Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 27, 1911, p. 8

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A DYSPEPTIC Fore Stale GQRMLET i CURED HIM Avohdai have been a great sufferer from Indigestion for fifteen years I was forced to deny all such hearty foods beans meats potatoes and could not drink tea or coffee For the past two years I lived on porridge stale bread etc I had treatment from two doctors and tried nearly kind of medicine but got worse Finally I saw a testimonial of and concluded to give Ihcm a trial I took nearly four boxes of and they have made me feel like a new man I eat all kinds of hearty foods without and am no longer constipated LEMUEL A BROWN Many people look on Fruitatives as a miraculous medicine It has Indeed performed what have seemed like miraculous cures in hundreds of cases of chronic Indigestion Dyspepsia Constipation and Biliousness is the only medicine in the world mde of fresh fruit juices and valuable tonics a box for or trial aire At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa- Want a House Hughes Heal The saw mill chopping and cider mill by Mr Jos near Gormley formerly as the Lewis property was burned to the ground Saturday morning at oclock The cause of the fire is not known The loss is about and there was no insurance Mr Collard will put in a new plant and will rebuild at once Had Bad Sore Four Years ZAMBUK HEALED IT Mrs Wilson Aye To ronto says About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the side of my face This spot increased in size until it became about half an inch diameter and very painful- went to a doctor but the ointment he gave me did not have any good ef fect The sore continued to discharge freely and was most painful had it cauterized tried poultices and all kinds of salves but it was no good and I continued to suffer from it for four years A sample of was one day given to me and I used it Although the quantity was so small it seemed to do roe some good so I purchased a further supply Corner is moving to his fcox did good and to delight before I Miss of is staying at three I H Johnstons for a few weeks Born To Mr and Mrs John James I Hunter on Oct a daughter Mary Margaret Quite a number from attended great Scott fair at Zephyr A new station agent has been trans- erred to our station Mr Cooper We wish every success The plasterer is working on Jacob Jamas house this week Mr Stewart Chambers brought I home about twenty dollars in prizes from Zephyr Fair the was the If to call on Battle Agent New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale to Eves Newmarket Apply 27 rot iienien paying good interest Posses sion one month K ROBERTSON Newmarket Mr T Lennox A Mrs Lennox and son are spending a few days at Atlantic City At the residence the brides aunt Mrs on Satur day October Mrs May Andrews of Aurora was united in marriage to Mr of King Township ceremony was performed by Rev I Robinson in the presence of the immediate friends of the bride and groom The contracting parties will reside in King Township I saw that it was going to heal sore less than a month it healed I know a lady in the east of city whose husband suffered for years with an open sore on his leg On my recommendation was tried in that case The other day when I saw her she told me that it bad healed the sore completely My daughter who lives at has also used with the same satisfactory result I think it is beyond all doubt the fin est healing balm known Such is the opinion of all persons who have really tried It is a sure cure for eczema piles ab scesses ulcers scalp sores ringworm cuts burns scalds bruises and all skin injuries and diseases box all druggists and stores post free from ZamBuk Co Toronto for price In case of skin disease use al so ZamBuk Soap fl5c tablet Bribery Charge Dismissed New Brick House Far Sale with all modern coavtni- also a number of choice build- fog lots Apply to I ofr on of the posts One of the wires caught the hired man and threw htm out of the auto but as lie was reading a paper it came between him the wire he was not much For Sale f House with summer kitchen pantry good basement Lot Apply to Mrs Dicks Joseph Ave Newmarket The monthly meeting the Aurora I Mr Millers clothing was Branch of the Womens Institute will otherwise he- was not be held at the home of Mrs injured Mr Ira Anderson was on Wednesday October 25th fortunate as one of the wires at oclock A paper will be given aro bis inflicting several Mrs J A M VanNostrand on clothing was also Waste through Injudicious Buying also one by Miss Gertrude Borden on the Twentieth Century Girl A ripped Fortunately Mr Mil ler managed to shut the gasoline I before corning to lhc fence dial invitation is extended to allj practically uninjured Tribune ladies interested in the Institute For Sale Heavy Spring Colt Chief Carriage Spring Colt Hull Calf fit for service to Reg Reg Berkshire Sow bred Berkshire Boar due now Oxford Down Ram Lambs Come arid tee or write for particulars and breeding Prices right DEKNIS Newmarket P A hot fowl supper under the au spices of the Ladies Aid During tie past few weeks the was held in Methodist Presbyterian Church- has been church on Wednesday Oct 25 An closed for decorations and repairs excellent