HOW IN PERFECT HEALTH THANKS TO FRUITAT1VES JACKSONS POINT Feb I am well acquainted with man known to thousands in Vancouver Victoria and New Westminster who for a was practically a cripple from Rheumatism He was so troubled with the disease that he found it difficult to ertn torn over in bed ITU heart appeared so weak that be could hardly Mr Talk up stain Iut June he received a sample of 1 tires He used them and his recovery from that time oday there is no man in Vancouver enjoying better health lit was building a bouse this fall and shinned a good part of the roof in a On Wednesday of last week wed ding took place at the summer of Co Clerk when his youngest daughter Miss Edna became the bride of Mr Stiver She was tastefully attir ed in cream marquisette over satin trimmed with lace and car ried a bouquet of roses Miss Mar jory McBean was flower girl The gift of the bridegroom to the bride was a peridot and pearl pendant Mrs Stiver left tor a short that impure blood with its weak ening results unpleasant breath headaches an restful nights poor appetite sallow pimples and depression comes from constipation A v trip to eastern cities after Oct 1st will reside i Toronto BRADFORD of Leamington driving rain without suffering any bad along with his men are busily effects JOHN LACY Mr Mills assistant postmaster at Que also writes I honestly believe that fa the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world Try it yourself a box for trial site At deal era or from limited Ottawa Rooms to Let Furnished or unfurnished at Eagle Hotel for res people New Brick House On Prospect Ave for sale Apply bo Eves Newmarket 27 Two New Houses For sale in good locality Hen and paying good interest in one month K ROBERTSON Newmarket ed surveying the Holland Marsh Mr is one of the foremost engin eers in Canada and is an expert in marsh lands having on nearly all the reclaimed marshes in Ontario The Holland Marsh Syndi cate have started right in securing a first class engineer The storm of last Thursday did a great amount of in- the of carrying away fences and railway bridges and piling up the roadways with trees The surveyors on the marsh were in the and were forced to ford the swelling flood the waters taking them to the Posses- New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number of choice build ing lots Apply to For House with summer kitchen pantry good basement Apply to Mrs George Joseph Ave N Farm for Sale Consists of acres being lot eon King All under cultivation Good orchard Frame bam frame house Two wells and a creek to HENRY BROWN Newmarket A dog case was the centre of at the division court recently Owen Davis a dog and it disappeared It was a good dog and useful on the farm More- over Mr and Mrs Davis were ally fond of it The disappearance of the dog was a mystery as he was supposed to be like some people a stayathome He seems to have gone visiting however one night or morning for he turned up at Frank Russells farm and refusing I chased was shot that that was not treat a stray dog awl assessed Mr Russell twentyfive dollars and the costs of the case to be The court decided the proper way to For 8ale New Brick House corner Park Ave and Elm St also house on Elm St to MRS SCOTT The CedarB For 8ale A summer school for young people is being established at Geneva this year by the Presbyterian church in Canada which if successful pro mises to become a permanency The school will open on Monday forenoon August and continue for tight days A few minutes ten oclock on Saturday evening the fire brigade called out for a blaze at the lake front The fire had goad start and the buildings burned like tinder and in half an hour property Valued nt was destroyed The fire occurred in a row of twentyfour boat bouses AURORA Mr Rogers Science Master in the House and acre of land Staple High School here has accepted a situation the High School at Northern Ontario The annua excursion of the Meth odist Church Sunday School on Wed nesday to Centre inland Toronto was a great success Ov four hun dred took advantage of the cheap trip and a days During the severe electrical storm which over this section of Country looming the of Applications will be by the M and all conveniences House con tains rooms stone foundation cellar kitchen This is a snap lor cash purchaser Apply to v At Office Holland Landing NOTICE up Oct 1st for purchase of Farm being Lot Con Bast acres in good state of Cultivation tA A Inspection If Invited by Intending purchaser Kit poster Sharon R Oat FOB BALE Wood in itij form to suit the win farm at Oak Ridges was struck by lightning and to the ground along with its contents which Includ ed part of the seasons crops Mr Richard of King who on Aug 4tu came to Canada from England about yeari pgo and settled near About years ago they moved to ball For the put years lift was in poor health and confined to purchaser Must wM y waH fctr it on the farm Apply to R For 8ale part in rear of Con of Whitchurch near Pine Good frare hi ferid Apply to Rjre Orchard Farm for from improper action