Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 22, 1911, p. 5

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if J- RobePtson Barrister Notary Public Act OfficeMain St Newmarket to loan on good curitf Farm prank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dr Clank ST Street Ne Dr Wilkinson DENTIST in Block Newmarket More Phones New phones have just been placed in the residences of Road- house and Principal or the High School Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence desired NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere Brief lets A break in the temporary dam at street caused delay of two or 3 hours on the cement work on the canal basin one day last week Are You a helper A perfect tow is that- in which you the farmer the home merchants the laborers spending the money they earn with their own tradesmen and are animated by a spirit that will not purchase articles abroad if can be bought at home Yonge Street Friends Halfyearly meeting will be held in the Friends meetinghouse on street Sunday and Monday Sept and Service will commence on Sunday morning at oclock and en Monday at the same hour Mr Isaac ttilson of West Lake will be prese and address the meeting both on Sun day Monday Appetite THIS REMEDY WILL IT If you hare no appetite for meals cant work cant rest and are annoy with too frequent urination and a burning scalding pain in making-pas- EDITORIAL NOTES The West End Christian Temperance Society of Toronto has passed a J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons A England Former clinical assistant fc Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours 210 My services may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the office or phon T Time Card GOING NORTH rn Toronto Newmarket ar 1025 Firemens Practice to ask the Ontario Govern Last Friday evening alarm of for legislation to declare it il- was Sounded on the Waterworks for hotels and liquor stores to whistle and the people rushed to j keep open on holidays and also to the street where the fire was- hours of sale for As a matter of fact there was from a to p lire this method being adopted to 1 1 Saturdays Legisla te the firemen out to practice along the- lines- proposed would The Council should see such an materially lessen the treating custom aland is not repeated gives the sagesv ai night you retire hoping for sleep that either does not come or is troubled and fitful you have kidney trouble and need Booth Kidney the remedy all kidney and bladder trouble A few- doses of Booths Kidney Pills will wake Up the sluggish kidneys Bnd regulate the urine Continued treats will cure and heal the weakened kidneys and restore the appetite in the natural way Sold everywhere box or postpaid from The T- Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Ont Free trial sent on application Sold and guaranteed by Pattersons Drug Store THE LATEST LONDON DODGE A fashionably dressed man entered Toronto Jones a- Toronto prospector while taking through the township of discovered the a man Indications are that tiei man was frozen to not a victim of the fire- Officials are pre- paring to open their new branch line between Toronto and Trenton 1st The distance from the Don Junction to Trenton station is Tomato packers are busy and they say if frost keeps a little longer the crop will be equal to last year In the earlier part the season was thought that- the crop would realize more than cent of last year A faulty electric wire caused a blaze in a Queen street picture gal lery and damage to films was done the fire was extinguished A little tot of a between three and lour years of age was found playing on tie Suburban Street Rail way track on Monday She could give no indication of her identity The po lice took her in charge to see if her parents would turn up Warwick an employe of the Rubber Co on Satur day last had one his fingers torn oil and the rest of his right hand badly crushed by a Oar en the Grand Trunk It appears that whle a train was standing still Warwick undertook to climb underneath one a tobacconists shop in the west side of London in which several persons were being served Having selected a sixpenny cigar he lighted it and asked for his change out of the half- empty c and was just getting crown had given her girl when denied that she had received one people Unnecessary fears The ring ing of the fire bell be is a- source of satisfaction to to call the firemen to practice j learn that progress is being made in all directions in he Construction an SOUTH Methodist Church The services in the Town Hall were very satisfactory last Sunday Good congregations morning and evening and Sundayschool The