Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 3, 1911, p. 6

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AGENT ALBERT 2nd Annual Clearing Sale MOUNT ALBERT A PERSONAL On June the County Mr and Mrs Clifford of To- County passed By- ronto spent the holiday at the home presented by a the en -FOR- or Mr John French Messrs J E and Merle Miller of Toronto were a home of Mr Sunday arid Monday Mr William of Toronto in town to spend Thanksgiving with mother Miss of spent the Thanksgiving holidays at I the Parsonage with her sister Mrs SUTTON Tie sure and see one band bills of the SHAKERS PRINTS TOWELLINGS COTTONS UNDERWEAR HATS CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES ETC Price FWSMITH Queensville entertaining and instructive lecture was given in the Presbyterian was on Monday evening and well attended The news of the death of Mr J no A on Monday came as a to his many friends i this vi cinity A Thanksgiving service was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening and was well attended HALLOWEEN PRANKS It was not a very pleasant evening for carrying out the Halloween pro gram hut the crowd was there nev ertheless No harm was amount of labor necessary lo remove heavy Implements etc from one part of the town to would never hayo been performed had it been for some ussful or purpose Wednesday morning quite number were recovering lost articles of the ratepayers of the un incorporated village of to have the area described in the by law set aside as an Incorporated Police Village Since time we have been able to enjoy a period never before enjoyed hy residents of our village We have been enabled our own ByLaws lay our own cement walks collect our own fines imposed upon violators and ip common act as though we were able to look after ourselves The Township by this Act refunds all monies collected within the boundaries of the on Statute tax less one hundred five dollars and fortyeight cents is the amount due each year for Mile- has been staying the weekend with Miss Jean Miss Jennie McClellan who teaching in the city spent over Sun day and Thanksgiving with Ca meron and friend at Miss of Western Ontario spent Halloween with Miss Cameron- Mr Howard Morton has returned home Mr Joel King was at last week Miss Lorna Tremayne and Mr Jack Tremayne of Toronto spent Thanks giving with their parents at Bank Miss Coleman who is teaching here spent the weelend with her parents at Miss Ross Shoppard of Trinity her departure a small presentation was made to her by the choir of Personal Church of which Miss Miss Thompson of Toronto a member We regret her de parture but wish her every success of salaries and oUs accounts All cement sidewalks laid since the issuing of debentures for walks a paid for and this year th- were especially and careful the improvements on streets and roads and result is we are in that line j But during the past summer several fine gardens spent Thanksgiving with her parents here Dr A Greenwood who has been spending his holidays in Wash ington BC and points south has returned home Dr Edgar Evans late of the The Public Library The Library is open to the everv Mcndaf to p Wednesday to p in Saturday to p The Library is free to all residents and for nonresidents the fee is per annum Lantern Views The Rev Jesse Gibson of Toronto secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society will give his lecture illus trated by lantern Views in the Pres byterian Church Sutton on Tuesday evening November at pm en- titled From the Cape to Cairo with the Bible Society Admission free Everybody welcome Collection Man About Town BALDWIN the coming frosty weather ones thoughts naturally ij to WARMER UNDERW Wo are particularly well fixed to SUPPLY YOUR season Each line has been chosen with an eve t and WARMTH not forgetting the SHAPLINESS AN that INSURES a COMFORTABLE Pit- Each line a COMFORTABLE SATISFACTORY is the VERY BEST in its class Warranted to Give Satisfaction WE HAVE- garment in first class son of Mr George Evans in class 9f took care of Dr Green woods practice while he was away Mr j METHODIST CHURCH I ANNOUNCEMENT On and after Thursday and Friday September and TERRY WILL HAVE HER Fall Millinery DISPLAYED AT The Reliable Store WICK The Increase in General Store Trade our prospects of a Big Millinery Trade Call early and get just you want COLES GPR Lands a meeting or Christian fellowship I in the Lecture room at oclock The preaching service will and will he followed by the Lords Supper There will be an League Rally in the Mem bers of the League are expected to take part in the service and the pas tor will preach a sermon appropriate to the occasion Another of our most esteem ed friends in the person the late Arnold has left us to mourn tho loss of an sociable nau and a genuine Christian He was wise beyond his fellowmen insomuch as in early life ha choose the good and Miss Wood which shall not be if fr iu Hamilton spent Sunday at the Manse n wisdoms pleasant limits If cattle which arc J ways Whilst engaged in care of the