand ard Sorts to dower Dutch named torts each mixed varieties Romans Hyacinths Purity Tdips named each sin- gle and double White Miles loo Crocus frit Opal Is Mushroom Brick PEEaJH apices of a triangle for example in Texas and Califor nia In South Dakota Kansas and California The crop each apex was then sent to the other two stations and there grown under the same conditions the continuously grown seed There were thus three plots at each apex or station all from the same original seed one plot grown continuously at that point the seed of the other two plots coming from the other points the triangle this Interchange of seed it possible to determ ine the influence of climate and soil and of the kind seed on the composition of the crop Prom the data obtained the fol lowing conclusions may be drawn Wheat of the same variety ob tained from different sources and possessing widely different chemi cal and physical when grown side by side In one lo cality yields crops which are al most the In appearance and In composition Wheat of riy one variety from any one source and absolutely alike in chemical and physical when grown In different localities pos tering different climatic yields crops of very widely different appearance and very dif ferent In chemical composition These differences are due for the most part to climatic conditions prevailing at the time of growth The results far obtained would seem to Indicate that the soil and teed play a relatively small part in influencing the composition of crops The practice of trying to one locality be grown In Tickets at Single Fare UNTIL NOV point in points Mat- to tiuAttuiAki Inclusive also to certain Hint Nov Law Lax of Wa1avajaVa to Patty from to by valid for return until except to by fJviy nth from A Mai or A Improve crops which crops are to another locality widely differ climatic conditions should be discouraged Crops should be Im proved in the locality in which they arc Intended to be grown or the seed should be selected from a region which had similar clim atic conditions The handy paste in the big can No no trouble- no hard work to bring the polish A few light rubs does the tnck and the big can makes Knight the cheapest good stove polish on the market If your dealer does not carry Knight Polish send us his name and and we will send a full size tin by return mail TberrDannCo4nnneii Onl Makers of the famous la Shoe Polish FOR BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLES The simplest and most remedy for sick kidneys is Booths Pills IS there Is weakness congestion Inflammation or sore- Knit wool mitts J Graham Geo Millard Darning on socks etcJ Booths pi A a on hie employes for tad skipped the town f Oct he family of Or A a physician of tots city to adtlces rAitd from Ji claim to In the of KojrJaAfi which has been Idle for more than years will divided among J Mrs brothers is A Mrs A Craig of North a bint stars two and three wM I will get Newmarket Fair Continued from Page Mixed pickles plain Mrs Ed Johnston J Robertson- Chilli sauce Mrs Gardner Governor sauce Mrs Gardner Mrs C Chowchow Mrs Gardner Geo Maple Mrs Ed Johnston 2 Mrs Gilbert Johnston Honey in comb John ray Honey lbs John ray Five lardMrs Gilbert John ftfrs Ed Johnston Dressed fowl John G Lee Chickens cooked Mrs aer 2 Mrs A Armstrong Lemon pie J Robertson Mrs P Trivett Apple pie Miss Vera Mann Thos Pie any other kind J Robert son Miss Vera Mann Fruit cake plain Miss Vera Mann 2 Mrs VV Chocolate cake Mrs Howard Cane Miss Vera Mann cake Mrs Wilfrid Tra- Miss Vera Mann Lemon biscuits Mrs J Mrs CookiesMrs J Pinder 2 Miss Vera Manu Tea Williams Crake Biscuits Baking Pow derMrs J W Miss E Draper Coll of bakingMrs Home made buns plain Mrs Gardner Mrs G Home made- buna currant Wm Thompson 2 Jno Home made bread son 2 Mrs Young Home made bread brown Mra J 2 Jno Confectionery Miss Vera Mann Hunter Shortbread J Robertson Judges Mrs Crawford Mrs Jaa Pearson LADIES WORK FANCY Embroidery eyelet Miss Miss Embroidery shadow Fish er Mrs Fred Embroidery Mian A Boyd Embroidery Bulgarian Mrs A Boyd Mrs Embroidery