pas tor delivered two very line sermons Hit choir of voices were in ex cellent form Miss sang the in the morning an them Solo in evening anthem by Mr Barker and also duet with Mr Walter While the offering was being taken Miss Rita Irwin gave a most beautiful tender ing of Almost persuaded with variations the pia A big day is expected next Sunday York Rangers Shoot Nearly fifty members of the North York Rangers participated in the an nual regiment rifle matches on the ranges Long Branch Saturday For opening of the lines for traffic of the Grand Trunk Pacific Recent reports given out says the Globe announced the completion of the road to hiigh a Point in the National Park miles west of Winnipeg and service will be immediately ex tended thereto and it is expected that fifty or Sixty miles additional beyond will be graded for Steel this fall- Ihis would bring steel to Cache Work on the Prince Albert Branch is being ra pidly pushed forward steel has been laid far as sixtyeight miles from the main line and on this line has been completed within twentyfour miles of Prince Albert the fourth time in succession Com- a mm Furnace Work of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit it the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Grocery Knox company with 5 officers making a core of at yds company won prize with a score o got special prize for taking Ifee at Niagara camp hi Saturday Major carried off yds the yds prize and the COO yda fltf A silver was won by Major with a mow of H and Major A who lOCond with took the Kills medal front him He gTcw very indignant and said that if she looked in Her lilt she would find it adding that it had a certain mark on it The girl to satisfy him looked and found a half- crown piece marked as described and apologizing for her mistake was about to hand him the change when two police officers who happened to observe his manoeuvres from the out entered and took him in custody He was taken to the po lice station where lie was recognized as a skillful practitioner of this de scription of theft His plan was to send someone into the shop to purchase some trifling- article with marked halfcrown and then short ly afterwards to enter and act as above described By this trick he had managed to make some couple of pounds a day m t WANTED A For Newmarket And District to Stock for The Nurseries More Tree will fee planted in Kali of and of than ever be fore in history Ontario iij Orchard of the future will be the paying part of the frti We men in- Culture and Prof in Fruitgrowing Can Made Weekly Permanent Territory for Matrimonial A quiet place on Thursday at -Inver- Lake the summer homo of Mr and Mrs Stew art of Poplar Plains road Toronto when their Muter ilifts Blanche Pearson yonngest daughter of tin late P Pearnon Was married to Mr Harry of ioronto JiiO ceremony conducted by P rector of St Jarae Church Sutton in the presence of only Immediate families The bride was wore a travelling suit blue cloth With hat 10 match Mr and Mm tor a trip down the St to Montreal and Quebec election crook is going to have a precious time of it in Ontario says the Telegram of Saturday It adds The Ontario Government has given notice that their AttorneyGen eral is in fact a policeman for this occasion We are glad the Telegram has given out this information and we now take occasion to inform the Ontario Governments AttorneyGen eral that right here in North York he will find a job and can play the policeman alright We are Informed that four smart Alecks travelling in an automobile between Sharon and Keswick on Saturday night last ef faced or destroyed several notices an nouncing meetings in the interests of Mr Their Conduct was disgraceful to themselves as well as to the political party they soaght to serve If tin were to play a prank of rimilar character upon Whitneys supporter from North York Wouldnt he send up howl Yes you bet the Government police man do his duty Obituary was VALUABLE TIME Andrew Wilson an attorney was named as the of an estate It was his duty t lucky missing brother He was slicing turnips for the his employers farm tip among the mist- clad hills of said Mr Wil son when found him had trac ed his life from the old farm on The on the rool were old which he was bom step by step through forty yearn of illpaid and often most unpleasant before I approached him It was riot difficult for I- held but a few positions In all years in coun- The readers of this paper will be to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cat that it fails to cure Send for list testimonials Address J CHENIOY Co Toledo Sold by druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation THE LADIES