Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 8, 1911, p. 2

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r I Girls Wanted At the Clothing Factory For o to Rent house and wood hed on street Enquire of Timothy street Wanted A Stenographer Tor Law Oljice in Toronto Duties to commence at once Apply Room Kent Street Toronto 2w34 J Boarders Wanted A pleasant front room for a mar- lied couple or two single men Apply to Mrs Gilford Mann Lome Ave nue Corn For- Sale about 4 acres well ear- Will sell by the row or acre Apply to Andrew Clark Cedar Val ley Lambs Astray Come upon lot in Con Bast about 1st of September nix lambs Owner is requested to prove property Pay and take them away ADAM WEST Sharon PO I Two Farms for Sale The initial letters erf the respective candidates surnames rioV seeking the suffrages of North York are sig nificant touching issue in the contest for and Reciprocity and A lor strong and AntiReciprocity The coincidence is not alone significant it forcefully illustrates the attitude of the respective Candidates on the allimportant question before the country The trade policy a creates Under the trade policy of the Conservatives previous t bard times prevail ed and Government deficits were the sorrowful wail the Finance Minis ter but the next year Liberals attained to power the preferential trade proposals were introduced by Hon Mr Fielding and although strenuously opposed by Sir Claries and the Opposition In Parlia ment the result proved the wisdom of the Governments policy Trade and commerce revised our industries soon evidenced growing prosperity and Government deficits be came surpluses Sir Charles Hon ffaington that end In At the Liberal convention held at Ottawa while Conservatives were in power Reciprocity was made a plank in the platform Both political- therefore com mitted to the proposal On the floor tbeiibuse Dec Hon Geo E Foster gleefully asked Where is the reciprocity with the United States that the honourable gentleman was going to get six months after he attained power Now however when the Government has ser cured the opjortunUy of re ciprocity both Mr Foster and his leader are trying defeat the eminent on the question It is not matjer for wonder therefore that Conservative farmers all the Do minion are signilying their intention to vote for the agreement for the men who favor adoption The farmers of Nor Mi are fast fall ing into line They know a good thing when they see it The Hamilton Herald remarks Dr meeting To ronto friend in Detroit enquired why the Ontario officials dont Come after him There are a whole lot of other- people who also wonder Yes and the wonder is growing but Sir James Whitney did not answer the declaration that the prefer- question at the Aurora Meeting the trade policy of the Laurier other day Government was a greater wrong lot Con and the lot Con containing acres more or less The farm consists good clay loam and contains good arm buildings and is situated about miles north of Queen lie Also the west half lot Con containing acres more or less this is the J Dean Homestead is well situated at Good buildings and good fences For particulars apply to the Undersigned on lot 21 afore said CHAS A PO Toronto York Radial Railway Metropolitan Division AFTER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER Cart leaving Sutton for Toronto at ajd pm Cars leaving Toronto for Sutton at and pm Will Be Discontinue Note Saturday halfhour service between Toronto Newmarket will be- operated until further notice AFTER MONDAY SEPTEMBER car leaving for Toronto at am will be contfnued car leaving Sutton for To ronto at am will operate aft a local to Toronto COMMENCING MONDAY SEPTEM BER leaving Sutton Toronto at am and pm will operate only LIVINGSTON Traffic Manager than had ever before been inflicted on fact which he turned out to be a myth for ever since its adoption the country has prospered as never before It was the fiscal policy of the Government that wrought the change Government The Montreal Witness gives the lowing extract from a speech by Mr Toronto business man The trouble is that the wrong hen hatched out the chicks It is worth reading over a second time j and suggests this question Suppose I Mr Fielding had reported to I the overtures ended by saying These overtures the govern ment refused to entertain Would And now the same with the same Finance Minister has House of Commons the secured the present proposal before from Washington and had the electorate of reciprocal trade in naturalproducts with the American Republic but not disturbing trade Mr and those behind him risen and approved the course of the Government or would they have de clared that the greatest trade oppor tunity in the history Canada bad been thrown away The answer is not difficult Even as recentlj as industries It promises large ad vantage to the farming interests of the Dominion without injury to our manufacturers a will at the same time help the artizan and laboring classes This is the policy of the Administration and although December last the opposition in by Conservative leaders today just as the preferential trade ques tion was opposed in the days gone by its adoption will give further im petus to prosperity add largely t the advantage of the ag ricultural interests of the Dominion In view of the importance of the is sue therefore t electors North York thou Id have no hesitancy as to which letter o the alphabet they will or A e Let the farmer have his turn The Liberal