Weeks Hews on A MOOT TOW Vocal Instruction Mr Vocal Instruct- The New Royal Hospital THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBERS Friends Church On Monday evening Sept at 8 oclock Elizabeth Stover of New York Sec the Society- will address meeting The public are invited Toronto begs to announce that Will be in Newmarket on Tburs- to lessons in Voice Culture expression in singing weeks issue will be- Further found in Presbyterian Church Next will be Rally and Day- Service appointed by v General will be used The children will assemble the a quarter to and march in a kv l church where the centre seats reserved or them Sermon uitble lor the occasion at will Service as ill music usual League The Young People the spenl a most enjoyable time The Cedars on Monday night The entertainment was Corn toast spiced with sens and around the campfire was that be desired Tuesdav a deputation leagu ers and teachers journeyed to Head to participate in the dis trict i I- Convention dlegaticn was th laE- Li the report presented by Mr ttrav was perhaps the most one presented to the Con- Christian Church the veteran pas tor the Ontario Conference will Two of the patients Hos pital are how convalescent and ex pect to leave next week a man from Osfaawa and woman from Brant- ford who toot typhoid lever while in town Very Unfortunate Mr Jones was out running his car on Tuesday night on election business and accidentally forgot to renew his oil The result was that the babbit melted his bearings end caused damage A man Queens lie had quite an experience recently on account of letting the water run dry his auto The were flying around town lively yesterday According to all accounts there was an extra lively meeting at Hol land Landing on Wednesday night Newmarket Bugle Band was in at tendance Half Yearly Meeting Canada Half Yearly Meeting of Friends will be held in the White Meeting House en Street Sun day and Monday Sept and Senlce Sunday at am and Monday at Elizabeth Stover of New York and Isaac of are ex pected to be present There will be a special- meeting at Pine Orchard at 3 pm on Sunday at which both speakers will be pres ent A cordial invitation is extend ed to all The Second Chance Like the Watson family it is a good thing that Providence very of ten gives us a Second Chance If you failed to hear Miss in the Christian Church her prev ious visit dont miss the opportunity next Wednesday night Everybody I who heard Sowing Seeds in Danny by this talented elocutionist will be anxious to hear this recital and we predict a full Canadian HomeCircle In October the Home Circle will lie old commemoration of this it is being arranged t have the regular meeting Oct serve as Rally Night All members who can are requested to 1 present next meeting Sept 27 to complete fur ther details pulpit of the Christian Members please mate a note of An- morning a evening next re- Rally of the Sunday will take place on Oct at A special program is being pro- Wednesday evening next Sept Miss Maud v ill give her second recital in the Christian Lurch commencing at n A soloist has been secured to sing between the parts Miss had the church packed her last re cital and everyone who beard her away greatly delighted with her efforts will this time render The Second Chance in her own in imitable way Mr Funeral the late las- was laid to rt in Newmarket Cemetery on Fri day iiternoon last week Many town called at his beautiful new home on Park Ave the evening previous to Pay their tribute of respect to the deceased and extend sympathy to the bereaved Among the beautiful floral tributes a wreath from the A The funeral obsequies were conduct ed Rev 1 rector St Pauls Church pall-tK- A fieo and Willis of Aurora Relatives in from distance were Messrs Paper and wife from Toronto Fred Paper and wife of Miss Millet Toronto Frank and and Mrs Fry of Toronto Mrs Huh of Winnipeg Mr Mrs Willis and daughter of Aurora and Toronto- Night Oct nth Sale Register OCT Mr Arthur Mor ton will have a very extensive and important sale of stock imple ments and household effects Lot Con 3 North H miles east of Crossing on Metropolitan Usual terms Sale at one Kavanagh TUESDAY Sept house and lot in Mount Albert and a quantity of household furniture belonging to the late Mrs Robert Little Afoert at 2 oclock 1 Hes ter auctioneer WEDNESDAY Sept 27 Mr Glover Lot Confi Centre miles northeast of will hold an extensive sale of horses cattle implement etc at I oclock IV 1 Hester I BLOOMINGTON Liberal Meeting There was a very Satisfactory meet ing in the Town Hall on Wednesday night proceeded by music by Hie I Newmarket Band which did credit to The choruses of the I ZEPHYR in- Frank Young Liberal Club gave added est o the gathering Mr Cane to presided and the bright patriotic speeches by Sir Allen Aylesworth W Powell Esq and occupied the time till eleven oclock Died on Fridav Sent child of Mr and Miss of visit- A the past Misses Marguerette and Jem Mc Kay of visited at W the past week Mr and Mrs J Mitchell visited over Sunday with friends at Ce dar Valley arid Aurora Mr Mrs Win Horner returned last from the West alright The Sewer System The Town Clerk received from the Civil Engineers the plans and specifications for the System of Sew erage lor Town of Newmarket- it appears to cover the necessities if the corporation but the cost is nearly double of what estimated However health convenience comfort demand many things that prove beneficial in the development general interests and the portion system on the Hire plan would make no great in the yearly taxation nd the end would prove a profitable In- Mrs