in which finally earned him off year The in Newmarket on the being conducted by Rev of The deceased wan a of the Methodist and vttn Liberal e highly respect all who him two SODS Geo and Richard of Kin and five daughters Mrj Miluft and Of Toronto Mra Terry of Mm of A good WO acre farm mile from King and Anderson of half of Aurora Con of EOftd to clay a farm On property frctj- SI on Is well fenced and watered Alex is laid up with a felon on the 2nd finger of bu On Monday mornirig Mr if receired word from year or next further pr- that his son who was en Wculars apply to Office there FOR Building Alterations be 4rix7l for pafntfe pIumL required la certain proposed to County near atI fcoecifiotloA be be fct on street al so at office at fjt if necessar ily ad diowned On evening Mr Gordon barn at Lake Wilcox was burned with the most of this years Crop sod nearly all the fire daughter drove a sow her brood of of shed that In danger after she got thtm out the sow attacked her knocking her down and biting her The dog to her and saved her from serious injury Kingston A was received the barge Mary on work oa the Kb- was Dot tte Mary owned at notion It was a car of box wood for of the factories Mat Dog have been doing good to men and women for many many years and their value has been tested and proved They remove the cause of physical troubles A few small doses will show their safe tonic action on you Pills will surely help you to an active liver a good stomach a sweet breath clear head and refresh ing sleep In young or old they will Relieve Constipation thought of the wisdom of- the man who was getting day refusing a day merely because some getting day advised him to Let weir enough alone v- If the manufacturer whose output was a year saw an opportunity of doubling that output would h3 accept the advice of any person who told him that he was doing all right now and be should Let well enough Alone Is there a business man world who consider such advice practical Would tbe socalled philanthropists who under the guise of pa triotism are shouting this advice ever have become millionaires had they in their original humble positions refused to tae advan tage of every opportunity afforded and settled back accepting the admonition well enough Along- It is never the time to Let well enough Alone when one can do better Sold Everywhere In boxes Mr Andrew spent over Sunday with We are sorry to report hat Mr is suffering a felon on his thumb We hope he soon be able to fulfil his duties Mussel mans Lake to have been the chief attraction 1 7 people on our civic holiday A jolly crowd from Toronto entertained by Mr and Mrs Monday Civic If olid to a bay rack ride picnic to Applctons Park Mussel mans Lake The was perfect and spent ii thing games sinking eaig A day long to by all was spent Mr Huntley Sutton visited on Monday with is cousin Mr J Huntley with fliends at Miss Florence of Chicago daughter of Mr Andrew of Newmarket has been part of three weeks vacation in Mr jr entertained a party of friends at a social occasion at home on Fri day evening last There was music by three violins organ and gramophone Dainty were served on the lawn There were about thirty in the com pany and they remained to enjoy the festivities until the hours Mrs A J lira of Victoria BC formerly Miss OBrien of with her the Mr and two children are expected in visit her parents Mr and Mrs James OBrien previous to sal for China Oct to take up missionary work at in the province of FOR FLETCHERS I A ft It is refreshing to know that those who are opposed to letting the ordinary people get advantage of this larger market devote considerable space in their appeals to amplifying the fact that Can ada under Sir Wilfrid Laurierhas become very prosperous A Pamphlet is being broadcast proving from the records that Canada is immensely prosperous that all the criticism that has been indulged in during past fourteen years against the Laurier Government has been without foundation and this pam phlet proceeds to argue that under these circumstances it would be unwise to make any trade arrangement with the United States These leaders seem to forget that they have answered their ar gument themselves for the same Laurier Fielding and Patterson the same Government under whose policy the magnificent state of depicted has brought stakes its reputation on the assertion that thc proposed with the United States will add still further the wealth and contentment of the Canadian people Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr Fielding were right in their re adjustment of the Tariff though it was opposed most hit- terly by the same men who now oppose Reciprocity They were right in giving preference t the products of the pother country though that also was opposed by the men now opposing Recipro city pnd dire disaster w predicted by Sir Chas Tupper a others The result has been that Canada according to the published by themselves has nvcr been so prosperous as she is today A The people have reason to conclude therefore that the judg