Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 3, 1911, p. 7

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CHINA Weeks lioeal Hems I Th is Curling Club Toronto better The annual meeting of the Curling Club will be held at the King George Hotel on Wednesday night Nov at AH old members arid any I others wishing to join for the coming season are cordially invited to present I Robert Jones 2nf engineer the Hotel while talking sortie other employes or the boilerroom suddenly toppled over and was dead before his comrades could reach him went for a paddle on Thanksgiving Day up the- The water was choppy and in at- mm Dominion Temperance Convention Oct 23 The girls in Canada are lost every year through the white slave traffic- that Oct To My Customers Cut in local prices on Patent Medicines Pattersons Drug Store- tempting to change his position the heart the moving pio- j Jure eye were still to found amongst the young men that the age be canoe upset He was resued came unconscious immediately after Medical aid revived him Thei BARGAIN DAY it be Every in China Fancy or and Sets etc in cannot them all With us of fit Lire Thanksgiving Market There was a splendid market last turday Abundance of everything sold at from to 20c per the buyers but some came in late were bought at 10c Chick ens per lb but late arrivals sold at Butter to 3 per lb and eggs at 30c per doz Other produce as usual Rich Cut Glass Berry Bowls No Organ an Choir Recital The Choir of St Andrews Church intends giving an organ and choir Recital on Wednesday Nov They will be ably assisted by Miss Crosby contralto and Mr price to each tenor of Toronto excellent program is promised Mr has a beautiful rich voice which uses with great feel ing and effect and he pleased the au dience so well that he had to give extra numbers Exam iner The Customs revenue for Toronto during October- amounted to an increase of over the corresponding month last year The Literal Government policy deserves the credit of this increase Mrs 0 San Francisco who recently in a hospital had only a few cents in her at the time of her death but her will recently probated disposed of property worth The whole estate is located the United States except worth of diamonds which she had with her Mr Nicholas Best a pioneer resi dent of dropped dead the daughters residence on William street on Tuesday morning was a mercenary on and that the liquor trade was robbing the nation of its children its manhood and wo manhood were some of the leading- points emphasized by Mrs Asa Gor don of Ottawa the Dominion Super intendent of Evangelistic work of tb CT the Conven tion address last night in Congregational Church In introducing the speaker the Rev pastor said Mrs Gordon was ens of the host of minded women who are working to removi gigantic evils from our land He gave these ladies a warm welcome to the ciiurch and to the city and hoped that their visit would jibe the mean of accomplishing much good f While walking along the railway Mrs Gordon in her opening re- track to attend Strectsville Fair this marks she had once promised in sale for J IMPORTER OF STAPLE FANCY CHINA iU new Fruits are now arriving and we have NEW CURRANTS NEW RAISINS NEW TABLE FIGS NEW TANNED CORN PEAS TO MATOES BEANS AND PUMPKIN NEW CLOVER HONEY SEC TION OR STRAINED Quality Guaranteed Relay Race Last Saturday afternoon a 30mile relay race look place between New market and Toronto for teams of boys each under 18 years of age af ter the Shield Three teams entered Western Cen tral and Broadview of To- The boys were brought up by and distributed along the route The race started shortly after one oclock hut we did not hear the re sult week Samuel Moore a farmer resid ing near was struck by a C P R freight train and almost in stantly killed It is understood the city council will bo to give towards a monument to the late Alexander The Mayor favors the proposal and said to a reporter All should to honor his memory v- mm j I J God that if he would answer her prayer she would enter every open door to try and save men and women She had entered dives and saloons because of that- vow made and God had burned into her heart a message for to deliver The past cen tury had a century of progress on material lines and they were praying that this would be a cen- is the prime mover of progress in spiritual the monument Women of all colors all climes The Bay water which sup- all creeds were in this great Make Your liens Lay When prices are high Fix up your hen house warm and dry with Roofing 1 to ready to lay at Hardware I IKY OCR 30c BLACK AND JAP AN TEAS They are Good Ones BOSWORTH The Leading Reliable Grocer Prompt IS CORNER OK Main Timothy Wire Fencing Five years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND LAWN FENCES MADE BY Steel Wirt Co Ltd Come Quality prices For Sale By J Kent School Newmarket Furnace for Sale good Coat Will sell a half price En- of Newmarket v Hot Fowl Those who go are never dis appointed with the annual Hot Fowl Supper of the fyadies Aid of the Christian Church Sapper will be ready at oclock next Tuesday night and admittance will lx- by numbered ticket as usual No tickets 0d till oclock and they can only be liad at the door There are many ple who do not quit work till and oclock but whose time is own would avoid the rush greatly relieve the pressure be tween if could bear in mind A rare musical and intellectual treat Is promised after the supper Methodist Church was duly by sermons by pastor Sunday morning and special the choir Mr Eugene Bar kers solo exceptionally well rendered also the in the even ing Rev A McNeil of vllle delivered a gospel ter- Sunday next Nov J Simpson will preach Anniver sary sermons in Midland and 1 Sparling will occupy the Mr Sparling will be by many of the Meth odist people of the town having sup plied here one summer some years plies Toronto is so badly with the sewage that a recent