party is trying to better things for the people get A prosperous farming class reflects its prosperity on every line of indus try The Oliver Plow Co of Hamilton has booked an order for for the Argentine Republic This does not if the favored nation would hurt the manufacturer parliament were demanding- of the Government new markets The po licy of refusing to enter the United States market w framed after the Conservatives learned that the Lib eral Government had secured the en try to those markets Hut that was because to their minds the wrong hen batched out the chicks Died to Save His Brothers Life m Sept As a result claimed of having given cuticle from his own arm in order that his brother might recover from the attack of a stallion William Coward of Township near Exeter died suddenly on Tuesday morning at his home Several weeks ago George Coward was attacked by an infuriated stal1 lion arid his forearm was badly lacer ated It was discovered that if he was to be saved from bloodpoisoning new skin must be grafted bro ther William and forty neighbors each responded to the call and from the arms of each of them small parts of cuticle was taken George is now but on Tuesday William Now that the Canning Season died BUddenly and it is reported that the trusts have raised the price of directly the result of the the effort to agar Those who purchased their j j seasons supply last month made ten Pickering College Reopens for the PALL TERM SEPT Classes Tuesday Sept PREPARATORY Second Header to Fourth preparation or pass arid for Teachers Examinations COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Courses short hand a- Typewriting MUSIC Piano Voice Training and Violin Preparation or Toronto Conservator Examinations ART fainting In Oils and Vatr Color J If- China Paintirig and Mvlrllin Jn Clay etc apply at the Cleaning a Specialty per Cent as compared to the China ram inc yept The Hood caused liesgives the rale of taxes imposed overlow of the river Municipal statistics for Ontario re cently Issued by the of fitatis- for all purposes throughout I the most extensive and in as follows or memory of man Pro- Is to a greater depth in the capital 78 higher than In the previous earthe aver age mill rate was an increase of over The debenture debt of Ontario amounts to per head The Globe the I widespread fa- than ever before thnntens the persona reported drowned millions are homeless sub sisting herbs facing starvation It is estimated that per of the crops In the district are price of- rice is rapidly mobs Treasurer and Toronto World on a string and is turning ruined The to Sir James Whitney It Bays advancing prohibitive levels the Provincial Treasurer has raided the stocks of rice to explain why he Increased places lhe whole visible supply of rite will last only two it estimated the Provincial deposit in the Farm er perhaps Sir will enlighten the people whose Foreign property suffered went to Dr trade Ik and the Toronto World The Mao river in Manchuria has iso overflowed Its bank many have Reciprocity and tarlfi drowned and famine in that Wilson Star cant action Is certain a candle to the Interest the China In torn by internal price of seed Tim- disorders There are rebellion in five ha- advanced to of fhe the are threaten- at J OVER HUNTERS STORE NEWMARKET and Clover seed from and In the and in Toronto sale price of timothy and at to will help the to per bushel lest Canton the ro terrorists Representative Wanted at once for in your locality Will guarantee to JSCC pr day Opportunity to rapidly Will pay Morally aadlence at way the great jn at Mr neetlng at Aurora last Tuesday evening A despatch day gave the lowing report covered much fiaKovaving at meeting ftjlinjj here at which Sir Jaot in support of the of Mr j a Armstrong Conservative nominee in York Every person In Thieves were working here On Monday entered Kearns and rove oil with a horse and harness Then tjiey dis favors by stealing a from Mr A During the night tfcey entered the office DynftntA Hon lut DitbfnfS was taken Chatham struck the Sept barn on the farm Win for not Intern Press Toronto the city week Ben Rose left for Dauphin Man last Tuesday Mr Angus of Ottawa Is spending few days in town Mrs Walter and Miss ta were in Toronto over Sunday Clarice sperii the weekend with friends in the city Mr Harris of Cobalt was calling on friends in town yesterday Miss Leila Manning has returned after spending a fortnight in Lind say Miss Toronto is spending a- weeks v home Miss Bessie Soulcs has gone to Toronto to attend the Kennedy School Miss Jessie Dickson of is spending this week with Miss Ethel Miss Marjory left Ot tawa on Monday to accept a govern ment position Miss Mary Doyle has returned to Ottawa after spending vacation in Newmarket Mr Gordon leaves tomor row to attend Central Business Col lege in Toronto Mrs Aubrey Davis and Mr J Davis jr spent over Sunday St Miss Ada of j is spending few days with Miss Eileen Hewitt The boys and Donald spent the tailend of their vacation in Toronto Mrs A lones formerly Miss and Miss Johnston of I were guests of Mrs J last Miss Cane for To ronto this week to enter instruction as kindergarten teacher Miss Saunders of Ottawa was visiting her cousin Mrs J A Allan a few days last week Mr Amos Rogers and wife of Mariposa were visiting with Mrs j Smith Park Ave on Wednesday Mr Fred Hughes manager of the Recorder at Windsor gave the Bra a call while in town last lay- Mr K Robertson commenced moving into the residence Vacated