J Sews VHAT 13 OS Knows how has been a Poor year for to matoes but Mrs Jacob Buck in raising some to perfec tion Samples sent to the editor over lb s and are the finest have seen anywhere this season North York Nomination Each received a very attentive hear ing and the respective candidates were received Both sides claim the victory next Thursday Let official nomination for the Rid- man go poll and do his of North York took place at the duty without sent fori Town Hall Newmarket at- one o- Newmarket Greenhouses Fall Millinery Opening Mrs Hughes Friday Saturday- All latest styles Lost Two Fingers Last Friday Mr Geo Haw tin of Pine Orchard met with a Pain- accident He was assisting the threshers moving the machine the barn took hold of the but his left hand was suddenly jerked in to the pulley and was so badly lacer ated that two fingers bad to be am putated S S Rally Tie Methodist Sunday School will Rally Day on September in connection with the centen nial of the death of Robert tie of Schools A special program is being prepared comprising new music etc and the Rally will he of lore than importance clock yesterday when Mackenzie the returning officer re ceived the following by and others John A Armstrong by John from Holland is expected in a Hutchinson and 35 others A poU demanded and f Good Times Under the heading Good Times the local Armstrong organ last week quoted market prices of- produce in Newmarket years ago as compar ed o now and fancies point has Mr Perrins new greenhouse ade against reciprocity Just street is assuming consider- of it the ExpressHerald ex- able proportions He will be shape for next winters trade A direct importation of Dutch bulbs few claims eggs 8c butter 10c but he omitted to add that Newmarket at tbat time bad only a population lowing deputyreturning officers were named to take tbe vote on Thursday J McKay at the Rink 0 Wed night takes the days Look for a change of ad next about all told No local j market Toronto buyers visited the village anxious for the products of the farm The changed conditions Brief lets Fair prize lists will be for distribution on Saturday The Salvation Army is getting ready or the annual Harvest Home Whitchurch Council meets on Mon- day nest Heavy frost morning Talent Sale The Aid of the Methodist Church at their meeting en decided to hold a Bale on the th Friday of each Until further arrangements Can be made the sale will be held in the Temperance Hall The sale will he on of next week commenc ing a oclock an v ill include gen eral home cooking Tip worth League The meeting last Monday evening was in charge of the Missionary De partment and as usual a good pro gram was presented It as decided to run a bus to Bond Head on Tues day the to attend the Convention held here Any person wishing to go should notify Mr Del as a possible The meeting next Monday evening is in charge of the Social and Liter ary and a good program is prepared Everybody go an I en joy the evening Methodist Church Both services in the Town Hall were fairly well attended last Sunday and there were at Sunday School the morning the pastor delivered a fine sermon on The Spiritual In heritance Miss Stephens gave good expression in the soprano solo of the anthem and Mr Geo Barker a me rendition The Lost Chord Sunday the pastors subjects are a Wanted pm Judas Presbyterian Church Large congregations assembled last Sunday and too re owning services were attended great success The address Rev John Son Toronto were patriotic and Inspir ing The sinking of the was excellent and solos by Master Earnest Morgan were simply surpris ing The concert on Monday evening under the auspices of the Willing Workers was a grand success in every respect The church was crowded every number on he program met with genera satisfac tion The proceeds were The churcfj certainly presents a neat creditable appearance all the woodwork being grained to match the walls tinted and stencilled new electroliers and folding for the choir the attendance or Monday evening show ed of the congregft- Jr the efforts Workers the 21st of Sept KING Walter Scott Luke Gibbons Newmarket 3 Car ley Strange M Kettleby k Stewart A Lloyd Black Glenville M J Kehoe Coventry WHITCHURCH Arthur Welsh Gideon Baker Baker Geo V Williams Newmarket 5 Nelson May Pine Orchard Jerry Brooks Vivian EASTGWILLIMBUUY Haines Newmarket 2 Abraham Wilson Frank Milne John A Hopkins Holt Tinsdale Mount Albert John NORTH Dr H Keswick 2 John J Graham Sutton Vest I Frank Nolan Virginia- Thos Armstrong a Prank John NEWMARKET St Georges WardMoses gart John St Andrews Ward Dennis and Hughes St Patricks Ward Frank Duncan AURORA North Ward Alfred Centre Ward George Smith South Ward Jos Stephenson HOLLAND LANDING Wm Holland Landing SUTTON WEST- John Sutton I Wilfred Morden 2 John Dougherty An immense crowd gathered to hear what the candidates had to say election excitement was strong it was apparent that the Town Hall would be to to accomodate the people so the Skating Rink was secured and the entire centre was til ed with This was ot and the Rind was crowded to the doors the galleries mostly with ladies Mr Armstrong was the first speak er and he was followed Sr Allen then Mr was followed by significantly suppressed for- transportation are totally Owing to a burntout at the Power changed from fifty years ago House the streetlights in the West i regard to inland sections side of the town cannot be used till of itte Province When