Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 15, 1911, p. 8

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A TERRIBLE TmJii Ti Despair Bj Til Pal FRUITHIVES CURED HIM OnU Jan I a dreadful sufferer for many years from Stomach and Liver but or greatest suffering was from violent headaches They were so dis tressing that I almost had to give up my business I went to Toronto consulted specialist and wore glasses but nothing did me any good and the headaches became intolerable I was then induced to try Fruits tives and from the beginning I was better and in a short time I was quite well again no mote headaches and I threw glasses away not only cured headaches but completely cared me of all indigestion and restored me to perfect health again J is the greatest cure for headaches in the world and the only medicine made of fruit juices will Head aches Indigestion and all Stomach and Bowel Troubles a box for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa STOUFFVILLE Rooms to Let Furnished or unfurnished at Eagle Hotel for respectable people New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply to Eves House to Rent Side Prospect Street Mr em Apply to ISAAC For 8ale or to Rent house and wood shed on street Enquire of Timothy street Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented and paying good interest Posses sion in one month ROBERTSON Newmarket New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number choice build- rag lots Apply to For 7Rooratd House with kitchen pantry good Lot Apiy Dicks Joseph summer basement to Mrs George culated Mr Samuel celebrated his birthday on Wednesday of last week About relatives aird friends were present and enjoyed a pleasant evening in social chat and various amusements Mr who has not been enjoying good health for the past two years took very serious turn for the worse on Wednesday of last week arid despite all that med ical skill could do passed away on Tuesday His remains were interred in cemetery Mr Jacob returned from the- Lake on Thursday last August being bis birthday it was pleasantly celebrated at the Point and over friends of whom are in the United States remembered hint by means of birthday cards The- Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be in connection with St A loans church on Sunday The Rector Rev A will preach at the morning service at a m the evening Rev B A Curate of St Annes Church Toronto will he special preacher Mr Richard Henderson baritone of will sing at both services On lb following Mon day evening Sept lth a Harvest Home Festival will be held in Mr Skat Rink An excellent concert has hen arranged for in which the following wellknown artists will take part the hoy singer of Torcn- Miss May Ranee A Elocutionist of Clinton Mr William Paris baritone of Toronto and Mr Richard Henderson baritone Addresses will be de livered by Rev 1 McKiterick King Rev R White of KlienMirg and Johnston A will be served from p to Hugh Peters of Toronto spend ing month among old friends That clever Zephyr boy Willie is visiting with his cousin Roy Shier Mrs Andrew and daughter of spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs Webster Black received word on Fri day evening of the death of his broth er at Belleville Mr Philip Stark one of our boys hut now standing high in the police detective fore- in Winnipeg is visiting among his cousins the and of this vicintiv The young folks of the neighbor hood are planning a patriotic Con- it No sentiment can better Ail Looks should be a source of pride to you Sallow skin pimples- blotches and eruptions call for immediate attention It should bo your to get rid of these disfiguring signs of Impure blood quickly certainly No outward application will purify your help naturally from within They cleanse the system enable your stomach bowels to work as Nature Intended Try a few doses how quickly you rid of Impurities how your your looks will be benefited Thoroughly tried and proved good this family remedy is The Best of autys Aids For females Pills See Instructions with each tor Canada has Everything to Gain will not Suffer From too American Agriculturalist It would seem to be a foregone conclusion that reciprocity will win in the Canadian elections bra vote of two to Why Because this measure will enormously stimulate agriculture without in any way injuring Canadian manu factures Canada has absolutely everything to gain and utter ly nothing to lose by approving reciprocity It is not too much to say that should reciprocity be indorsed at the Canadian elections September 21st the ultimate result thereof will be to double -the- value- of every acre of good land and timber and pi- every town or city lot in the Dominion HAVE YOU A BOy TO Everywhere In boxes Mi II A about one oclock yesterday as a result of which Mr Bert the Second Miller was badly injured but just how seriously at the time j writing is not known His right arm is probably broken just below the under like conditions and listening to like gossip no matter where or by whom repeated We are pledged not only to keep the doors of our lips but also to turn our ears away from anything that would dull or defile