Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 6, 1911, p. 7

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111 Oct 1911 We are just opening some specially in lines for fall which for finish quality uptodate designing second to none and being imported direct from the potteries you buy them at most reasonable prices Our Blue Willow Pattern is very neat and at tractive It is very old yet just now quite new or the balance of the year free to new subscribers paying- in advance for 1912 a year extra to Papers Another Mouse Going Up- Barker Bros are building another United States Prospect nearly op posite Gardners Foundry This makes five or six new bouses in that vicinity Brief lets I I Child Scalded On Friday morning of last week Mrs Ed Bummers little was badly scalded on bar side by polling the teadrawer over and upsetting contents upon itself No serious re sults are anticipated Selecting Jurors According to law the selectors of jurors in every municipality in On tario are called upon to meet for the selection of jurors for next As- sizes an Courts on Tuesday next the inst an A new Telephone Directory was dis tributed Town subscribers on Monday Th- Central Committee of the North York Reform Association will meet in the Temperance Hall New market a oclock Saturday Fair on Wednesday and Thursday of next week mm Customs Collector Bertram is in receipt of a Utter with enclosed j r as conscience money to cover duty on a few little recently brought into Canada Some little time ago i5 was received to defray Customs charges the letter said but it was conscience money all same Job Printing When people want a good job of printing done and want it quick they come to the Era Office We do not require to get half the work done in Toronto in order to praise it up ressHeraM Next time thing in our line Just us S The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of the The Price for 98 Pieces Methodist Church will be held at home of Mrs Meek street on Oct oeoek full attendance is requested and a Industrial Home and Special Committee met at home on Tuesday and decided that it was too late to go on with the alterations agreed upon although the contract has lecn let to Mr Geo MOKE LATER he to vis- j McDflnaH U lo over until March next hut and SMIT DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA I China Hall Grocery THE PLACE TO Sliced by Machinery thick or thin to suit the Purchasers Taste All Ladles are Invited To inspect the beautiful of hats at Mrs Hughes over Hunters store No trouble to show then to intending purchasers Monumental Work This week the Newmarket Marble Works erected granite monuments Dr Bond at Pleasant Cemetery Toronto and Mr Lloyd Cemetery Parties hav ing this kind of work in contempla tion get it done- before the frost strikes into the ground Houses Sold Mr Geo A Thompson sold three of his bouses last week The two on Charles were bought by Mr and Mr Sanson two nun from the old country who have been in Town a few months The other on Superior street where he at present resides has been bought by Mr Mr Thompson expects to move into house Prospect Ave the latter part of this month Mr Ken Robertson lias sold the house he vacated to Mr who has taken possession be commodious Poultry House is to erected at once The customary accounts for supplies and quarterly salaries ware passed amo to Womens Institute The regular meeting of the Newmar ket Womens will he held at home of Mrs Gibbons on Sat Oct sharp A bus will be at Mullocks Corners to meet the one o clock car for the ladies who arc go ing The ladies are all expected to respond t the Roll Call with a quo tation from nature Mrs Gibbons lives in a beautiful part of the coun try the ladies will enjoy the drive as well as a time with the hos pitable hostess I I WLB0SW0RTE The Leading Reliable Grocer Delivery Phcmt CORNER OF Main Timothy s New Methodist Church A carload of lath arrived on Mon day morning and the lathers Com menced work at noon The school room is all lathed now and the are putting on the first coat of plaster while the lathers are dress ing up the auditorium It is ex pected that by the end of next week the coat will be the entire building Work is being rushed along by trades so as to open the Sun day School Department the second Sunday in November if possible Christian Church The pastor will preach next Sunday morning and evening The following are topics for consideration a m Casting Bread upon the Waters p m A Young Girls Choice and What Came of it school room of the church Brie ad- school room the church Brief ad dresses special music recitation etc Come Mr T Evans of Bradford will address the Christian Sunday- School next Sunday afternoon Important Subscribers to Local Subscrip tion Fund re the building ol jeringCoycgei are requested to pay promptly as possible to the local treasurer the balance owing on the several subscriptions That the College Board has already in connection with the Building and surroundings quite twice amount originally ex pected goes without saying Tills year some four or five hundred dol lars being spent on Improvement to ground to n The College Board needs the money Return Tickets at Single Pare win Tbe extension of Mr is a improvement the floor space being nearly doubled Mr Kinowles is also putting an elevat or so that he can tiring up barrels of sugar etc from the cellar which will le used as a general storehouse The walls and ceiling are covered with metal giving fine appearance Workmen are putting new fchjiftles on the Christian Church roof this week high wind on Wednesday de molished the awning in front of furniture l OCT TO NOV 1Mb be