program was given con- On Sunday last the church was re- of solos recitations dialogues Chief by the Rev Mr short addresses by Revs J aptainBry- MrSphreys and Tribhle and has had a wide experience phone selections by Mr Courtney For New brick bouse on Ontario street pantry closets separate bath wide verandah on brick piers also rear verandah bay window cel lar full size and divided furnace has in public and religious life and his recent appointment to the office of Associate Superintendent of Missions for the Dominion is an indication of his outstanding ability The gave two very impressive messages to the large gregatlons and Mr deliv ered the greetings to the people and congratulated them earn est in God a beautiful building to worship in The part of service was very inspiring and under the lead- ershik of their Student Minister the M L A flnished oak upstairs most acceptable Georgia pine wired for electric cement walks home fori farmer Come and Terms suit If not soldi in time will Ia flercd for good Mr Alex pud the Program of the League Nov Lessons from great lives John Consecration Meeting Sarah Jar V Is Irene Hill- The case against the Saloon Gertie Cook AIL king the House of Missionary Journey Around the rrhlnl World Acts Geo Dove Mr of peace and I Grace afunshaw recital to tenant V Scott Main street Id order to make good allow water to boil twice fc Ik of ht of hiring their ltt 1kUAjUy rXt Our lav colors A itr wfjn A very pleasant event took place on Saturday evening at the of Mr and Mrs Jas Mood when young people of the choir presented a beautiful Oxford Bible to Mr George in appreciation of his services to the church during the past six months Rev Mr Ed- ml son made a few Introductory marks and Miss Hood read the address Mr was by surprise but be made a wry favorable response In a words Church services will continued In the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening at oclock Tribune Thanksgiving Day SINGLE FARE Between all stations to Niagara Kail Buffalo Y Huron and Mich October Actum Limit November WIJ- Tickets at Single Pare DAILY NOV to points fa to t certain Soo- Wb MOV Midland pa Lindsay to from Severn to and certain fcy All valid for return until Dec except to points by steamer line from Toronto Anderson of spent over Sunday at Mr BarrerV family from near moved Into tho lie Association erf ret on Monday it the home of v VanNorman A Wedding took place at two on Oct at Methodist Church here when our popular awl councillor Mr Hoover wan united in Mrs Meyers of Zephyr arid of by J of Aurora h Ie p last Thursday was a success The to overflow with a appreciative audience Mr Mitchell Pield Work gave the best we hare had the pleasure llstenirg to In on the Benevolent work of the order Mis Lillian Ml Ion contralto pianist Mils Maud and soloUt were both WOll received awl Mr Har vey comedian in roars laughter and was heart ily encored every time he Mr save a few words the good that lias done to many the member On Saturday last Mr B Miller and Ma hired an1 Mr Anderson motoring went ari Bros cows crossing ar1 Mr Miller held up the msiiiine let get lie put on one of the amViJa came hade upon the road and motor could not be till it struck the cow ard Its so changed that ran down through a wire breaking Mr Albert and Miks and MISS Laura Jeffrey who have been ill with typhoid lever are recov ering Mrs It Norman New York City has returned home after spending a couple Of months with parents Mr and Mrs Fry Mr J met with a some what accident on Monday He In a tree picking apples and fell to ground a distance of ten or fifteen feet Injuring his and ankle Large crowds attended the anniver sary in the MeUiodlst Church here on Sunday Get 15th when of Toronto De cupled the pulpit The Method 1st choir of had charge of the singing and their selections were appreciated by present The knife and fork supper on Monday for stores iron work If your dealer does not cany Knight bl name and and we will send a full size tin by return mall THE P CO I Ji Hamilton- Oo of lt nKT 3 Mr and Mrs of Newmarket spent few days in town this week Mr of Keswick spent yesterday attending the Fair Miss Jessie Wright of was guest over the Fair of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs West and son also Mrs Gerald Pearson of Newmarket spent in town Mr and Mrs J Stephens were in town over the Fair The Horses from Bradford and West carried most of the prizes at Fair Celtic- Baron the great Clydesdale Stock Horse owned by Frank Saint is to day generally considered by horsemen to be the best stock horse in Canada His colts are carrying colors in every class Frequently sales from yearling colts from this horse bring as high as twoyearolds bring as high as There is probably no place where t lie progeny of a horse is so eagerly up at the highest price the vicin ity of Bradford Mr- Saint refused for Celtic Baron last March Over two thousand people attended the Bradford Fair yesterday On ac count of the downpour all day Tues day there were very few- at the grounds the sports being postponed till yesterday morning In the even ing rain continued and those who hail already arrived were com pelled to stay indoors Wednesday a glorious day it partly made- up for the day before Hie school