vv THE NEW v j VV I years trial and then drop it is it proves unsatisfactory is a fair pro position The Hamilton Herald di rects attention to the fact that the reciprocity pact is not- a treaty that it is hot binding on Canada that if it fails to work out to the advantage of our people it can he dropped Should the continued ob- struction of the Opposition force an Women suffering from any form of Illness are to promptly com- j immediate appeal to the country the with at Lynn above feature of the agreement Mass All letters are received opened lead and answered by A wo- kept remembrance So far as man can freely talk reciprocity is concerned both her private ill ness to a woman thus has been es tablished this con fidence between Mrs and the women of America which has never been broken Never has she pub lished a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to pet oat of their possession as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files wiU attest Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs has to draw from it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case She nothing in turn except your good will and her advice has helped thousands Surely any woman rich or poor should be to take advantage of this gener ous offer of assistance Address Mrs care of Medicine Co Lynn Mass Every woman ought to have Lydia 80page Text Book It is not a book for general distribution as it is too expensive It is free and only obtainable by mail SVrite for ft today Wire Fencing vutive and Liberal parties have been favoring it for forty years and parties have approached the Ameri can Government to secure just such an agreement the Tory Opposition arc now so strenuously opposing So far as North York is concerned the farming community have the dom inating vote and they know how to cast it Reciprocity in natural pro ducts will conduce to their material advantage and it would be unreason able to expect them to against their selfinterests For long years they have been taxed to build up manufacturing industries and now comes the opportunity for them to help themselves without injuring in dustries protected The sawofi hinted at in a local paper possibly thrown out as feeler for future negotiations is simply vapor The people or this Hiding are not to be bartered at the bidding of designing politicians with axes to grind or Government offices to fill The po litical history of the Hiding stands opposed to the business Montreal Letter MontrealJuly 31 Despite the fact that the Dominion Government has spending millions in money and years the tottering of the navi gable channel of the St Lawrence the Great Lakes to the sea it is many since the inland shipping fleets have had iiich hard sledding as they have had this sea son For sledding it has been than sailing many an eventful oc casion The water is so low that To onto urn city are arranging for a Grounds on the 5th mchth Dr Geo the first Italian young man in Ontario to sueceod obtaining his degree in medicine and surgery was tendered a banquet by his many friends last Friday evening Among- those present was the f y of His Majesty the King of vessels have t scrape along and experienced pilots assert that it Five Years With AND FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come see Quality and get prices For Sale By I J High School Newmarket Ontario FALL TERM OPENS AUG ELLIOTT PostmasterGeneral Lemieux prom ises an extended parcel post system for Canada The Hamilton Herald quaintly observes It will soon he time for the Express Companies lr begin the inevitable protest against government interference with tested interests Stands without Superior in Canada- Graduates highly fcil Catalogue between or dinary photograph and the kind we make Is due to our skill and Wghgradt Every sitter Is given individu al attention and treatment the result ye produce ate portraits not mere ly photographs demon strate our skill by making for you the best portrait you have ever had If you wish to have a photo of your tome or any view work give us a call Photo Artfet Newmarket The Toronto World remarks jockey who pulls a horse in a race on field of sport is warned oil the course A similar rule would he of service in the field of civic politics Yes and if the same rule was ap plied to members of Parliament there will be a decided change in lrii floor of the Commons after next elec tion- The Toronto Star scribe has re collections verv suggestive Guess he is about right in his conclusions when observing The Opposition at Ottawa is very anxious for a The opposition reminds us of tire small boy who withes school would get out quite unaware that the teacher as soon as the session is over has planned to give him a good spanking PROMPTLY SECURED Viiil the J other who WKrti tdvWrre ft EST Mew York It looks very much like a Dominion election in the near future Ottawa correspondents of the Ontario dallies Mem to think the election mil be pulled off in about four weeks and the members are now more interested in fixing up the political fences in their respective constituencies than In the actual business before the The Opposition be held respond for an appeal to the country be fore the passage of a redistribution of seat bill By a majority of the House again silenced apt Tom Wallace for Ontario also for Bast In their unseemly attack the Newmarket canal en terprise Mr according the Mail report had advocated the scheme- He had said that though was politically oppos ed to Sir William he is nothing short of dangerous at tempt to a boat through the Cedars the Split Rock or the Long Sault Freight boats are making their runs anywhere from- eight to twentyfour hours late on account of the Caution necessary and the time lost entering and leaving the canals the Richelieu and Ontario Navi gation Companys far which are scheduled to give a daily thrill to throngs of tourists shoot ing the rapids from to Montreal have been forced to tie up at the former place and give their passengers another sort of a trill by train for the remainder of the jour ney Engineers are pointing cut and the pilots agree that he only apparent feasible way of assur ed of a deep free channel during trie whole shipping season year in and year out dry or wet will be to push ahead with the construction of the dam at the Long a work which will