Roman Miss chcon Embroidery Miss Fisher Mra Embroidery Ml Melllck Fred Embroidery lace stitches Miss Fisher Embroidery applique Miss Fish er Miss embroidery ribbon work Mrs Fred Miss outline Miss McCut Embroidery Coronation braid Mrs Kersey 2 Miss Fisher Embroidery modern cross stitch Miss McCutcheon Mrs A Boyd Embroidery braiding on linen- Mrs J Graham Hunter Embroidery shirt waist Mrs J Graham Embroidered centrepiece white on linen Miss Fisher Mrs Will- mot Embroidered centrepiece col silk on linen Miss McCutcheon Mra A Boyd Embroidered centrepiece In huck abackMrs Fred C Miss Fisher Embroidered centrepiece suitable etc- Alias McCutcheon- Miss Fisher Embroidered in white on linen Miss In silk on linen Miss Fisher Embroidered In white etc Mrs J Graham Miss Embroidered in bilk on linen Miss M Cook Will- mot Embroidered oclock In White Miss Mc Embroidered In silk on linenMrs Mrs ABoyd Embroidered sideboard Mrs VIllrnot Mrs Embroidered sofa pillow rnado Up Miss Vllt- Embroidered sofa pillow cover Wash MISS Miss Fisher Kidney Pills quickly relieve it They gently stimulate tone and strengthen sick kidneys away rheu matic pain and dizziness clear up and regulate the urine and restore a perfect filtering of Best of all this relief is per manent All druggists sell and guarantee Booths KidnevPills 50c box Mon ey back if thev fail to relieve Write to The T Booth Fort Erie- On for a free trial Sold and guaranteed by J- Pattersons Drug Store Embroidered pin cushion Miss 2 Miss Fisher Embroidered made wash Mrs Kersey Miss cheon Embroidered table runner Mrs Embroidered handkerchief Miss McCutcheon Mrs A Boyd Guest towels Mrs 2 Mrs Ladys jabotMiss Fisher Doyliea drawn thread Miss Fibber Mrs Willmot Centrepiece drawn thread Hunter Mrs Teacloib drawn thread Mrs Kersey lace Miss Cook Miss lace Mrs Kersey M Duchess lace Mrs Haist Miss McCutcheon Point lace Miss McCutcheon M Applique on net Mrs Kersey 2 Miss Fisher Irish crochet lace Mrs J D Graham 2 Miss Knitted thread ace Mis a cheon 2 Mrs Woollen Crochet thread lace M 2 Mrs Thomas Netting McCutcheon Mrs Kersey Tailing McCutcheon Fisher Crochet work and fancy braid Miss McCutcheon 2 Miss Fisher itching Miss Cook Mrs Fred Hemstitching Mrs Mrs J D Graham Teapot holderMrs A Boyd 2 Mrs Howard Cane Wall pocket Miss Fisher Mrs Woollen Mrs FN Warren Fancy apron Misa Cook Mrs A Boyd Toilet mats Mrs Thomas Mrs Fred Pillow shams Mrs FN Warren Sofa cushion cover not Mrs Fred Bogart Work bag Kersey Miss Fisher Table cover colored Fish er Miss McCutcheon Photo frame Mrs 2 Mra Willmot Bead work Mrs A Boyd Paper work Mrs Fred C Mi- Fisher Coll of fancy work J Graham Newest kind of fancy work Mrs J P LADIES WORK PLAIN Babys Jacket knitted Miss 2 Miss Fisher Babys Jacket crochet M Brough 2 Miaa Fisher Babys knitted Airs A Boyd 2 Mias McCutcheon Babys crochet Mias Fisher Babys bonnet hand made wash Mrs J I Graham Buttonholes Miss McCutcheon 2 Mrs J Graham Crochet carriage wool- Miss Fisher 2 Mrs Crochet bedroom slippers Hunter Miss Fisher Crochet or knit Miss Mc Cutcheon Mrs Crochet wool shawl Miss Cutcheon M Crochet fascinator Miss McCut cheon Mrs W Knit bedroom slippers Miaa Fisher 2 Hunter Knit woolen shawl or cape Miss Miss Fisher Knit fascinator Miss Fisher Miss Knit wool Blockings coarse Miss Miss Kersey Knit wool stockings fine Miaa Miss Fisher Knit wool rnltta coarse Hunt er Mrs Ed Johnston WASTED TIME ton Graham Patching 2 Miss McCutcheon Pillow cases Mrs Fred Bog art 2 Miss McCutcheon Table mats Miss Mrs J Graham- Ladys work apron Miss cneon Mrs Ladys flannelette nightgown- Mrs Fred Mrs Ladys shirt waist etc Misa E Draper Mens Cotton Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Mens Flannel Shirt Mrs 2nd Mrs Kersey Laundered Shirt and Collar Mrs Hatch Mrs Young Quilt Cotton Patchwork H Lloyd 2nd Mra Quilt I Cloth Patchwork Mrs Quill Any other kind Miss 2nd J Knitting by Miss Cheon 2nd Miss Pisher Machine Mrs J D Graham Rag Rug- J P Tolton 2nd Mrs Mary SI Bradford Judges A I Docs the fear indigestion spoil the enjoyment of J yotirmeals It Just take a r v and you wont