by Mr limbic on Church street last Friday Mr and Mrs It Manning spent Day holidays at the guests of Mr Mrs tching Mrs Little and her two daughters from Hun Que were vis iting last week with their grandmoth er Mrs Mr and Mrs Smith of Chicago who have been spending a week with his brother Mr It A Smith leaves for home Mrs Lee mother of Mrs J Davey and her daughter Miss from spent couple of days In town this week Mrs A Robinsons dressmak ing establishment opposite Simpsons bakery will open for the reason on Monday Sept and Mrs and baby of Ottawa are spending their holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs Win Hal I or an Miss Alice Madcr after three months vacation resumed her situa tion In Toronto this week feeling greatly benefitted in health Thanks to the directors of the a com plimentary ticket to their dur ing the last week September Mr John Sutherland of Chicago visited his brother Mr las Suther land couple of days this week and was calling on some the older citizen Mr has moved to ten years were calling friends In Town yesterday A was received yester day from Mr IV Jackson announc ing his safe arrival In Halifax Mr ins Owen Sound six years calling on the boys in town on He stopped with his untie Mr Osborne The Richardson are ten days In Toronto to the return of their mother Mrs Geo who is expected home next week after a trip to l he Coast Mrs J who Visiting her friends at Sharon and at different points filmed to her borne on Monday Joying the urnrncr and rnucti im proved In health Mr and Mrs are completing a course In one Universities of Chicago are Spending their vacation In and with Mr moth er In King Mrs Miss Ik a the late David Mr of Detroit old North Yorker brother of Mrs Held formerly of this town paid old borne village of Sharon and Shoes iv DfeMMaking Parlor is now Open Mi as in Charge i fl J This week we are sijowmg our New rail Dress are most handsome lot it has ever been our pleasure to show The lot coriiprises thats new in Dress Goods the Venetians and In endless variety In all the new shades to match the Dress Goods ALLOW The best we have ever shown in Black White Cream and They will be found as low as any store selling highclass merchandise ranges at SO and pen Good Inspection and of Prices Invited THE Undertaking House Yon can your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY Night call attended to at John Millard and I THE CRADLE Newmarket on Sept iHl to Mr and Mrs A It a son At Newmarket on Sept 1st Hill Mr and Mrs Sidney Morning a son nil the to Mr Molt a- and Mrs IF YOU ARE NEEDING OR TAYlGlt in Whitchurch en Sept mil to Mr and Mrs Albert Taylor rt daughter You cannot do Better than Buy them from a AU LEY For Bale bated a en on PI er an eagle loom the platform Sir 91 derated north of Kir Wilfrid had a at on fuetdayj an finished speaking lie an effort collapsed fortunately jsfvw thai was not one hart The Minister aJ lawyer usual i Hallways relieved he Good Item bouse two against trade MmlmMliks wWress with the hearty wm Mr jnlwrvllon It Is hard to dislodge yard quarter Mt grille mail A aUd j Many- a who that he Ik J a offer for faying up treasurers In heaven will He alto test a deputaj New- be leader from hin plat form I ho great vent ti relief In a cheer school of market a visit on Saturday and Burt- day Mr looks well and prosperous left Canada in and has only VlMted this local- since be did not fail to the many slx I de velopment and that on hand the land marks of yesterday and it Is bow little Incidents mem ories arc recalled by all old wanderers at the of some once familiar old treetop or turn In old country rojd hears trodden of to many by gone years TUB ALTAR Newmarket on Sept Elder I at his residence Mr Forrest Milton Pal- to Miss Kern Cain both Tlill TOM IS At Orchard on Sunday Sept 1011 widow vt sine late lames Toronto in her year Funeral from the residence ol her son Mr If Al- avenue on Tuesday Sept J at pm to Necropolis COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS to suit you Our Phono No Use it and get your goods Deliver ed promptly his residence Jo seph avenue Newmarket on Sept bis JabCZ Johnston in year At Toronto on 1011 to Mr and Mrs J a daughter granddaughter Mr Moore of the Acton- Free St Newmar ket on Sept 2nd Mary Maud wife of Mr Geo Lyons interred Newmarket Cemetery on Monday At Newmarket Oil infant son of Mr Sid ney In on it of Sept Infant son of Mr Holt J ROHDHOUSH tajkin NORTH NEWMARKET Orders will recede prompt SELECTED Lines of Drugs and Chemicals COMPLETE IN ITS LINE OF PATENT AND PROPRIETORY MEDICINES PHYSICIANS PREPARED FROM OUR CHOICE LINE OF J PATTERSON Phm NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Phono No 161 DRUGS Store Phone No I d the proud possessor of young son We notice visitors irom a distance The repairs arc completed at the ol Manitoba and it Is now in running of AnnB I Cleveland Miss Marshall of Re- Toronto will with the Anli- Chester J Charles and wife of can ThonlcKlvlng services on Sunday Kansas a There will bo mowing Mitchell Mitchell ami evening services Vo notice there arc a few vacant and Phillips Toronto In to rent Mitchell of Chas MIbs Mary Walton 18 visiting In and children wile and child and Mr- Mr J Is Visiting her son M Foster at Parry Sound I MrB Wilkinson seriously ill Mr Ran McCarty la smiling these Joh and Mrs J- I arc also on the sick list f I a f pi a ha no at sS ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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