Henderson of Mariposa vestment spending a few days with her sister Mrs home says that the west is but Ontario is the best yet Miss Ferguson and Miss Walker hive resumed their old jobs Zephyr Can boast that they have two of the best millinery shops north of Toronto Lonhurst and A Horner have Just completed the mason on the large departmental store erected by Corner which certainly is a credit to that town One of those charming events that cause a flutter among the We Tiffin understand Mr Shier for some enterprising nanlprcw iull capital to make big rUat Collection ere is an opportunity Nev for with srn in establishing a system of Oat Collection in town could be so as to coHecl refuse from the and tabic excellent for hogs two or three times week by dividing the lowI into sections and hav ing properly covered receptacles set or if- outer of the sidivalk could i collected between Hani f oclock a great advantage to the health of the town nothing of the to householder are perplexed many to what to do with such garbage way Inaugurating such a perhaps the Council we are sure would with he approval of If it was adopted there no difficulty about Its Con- as there good in rented his farm a term of years Mrs Air las Annand spent Our service here on Sunday evening was conducted by Mr and a gentleman friend from Toronto We were sorry that some of our to be rebuked for talking during the Hut it was no little hoy who his horse before leaving the church grounds Mr and Mrs and daughter of Mr and Mrs on street on Wednesday Sept when daughter Miss Wii- became the bride of Mr Pose of Mount AlUrt The ceremony was performed under an arch of white asters and autumn loaves by Frank Cornell in the Wot guests and the vl8 as given away by her step- father Mr I- bride dressed In white Mraaa of sa n tod carried white roses vjsitl lM Mildred Willis was bridesmaid I and she wore silk pink roses The groomsman was Mr Ins Hunt er of Bradford The diningroom decorated with pink and white Walter tulle a from centre oj of ket Mr Godfrey of Toronto and Mr a apple Wan from Norfolk and Mr holds a lucrative ion with the provincial government of A political meeting was held here on Tuesday evening addressed on I behalf of Mowat and Robin- High School at fast Us of the Board a fcii held at retards office Friday A Poari fc MX Jackson and Rev P hty Mr principal was atlvlar- who reported roils being county Toe lull by evening train for Ottawa and other on their return will reside at Mount Albert prevnts ahow the esteem in which the bride is held by her many friends Among the a distance were Mr and Mrs- Sturgeon of Fen- Mr and Mrs Payne of fleer- hurst Mr Flo and Miss Stella of Bradford Mr and Miss of White Mis of f oroito and Mr and Mr Case of Aurora The adds congratulation them Joy lif strong and by lloht Miller of The meeting was lively throughout and the speakers a fair hearing although at times by their opponents until they gt warm or of account were passed The of the lor tt at he the glrh of o left in hands the Committee Che presented a financial receipt and ti both the Oeural Fi as as receipt expense or the hat- the showing that a will required from the town Fall I his Is more i- I ait ad due to fa teaAr repair t i to it the new part The chairman Is wtfee that the extra ill not fjxt Or of this Is on borrowed money during building a on deficit at year Me it Church for Sunday a by p WHEN BLUR a when let blur type to gather and reading become is way of telling you to get not glase 1Jt ylan made to order for your own eye to wear every fry fc pair of our They relieve all eye ITWI30I A CO Jeter end Ticket of IngbOat beat in a at the Fair I he bodies of two more victim of the tug Martin have been round near inlet Mr Andrews a wellknown farmer was run over and killed at Farmers Ron took In the Judging competition at the Vest ham Fair at Kngene cook on K steam er fell Into the Cornwall and was drowned IheO T P lOCornOtiVe to i built at the Cana dian locomotive Works at lhe for station buildings On the P It rout Orllli ha been let to Mr Martin of Falls Work on the road under the map agment of Highway Hoard Is well under way At the present time five 12ton roller are conatruct- Ing In different pacta of the County and it In expected that In a or two more Contract will be let Fire it In thought may have been from origin completely destroyed the factory of tb National Co here The flames broke out at and by time the brigade arrived the was could not be saved Mr A 1 President A the National basket Co was In toniglit and ad- dred alUeral rally He etimat- the lot at about i Mr and Mrs Ever ton Jones pt motored up and were Mr Paisley We are pleased to Bay that Mr ttn Wagg able to be out again after injuries received about two weeks by his horse running away and throwing him out the buggy Mr Floyd Fairies has gone to at tend Agricultural College at Mrs Swales of Midland is spending a Tew weeks at Mr Storeys Miss Barnes of Wood lie a at Mr Barnes f v LEMON VUIE J There was a good attendance at tho Methodist Church on Sunday after noon last The pastor Rev W Clem ents occupied the pulpit His sub ject was Come Next Sunday af ternoon the Sabbath School intend holding their Rally Day Every per son come A good program will be given and the pastor intends giving a short address to the children Miss Sarah was calling on some of her friends here on Sunay Mr and Mrs of were guests Mr a Allens on Sunday The Ladies Aid meeting which was held at home Mrs A Al len on Wednesday afternoon was well attended A pleasant and profitable time was spent Miss friend were guests at Mr Cooks Sunday The