analysis breaks bacteria record is alarming No less than bacteria to the centimeter in untreated wafer was found The Toronto section of the sham fight was defeated by the Western contingent Albert Walsh while being arrested struck the constable fine was and cost3 Now will Albert be good Freemasons of this city have decided to raise for the er ection of a central meeting place M W Bro Ross Robertson Past Master and Chairman of the Masonic Hall Trust will be the pre sident of the campaign to under take the work The passing of legislation providing a million dollars or more for good roods will be one of the duties of the new Legislature when it meets after the elections Toronto experiences a loss in music al circles this week Miss Freda Borden soprano soloiet of the Metro politan church has gone to England and Miss Josephine Scmby a well- known teacher of the Toronto Conservatory of Music is goint to Vancouver The City Council stands to in favor of the annexation To ronto A bylaw has passed two readings to this effect East York Conservatives nominat ed Mr Alex McCowon as their can didate for the Legislature after he given a pledge on bilingual ism and Railway Board Internal divisions on important issues indicate that the Government is on the down Milk Is now a quart to con sumers but where dollars worth of tickets are bought at a time and paid for an extra pint ticket is thrown in A Vigilance Committee has organized to combat the white slave traffic in this city The Ontario Horticultural Exhibi tion to I- the largest j cultural fchow In America will be held SI Lawrence Arna from T U- movement with the same cry in their hearts they were stand ing up for God for home and for their This Canada of ours said the speaker is now taking its place among the nations the world Us material wealth is the enVy all Some are wondering if we are laying a foundation that will stand or if we are on sand It is not the gold that makes the nation but the men and women who build it pure and good The ministers are buried in their studies the professors are deep in their books the business men are deeply immersed in their business but some of the women have realized the rcsponsibili ties plac ed upon them and are determined to do all in their power by Gods help to save men and women and boys and girls from the snares around them by removing the evils their I midst In referring to some things touching us as a nation the speaker referred to the spread of and habit She had made tt visit to a prison where were conlind in prison garb all Un der fifteen years oi age and on ask ing them how many smoked cigarcUes every band with its yellow stain went up It was cigarettes brought them there they all admitted it and she pleaded with her hearers to do all in their power to put down the evil The white slave traffic was an other gigantic evil in their midst girls In Canada were lost every year in this nefarious traffic They wore deceived and drawn Into this through ignor ance of matters they should have been acquainted with The licensed liquor traffic was an other and though the others were bad it was Iho greatest evil of all It robbed us of our children our manhood and our womanhood and yet we professed to Christians and allowed our men and women to he tempted by the saloon Iet us arise and combine together exclaimed the speaker and withGods help re move these evils from our and will hot on I be a prosperous country hut It will le n And Thats what you need for this Vari able climate Shoes that wont stand the weath erthat shrink and harden and lose shape are not the shoes for But INVICTUS Shoes built for OutDoor Conditions will Measure ful ly up to Your Demands and Expecta tions J V Eb Mr J Get your into the Best Good this Season and its Worth for Wear and Weather Iff The Men Vest Newmarket m the matter with asking now leader of the Opposition run in North York The Ontario Reform Association at the annual meeting this week elected Hon leader to succeed Hon A who resigned ago and prior that a boy Nov If to Special employed in one of the stores In own rates on Scotch VOCAL INSTRUCTOR of will be in We Guarantee Our Perfection Oil Heaters odorless run Free trial Hard ware J railways Harry the comedian will appear Friday and Saturday nights of this week In Mas- Hall The Ontario Board of Censors has refuse permit moving picture films being exhibited In this province when make too much glorification of the Stars and Stripes The festival of All Saints was duly celebrated In the Roman Catholic righteous one New Methodist Church Work Is almost at a standstill this A Thursdays Studio week on account of the nonarrival Churches of the city on Wednesday it Mr Geo Fierhcllers glass and radiators The The and assets or the Dr tt have i work and gone back Medicine were sold under 1 to Toronto on of the and Some of the have drop Ml ftOpRAKO and of pupil In Urging j on run the on Wednesday The Margaret Eaton Schooler Ex tractor threatens under the of Mrs Scott Raff gave take all the off if job until heat is turned cm The will je at cause in opening for one or Asylum this more than was expected of oenJng concert tie Queen Street Mr In- Asylums occulted iff lofio care of strong A of left chair I Saturday two men the monthly here on Tuesday morning to Install it given oufl at the City Clerk up to noon yesterday the glass than 12 marriages took place had not arrived The railway corn- here la GREGORYS FOR refused to t because Cleaning and Pressing ihn lb 1 Hie contractor says the a- mouth compared with Art almost of WOKK STORK i of in JAPAN arc I but I hern no can t everyday Japan a- in Is or of Increase Sirs Helen Miller corner oi Jar vis street Ave passed on Monday at tin- ripe old of years By her demise Vorotio lw lost of her most church workers and the poor a most liberal was a native of Scotland She has resided NOV V Arnold Toronto for the past years will have a of and fin Sale