Are often the imperfect vision Let us examine your TCWATSONl and Graduate Optician I as The Era is acknowledged to be the Best Leading County Paper well as being the Oldest in York County TERMSi25 per annum it paid in advance- to the United States No Paper sent outsider North York unless paid in advance You will be SURE to find YOU WANT In OUR ASSORTMENT WATSONS JEWELRY STOREi Hi JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor WWniiW1MWM No Single Copies 3 each 1 The Cool Days are Coming Its Time to Think About Oaf Toronto tetter storm on Lake For Heating or Cooking Our line this season is very complete See the with holes Reservoir Hot Closet Price The best STOVE stove plain without closet CO Thermometer all fully VALUE TOPAY The with Paints Its the best against rigid winter weather time to protect your house A HARDWARE AND PLUMBING PHONE E OTIC V I I NEWMARKET ONT The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very convenient The money can be withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should one die Interest is paid from the day the money Is deposited and continues to the day it Is withdrawn NEWMABKET BRANCH F FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard 7 INVITATION To all who Hard Coal Come to the Proem Build ing TORONTO and see for how prepared Here you will find an operated COAL BREAKER MINING TOOLS AND PICTURES P W PEARSON Cor Church CARTERS- BOWE AND BISHOP irVTir7 Mew Fall Materials Are In Not only are they neatthey are right We Ihera knowledge of what should be worn this season We you men to look them over we believe you will new stock full of fcruy anything for Fall let u sfaow you WILLI MA Rough Lumber and Inside Trim for Try Cold of Wood at Ms lot Hit or W H EVES by or Boyd OUT The first consignment of duclcs on the local market here last Wednesday were disposed of by wholesalers at IB cts per lb The outlook for poultry this fall s fair but prices will range high bet ter than last fall Thursday of last week Onta rio was swept by the worst since navigation opened this year People were glad to wear furs and over coats on the Fair Grounds especially in the evening Tray engineer en the met with a curious accident on Thursday of last week as his train was passing Swansea His right jaw- Chicago Sept A gale blow with the fury of a hurricane swept southern Late Michigan today filled Chicago Harbor with wreckage Fifteen yachts property of the Chi cago and Columbia Yacht Clubs moored in the harbor were to pieces and sunk and small craft were destroyed A number freighters were reported distressed just outside the harbor Passenger vessels due to day were heard from the early hours Anxiety was expressed in shipping circles and every effort was made to learn the whereabouts of the various boats the lake last night The gale was of the most se vere known here in years It came was fractured and his face badly bruised It appear from the P suddenly wound that lie had been hit with a stone The present Isolation Hospital may be turned into a General for the east end of the pity Attendance at the Fair oh Thurs day of last week account of in- an electrical storm The wind reach ed a tremendous velocity and blew with such force that planks in front of the Chicago Yacht Club were torn loose and thrown high against the building I clement weather was less than flJ Gone Up in SlllOke the same day last year The American flag flvinz from the Last Wednesday even eight oclock the motor car of Mr of the flagstaff in front the reporting staff of the World and News A Yankee flag to them is like red rag to an hull seem to have survived Clarence Kane thought himself smart enough to steal two baskets of fruit from without discovered He made a mistake and is now pondering over his folly in the jail receiving admonitions from Governor Chambers let other peoples fruit in future Another character before the Police Court was Fields a man with a black eye- He found no satisfac tion in doing an honest days work but must needs run a wicked house living of young girls One of a the other helping her mother it home during the day this disreputable conduct Fields was sent to Prison for six dittos His advance agent Curtis got of with a tfday term A man Montgomery did not like lbs comforts of a Metropolis tan car and made use of language to the annoyance of other passengers He paid a fine and costs Independent servatlve is fighting the regular Tory nominee for South Toronto quite as hard as the Liberal candidate ft will not be a matter for if the Temperance people of this city enter upon a campaign lor the reduction of the license before tin years renewal A blundering teamster wai driving on the street railway tracks on street the other day just made up his mind to get out of the way of an oncoming car whim he pleased Ah a result his was knocked out of way and thn up went a cry that the street car was moving