AH The old church bell had long been cracked Its call was but a groan It seemed to sound a funeral knell With every broken tone We need bell the brethren Said But taxes must be paid We have no money we can spare- Just ask the Ladies Aid right hand got pinned under the wheels He may lose his hand A hrc was discovered in one the storerooms at the Union Sta tion Sunday It was soon with only about damage The body of a young Englishman supposed to he was taken from the bay on Sunday- His relatives are unknown The statement is made that the v lists in Centre Toronto were the extent of names Steps arc being taken by Literals to ascertain facts Rev Canon J S the new of Grace Church his opening sermon on Sunday last to very large congregation- On suggestion of Mayor Geary the Hoard of Control decided to give a reception and dinner to the Methodist Ecumenical Conference which fore gathers here in October The dele gates now have the square meal anyway Tom Longboat sends a check for to Rev J I Morrow as a do nation to tlie church the latter It is said that Lvgboat lias turned over a new leaf and become Christian A silver tea set goldlined with silver service is ofTered by Mr A J Eoferdt a Toronto manufacturer to the first farmer who can produce proper evidence of a bona fide sale of all his farm produce before Sep tember Mr J night tele graph operator at the Mimico Sta tion of the Grand Trunk was struck a yard engine while walking along the track on his way home about oclock on Saturday morning He was badly shaken up but not other wise seriously injured- has of Cupids Newfoundland is visiting in the city the guest of the Rev Dr Stephenson Mr is a mem ber of the Methodist Temperance and Moral Reform Committee The bylaw submitted to the resi dents of Mimico on Saturday for the Installation of a Hydroelectric plant in that village Carried by a two-to- one vote The A Northern On tario Railway Commissioners party headed by Prof S Kills has completed its work of surveying the shore of lames Ray and the Moose Rivir estuary IrysJdc knew hi in Are in dcr Stephenson I asked I am said lie without taking eyes from brother fames Is in New York dale fiftyeight yearn ago Ho wan Wmfps and knife Your married thirtysix year since to all men must en die he said slicing away He Mary Jane I hoy lived J Albion until their removal to Newmarket Mr Blair was three years I nnd arrange for you to enter seriously ill for five weeks to the estate Ill to at removal io want j some ten years so that can establish Boycls Livery In addition Horses it we have added an beore his death which took place Friday Kept The disease was enlargement of the heart The funeral was held on after- IruXo when were at the house and at the grave by Rev Messrs and i tie bearers were alx S the win The widow eight sons I and four daughters survive five clock young said he Ill be busy then fortune will keep but turnips will no Luxurious New Cars Montreal Service FOR triumph ear building has been by the and It children having predeceased him ft further advance Greenhouses 8t BULBS have a full Assort ment of RillA for Fall he but V are John of Hound Lindsay jhe new compartment observation and of town Vll- which have been sent out nam win I Road Alfred the shops are Intended Toronto service hetveOn Toronto and Mrs Montreal and evidence of the Harry Toronto Her- 1 the service Toronto awl Owen Mrs Lnd evidence of the J and all of town of the IWCen Toronto Montreal they J Mr was a lore- and ir dally He 9 are making a direct of Dutch RulU from Holland ft can give early pm flatly new have seven compart- observer to the along were J Plait and daughter 5 of Hill tor Fall J up- t WVfB Winter Forcing citizen and an affectionate rifsnM a drawing room I Named Varieties husband and rather Those who at- 1 platform The entrance J and Dutch Hyacinth Nat- tended the funeral itoto a distance I rooms Is from aisles running I Of Toonto Mrs of and of JAndy Children FOR There are two berths the lower being made up from two double and there are all toilet In each The cars are lighted with electric ity and In the warm weather are keep fool with electric fan cars are models of luxury and comfort In the stand ard of creels The rain came down in rills The brethren hook their heads And spoke hills The chairman of Hoard arose And I am afraid That we shall have to lay the Case the Aid The Carpet had been and patched Till quite repair And through the aisles and ou the steps The hoars showed hard and hare ft Is too bad the brethren said An effort must be made To raise an Interest on the part members the Aid The preachers stipend was behind The poor man blushed lo meet The grocer and ho butcher as They