know you have a stomach They will sec to it that your food is properly digested They are the best of the preparations compounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale druggists in Canada 50caboxi If your druggist has not stocked them yet send us and we will mail you a box NATIONAL AND CHEMICAL CO OF CANADA LIMITED MONTf Oar Toronto tetter One Days Work Macleans Magazine Announces they will any Man or Woman in that tonight may mean suffering to morrow hut not If your stomach liver- and bowels are helped to do their natural work by Ms AND MONEY THEY FOUND Gill PILLS GAtrrrA Orrr My hatband Gin tor and SI a la and kidneys filled do he mod ft to money on were or no good After one of he found to whet he needed end Alter two of GIN cured re commend at eyery opportunity our friends and Mas VriU paper and will lend you free Then If yon cannot the at your dealers we will supply yon it the regular retail price a box for and money promptly refunded If DIM do not iHts S4tUfetioji Drug Chemical Co of A Toronto Tba figures aimed at by the mens Missionary Comriiittcc pi Toronto Methodist Churches Mais Of course this sum includes the allotted to Toronto as the citys proportion under scheme of the Canadian Methodist Church to raise in live years over and above the ordinary for mission wort One day last wees while operating a at the Signal Supply Co works Front street Joseph Kemp suddenly dropped dead A mounted specimen the whale- headed stork has been sent to tie To ronto by James Flem ing of for exhibi tion in the biological museum This rare type of bird is a native of the upper Nile A horse and rig stolen from Hamil ton one day last week was found tied to a post on a side street in this city the next day It is understood that Pox will continue to hold office In the Whitney Cabinet until the Provincial elections and will then take I ho vacant Ontario High Court Judgeship v Last week at the more than changed for horse flesh when the largest sale blood registered horses look place ever held in Canada being an average price of over for each animal the horses belonged to Mr J rat ton Two horses at this sale brought Thats bore- flesh worth while Sir OreyWillson Clover nor of the Bahamas was a visitor in Toron to last The Empire Club ten dered him a luncheon while in this city North Toronto Corporation has granted the- right to appeal against decision that the Niagara and Toron to Power Co may creel poles in the town the case will be leard be fore the Court of Appeal this month Architect case against the city amounting away up into hun dreds thousands largely in connec tion with erection of the MO City flail was before Mr last weak and at close of several days trial Corporation Counsel Drayton asked for a nonsuit as a majority of the claims w cumu lated more six years prior to the issuance of VitH for the present action deferred The down town reels had a run t the Queens Hotel one morning last week but the fire did not amount to much A guest dropped a lighted match on a and in a lew sec ond it blazed up The Corporation Is taking ac tion to take over the T A R lines cm the Kingston from Queen street to the limits of the city and the line from Kingston Road to and Main streets The Companys expires on Nov IK and a notice is required before the City can take It over One day last week Jninatc ol the Asylum wandered down to the lake front and jumped into the water When she missed a search was ami one of the guards found her body In the water of the Dominion Alliance Ik over in State In the local option campaign now being waged there M Mcfiarry I for South Is spoken of as a probable successor to AttorneyGeneral the Ontario Government Pot pillaging a summer cottage on the Island W McMillan was sent to jail for days He stole some chairs a pair of rubber boots and a cabinet President of the Cana dian National Inhibition has the Controllers that a site Just between the and the Womens Building with a view of the Lake had keen chosen for T new brick restaurant There is no foundation for re- J trouble In Methodist Home in