them That is the way to keep oneself unspotted from the world said Miss ban- have genera- Garrett the teacher who had been for raw material some the eve and ear witness of all that factories must close up and the ad occurred A very good test atives be thrown out into a cold regard to the liberty of that The saloon must have boys or it must shut up its shop you furnish one It is a great factory and unless it world and the putlie revenue dwindle One family out of every five must a boy in order t keep up the supply Will you help Which one of your boys shall it be Are you a father Have you giv en your share to up the supply for this great public institution that is helping pay your taxes and kind- bow and the right side of his face electing public officers for you and head unconscious found and it thought that he was putting belt dressing pa a belt that was not working satisfactorily and his arm was drawn in He was carried to his house close by the mill and Dr Campbell was soon at his side Earl ier in the day another accident hap pened at the mill when a large pullefi used in a newly installed chopper burst and with such force that it was driven through the plank floor above but happily no one was hurt when this occurred- Witness is badly bruised He was Have you contributed hoy If not some other has had to give more than its share Are you selfish Voting to keep he saloon open to grind up hoys and then doing nothing t keep up the supply Ponder these questions ye voters and answer them to Odd to whom you will one give an account for as well as prayers And ye mothers wives and daugh ters arc you by precept example and influence in every possible direction doing all you can to save the hoys from the enticements of the legalized liquor saloon and hasten the day when it shall be outlawed and curse Ave Newmarket 25 into youthful minds love Farm for 8ale Consists o acres being lot eon King All under cultivation Good orchard Frame barn- frame house Two wells and a creek Ap ply to HENRY BROWN Newmarket For 8ale New Brick House corner Park Ave and Kirn St also house on Elm St Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars For of country and its institutions and reverence for its and without doubt this move of the young people will meet with he hearty support the older beads- The proceeds will be applied good local purposes The political campaign is waxing warm and receiving quite a bit of attention locally There is no doubt that right here the reciprocity is breaking down party lines J AURORA The Methodist Sunday School will hold their Rally Day on Sunday Sep tember Rev Mr of To Sec of the Ontario Sunday will conduct lbs House arid acre of land Stable and all conveniences House con- rooms stone foundation cellar kitchen Is a be a great having the firm lor purchaser Apply to J At Post Office Holland Landing FOR BALE School Association services the first freight ear was run over the switch from street to Sons Agricultural Works On Wednesday to loaded with Imple ments for the West ft will certain- SCHOMBERG Miss Violet left on Tuesday to take a course in the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute Sunday the members of the Baptist Sunday- school presented her with hook entitled The Rosary Mr Kitchen has sold his business to Mr Blair of Newmarket Mr Blair possession Thursday Mr Mrs Blair are residing in the house lately occupied by the late Mr Nelson Simpson our fair land no more If riot why not Rutherford KINO CITY be able to load cars at the factory instead of having to draw the j if I merits to the The cars when loaded will he taken down to Richmond Hill where they will be switched on to the Canadian Northern A pretty home was Wood In any form to suit the at lhe of Mr and Mrs Mutt he sold The tiro- J Stephenson Temperance St fctr la farm Apply to lit ARMSTRONG Farm For 8ale One Hundred Acres good level aJtd dose Railway otatut forty Marcs Ave acre of hush Sharon Price on terms Apply to Jail or V WJDDIPIBLD Newmarket For Choice and Stock Farm miles of known a favyer Farm Good frame two barns one on stone foundation well In yard quarter from school from station rural mail delivery clay loam Terms Jit Apply J fbn Two Farms for Aurora on Wednesday afternoon Sep tember when their only daughter Miss Rosa was united in marriage Mr Lambert of The ceremony was performed by the itev 1 of Toronto l the Miss the acted as and Mr Haddy of Toronto as groomsman The bride was the recipient of many valuable ari useful presents The hap py couple left on the evening Grand Trunk train for tod other point- amid showers of rice and Mr and Mrs on returning will leave in a for home The Womens Institute King Branch held a large and interesting meeting at the oi Mrs M Win ter on the afternoon of Friday last There were about forty ladles and sev eral children present The President Mrs A McDonald presided in her usual delightful manner The program was long and varied Two excellent papers wore prepared and read on National Prosperity by Miss Bertha Wells This was carefully prepared and Was a very creditable production On ac count the unavoidable absence from town f Mrs Mrs-IamesiOil- prepared on short notice a