very many of Mrs Cook will be sorry to that she is not improving KETTLEPY The Branch of the Wo mens institute meets at Mrs Geo Blackburns Wed Sept Miss Jessie to Toronto on Saturday to see her law Mr Butler who is HI no hopes being held out for his recover v The Thanksgiving services last Sun day were well attended Rev of West Toronto preached in the and the Rector in the even ing The solo by Miss Willis Au rora was much appreciated The church was decorated number from went to hear Mr on reciprocity marriage of Miss Emily place at the home of Parents on Wed Sept officiating Wm Hilborns driver is badly lip It had the misfortune to slop on nail ii arrived home from the West this week after an extend ed Visit to his daughter Mrs Car ver Mary Walton has returned home alter a visit to Miss Mary Elliott has visit ing friends MarHi Misses Aggie and Nettie block are home for two weeks vacation Mr of Nebraska is visit ing his brother M Mrs Hendry of Michigan is visilln her Mrs Ileal ock Mrs Wylie and Mrs of visiting at Mr J Butchers Mr Ed Robinson is J Mr Prank Toronto Is at Mr J We are to stale that the Era Came promptly last week arriv ing Friday morning- on Monday night to Petersons address The J Mr used HOLLAND LANDING Bell who Miss Mi nil for To- will at las been weekj in re turned home on Saturday last Mr Hawkins of visiting with Mr I Pell Miss Mabel Hover left lor Dun- on Mondoy where has se cured a position teacher Barker of Toronto spent a Couple of days last week With his father Mr M Barker Mr Wright has purchased the residence owned by Mr John Cooper Mr J Webb who has been III the past two months we glad to nay Ik to be out again Ml Marsh leaves oh Monday she lend Normal Mount Etna Catania Sicily September Al though the eruption of Mt Etna seem to Mr losing of its activity Jit earthquakes are less frequent In occurrenci the immense flood which has Spread down the mountain Continue Its work of destruction There are now five main stream stretching for miles over the country professor director of the Observatory alter spending two days on the top of Etna for the pur pose of making re turned to the observatory lie that the initial of trie at the mouth of the crater ha slightly diminished but that ma terial till being pouted out In perhaps as great a quantity an on the first lew day Several cones have beep formed near the new craters of heights varying from to feet A new mount feet high had spring up which Is emitting smoke and clivers One whose daily life Is careless is always weak but one who habitually walks In path of and grows strong In character Exercise all the power of Doing good continually adds to capacity for doing good Victory In trial or trouble puts ever new strength into the heart Ihe habit of laith In the pre pares for stronger faith obedience make one immovable in ones loyally duty We can never overestimate the importance of life they lead to growth ot char acter la whatever way EX Ladies Under Skirts Groceries Black Sateen Underskirts for Black Moire Underskirts From t Childrens Sweater Coats From to Ladies- Sweater Coats From 515C to Mens Sweater Coats From 5100 to 54CO We still advise the purchase of Bug- ar Market very strong prices bound to be higher We a great Assortment of i cooked Meats Boiled Ham Corn Beef Hocks Jellied Tenderloin Jellied SOMETHING NEW Lemon Butter Orange Butter Pineapple Butter at per far We shall be pleased to call for your gro cery order There is a reason for the enormous increase in our Shoe Business- and this is Perfect Fit Stylish Fair Price and Every pair Guaran teed to give Satisfaction You run no chance in buying you Shoes from us W A Montreal Sept Pleading guil ty to seven charges of burglary Com mitted in the north end of the city and securing in this manner goods to the value of 52000 Emile the sort of respect able parents came before Judge this morning for sentence and was committed to the peniten tiary for three years Live Stock Market In Toronto this week few choice lots of butchers cattle sold at but most of them went from to Fairly good steers and sold from to 5595 medium from to and common from 55 to 5525 Fat cows sold at 5150 and Poor demand for stackers Prices I are without change about lbs at lbs at Us 5175 and 1000 lbs up to Veal calves from Sheep from to 5125 from to Brop in top price oil at ears Toronto Heavies less Newmarket Markets Sept 10U Fall Wheat per bush 50 78 requests the pleasure of your company at their Exhibit oi 1 j which has planned for Wednesday Sept and follow ing days Stocks in all departments will be complete and ready for early buyers a llltMl Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton per Putter per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb n i5 10 25 27 14 0 25 2f I Toronto Markets Sept Fall Wheat per hush Ooosc Wheat per hush Oats per bush Barley per Peas per bush flay per ton Putter per lb Eggs per dz Potatoes bag lull 0 fi5 30 I 30 0 Established Chickens fwr 0 IB CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS iiffiflMii I I Branches at all Important In Canada and In London New York Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH C ROSS Maaer ii rt I I tr JLS i I i AND FOLLOWING DAYS In the Millinery Department the display is of interest not only as embracing by far the largest and most complete assortment that ever filled our show cases but for the beauty and novelty of the designs The of the color effects in many of the models and the wide departure in nearly all from the fashion of the last few seasons is very apparent vi to come and inspect our showing of the Newest 18761911 ttKUnivtJ