too Hitherto the com plaint has the cars do not move fast enough to suit two thirds of the people It was the daughter of Mrs A Pratt of who won first prize in the Day Show clav from W to months old There are now missionaries In Ihnaj under Canadian fhurch of these nine are from this city fn a fire on the rounds in the Provincial tent on the car After driving for a little while he went to the factory to take- on a fresh supply of gasoline It was nearly dark and in gasoline a small quantity was spilled Macklin go into the car and before starting he lighted his pipe and carelessly threw down his match In a flash the automobile was envel oped flames which leaped upwards twenty or thirty feet The Fire Bri gade was culled out and subdued the fire but not before the car was in ruins The machine was a thirty h p was a show car built on the of for at Toronto Fair last fall The pur chase price was and certain im provements added hy Mr Storey brought its cost up to about It Was insured for Act Free Press OOU Oldest Lighthouse in the Whole World Travellers may still sec on the coast of the Channel at Dover the ruins of a Roman lighthouse was built at the time of the toman con quer of Britain Another ancient lighthouse mill less than a after the tower at Dover is still serv ing its original purpose It was partly rebuilt alterations were made it but it is number of old structure the time of another galleys as they sorted the coasts of the Day of their way to the port of This is the modern harbor of Corona and the lighthouse is tlie most ancient thing about it The called it the Tower of Hercules and the moderns have per petuated the name J lie exact date of its erection is not known but In scriptions and other evidence that it was built in the time of Trajan between and A I When the lOmplrc fell and Dome lost the mastery of the seas the light in this tower was extin guished KOI many years none of the old lights lit Up the sea edges of the former empire Most of the Fanners of Ontario Will Have Bright Future When Reciprocity is in Force MARKETS WILL GIVE THE CHANCE FOR BIG PROFITS THAT OPENING UP OF NEW RAILWAYS GIVES TO THE WEST What is the cause of the exodus young farmers from to the- West That cause doe not lie in the possibility of producing more to the acre there then is produced here because there is no such possibility I he soil of the Western Provinces is not fer tile than is the soil of older Ontario It does not lie in the possibility of higher prices for the products of Western farms than arc obtainable in Ontario because farm products sell a lower level in the West than they do here WILL INCREASE LAND VALUES Th- great draw poycr of the West is found i the hope it of rich returns from increasing land values A man takes up a homestead or buys at a low price a location miles away from a railway In time railway comes and then the lucky I himself suddenly enriched by the increased val ue so given to his hold n It is the multitude of stories wealth so gained whch have Caused many men to leave Ontario homesteads and seek new homes in the West NET RETURNS WILL INCREASE A YEAR Reciprocity will do for Ontario what railways ate for West ft will the ownnr of the American market where the prices of hogs cattle horses and other products are higher than here increase the returns from Ontario farms Farmers themselves have studied this question place the annual increase in the returns from an average hundredacre farm so obtainable at to a year With this increase the annual returns from Ontario farms there must come an increase in farm values The double profit will tend not to check the present outflow of population it will promote an Young farmers here seeing lands at present valu ed 60 and per acre gradual If rising towards the hun dred dollar mark will begin to think that good old Ontario is too good a place to leave Farmers in the States sec- mi land on this side more fertile than their own selling at less than the price of I heir own will be led to come over end in vest in our cheaper and more fertile lands for the purpose of supplying their own market This will cause a still further in crease in land values This will tend to still further diminish the from the land in Ontario It will tend to pro mote a movement towards the land GOOD TOWNS AND CITIES Reciprocity is a measure for the repopulation of rural On tario The rural Ontario means increased pros perity for urban Ontario 50 YEARS AGO From the Era Sept 133211 The illumination and feast of the Children of Peace at Sharon on Fri day night and Saturday o last week had more than the usual attendance A campmeeting is announced tobe held in Mr Jos Prettys woods Lot in the Con commencing Fri day Sept 20 and will be several days The gathering will be under the auspices of the Primitive Methodist Church An accident happened to Mr Jos Collins of Whitchurch Saturday last He was driving