children marched to the grounds about a and sports were indulged in There was the array of side shows the well patronized by the grownups as well as children the hall exhibits were good Witness The Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church held a meeting on Friday evening which was ad dressed by Miss lately re turned from the Holy Land Work has been commenced on the ground for skating rink It having been ploughed and levelled Mr Fisher Intends rushing things and we trust he will be able to have it running this winter We under stand the building is to he ft There will be a curling rink at each side of the skating rink and it will rejoice the hearts of our curlers of whom we have not a few We can depend on having a good hockey learn and bo look forward to an interesting I winters sport The building Is also have a large visitors gallery AN UNKNOWN QUAN TITY i was also well attended the ladies providing a spread of eatables that would be hard to excel In vari ety and quality Rev Johns ton Toronto delivered his famous lecture Courtship and Marriage to a crowded house pthOS and hu mor being admirably blended In an effort which held the undivided atten tion of his hearers Proceeds about mo Hair Health Take Advantage of this Generous Offer Your money back upon request at our store if Hair Tonic doesnt do a we claim Thats our guarantee You obligate yourself nothing whatever Could you ask or could we give you stronger proof of our confidence In the hair restoring qualities of this preparation Ve could not afford to so strongly endorse Hair Tonic and ConUhue to It as we do If did not do all claim it will Should our have carried us away US Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the owners they would faith in and our and In our would Vfcl assure if your hair la beginning to fall out or if you have any trouble Hair Tonic will promptly eradi cate dandruff stimulate growth and prevent premature or above guarantee become opera tive Two stiet and Bold only at our Store J It Brougbton Drug Newmarket Strength whether of body mind or will la in unknown quantity It can never be measured except by put ting it forth Wc do not know our powers simply because no definite bounds of them until proved by hearty resolute patient exertion To sit still then in the absurd notion ve cannot move to abstain from any effort because we fancy can not make enough Is like insisting on the shallowness of the ocean that has never been fathomed or the shortness Of the distance that has never Ken travelled A WOMANS WAY TO GET RELI TAKE QUI LAMC P I received your cample of Gin and after them I felt ao much that I a box at my and now I am taking the third box pain my back and baa almost entirely gone and am better than I have been lor I strongly advte all who from in the Back and Weak to try Gin HARRIS On the day the election Vallentne of was arrested on a charge attempting to Iribe Lome Bagshaw The had been sworn out by Moses Linton who knew neither nor but swore he was informed and believed- that Vallentyne had offered money to a scrutineer for Con servative candidate to induce him to vote for the candidate The case was called before Mfyor at 2 oclock the same day P Cooke of Sharp Cooke appear- for the prosecution and W for the accused There was no evidence offered in support the charge the case was adjourned one week Mr Vallentyne released and then commenced a hunt for evi dence and a rush to get the arrest published in the Times and Toronto and Vallentynes charaoter was blackened thereby the item wired the News heing quite sensational and conveying the impression that ihis Riding was full of strangers in trying to buy votes for the Reform candidate While was going on the man supposed to have been offered money was quietly following his usual voca tion and knew nothing of charge or the arrest until the avenging agent or agents in search of evidence made it known The Liberals were of the opinion that the arrest on the day before the election was a bluff to cast discredit upon the Reform party and diert suspicion from the Conservative par ty The case did not come up again Oct- 3rd when Moses was allowed to amend his charge toan offer and agreement to lend money to induce to vote etc Evidence was taken nnd the case again ahjourned On Friday last Oct the case came up again Mr Vallentyne was the only witness He was sworn and said I know Saw him dur ing a street convocation where sev eral were present Nothing personal was said On Sept I met him on the road and invited him to take a drive to Beaver ton said he wasnt properly dressed Said he was a little short ol money touched his pocket I had lent him a little money before and said I hadnt much but could lend him i5 Neither nor name was mentioned He said Oh no I dont need it just now I said I hadnt much would lend a few to him any time He did not go to with me The next time two nights before the election was in the hotel He call ed roe to one side and said uc want ed to speak to me A number came in just then He said here were a good many around and perhaps ho would see me next night I all right and if he didnt see me around to come up to my room He haI often been and knew where it was Nothing was said about money or voting I never