to this world ho remembered SrSftli2ffl Mr- Harry from the the plantfT may immediately lay in- 1 moth does not corrupt nor through and steal His home and Mrs Be attic and child was a haven of prayer Considering Toronto motored s ext it would nave up from the City and spent Thanks- mistaken kindness to wish his giving Mr and Mrs Harry f be prolonged I he bereaved relatives have the sympathy of our line gardens were almost the depredation of cattle which were ft allowed to run at large in limits If cattle the road in anv other me may immediately lav in- t formation for such damage and the IT Clerk of the Township the J owner of the cattle and one warning Quarterly Meeting wil be held is sufficient- Queensville being Sunday morning Theve will Police Village is not under pro tection of the bylaw and such bylaw of her having no own is in no way at able to get after he owner of cattl Francis Toronto in general HOLLAND LANDING spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs departure of the above doing damage in the village except on of he hc with Mr and Mrs Charles Sinclair The following persons spent Thanks I giving here Mr Fred iF Mrs Miss Ylimro j May Mr Mr HO Luck Mr Marion all of To- we arc sorry West and several others j Mr a is seriously III Word was received last week death of Mrs Sarah Deceased was a sister Mrs D- Bell and daughter of Henry Kellar Mr and Mrs West were calling friends here on Wednesday which can be thrust upon any wan but surely our Commissioners can spare time to frame and pass a bylaw which will eliminate this nuisance from our streets only We up very short their time and it will ccrtainlv most acceptable to all our local next year when the gardens at best each and ratepayer agitate for this bylaw I at It until we are protected Mr and Mrs J A Milne and Miss lown l ho holiday Mr Wright friend of f I he of on over on was per acre in Wttrict easy terms of payment KESWICK Mount Albert North Qwllltmbury Council Regular meeting held at Oct Wth members all Bfcnt of previous meeting read and approved A cation from solicitor yarding road at Park vae presented also bills hereinafter dealt with The Collectors bond was also presented The were paid v tile and ft O A lanterns i bonus wire fence ditto ditto ditto J Hamilton work con Johnston on WO line A culverts etc Lake shore H rep bridge Jersey refund dog tax ft Johnston cedar and gravel J ferry mud creek bridge 16775 Thompson bridge MM J con bridge bridge con Hamilton killed v railing bridge J gravel V cedar post ijft Council then adjourned to meet on December iAU Mrs Toronto former ly of Sharon accompanied by I it daughter Thanksgiving holidays lWith in this vicinity will be held ii the on mi Fun attendance at quested was calling riMiOs in town on Monday Mr Milne of Toronto visiting at P on Monday- fas Milne Frank Milne J Lewis Dr Graham John Smith and John were quota of brave hunters who are for next two weeks In the North country Hope they all come Lick Intact ft was with feelings of regret that the news of Mr J A sudden dath spread through the vil lage on Monday evening Deceased vas always held in the highest an Vachell Miss who is school teach ing at Egypt spent over Thanksgiv ing with her parents in Toronto Dr Graham of Tort Perry spent weekend with- Lawyer and Mrs Mr Dick of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents here Mr Nelson spent Thanksgiv ing with his parents at Following close in the wakj of the carnc the Tom- had very suddenly passed away on Saturday inst Deceased had been suf ferer front bronchitis of a na lignant for sorao rears The lend was as a lightning flash was known in every home in Gcor- Township having for thirtythree years occupied the situation of He was well known as an honorable man in the highest sense of the word sociable and very do mestic In his habits He is surviv ed by one son four daughters a Mens Heavy Sanitary Fleeced Underwear Mens Heavy Fen Brand Fleeced underwear per garment Mens Heavy Merino underwear per garment Mens Pure Wool underwear per garment Mens Extra Heavy Wool underwear g per garment Mens Heavy Wool Sox 25c and per pair 75 50 An extra RANGE of Ladies and children choose torn ranging in from to line of LADIES HEAVY LINED garment P underwear to including i ALL KINDS OF- SOLID LEATHER BOOTS to keep your feet DRV this sloppv weather THEM TO YOU snow QUEENSVILLE fcvi Wood Used for Shingles win parents at i Scotia and hit mnti aI Mr Walker motored Mother a funeral taJSS SJi to Newmarket last week with a delayed awaiting the rc- a large circle of a equal this section of Norwood was a at J Lewis over the 3J L70 attsnded the Fair report it a success J Lockfe got prize on bis yearling colt making firsts and one second this year While returning from the statloa Mis J was from the as were turning quickly the the blacksmith She on and shoulders receiving shaking up spect Mr guest day On Saturday Mr Titus Peregrine had a visit from Mrs accompanied by Mrs Stevenson of Toronto- No pains are spared to make the Hot Fowl Supper next