materially deepen the chan nel in the part which is shallowest at present and which pilots and cap tains fear most Until lately thf greatest opposition to the Sault project has developed be cause it was thought it would be a menace to navigation Those who understand the river however now say that navigation could not be benefited better in any way than the completion of the project Civic Economies When it comes to attempting econ omies of every and any kind Mont real is second to none Unfortunate ly many that sound finely in theory fail to work out in practice Just now critics are chuckling over at tempted economies in the disposal of waste paper A four months supply amounting to about six tons on neatly compressed and jalcd was auctioned off the other day for This auctioning off or waste paper is said to be of the policy of economy but juit in what manner it is difficult tit say In the first place the patent rever sible press which does the compress ing cost and it takes about six men to run it To advertise sale and hire an auctioneer further swells the expense In fact those have figured it out say that it may take twenty years to pay for the paper press alone out of the of the paper which it compresses so neatly As a farsighted economy this will break all local records pro vided the press lasts the necessary number of years Forcibly Annexed The vagaries of a defunct municipal ity are occupying the courts at pre sent action having been taken the city by three proprietors of Notre Dame de Grace Ward to se cure indemnity for land which was annexed by the for the of The municipal t J did not take reg ular expropriation proceedings went right ahead with the c instruc tion of a sidewalk Protests were Ignored and now Montreal called to pay sums ranging to MOO damages to the proprietors whose land was taken in this man ner The actions at present entered are regarded in the nature of test cases there are in all some thirty proprietors affected St Jeromes College Berlin tin Canada few ly v A proud of Mm all ur the and nun for the advice will when they poll vole- their tjdllot for an un tried With iu field Kir A Inhot a for reciprocity Porosity Press Bulletin The preservation of mine chemical treatment has not yet been adopted by the mining industries of Canada In many how ever the distances required sport are becoming I has received a Ic from Countess trey pass standing to students Dr J A editor of the Globe who went England for the Coronation returned home en Sunday last with his family The Dr is greatly improved in health A deliberate and carefully planned murder of which Frank street an Italian aged twenty years was the victim was committed at the or Wellington and Church streets about oclock On Sunday afterncon Although local option has been in force in North Toronto past five years the temperance workers say it has been made a dead letter reason of the deliveries made from city liquor stores While endeavoring to board tug for the island about the midnight hour Alderman made a mis step and fell into the water lie was promptly rescued and has not suffer ed from his involuntary bath The Star Fresh Air Fund and City Mission has provided over meals for the children at up to Saturday last The fourth corn- party of the season returned to the city at the close of last wesk On Saturday mornng through a col lision between a load of an automobile on Adelaide street the hay was upset and the people of that for a couple hours enjoyed the scent of newmown hay Despite the threatening wsaiher Saturday the Union was crowded with people bent on a week end outing whether it hot The railroad and traffic was immense An overhead trolley wire Satur day morning dropped on and gave early risers an impromptu display of electrical fireworks of a spectacular character The wir fell to the pavement hut no as hurt Tl A preliminary meeting the for mation of a Association was held at Kind Ed ward last Saturday After the scores of people who have been fined for auto scorching it seems singular that that practice is still in dulged A man named Bradley had the pleasure of paying few days ago While boarding car on uncut street a fifteenyearold girl named Alice San he was knocked by a passing auto wheals passed over the girls body causing internal injuries Accidents from arc on the A new steel steamer reached this city on Friday It will ply between Montreal and the head of the lakes The new building it the of King and will fifteen stories high A youth of years named Arthur Webster jumped into a pony rig at the corner of and Nassau streets few days ago and drove off He was seen by a constable who gave chase which lasted half an hour be fore the policeman arrested him In the police court the lad said In took the rig for a joke and for a Joke the Magistrate Bent him the In dustrial School indefinitely Four Syrian bears were placed in one of the new hear pits at the erdale Zoo last week An employe In stole a gold locket lie was caught in a ho ill fame when it was found that lie had given the locket to a woman in mate The way of the transgressor is hard One day last week three men were lip set the bay from ft skill but lulling it for half and were rescued Mrs Jan Gibson wife Of Hi 4 Best we can Buy in Mrs fii earn sang Qii Store urn nan Hits ma say a fill Son naa Di ram Phone Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch era The Nc Terhere Case Government No Jurisdiction Ottawa July Sir Allen has given the view of the Jus tice Department on the mixed mar riage problem George Taylor of Leeds asked the following ijuestions Has the Parliament of Canada the power legalize or validate any or every marriage Solemnized in Canada Does the Government consider it desirable that steps should he taken to prevent cruelty and Injustice by reason of marriages contracted in good faith before a duly ordained clergyman but afterwards declared invalid Docs the Government propose to take any steps for this purpose or in this connection Aylesworth Answers The answer given by the Minister of Justice to the first part of the question is The question calls for an opinion upon a matter of law in regard to which the Government would desire to advised if necessity arose No Power to Act To the second and third parts Sir Allen said The Government is of opinion that It has no