given points In potols to and Stock Judging at Newmarket Fair Good Writing To Induce pupils of the senior Classes In our lal Public Schools to development of a good easy plain style of handwriting Directors of the Newm to be held on Oct 25 and have arranged to offer a very prize for the In the form of a Hire- Months In the leading Business College in Canada ibis scholarship is good for use within three years from date of Issue and Is well worth winning The Board hopes many competitors will be in evidence among the School Exhibit In their Fair this year Inclusive to certain Like uptodate business awn in Quebec New Brunswick other lines of enterprisefarmers roust and Maine j change their methods to nwl OCT NOV nth conditions ard demands many Newmarket years ago the farmers chief Owing to the Dominion of revenue from the fcralntaklng place on the date originally for our Pall Pair the Lake A Bays Midland River derive from the h sold in Hie fall and little All licfeels lid by learner OWMr for return until pt ti Tuesday to Barry ri f to v hc and Directors have Point from Severn to 1 to make change rattier Bay inclusive and I nave old metnMiin interfere or come Into dlttd the with other Pall It of many a good farm and at- came a matter of to select tuition was turned to stock raising a much In year Thursday except to points l- l every usual Possibly however this may farmer if- making have Its advantages as if will afford from the latter an opportunity for exhibitors who In order to make the most from have won prims at other Pairs In stock raffing the breeder must surrounding Townships and Riding quiaritl with lifh yx1 ri the to enter their Stock and Farm Pro- inferior point of his particular for here in other words he a food Hoard of Directors are making cal- DAILY TO BC Politics still engross a good deal of attention Today leading spirl it in Tory politics stated chat Hon Cochrane would- not b2 a portfolio in the Cabinet and that the Provincial elections would be held till next year A prairie dog or cap- few days aj Mr of Camden street It is thought the animal escaped from the Zoo or be- longed to someone who had it tle West An electrician named Alfred wlo had been rendered speechless by an electric current recovered bis speech last Saturday A fire at a ladies tailor shop on Tuesday morning at Queen street West did SiOJXJ damage before being extinguished A pressor named Cohen was nearly smothered Toronto had in Septem ber just double of the -corres- ponding month in 101O and yet there was no special epidemic Sir Andrew and Lady left Toronto for Winnipeg last Monday night Sir Andrew Canadian Club He then Saskatoon next Monday and ton and Calgar on the following j Wednesday and Thursday Mr and Mrs J Grundy accompanied them The girls section of the Athletic Association held very suc cessful social on Monday evening last in tho employees luncheon rooms of the new factory There was a large turnout and all present enjoyed them selves A fight over dollar last Monday night resulted in a serious stabbing Joseph Large is the wound ed mans name and Joseph Lawless is charged with committing the deed The man is in Hospital Lawless was arrested A delegate from the British Indies is in the city this week to further the cause of trade reciprocity Canada and the country he represents The Ecumenical Council of Method ism convened in this yesterday means from all the earth Addresses welcome were delivered by Rev Briggs Toron to Bishop J Hamilton of and Bishop Boss of Teicn- Responses were given by Hough Rev R Essex and Kir Parks The Council foregathered at the Metropo litan Church Delegates are here from all the world For the time in history of Methodism wo men arc taking part in this notable gathering The Library room of the Metropo litan Church has been turned into postoffice for the benefit of the Ecu menical Conference Quite a was created in a Davenport car West Toronto on Mon day when a young lady passenger col lapsed In a fainting fit A city wants the follow ing question referred to the People next election A re you i favor laying all water mains as local Im provement the cost to be assessed upon lands benefitted The funny part that the electors have had mains constructed by gen eral tax now want to get id of helping those who helped construct mains for them Acting for Mrs Adelaide V Hall J has entered an at Hall for the purpose of securing an order of the Court de- daring her fathers second void and marriage settlement and his will Invalid Mrs Hall that her father had been an Inmate of the asylum before bis marriage was an Inmate afterwards On Monday lust while York Council were deciding not to allow a hospital to be erected on filreet city council wan authorizing the City Treasurer to issue debentures and borrow money to erect the building Con flict of authority On the ult Win It Johnston passed away his year He was head o the wholesale clothing firm of Johnston Co De ceased had been a resident thin city since In the bathroom his boarding lkusc Constable Harry an old vest with pinned the Inside pocket- After turning it to the police it was discovered that tbe owner was an American I es tate agent who had taken apart ments in the place last week but left the city v mm J mm I- I was no negligence on the part of the Company if BC M j on an exhibition of more alUe Wash ViSb by a lack of than usual extent and Interest and Ore- Ban An- it generally means as- it almost the last one for 4 wan and irtAVn fcuwnd falUlhe year make no doubt their I- it at very low rates loth Oct from Grand Agent or address A Vs DUFF Toronto 1 Agent You cannot to anticipation will be fully