Newmarket repairs arrive market was first established i the The Conservatives had a banquet at early seventies eggs and butter could the King George after the meeting on be purchased prices similar to the Wednesday night quotations of fifty years ago when Lots of noise down Town last Wed- tho demand was locally greater by nasday night but it is ballots that re of increased population The count and they will the work si- is that money Mas scarce fifty next Thursday y a comparisons with to day ar of the question A good flow- Personals story told respecting the Mrs Davidson is visiting of son of the Emerald Isle her son in Smiths Falls fifty years ago was offered a Mr Arthur Oliver of the Toronto Passage froni Belfast Americafor Conservatory of Music has resumed by captain of a vessel just his class in music in Newmarket Ap- leaving dock Faith said for lessons may be made Pat if your ship was for sale at by addressing Mr Oliver at havent enough to buy thi calling at his residence on any anchor Wednesday j after theNP policy was by Sir John A Mac- A sever electrical storm passed over here Monday and the is quite cool- There are a great many complaints around and in Kettleby about A farm produce was not advanced while the farming community were stuck from to per cent on imported goods and farm implements Under the Government however these imports have been reduced and pros- les pent followed policy in The special thanksgiving services on I Snday will be held at 11 and pm The service in the Methodist If the Conservative nominee for this riding shares the views the and we presume he does church is withdrawn on Sund even- is J represent the progressive views of the elect- Miss Alice Ferguson gf J J Jf gave an interesting address at the Ver his of the Willing Mr Meeting The Campaign getting as the day Mr ill ddres the Friday night t ASMlftUiMav Aurora night lii will 1 one of the most rallies the Minister of who atg with Hon Mr the agreement with A States Government and ad for itit years president toe elcoffie Mr Robin North Yorks coming in will e speakers on this occasion id shohld make it to attr this rally and for the lively to them by adoption o the agroe- car nori and south to Hill ater night Tuesday r- Vote or will not prints ill Friday WHfeN LETTER BLUR There Comes a time when let ters blur and type teems to gather and reading difficult This l natures of telling you to glasses not any glasses lit glasses made to order for your own eyes to wear every day Try a pair of our Torlc They relieve all eye itraln CO and P Ticket Agta Issuer of Marriage Licences will lie made clear when the ballots are Counted on the inst So advantageous was the reciprocity treaty to Canada that Conservative Governments and leaders sought to RCCtire its renewal even while infro- the N P proposition a Princess Theatre Toronto worth league Tuesday evening Tbe bridge by mill was repair ed last week Mr J A M Armstrong will hold a political meeting in the Temper ance on Saturday evening Sept Quite an exciting time In the vil lage on Tuesday morning An auto frightened the mail carriers pony o that it ran away but fortunately was overtaken by Charlie before any dam age was done Mrs Wilkinson died at her late residence in this Sept Interment p Cemetery on Saturday last services Miss Flo is very ill with pleurisy Mr and Mrs Tnbble and child The Jos M Companys Co lossal and Magnificent Spectacular Production of Paul village on Thursday Thais took place in BenHur enlisting as it does more than people n of the en which is unquestionably the foremost offering the World today is to be staged in of Ottawa are Visiting at the Par- Theatre for one week beginning Monday Sept Mrs person and Mrs Mitchell on or Visited at Mrs Hugh- Wednesday and Saturday ayB on Sunday The sale of seats starts on Mrs Mover of Aurora is at day morning Sept Kith at a m Mrs Elliotts the Theatre Box Office It is ad- Miss Watson of Cleveland and for hose intending wit- Miss Watson of Toronto spentj ness this world famous entertainment Sunday L Watsons and who will be unable to In In line Miss Walton of Aurora visited with when the advance Sale starts to file Mr J- over Sunday J their orders at once as Mail Orders Miss of Aurora was at Mr for seals will lie promptly attended Will jams for the weekend the order of their receipt when Mr J M Waif Ml Spent the week- accompanied by remittance and a end with Hilhorn Wlf addressed envelope for reply Application for seals should be made to Mr O Mana ger Princess Theatre Toronto State when ordering price tickets the farmers desired and Hie performance SCALE OF lower Moor 1200 Hon Mr- Hilton got it where the thicken got the hatchet down at Weston He warned against the trust of the United States which controlled prices of breads tuffs At this point in the audience put this ques tion If as you say the trust con trol the supply of food In coun try by the price to I he consum er lower This was a poser Mr Hilton a lew minutes before had declared that prices for ninety per cent of food studs were lower In the United States than In the Do minion He finally admitted that on the whole the cost living was higher in the United Stales than Canada Gifts to can never make up for thefts from men I I f 1 50 51 Mux Keats rows balcony of balcony admission Matinee prices Same as night attention Is called to the rising of he curtain on the evening performance at oclock precisely and at oclock on the matinee THE REMEDY