America a respectable looking three Jtorey can rested in sos iVi a year while the same can only a cot- is Bread meat milk perhaps the on Con North Bel haven So reserve I terms Hah- at one sharp the Mr W Simpson Toronto spent Thanksgiving in Iowa The Adult Bible Class met at the home of Mr 1 On- Tuesday and had a pleasant pro fit abb time Mrs I Pi Steel Toronto visited Mrs Miihon Miss Wilson and Mr of To ronto spent the holidays at Mr Fairies Mr Floyd of Ouclph spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof Too late for last week H Fairies spending a few days with relatives In Mr and Mrs Karl of villi wen Mrs otto Sunday iahl Sunday iVas Rally Day in the Methodist Sunday School The school had thn prlvjle and pleasure of them he Rev of who gave a interest- In address on customs of people In France Rev was attending the In Toronto and was a guest the A Mr Malcolm has leased his farm to Mr who Is at pres ent living near Mr and Mrs Davis have mov ed MISS Delia Falrlca attended the Tuesday last was the closing day for filing petitions against returns in the late Dominion elections As the record now stands there are two appeals on both sides and one extra crossappeal in Norfolk by the Lib erals The ridings when have been entered arc East Elgin Haldimaud and West Kent At the approaching meeting of County Council it will Iks its fijst duty to appoint a Clerk in to the late John A and now that the way Ib clear it hoped the offices field by deceased will not again all be conferred one man County files High Constable and Police Magistrate are not com patible offices to be held by one the same man It Is a for change Now is the Good Boots time you should wear mi A ifl si IS Cheap time In his recent election manifesto Premier Whitney proposes to abandon government by Commission In respect to the power policy and the management of tho govern ment railway running into New On tario The Toronto World takes exception this change and says There will he a fear in many that the abolition of the power commission Is the first step in a gen eral policy of reaction rhe change seems suggestive political nation- age- Wo Buying Cheap Shoes to Save Money is likeStopping a Clock to Save Time n Newmarkets Exclusive Shoe Store Repairing and Promptly Done FOR 25c SICE OUR TABLE OF FANCY Moving Electric Signs H PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE A great many of electric signs how being installed are of the moving type Walk down almost any city dark and vou will e I- r Wc have just passed Into stock a largo consignment of Crockery and Fancy China a direct Importation from tho nnutacturers Including English German and Austrian ware We extend a cordial Invitation to you to oil and Inspect our Varied stock Street alter dark and you many illuminated of very novel and Interesting designs Here Never was there In this Vicinity such a profuse display of ware red and blue to be and prices arc within everybodys range from the street to the top of Mr ft far more a to In 11 will have an eVntlvc and unreserved sate of and Imple ments In to Hall M in of terms Salt up grounds St lb a great Improvement to l I property are the srageS fcjlarit r Because mis- ft of la- wax fa Europeans move we men and tiny or their shoulders wllf have of fiHtK number of them and implements on it of At same axA In on the firm will he Winnipeg I A terrible MIs- I rajpng round the north end of I Winnipeg pnd latest advices I tell of fourteen of snow v To preserve meat quart of best vinegar 2 ounces and boll these together for When cold brush it on to lbs meat Vox meat pie take two be paid firi cjariubie to give VIIY i A a long aft of marrylrics again half apologetically adding I the building On the other side a wheel rapidly revolving Below it Is Issuing in clouds from s huge brown cigar There Is also a large theatre him which Hash es Into view only to disappear after an interval long enough to read It A large sign on a department store comes Into view In sections the blue border lirst the words of the ad last the name of firm In big red letters In front of a moving picture show Mil is an- designs dainty In a big sign which the words letter by letter it quite to the ordinary pedestrian to explain the wonderful light It apparent that light Is obtained from electricity but this Dont fall to pay us a visitdelighted to show you our stoclr GROCERY DEPARTMENT reaclirrs Convention last week in fi the name of the ronto Miss of spent a few with parents Mr Edgar Kennedy of Toronto spent a few days at his home berc Fresh Pork Sausage Its for Head Cheese lb Jams and Marmalade 20c stone Jars Our Java and Mocha Coffee the acme of Perfection lb ground when ordered mm Saturday only we will place on Cream Pitchers real decorations for each Not more than two to Individual Phone any HOWARD mm all that he flasher Is made up of number Of and each finger drops In ftbOUt all that is ft fl ft y Scotch Professor Wt signs whore snake lurn In Ms old age Not very wriggling a ong a cat V certain he suddenly an j that spell themUes letter by tf tablespoon each of chopped beef never would have of it if currants and died Harpers Rife and put pastry the arl put In a covering the whole will flivy crust for till Jan lit letter and In all other caac or rat Chasers effect Is produced by a fa ccrtan fcu flaHher called a fwber wI driven rapidly ond in this way the lights electric In Wake to Us course the order required to produce the fcwJt where the only effect feet This flasher driven by a WX desired Is gn In which one letter motor Is Illuminated at a time flasher becomes much simpler device but in all coses the underlying principle Is the same U If the bacon is too salt place a lit tle Water In pan which you In tend to fry It nnd let the water com to a boll Thenj pour the water off and Usual ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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