rralieL this there Is fhe building and grounds will be fit- no better way than by actual Up In better condition than ever In fudging of stock not only for the of but also or convenience Interested in this be and comfort of the general public at Pair a sfockl Competent fudge will be Elected Judging Competition for young meglto award premiums In the several under year of axe has been and preparations are In with Board Mr gress to afford amusement for those anted once for work in your Iff BHA of the who may visit tbe Pair for will guarantee to local branch pf of surabfe outing and sightwelng before per Opportunity to Agriculture take pface on the the Wand Although pay liberally Matt day of the at capped by lie change of date from for spare not difficult 1 pm will three the required Interna classes of stock Draft 20lb October the Directors We Press Toronto Opt Mi Cattle Dairy making efforts to make the Representative tfrf placing two reasons to he exhibition best the history of frgersoB v written on for If Three cash will the I the Association The is I given for a Farmers and It a Worth farm- the wow done in each class of now up to them to make it worthy Ho entry fee will be charged of the Hiding and a credit old to Arrived residing near a heavy by fire this Urn all this crops together a were totally destroyed at Mr ofrfttrs and were about to returned out In straw barn Contestants will at the North York The list is large of at land varied and the premiums offered pm sharp entries Mr totalling amount in excess of any Pair In a wide extent of territory It is fondly hoped therefore that 1 Edwards of AgrlcuKere Orbs a and manufaetur- taken advantage of by the district will do part 4r number of roDg to the exhibition a grand J cess Dove was before the Set siofis on last charged uttering a document purport lug to be a marriage Rev Johnston pro curing a certain person to commit an indictable offence- At the Dove was the charge of luring a young away from her parents and the present cfiarge arises of the vlmiuion that he procured a bis to out a marriage Certificate to satisfy the parents The case was adjourned till Monday last when pleaded guilty He was re manded till the close of the reunions for sentence sir bacon who was kill ed by the upsetting of bis near Vernon B last we- wan born in Toronto succeeded to the title about ten ago at the age Of On Tuwday evening last Private Clifford of Co Grenadiers was presented with a7old watch a tok en of elation of the honor to his company by winning the Prince Walts and the Kings prizes In the Assize Court on Monday the claim of H Church for dam age for loss of foo against the To ronto and York Co was missed Jury decided that Bain rain arid more rain Mr Bert has arrived homo after a visit to the West and thinks there is no place like Old Ontario Miss Mabel Elliott has returned home after three months visit in the Western States Manitoba Quite a number of people from here attended the lecture at Snowball on Mond evening Mrs has been spending a few days in Toronto Mr Norman Curtis w and child are visiting at his fathers Mr J Curtis Mr Otto of Montana Is calling on friends around Kcttleby Rev Powell Honey wood will preach in KcttlOby on Sunday after noon The Annie went too early for some returning to the city Monday morning It is a hoy that has come Oscar Hencocks to- stay Oct 3rd Charlie tie your Sale Register SATURDAY OCT Mr Daniel Williamson will have an auction sale of farm stock implements etc rear end of Lot con Whitchurch Sale at one o clock J Prentice Auctioneer SATURDAY Oct 21 Mortgage tab of property in Whitchurch at the King George Hotel Newmarket oclock See bills MONDAY Oct J Mrs Martha will dispose of horses cows Implements household goods at oclock Hester auctioneer PI DAY Oct Mr Arthur Re- dorc at the Virginia Willi hold an extensive farm sale at I oclock 12- months credit on sums over J auction- j cor ss TREADEASY This Cuihlon Sole keeps your feet saves them from exhaustion and prevents aches or injury the sensitive of the foot We are a Newmarkets Shoe Dealer I NORTH END GROCERY Long Clear Special lb pail Lard pure for Smoked Roll Bacon Mild 160 lb Fancy Biscuits JamJams Sultanas lb Grocery Department We have Just passed Into stock a direct importation of crockery You are cordially invited to call and inspect these goods They are decldedl Interesting ft tho prices Inviting MONDAY Oct Alex Ar Lot Con 2 Will Genuine China Sets pieces Floral decorations substantial worth for per set dispone horses Implements material etc at oclock monthsscrcllt l sums over HO auctioneer f A V h Hester An Immense variety of Toilet Seta to choose from Original designs at easy prices Happiness grows at our firesides each and It gardens not picked up in strangers dozen Berry Bowls heavy glass price to clear at I doin Lemonade Sets tumblers Jug and Tray Handsome pat- YEARS EXPERIENCE terns it per set Phone HOWARD TnAot DOPYBIOH73 do AUp out itA hifJ Scientific yAirztV Bach of Is fellowworker with j In creating the Universe we live There are young people In rdjjtn- houses who nevertheless arc In worlds which hear no to each other make our world ft sunny beautiful Joyful place or a dismal and cheerless one to some creative Impulse Dont blame some power outside If the world you live In Is not to your I liking The chances arc you have created the very things to you object Wire Fencing Five Years Success With FIELD ANDlAWH FENCES mm a MADE BY Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Coma and see Quality and get price For Sale By J High School Newmarket Ontario ARCHIVES OF

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