prac tical paper on ohat to do with cheaper cuts of meat this was well sprinkled with useful recipes and was well presented The artists who contributed music al selections were piano Miss and Miss Winter Miss Ima Ferguson sang a solo in her usual good form Mrs McDonald and Miss Havel delighted the audience by singing duet The thanks of Institute were tendered who so kindly assisted in this Trunk Station way The Secretary Mrs A A Fergu son road an entertaining article en titled Dietary System on alphabet ical lines also gave a brie re port of a recent visit by six of the members the Victoria Square In stitute The ladles who were present from a distance were Mrs McTavIsh from St Johns a visit to father arid mother Mr and Mrs I Curtis Mrs Campbell President of the Institute at and Mrs of visit ing their sister Mrs McMurchy Mrs Bailey President of the Maplo Institute and her two sistersinlaw from Cincinnati Ohio Mrs S Ferguson of Pontypool Miss The next meeting will be held at Mrs Halls and It is desired that all the ladles the district should avail themselves of the opportunities the Institute filers for general helpful ness THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE There were idle thoughts came i at the door And warmed their little toes And did more mischief about the house Than any one living knows They searched the tables and broke the chairs For motto was written above the d And soiled the floor and wall Theres a welcome here for all When the master saw the mischief done He closed it with hope and fear And he wrote above instead let none Save good thoughts inter here And the good little thoughts came trooping in And he drove the others nut They cleaned walls swept the floor And sang as they moved And last of all yn angel With wings and a shining face And above he Here has found dwelling place Harpers Young people unruly member the tongue is one given to me when I was little girl Say nothing about people who ore that you wouldnt say suppos ing they were present- And have you always lived up to it asked Eleanor humbly wish I couH say I had return ed teacher sadly If universal ly practised what world this would be Henceforth I trust my girls will not only keep the door of thajr lips that they sin not against their fellows but that they will consecrate their Wars to kindliness by refusing to have their hearing de filed by the slightest breath ol cal umny Belle V Chisholm Jour nal and Messenger A Bachelors Lament A bachelor sat in his cabin door As the shades of evening fell The sunbeams fell on the or Of the room he knew so well Weary and sad and lonely Heavy in heart and brain He hung his hat on his threadbare knee And chanted a sad Oh little I thought twouiri be like this When I came to Salmon Arm I thought the forest would disappear And soon I would have a farm I thought that some sweet maiden Gladly would be my wife To soothe my sorrows and share my joys And comfort me all my life i now and the life But look at me lead f It would try an angels soul To toil all day and return at night To dark and dirty hole Tbersay I keep flings tidy They say my cookings good But somehow it wasnt like mothers was Nor done as a good wife could I wonder if ever my lot Will change or a better state And if some sweet compassionate maid Will pity my cheerless fate Oh for a womans presence Oh for a womans bread Oh could I sell my potato crop And purchase a wife instead lot Co the Con acres more or The farm of good clay loam contains farm buildings about miles north Also the half of Cod or is the M Is well Good particulars fc on lot A QseecJiTiUs A team of horses drew a disabled auto hi to On Saturday left it at Mr shop for trustees ol the church are to be congratulated on the Im provements made in front alone being a very noticeable Improvement Two new are pJt a walk will laid Sunday School Mr Mm Belfry of vers in town on Monday Rev J Crelghton rec tor Trinity and St Pauls churches arrived In town on Saturday The champion bowling team of the famous four stamp s Dr anxious to try their mettle on from Toronto xA Kingston But so far from Bradford quartette pin trim them an day as they In past in the v006 It Grows Hair HUT- HOT AFTER TUB HAIR ROOT IS DEAD y 1 Patterson win tell you that he cells a many bottles of Pari sian Wage It gives satisfac tion J Patterson guarantees It to eradicate dandruff stop falling arid splitting hair and Itching scalp or money back Parisian Bag will make hair grow If the hair root Is not dead It puts life and lustre into dull and faded hair and Is the most delightful hair dreeing In the world Only cents a large bottle Parisian Hags Is the hair grower and dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known Try It or our plotter back plan A bevy of school con under the great oak the entrance of academy were laugh ing and chatting gaily when one of their number Handel intro duced the name of ar absent acquaint ance by repeating bit of unpleasant gossip ahoUt her Thi3 was the signal for Alice Good win the youngest rnembsr tlo group arid almost stranger her heel and walk quickly away I look upon that as an insult curl of her pretty lips her eyes following the young