tried to get him to vote for Mowat for mon ey Never asked him or urged him to vote I hadnt dollar to spend on the election Did not offer to lend with a view set ting him to vote for The next time- 1 saw was when ho came to my room the nifcht be fore the election anil said to ma sonic person has put up a dirty Job on us lias no vote in this riding I was not going see Mr at Beaver ton to we a personal friend When me If there were any thing doing I- did not think he referr ed to politics and I dont think he I had no money use for the election As for Blacks evidence It Is true that I had a job of shingling a barn for my board and tin equiva lent of day If I were going to boy votes I would not start with the or I think chief trouble was a misunder standing when I offered to lend Have money other times when no election was In sight Counsel addressed the bench briefly and the dismissed the case This case contains a warning to every man regardless of party kail InnoCOn or guilty Under the law as revealed In this case the most law abiding citizen can be disgraced by arrest on the warrant of a roan who docs not know him or anything about him His arrest can trig type all the country Alien the case is heard and disposed of be can have no redress This Is phase of law that Is worth remembering and should induce everyone to keep as clear of It as possible brldge Journal Of contain well known me- of Gin well at other curatWs agent hot do not contain alcohol Klla are yuarantetd by wholeaaU drug In to or money refunded joe for If Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Dtp A Toronto If take Rational aHlla Sflll Pouring into Canada Ottawa Oct immigration department has Just announced the statistics of arrivals for the month of September ion They total 2- compared with lor Sep tember or an IncreaJX per cent Those from United States number aB compared with for September or an Increase of per cent Arrivals from ocean ports were against for the Same month last year or an increase of per cent For the first half of the preaent fis cal year la April to Sept In clusive the total immigration Cornea to as against for the same months of last year or an of per cent Of this number were from the as compared with for a like period last year or an Crease per cent while 15011 arrived via ocan porta for the months of or an Increase of per cent conaha hi that most of the sicknesses of life come from Inactive bowels and from unhealthy condition of the organs of digestion If your digestive system is not working right your food does not nourish you poor blood and weakness follow if your bowels are inactive waste matter poisons the whole system and serious sickness sure to follow To take promptly A is to save yourself trouble and expense Gcntlci but quick safe but thorough they enable the bowels to carry away waste matter naturally and tone up the whole digestive system They will not injure the most delicate They help you to get your bowels and your digestive organs in that condition when they can take care of themselves and of you Pills Do Naturally are StelntfructhnM only BeccbtnifSl Helen Sold Ctnada S America 25 t earn money l When you buy Farm Tools stamped with Samson Brand you can be absolutely sure that you are getting big value for your money Hon estly constructed of the best mate rial scientifically designed as to do the most work with the least exertion Samson Brand Farm Tools give satisfaction Go to your dealer and ask to see Samson Brand Farm Tools Try them in your work You will find them all you expect of high- grade tools Ask your Dealer S Sons Co Limited Samson Ready Roofing protects the buildings it covers 1 Drs K TAKE ALL RISKS NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY men annually to a Blood If you have any of the It you ami dIon dent ami KlOOlMVi Ilia dark under ami In urlr win hollow careworn ill energy Dl hi weak decay hair lute Hi out etc YOU WILL BE A WRECK Oar Mtthod can cure you and a of you It Influ ence the the tlmt all 1 r i lcootno that dUai rl tppMr too nerw become at mat the eve become bright tin tar full and ku returns and tho moral and are ll drains more vital WMte from and of- your bird will euro or no pay EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFD No matter who h treated you write fofanhoDtali Fro Golden Monitor rated of Men QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letter from Catiaua to our Correspondence Depart in Windsor Out you to see call our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat do ID our Windsor which for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian only Address all letters ad follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Oat Ml Damp arc a trouble to their owners For a dust ing powder try equal parts starch powder and Zinc powder IF YOU GOING TO vn o I Ml ttb i4rftu HjUiOsQWC it t for fcwuin MUaia tall mm of AST OR- get time cards Call on the local agent and Toronto lo Van couver p dally For tickets and Sleepers apply to ATKINSON Aeat 1 I Sheep Astray upon premises ot undersigned Lot 24 In the of East ewe ar tleles but in good Wo lambs The owner Is requested to property pay charges animals fcway John I I I OF ONTARIO

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