Is Editor Your story wt It standi too bald Author Then f will introduce some hairraising IncldentsritHlts 4 K44 I AA AND THE EXTREMISTS A uv I cm ALL WHERE LAURIER STANDS Ladies Under Skirts Groceries Black Sateen Underskirts ft 00 for for 98c Moire Underskirts From t Sweater Coats From fl90 Ladies Sweater Coats From to Mens Sweater- Coats From to We still advise the purchase of sug ar Market very strong prices bound to be higher We c a great Assortment of I COOKED MEATS mm i2Jrive V I Boiled Ham Corn Beef Jellied Hocks Jellied Tenderloin SOMETHING NEW Lemon Butter Orange Pineapple Butter at per We shall be pleased to call for your gro cery order There is a reason for the enormous increase in our Shoe Business and this is Perfect Fit Stylish Make Fair Price and Every Guaran teed to give Satisfaction You run no chance in buying you Shoes from 4 V s i which has been planned for Wednesday Sept and follow ing days Stocks in all departments will be complete and ready for early buyers J Our Toronto Letter was in the city this week played the role of a politi cal prophet He told a press reporter that Borden would have a majority of in Ontario and he had not the slightest hesitation in saying that the Government would be defeated Poor Bob fetter go back to toulin Judge Winchester has returned from his trip and is presiding at the General Sessions Toronto will receive but of the net profits of the National Exhi bition this year so Manager thinks On Monday last peculiar looking Italian boarded a Centre Island steamer and when part way across the bay jumped overboard and was drowned Victoria street extension northward from street to will be proceeded with This was decided upon by Civic Committee on Fri day last The estimated cost is On Saturday fast onehalt passenger plying between Toronto Hamilton also between this city and Niagara as well as to Beach dropped out Toronto is growing In population No less than prisoners slept in the jail over the Don On Sunday night fail officials find it hard to maintain discipline even with a preacher for governor Lightning struck On Craw ford street last Monday evening but only did damage to the extent of Thanksgiving Day will be on Oct this year but millions will give- additional zest to their thanksgiving for the coming reciprocity victory on the A spectacular fire occurred on Mon- da afternoon at the British Arneri- j can Oil companys works the foot of Cherry street The shot j up hundreds of feet but the probable j loss is only Oil only burns at the top and while it was thus burn- workmen were busy drawing off oil at the tap and saved many bar rels Mr I and his were seriousty hurt in an j bile accident on Monday when their j struct Queen street car And of dirt and quarts of milk wore was carried couple of rods emptied because of The Ontario Government is busy Fruit coming into Toronto by in the Federal elections that it has steamer is greater than ever before failed to make an appoint to known street wharf is pll- IKc office of Crown Attorney before so full every day as to make it the General Sessions of the Peace J difficult for people to get to Mr Last week at the Wild West Show In the Midway at the Inhibition a Steer suddenly jumped harrier and Charged the crowd Mrs Teller of requests the pleasure of your company at their Exhibit of OF NTR CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 188001 173 Branches at all Important fn Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers ol the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager Sessions the Peace I difficult for people is acting steamboats as Crown The vacancy In the North York registry office is yet unfilled At the graduating services held at the day laKt ten A vile thought in the brain is like a viper glaring into a nest of young birds little singers will Soon be all gone and only the viper and it brood remain Newmarket Markets Sept Fall Wheat per bush SO JO Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Hospital Incurables on was struck by the horns of received their animal In the breast cutting her hands lfMr IV EI Shaw a8Wein J T Sr n allow Hon- mo diplomas from Clark- It now will he the ronto and agal Foster the distinguished privilege of writing after his name An amateur motorcycle rider nam ed Mcrrltt Pierce was seriously if fatally Injured on Tuesday even ing on the Exhibition track The engine of his machine became sudden ly stalled and he was thrown the track headforemost receiving a frac ture of the skull The Health of city 1a getting alter the milk dealers were recently warned that the they were selling showed traces ton severely Four mounted cowboys pur- sued the animal and succeeded in P NOT CATCHING One of the big league pitchers was disgusted one day at his teams wretched oytfielding Batter after sent up high files and these easy balls were muffed alternately by left and centre The pitcher at the sixth Iliad threw down his glove and stamped on It Theres an epidemic n the out field he said but by It Isnt catching bag Chickens per lb 0 i 15 0 fi3 25 27 14 OH o 15 I Toronto Markets Sept Fall Wheat per bush SO loose Wheat per bush Oats per fMish t8 0 Barley per Peas per bush 00 May per ton Butter per 0 Per d Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Mi It If a L I S3 We will shortly announce a Formal Opening in our Millinery Department which will speak for itself Ladies will find it the Most Millinery Department in Newmarket i