a span of colts which got scared at something and while holding them by the head one of the animals struck him in the face with its forefoot On Monday last- the of Mr Isaac Lundy 2nd Con of Whitchurch was struck by ightning and narrow ly escaped being completely demolish ed As it was the whole west end was torn out and the building very badly shattered The village council is at loggerheads over a Town Hall bylaw Robt Ramsay is gazetted as Associate Coroner for the County of York 25 YEARS AGO From the Era Sept id S3J A 1 Frost at Saskatoon 1 Saskatoon Sept Nine degrees of frost were registered in the Saskatoon district last night and the result considerable damage has been done to the crop Mr J R Wilson manager the Saskatoon Milling Co states that nil the standing grain would suffer as well as any in the stock which was not quite dry The grain he slates will be marketable hut it is not likely that it will grade higher than No i Northern Fields of potatoes were cut to the ground and all gardens were blackened Toadstools Kill Fourteen New York Sept Deaths from eating poisonous mushrooms or toad stools continue in this and vicinity despite numerous warn ings since the first victim succumbed early in the week The death record today was fourteen Mary Salvo who died to day Is the third member of that family to I be killed by eating the poisonous fun gi The two surviving members miy not recover Sunday and Day are suppos ed to have bad much do with his unprecedented record Warm weather following long rains brought out a prolific crop of mushrooms and A spark on the roof of Allens foundry nearly caused conflagration last week Three palces were burglarized in Newmarket on Thursday night of last week hut the operators got very lit tle their trouble They visited the Railway Station and got noth ing Then they tried the tannery and got ftb six cents in postage stamps Failing here they visited Mill where the booty secur ed was about in stamps While at the depot they cub open a valise and strewed the contents about the place but got nothing worth talking about The Roman Catholic picnic on the Agricultural Grounds last week did not turn out the success anticipated owing to fact that a drizzling rain prevailed most of the day After paying jail expenses however the Church had about profit SOU from Burns and Dean Harris of St Catharines was Daughter from Lockjaw Lindsay Sept lust about two weeks ago Master Lloyd Sutton the young son of Dr and Mrs 1 L Sutton of this town died from ter rible burns be received while playing with matches and now the grim reaper has called another child the same family among the church dignitaries present on occasion Last Saturday Mr A Lewis of street brought us sample of hen fruit not often equalled The egg is inches by in circumference and weighs ounces j A good joke is thus chronicled Early last Saturday a lady and thought they would take a from drive before the heat of day came on After driving for some time they holidays gave the victims to go them Into the opportune worlh fields and pick light lowers fell completely ruins but a for tuna chance saveJ the Tower of Hercules For many years ItwaS but four walls of stone and Tuesday of last week damage added to dilapidation but was done Ten dollars will cover the at last about MM an Englishman damage to the tent Two men had and a Dutchman Consult of their bands severely burned in countries Loruna agreeing bit to extinguish the blaze the building was not decayed tvond Dr Todd is now taking Dr Helen repair had it overhauled and patched vork medical Inspect- up The light was again kindle and or fa Toronto schools as Dr though it was not kept alive for many IS at prevent engaged In years repairs that had been made statistical work for Ontario Gov- saved- the structure from Irretrievable on Infant mortality ruin Three unclaimed kiddles were In tin In ITU more than a century alter Childrens Aid Shelter on lis usefulness had been revived for a last Friday claims short time the exterior to come from one small boy circling the building by wntch the about II from and 1 and the two Consuls reached Montreal aged who lost Itfl at the top had alien If you have a luxuriant head relatives at the completely a the Spaniards decided of hair you may want to know Lewis a former clerk In a l rebuild It they planned a whether it Is In- a healthy condition Montreal house was arretted here thorough the or not per of the people need last week charge of having It Is the a hair tower of to day Pull hair your head the They placed the new stairway In bulb at the end of the root Ik white tlie Interior of the structure I hey sunken It proves that the hair la tore down the Upper third of diseased and requires prompt treat- tower and completely rebuilt It They If its loss would be avoided If faced the lower twothirds with gran- the bulb Is pink and lull the hair is lte marking by a slightly