Monday In Ik Methodist Church the Musk going a severe The of a that Is required to tat on table Nothing Is so to f tor odd forks and of this win to that there is at feast oia drd that able ia all Its stages ad Catarrh Halls Catarrh only post tire cure to a a constitutional treatment Halts Catarrh Cure Is taken fcAlly upon lb Mood of the system ttirrtr foundation of M4M gi fctrwot build lot and assisting nature In work proprietors bare so filth In its curative powers offer One Doltari Cor that it falls wre lor list of v J ft Co Toledo lulls Family tot Mt The vfMs held a in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday even ing of week An interesting ad by Thompson of Toronto and ar1 others and made the pleasing and beneficial furch served at the dote A number here attended hot fowl fcupper at Vroomanton on night report having a good J Shier is holding an Immense arm stock aod Implement hale on Saturday of this In point of program the patriotic concert on Tuesday evening vaawell worthy of its purpose and figured that a concert at the price and mads up out of our own young folks talent as not worth while chelated themselves a rare fine treat Tie fc two dialogues proved Intern ting and were well while the patriotic aroused the of the Jtev Jeffrey as on toe platform an well In and bad peo ple In Worthy of special mention was the quartette V is the boy to fcn aprons of the seaaon Mr Smith of Utter son was home for Thanksgiving Mrs Miss Mr and Mrs Jan are to Toronto for the winter Mrs Winnipeg en route for Florida where spending the aunt Mrs few days week Mrs J C visiting at her old home In Walter ton Halloween Passed on very quietly the spirits Interchanged a few and removed a shutter or two Just tnough to inform people that they that was of Oct MISS Cain the holiday Dont forget the Anniversary in the Methodist Church Sunday in Rou Head Will preach morning and evening nd choir will farnlKh music On Monday the Hot Fowl Supper and entertainment will given if the weather Is favorable should most enjoyable evening fhe Womens Institute met on Wed nesday afternoon this week number of are very sorry to state Miss pianoforte teacher is very ill with pneumonia Mr Brooks or Toronto was home over the weekend Miss Stevenson spent Sunday with Mrs Dean the Mr Harry Thayer of Aurora spent Thanksgiving with his parents at Point Mr Culvorwell motored Newmarket Fair on Friday The following from the city home over the weekend Mr Mr James Mr Mr Thayer and Norman Mr Frank Dean spent Sunday the Mr Jack Lyons of Toronto spnt IlcuiJOigiving with his parents in Virginia The Misses and Margaret of Toronto and Newmarket the weekend at home here Mr Leonard of Toronto was home over Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs spent Thanksgiving with relatives at were Win Geo Mr at rival of relatives from a Uncle Ceo Driver is another Of I our old friends gone George was a old soul always looking at the silver lining of every cloud Ive known him fifty years Mrs Johnston Aunt Sail has Been a more or less for several monhs but has at last become her old self to into the work make pies fat which she has no superior etc For a time she almost completely lost her voice When the autumn s are falling And the days are cold hard to hear Aunt Sally calling Cause she is so sick and old Hut when the orange tree is blooming On the sandy shore And the summer days are coming Aunt Sally will sing once more Our Hebrew friends have bade us farewell and Mr die Clover is now in command as proprietor Many visitors here for Thanksgiv ing Jobs ton is smiling like Ten species of wood are used in the manufacture of shingles In Cana da of which cedar is the most im portant Reports received by the Forestry Branch at Ottawahow that over ninetenths of the two billion shingles produced in Canada during were of these species and over onehalf of those were western cedur cut in British Columbia The consumption of spruce and white pine has decreased suddenly in per cent less of the form er made than in and scarcely onefifth the usual amount white pine being produced Nova Lie pine species in Brit ish Columbia Nearly three million more of hemlock shingles were pro duced in than during the year previous and of the total of fifteen million pieces over ninetenths was produced In Ontario and Quebec The above four species furnished over per cent of Hie wood used shingles Balsam douglas fir and pine although of less Im portance were used during in in creasing quantities and for first time tamarack and red pine were re ported as shingle wood There less fluctuation in the value of the species than formerly Balsam were the cheapest a Wr thousand and tamarack the most pensive at tt- had Kb over spruce shingles The white shingles arc mostly of the monticola and cut School report for Those marks for conduct Horner Doris Graham Viola HIAlma Bacon Edith Gladys Arnold Cor delia Laviolettc Nolle Horner II Charlie Lyons George Stiles Frances Horner LWillie Bacon Jr I Leonard Corner Jr I AHWaltor Roy Hose Harding Average