pafittd him on the street Hilt nobly Spotys the brethren then Pastor you shall be paid Well call upon the treasurer Of good Ladles Aid Ah the men the way to heav en Is long and hard and steep With of ease on either side The path tis- hard to keep We Climb the alone Our hearts are sore dismayed We neer shall heaven at all Without the Aid The Christian World Thin Hair on Top If Rage the hair grower that Patterson guarantees will not cause hair to grow where the Is thinning out nothing on thin earth will And we say to everybody you can have your money back It Parisian Bag Isnt the best hair grower hair saver hair and dandruff cure on the market today stops Itching scalp and falling and makes hair grow thick and abundantly or money hack cents for a bottle Parisian makes the hair soft and brilliant and promotes growth LIFES MISTAKES The average man of today does not a rule like admitting any mis takes he has made but fudging from an address recently delivered by 1 Judge of the of Lon don Court the wellknown ad ministrator of the law is will- Ing to Own up to this The text of the discourse Was The Twelve Mis takes of Life and he frankly con fessed lie had committed the whole of them This was the list he To attempt to set up our own standard of right and wrong and ex pect everybody to conform irj It To try to measure the enjoyment of others by our own To expect uniformity of In the world To for judgment and in youth To endeavor to mold all disposi tions alike Not to yield to unimportant To perfection In our own actions To worry ourselves and others about what Cannot remedied Not to alleviate If we can all that needs alleviation Not to make allowances or the weaknesses of others To consider anything impossible that we cannot ourselves To believe only what our finite minds can grasp Judge was both a Presby terian minister and a member of- the law as a Profession Jot lent bis honor told an amusing of the first Illuminated he ever received It was presented to him British Parliament before to on bit first election to the House of Commons Scanning it closely he I was rather chagrined to find that fol lowing his name the word was Inscribed In large characters whilst member of Par liament was very srna1 On draw ing the attention of the utlit o the fact he got the answer Well Ir It requires clover man to a bar rister hut any duller be a in ner of parliament- ARRET HARDWARE STORE i ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTUR A You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- f Light Supplies J Oils Glass Etc A ALLAN ft COMPANY NEWMARKET w r f 9 9 Keep Your Feet Mens Long Rubber Boots BEST MAPLE LEAF Only Regular and Toronto Jobbing Honse Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office 1 Call and See our List- of Properties for Sale Parties going West will find it to their advantage to call and tec us We bare on our List Some of the Very Best Land in berta Private and If you are thinking of Life Insurance we have it in the LIFE INSURANCE CO It is Very that we should have the privilege of explaining to you the tages of Abstainers Guaranteed Investment Policy with Total privilege Or if you rc thinking of Fire Insurance we have it Safe and Sound In the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE of London England or the UN INSURANCE CO Eldest and of the Strongest Companies In the World or the UNION ASSUR ANCE SOCIETY London England Try our Heaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Sea man Kent Co of lor the Hardwood Floor you want have oft our list good Business proposition Anyone going into Business in Town it would he to their advantage to communi cate with us Builders and Contractors Newmarket I Canadas Li r COLONIST EXCURSIONS To Spokane Wash Nelson BC Vancouver BC Westminster BC Seattle Wash Wash Port land Francisco Los An geles San Diego and Mexico City at very low rates Sept Oct- Full Particulars from Grand Trunk Agent or address A DUFF Toronto Tt IP IPS 3 CALLS Were received last month for 17 were left unfill ed Demands for trained help ftp great that we afford to guarantee position to every graduate or refund tioii money If you arc to succcc1 vrlto for our catalogue today Central Business To ronto Shaw Principal SPECIAL RATES TO THE SPOKANE VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE PORTLAND FROM TORONTO Second Class Sept to Oct RATES FROM ONTARIO POINTS Through Tr Toronto to Van couver p m dally For tickets and Sleepers apply to ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Pony Outfit for Sale Black Pony mare buggy har ness Suitable for children Apply 0 1 Newmarket r A I if aurf mm v r

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