ment and foresight Sir Wilfrid Laurier having been justified and confirmed by hip strongest opponents are right in just as they were prior to and in every year since It is never the time to Let well enough Alone when you can Can do better Dont Shingle that Roof use Samson Ready Roofing Made in three thicknesses and ply 36 inches wide Each roll wilt cover 100 square feet net including a 2inch lap at the seams Nails caps and cement without extra charge Our Western Letter ORCHARD Dr Forest Mount Albert who other friends were spending a lay on the shore took a trip to in Mr launch and had a fine time on Wednesday of last week We omitted to report the splendid catch of Mr Thomson last week lie brought in two fine fUnKC one weighing respectively and lbs We would sur prised to see the of the pair in one of the city papers Mrs Jas Allen and her ihreo daughternof Toronto spenl the week end with Mrs Roland A Corn roast was greatly enjoyed at Mrs I farmings cottage last Fri day evening Mr and Mrs With row of Toronto were guests Of Mr and Thomson for the weekend Mrs It and daughter Miss I at Mabel spent the wood cottage A little niece from Toronto Ik visit ing with Thomas The church was well Ailed last Hun- day morning and evening and of Newmarket everybody by his admirable The solos also Mrs Wl th row of Toronto very choice Next Or from India will both morning evening Mr and Mrs If Hunt of with son and daughter Who are touring Ontario a motor spent over with his sister Mrs Voice I here Manns board over Miss Olive Thompson gave a party on Tuesday night Mrs Lyons of Me Is spending a week with her sister Miss Mr and Mrs are pending a couple weeks at Mr Is also there this week Winnipeg Man Aug It Every thing is looking rosy for the West Rumors of black rust in the wheat have been run to earth discovering a lew instances of affected grain so very few that the scare may be justly said to be built upon air As a matter of fact there is never want ing the pessimist t see the germs of death destruction in the most healthful condition and the black scare was due to such senti ments as this There has been an Uncommon amount of rain in West this season and a conspicuous lack of torrid weather Fields every where have grown strong and lusty and nothing is needed but a short period of clear dr weather to ripen the crop the West has ever had That weather is on now and bids fair to last for the ripening of the crop and gathering it There no thought in the West of less bushels of wheat and an estimate based Upon reports from 220 dstricts places the crop at bushels bar ley bushels and flax total of over ODD bushels of grain in the three prairie provinces Winnipeg business Indicates that this belief is general and not local The bank clearings of this city have increased over those of last year for a like period and Win nipeg will enter the billiondollar class of banking cities this year with a handsome margin over the even bil lion figures for Winnipeg show the name remarkable Increase year was 1 banner In which nearly two million dollars more Were put into new buildings than ever be fore Not even the optimists thought it likely that would beat building records but there are already permits amounting to twelve millions out and fall work promises to be enormously heavy Men In Touch with the build ing business forecast millions dollars worth of new structures by the first of January for the purchase of the Winnipeg Metric Street Railway were renewed this week by the Com ing of Sir William Mackenzie for that purpose Sir Williams opinion of a proper selling basis differed some what from what Mayor Con- slderod a fair harts but it her age known tr A J may that the negotiations will be carried through after the conditions have been thoroughly threshed out Two hundred Ohio editors were guests of the city on Saturday of last week The part was on its to the States after an extend ed tour of the West and were very enthusiastic over the country and the crop conditions A great sporting event in the West will I the tour of the champion Co rinthian footballers The team will get here on the and will play a number of games throughout West Winnipeg may not have an eleven good enough to stop thc although the game is very popular here hut Calgary and Van couver are likely to surprise- the Old Country lads Another sporting feature of thc season is the small game All birds upland plover snipe ducks and prairie chickens are even more numerous than corn in on and the wing shot who chooses may have his fill and a even from the opening of the plover season on July 1st to the last flight of ducks and geese just winter sets in- The announcement the western provinces will be given control their natural resources is naturally received with much interest It Is not overstating the Case say that Westerners irrespective of party have fell that they were not fairly treated in this matter The an nouncement Is new to say how it be viewed public men hut it will certainly a great advant age to Manitoba Saskatchewan and to have