a for month Kirkwood Barry Sound Oct Word Us been received here that the tody Violet Smith the school teacher has been missing for ten days and for whom the whole countryside was being has been bat ing in the River a quarter of a mile from the lions Peter Ramsay with whom she- was boarding A most searching will he held and everything that can be done to clear up the mystery will be done A a crockldile The cause of which Local News The boys and voting men we are glad to say were not very trouble some on We are glad t an improvement in this respect sec at her home over Marie Oat schooner lumber laden tor ftrnia became terlogyed a fcavy gale on Lake Huron and Captain Ms crew were compelled to sbaodofl bet In Kirn wood the crew and trot ttem to city tonight Tie ds is a be still afloat dangerous menace to A Beautiful Story A beautiful story Is depicted In the picture Again this season with the Family Herald and weekly Star of Montreal it beyond doubt the best picture ever offered that great paper The picture Is 23 rOzy for framing The Family Herald Weekly Is growing faster and faster every year It Is the marvel of the world today arid wHh a picture Again all for Opt dollar a year It is no the circulation grows borne In Canada should a dollar this season on this great bargain The contreot for four additional engirds the type has Just been awarded the Cana dian Locomotive Company of Kings ton The new are to by April of fcert OddFellows Dance was a great success The Halloween Social at the Manse given by the m rubers of the Presby terian Mission Band was very The that the Mem bers of tlic Mission Baud should ap pear in oldfaUiioned costumes was heartily responded to dresses were both quaint and beautiful and viMi a6slstarce of the gentlemen of the Knox Church choir a musical program was enjoyed Several reci tations by members of the Band given and after refreshments evening came to a close with Old Lang Syne Owing to the Methodist Church be ing closed for painting the usual ser vices and Sunday school will be held in the Church on Sun day NOV Sunday school at 230 and divine service at p when pastor Sin clair will conduct the service We are tony to report the death of Mr William Tomllnwn of We are lure the bereaved family have the sympathy of all their friends In their trouble Miss of Beaton Is the new school teacher litre At Fair on Thursday Mr horse Fortune won the three minute raoe winning the three heats and doing halt mile in There were five horses started Fortune also won at abridge races We are glad to report that Mr George ho got his leg brok en At Mr Luke Storehouses farm by a runaway Is good progrrs and the doctor Is allowing him to leave his bed this Miss Mary who has for time past been here left on WcdnewJay morning for where she fias accepted y teacher On day before believe is that be has completed his clearing and routing pine brush piles and now has the land breaker tearing up terra fir ma Ben Is still pegging away at his big Hes wearing it out himself also The MIASM are giving a Halloween party to their friends The arrangements are quite unique Pop corn lace portiere at the entrance to the drawing room moved family Newmarket last week Bate lie a good boy 1 What is loss Is Newmarkets gain coming pleanantcr weather probably for over fortnight Mrs Jot Clark dont for get to Come and make happy the The sight of her Is as good as a circus Our Is more than a good It Is phenomenal one Thats mainly due to his affable and nature Hes got a of Irish In bis which Is ac countable for his success In wooing Her Majesty Queen Bessie and for his dainty compliment to Uncle Owl He says Faith Mr Owl I have no Use for Bra i minus the Breezes Oh you blarney get out Turoiplng rooting ploughing and preparing for winter Is the occupation of the generality us No at present HEAD OFFICIO TORONTO Osier President D Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS A branch this Bank will be established London England on 1st July next at Cornell This Branch will issue of credit and drafts In all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection telographlo transfers and transact every description ol banking liaise Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will bo provided for the use of visitors and of letters of credit A BOO ART General Manager SUTTON WEST Copying I Framing Enlarging A A MILLER Farms for Sale Business Places Buying or Selling Write Us ROACHS POINT Dr Wesley of Newmarket sold his summer cottage and property adioin- and bought the entire strip on the Point between Greta and The Snuggery The Dr In tends to next spring and Is get ting the material on the ground for till Jan 1st Two from acres In the Township of County of York from Mt Albert mile Post mile from Church Good clay loam alt cleared and acres under cultivation acre of orchard land slightly rolling Plenty of good water Comfortable- log house good bar plemeot shed piggery Terms 1500 down balance arranged Heal Estate Brokers OF

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