overhang- healthy toe last wee a city where the ancient We want everyone whose hair re- was busy it i at one end Miss Susie Sutton passed away this thought it quite strange that after suffering terrible piu light did not appear so they turned from lockjaw A week ago she ell towards home to find that the clock from a tree fracturing her arm lock- had played mischief with the time law setting in Holland Landing voted on a bylaw The two deaths have cast a gloom last week to incorporate the village over the entire community land the municipality to again form part of The Ihos a highly law was defeated by to 21 respected resident of drop ped dead in his buggy Friday iV The Govern has established a Mcterological Station at Sharon with last He was looking for Mr D as presiding some cattle at the time The He Jells us that Aug W had just celebrated the Kith the warmest day the month versary of his day before Aug was the coolest of the morning his death Sept William Nelson for years Clerk of the Town ship of Scott drppped dead on the Street here today Deceased who Was years of age was around town yesterday his usual health and spirits Heart failure Is given as the cause of death London Make This Test HOW TO TKLL YOUH HAIR DISEASED en til from the firm Lewis has wife child In Montreal Down in Townsbfp Is a lake about so in Is controlled fishing arJ Shooting Club a a hear a res by a Pur- last wee a city J ViU nc Wan struct cement darn- Ja clung to the exterior quires Of the lake and had to I lbal M fa water When nd Wlt city treatment to try 03 Ic prornlwi that It shall anything if it does not give these foundations stead today the It Is designed ftouian Stone masons left them Tills dandruff relieve scalp work was completed 111 year to the hair roots and every night light tighten the hair already in the head has guided the mariner along this g cure baldness of northern coast of Spain it of what The light can now be seen accord- J Hair Tonic has done and our ainoere to the weather at a In Its goodness that we want distance of from sixteen to tweuty- to try It at our risk Two two rnllesat and It Ik doubtless arid only at our a wore effective beacon than that storeThe been taken out and tent to rorontd glimmered from the oM tower maricet trout being spared wfit I years ago but will be cleaned out Children lower water became lowered to about three feet noticed the surface become wonderfully agitated led to the that bottom of lake was covered with Course there were other fish hot great bulk catfish All work the dam ceased and workmen at entered on a slaughter them Up till Fri day about Ave tons had Retail Store J An organ rental for the visitors was held In street Methodist Church on evenly Mr has farm on 3rd line for Irorn Mrs of Sept John of road Sjuth London fell backwards down stair leading to the lavatory tt the London ibis was Instantly killed The body was found some time later the porter His neck was but police In vestigation failed to reveal anything of- a suspicious nature Deceaseds father left for Moose Jaw- a few days on a harvesters and be located Saskatoon Sept Stanley Mow- ry formerly ol Toronto was scalded to death in a holler at the Saskatchewan Lumber Mill here this looming The cause of accident Is unknown Mo wry was firing to got up steam for the days run when It One the tubes of the hell er burst awl Mowry was enveloped In clouds of escaping and drenched with spurting streams of boiling water He was scalded from head to foot and was removed to St Pauls Hospital where ho died hours Montreal Sept John an Englishman years of age was brought Notre Dame Hospital last night with his hands legs burned Davis was employed In the powder and dynamite plant at Ho and his Injuries are said to have been due to his neglect to change his trousers after quitting work When at a fl distance from the works ho lighted cigarette A spark from weed or match Ignited the particles powder and dynamite In his cloth ing His legs were badly burned and In beating out the fire hi- bands suf fered month IB dCg Italn fell on eight days during the month Died at Kettleby on the lath Inst aged about years Mr J Hughes reached home on Thursday last week delighted with hie trip He was gone six weeks two of whicn he spent in Ireland a short time Paris Cannon Morgan t alter performing marriage ceremony in the church there the other day fell M oil chancel platform broke his thigh hone a heavy frost last Monday morning but heavier on Wednesday but since then It has been The Harvest Home at Zephyr was a grand success Over was taken for meal tickets Thieves arc operating in lower part of King township Mr Weirs bouse was burglarized recent- and several articles stolen At Sutton the Church people have the services of Commander for both nights 0 the Show there Jr 3 WELL WELL THIS a HOME DYE that ANYONE ceo use of Good- SAME J I used t MS for 111 W fceror on