girls movement Attribute the affront to K- counseled Rose Adams She was rained in the country whore good breeding Is not up to par she continued In a voice loud enough to reach Alices ears The blood rushed to her face but she did not retrace her steps until the ringing the bell called hK back into the class room where she was quietly Ignored Later when exclaimed Jovn among the simple Quakers Sometimes When asleep in my bed dream That Im coming home at night To find my wife with And the house all warm and bright There arc my rosy children upon my knee and calling mu Oh sad that It cannot Papa be Now I wonder if I should go back Could I find a partner there They used to call me a handsome chap Im sure Id be good to her Life Is beyond endurance He said with savage face Ill have a woman before next fall Or Ill quit the place Rocky Mountain CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bough a of Boars the Fair Progress is the watchword at manvillo The town Is booming and called to account she the West Durham Pair Directors have caught the inspiration and plan ned to give this years exhibition a vocation the young forward Considerable money folks banded together In a little l horse classes lc greater than ever orc Poultry houses with nilIt added OoWen Clin In which obligate themselves to live beautiful In all their dealings Other I Joined the and you show your allegiance to by your rude treatment of classmate sneered Eleanor I did not mean to do faltered AHce You see well there is written law for our lips and ears and larts against all unkind speeches thoughts of others Well you neednt have run away so Impolitely from truth I repeating snapped Eleanor You Were under do obligations to believe or repeat my story Hut I am pledged not to Club and domestic science have been Increased Fair Is I known far and wide one tho befit agricultural exhibitions in this pro vince for Its display of cattle sheep swine poultry and products of the farm orchard garden and homo Records of sale of live stock P Day and afterwards prove this claim Dates Of Pair Tuesday and Wednes day Sept Single faro for round trip on railways from Mon day to Thursday Detroit Sept Michigan was swept today by one of the most hear violent storms experienced In these storlesy true or returned yars In Chicago Harbor between Alice Our pledges demand and twenty motor boats and crated can as well a consecrated caught in the gale One lips and hearts We are to turn tattling against the wild away all sorts of gossip and freighters are especially warned against three things talking unkindly In ones ab sence repeating what others say and Christopher lying a mile rut was capsized and bis crew of five were rescued by Dont Shingle that Roof use Samson Ready Roofing Made in three thicknesses 1 and ply 36 inches wide Each roll will cover 100 square feet net including a 2inch lap at the seams Nails caps and cement are furnished without extra charge roofing that protects the building it covers Just a short time required to lay the roofing and requires no further at giving a watertight storm proof lasting fireresisting roof that will increase the value of your build and protect the contents Ask dealer to show you Samson Ready RooBng The kind that Lasts Anyone can put it on Will not taint the rainwater Cheaper than shingles Gives perfect satisfaction HS Toronto Ask for Samson Brand on Farm Tools you buy Samson Brand means strength durability good material and satisfaction a I IttOt WViV- I OUR HEW METHOD TREATMENT win euro you and a man of you Under Wood that all pimples ulcers bed up tocomo as so that tla a the face full and energy tbo body km morel and mental all drains now invito the system yotlmllanuiian KWw mnrriftto bo a failure let quae Its faklnrobyouof your hard earned r HO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEH CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Rummers relates bis experience troubled fnrrnny years I lay It lull re iii In I teawno despondent and care I or not Imagined who lkcd at mo my Imaginative dreams at night weakened back bad pains In iho back of my bead hands and feet were coM Ircdla tinkers wero memory etc nosers In and tin doctor mo I took ail of tried many flntclota physicians en s fori months but received lltle I Induce I to Pro Kennedy though I had all faith In doctors Like a drowning man I corantneed and It my life going through 1 was cured mentally and have sent them many patients and to do so GUARANTEED OR NO PAY VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and CONSULTATION FREE- BOOKS FREE If to call writ for Horn Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswold St Detroit Mich AH letters from Canada must be addressed sTl fl to our Canadian Correspondence Depart j t Windsor Ont If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Ont Write for our rival Wo on Hand a of Pins Norway rjemlocV to Order LI Doors Sash Flooring Moulding All Kinds Ash Pins Run to Order VIM Sticking Turning and AH Work J ELLIOTT Is as Canadas High School The in struction is absolutely firstclass Write today tor our Ea ter now I I ARCHIVES OF

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