control of their natural resources Is planning to tun ex cursions from that city to the Arctic circle next summer These trips will be put- on by the Hudsons Hay Com pany and will take tourists from Ed monton Into the treat North via Athabasca Landing Fort Lake Athabasca and the Mackenzie River The trip will be miles long and will be made lor thereabouts Love is never too to distin guish the dollar mark A love match Is apt to nicker out before the winds of adversity the people who always ex pect the worst to happen may some times be Pride Ik an Indefinable something that prevents a woman from looking a Week for a Hustler a If BO an 1 YOU A you have lew spare hours we want you You Can Make 25 a Week Subscriptions for MACLEANS MAGAZINE f We are putting on a Circulation Campaign right away This Campaign to increase Circulation of by There Is no possibility of making a failure of the work Whether you have had prevloua experience or not Will you be the first In your town to commence If you send In one weeks time from the date you commence we appoint you District Manage of Magazine a Position Ib Worthy of Your Serious Consideration iS A GOOD PAYING Write us today for and Magazine University Ave Toronto roofing that protects the building it covers REA0V Just a short time required to lay the roofing and it requires no further at tention giving a watertight storm- proof lasting fireresisting roof that will increase value of your buttd- protect the contents Ask your dealer to show you Ready Roofing The kind that lasts Anyone can put on Will not taint the rainwater Cheaper than Gives perfect satisfaction HowandSonsCo Toronto Ask for Samson Brand On the Farm Tools you buy Samton Brand means strength and durability good material and satisfaction 3 SECRETS LIFE Statements made patients taking he New Method TreatmeoL They know it Cures or used CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASE rodent No 10171 spots arc all from my arms I now I am very graceful to and shall never forget the favor your have done for me You cm use my name In recommending It any I am to get mar ried thanking you once SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED I No SI filnjfle Indulged In Immoral years De posit and drains at night Varicose Veins on sides pains In back weak He I received of recent In reply I lo siy that After taking two months treatment I consider myself completely as I have seen no signs of them coming back one year THE Patient No I5K3 f have not had a regular I dont know when and am feeling fine Tin world seems altogether different to and I thank God for me to you You have been an honest doctor with me VARICOSE VEINS CURED No Symptoms started treatment Ago single in- dulled In Varlrose Veins on both sldts on the face etc After two month treatment he writes as follows welcome letter to hand and r to that I think myself cur Veins have completely fr quite a while and It I work hr and tired have no desire for that whatever If I stay JJkt- I haw every reason to believe I Thanking you for your kind attention etc GAINED II POINDS IN ONE MONTH Patient No This patient hid a chronic case of Nervous and Sexual Weakness and wis down In vigor and treatment reports as lows I am well I hive It pounds ln one month I will have to congratulate you report I am beginning to fo like a mn my li getting better week I pott iar Doctor f months that I wilt have to get I thought at on lime I be cured but I put n- fldrnrp in you from the start and you buve cured me CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY treat and cur VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and peculiar to CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS FREE Blank for Treatment All from Canada mutt to our Can Corrsipondtnca Department at KENNEDY KENNEDY WINDSOR ONT If Unable to call write for a notice Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA Additional for Return on Following Conditions GOING DATES From all stations on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Mild Line Toronto to rKludln all on Toronto to lttrolt and Llnei subdivision from Gutlpb From all North of Cnod Trunk Main Line Toronto to Saffhb Including Motion and west also Grand Trunk i Toronto to Inclusive AllflUST From all stations in Toronto and ftndScolb Jet- and Fait on and From all Toronto North Inclusive and AUOUST iSflth From all stations Toronto an4 alio East of Jet and North bay WILL SOLD TO ONLY farrarrs appolntM by Manitoba Saskatchewan and will and nkzt laborers on arrival at Winnie Ft will at Winnipeg to prints on Canadian where are of Moov Jaw and at a mile way west thereof In Alberta A certificate Is with each ticket and this when farmer that worked llilrty days or more will be honor from t a second class ticket hick to starting In Ontario at Nov are only on Farm Which mill l run from Toronto and Ontario point to Winnipeg without making trip In hours and will be to women as as to men but not be at half fare to children For full particulars rarest CPU or write- Tomato ATKINSON Agent el A i