this city A report er asked Dr secre tary what the was and he replied by How long has the- reporter lived In this vale of tears month many deal ers have slvarrvJ the price of milk to ten cents per Dealers are farmers for eightgallon cans lhe Criminal Assises for the Judi cial County of York will open next Monday In the Hall There are four Charges of murder and one charge against a woman to come before Jury ad dition to the Farmers Hank While at work in tewer Hag Co premises on Log an avenue on Friday one the city be selected or in any surrounding town or village any article which from tneir new large catalogu of premiums All yon have to do is to secure a few subscriptions to MAGAZINE leading monthly publication A of your spare devoted to the work will be sufficient to earn the article yon want MAGAZINE will forward the premium you earn of cost to your address Among some of the splendid premiums offered are Watches Bicycles Hand Bags Suit Gasps Ca Skates Boxing Gloves Books Write today for one of their catalogues A prist Card will do Me first to win one of these splendid premiums Hie MAGAZINE 143149 University Avenue TORONTO CANADA YOU EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- j MINED YOUR SYSTEM The All actions of the tody so any- that weaken of system Indiscretions Aii have rained men Unnatural vir a i remain jtwk- liiism nervous Specks the 0yc3 circles thorn inline pa of lhe La sunken Lot x cliccks insuful irloov etc It lhe coalition our New Trctment TO CURE bate MeaH life- mid ivo xperluieuL iu op nil we will till you you curable or not We guarantee curable of NERVOUS DEBILITY VARICOSE VEINS AND SKIN DISEASES GLEET BLADDER ill Slt URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS on of Men If to for QUESTION FOR HOME TREATMENT JEST Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich AH letters from CaiiAiAinusllicaiMreeil to our trrcsKnilciicc in Windsor Out If tee ill our Medical Institute in Detroit at we trnt no patients in our Windsor offices which for md for only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Write for workmen bad his leg broken Some Out Oct caved In on tt the a farmer who resided In the men dug him out township Thurlow was killed On The City license Commissioners Saturday evening while returning nave passed a resolution to homo from this city by tolling from lhat hotels lighted with electricity a wagon rack on which was riding Instead of gas will be a consideration Mis neck broken Me leaves a next year in granting licenses Park Commissioner Chambers re ports that It cost the City nearly to the Tussock moth pes this year are the figures cost work on parka and streets 116000 on private property Hon Adam licck Is to have the new portfolio Of Minister in the Whitney Cabinet The Union Station was something like a showon Monday evening when over hunters took passage with their dogs for hunting grounds up north M automobile ran do an Chinese youth on evening with fatal results Mr M Morrison fearing dan ger lumped Irom his autocar last Monday evening and received a frac tured skull resulting In death Grows Hair BUT NOT AFTER THE HAIR HOOT IS DEAD large family stops combs cores Ida throat and lanes cents Sal- Write for our Fr Book shst price clein opera cloiks IIVj lace and gentlemen clothe well draperies and curtains you dollars Wo pay express one food from outside Toronto IS MY VALE J Patterson will tell you that he sells a great many bottles or Pari Sage It gives satisfac tion J Patterson guarantees It to eradicate dandruff atop falling and splitting hair and Itching scalp or money back Parisian Sage will make hair grow If the hair root Is not dead It puts life and lustre Into dull and faded hair Is the most dollghMul hair dressing ln the world Only a large bottle Parisian Sage Is the hale grower and dandrurt curt and known It or our money back plan IF YOU ARE GOING TO and time cards Call on the local agent and Tr Toronto to Van couver p dally For tickets and Steepen to ATKINSON- Agent ARCHIVES OF

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