power or jurisdiction in the premises Line Vacation Trips greater have to of poorer qualities of wood I jransmijunK be Used and the annual letter Mary of upkeep of mining Umber is he Mlji Jo the Marys coming greater The fulled States Coronation tit has already reahd this state and has done much In the treatment of mine timbers where it has been proven that treatment of creosote or zinc chloride decreases destruction due to decay fire and this in- the lifr- the timber and especially with and of seatshangfng In the annual of a redistribution of wat bill j mine timers used to the present has on th A Greek Catholic and a Protestant woman from the name Country were married I Morrow in the Police day last week Mr Cohen 1 P the Interpreter iUl a in which tvo girls Iteryl Hamilton and Three Exams Necessary Change An Entrance to Technical High School and an entrance suitable to the School of Commerce and Finance should be lor at the earliest opportunity said It Fair barn chairman of the Advisory Industrial Committee in Toronto last week The entrance examination for High schools and collegiate institutes is now applied to the technical Com merce schools but is unsuitable High School and Collegiate Institute work has developed largely Into qual ifying students Into primary teaching and necessarily the entrance cxamlna- of flays Tcmagarnl French River Georgian Bay of Rays Huron Quebec Lakes Algonquin Park Lake Mackinac Island White Mountains Sea Side Resorts Lakes lion is Influenced by this Undoubtedly a proportion the students in the technical and com merce schools will qualify for pri mary teaching but the great major of the pupils of those schools higher knowledge In industrial commercial and It Is average a life their Interests that must receive at- to New- viwl for market and with a of Ontario and cut J hiveicom- Sir William was equal sttusitlon at that time tie failed The Globe Lightning Rod the Company Hamilton Tim The surroundings In a mine are Conductive to rot which after a per iod of three to five years cause the limber to break crumble and become useless Experiments have been In Gnited Sialyl mines a of and treated mine was upset by colliding with the roar tend of a King street trailer though the girls were not thrown out not of the machine they were badly red and It is probable that them may be laid Up with a hack for some little time jar- one of strained Inform props alternately placed After 18 Wallace for Centre York untreated had a at the canal woaktned by dee A Valuable An entrance examination having iu view a- higher training In industry and arts must necessarily djftcr from an entrance examination for schools mainly devoted to qualifying piipjls for primary teaching The same dif ference obtains between the commerce Through Tourist Pullman Sleepers TO AND EDMONTON Leave Toronto p August via Chicago St Paul and Minneapolis Verj low Literature and full Information from any Grand Trunk agent or ad dress A Union Station Toronto Depot Agent The Crown Plaster Companys gypsum mill near Cayuga was de stroyed fire last week and one the workmen was burned to death Louis and bin wife were sentenced to ten years imprisonment at Montreal for shocking cruelty to the womans eightyearold daughter Montreal July 21 John Lambert of and Katie years of age were Injured yesterday afternoon when one of the surface cars of the Mount Royal Park In cline Railway humped the station at the of Fletchers Field Lambert escaped with a ievrre injury the knee but the child sustained frac ture of the left thigh Lambert ami the little girl were removed to Royal Victoria Hospital In an lance but the man Was not seriously enough Injured to remain In the hos pital The- accident was due to tin- car being allowed to go a few inches too far Montreal July fami nes were driven from their homes this morning when fire which started in sheds in the rear of and Harbor sereets spread east west to the houses situated on both sides So rapidly did the fire spread that many of the families were unable to save anything The total damage in property and household effects is estimated at about number of old reports the treated and evidence on the subject all ofjunefuL From ay and broken props were sound While and jribllc he Is no agent but Joint of the company which Is by a capital of This it oldest fiim n give a guarantee for tor fvt it say with this rod on sets burned by lightning or If any it done without repair ft of This the rod I know of tocorporated by th Address ail and with rod Warren various practical ex- from the United Stales which Ijave reo read time and ajywn ol this kind with Canadian Governments for Introduced a wH valuable engine The en gine constructed so as to Ik are only the pistons and the for the pro- obtained Therefore three separate and Mr Mi I entrance examinations Mr has J of intelligent govern- logwood has just- received letters tft High technical and merce schools and the Department ol Y Education will be requeated in due time to carry out this necessary Of course the principal ob ject wax to kill time ad prevent commerce much agitation for the buildup thereby Increasing Us life six eight hundred the canal per cent To sum has if double North as among the Literals not only prolongs the life reduces Tfce How of the tumultuous to tr memory of the the of the vet feiit The CASTOR I A Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought CHAS J Harness Collar Maker NEWMARKET AND attention paid REPAIRING I Binder Whips We also carry full line of Heavy Light Harness Axle Urease Polishes Hits Whips Sweat Pads Fly Sheets Plough Lines Collars Brushes Hoot Ointment Gall Cure etc Manufacturer of all kinds of HIGHGRAPE HARNESS Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that allpersons having claims against estate of Beth late of land Landing yeoman deceased who died on the day of April 1911 are hereby notified to file the same with undersigned on or before th day of August as thereafter the administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate having regard only t those claims then filed W Sol for Beaton Administratrix Rears the Signature of many ways of fix no thorn No two arc aillko find let ua tell you How and Why and lf and upon your tooth quo NEW YORK DENTISTS m Canadian National Exhibition August TORONTO September 11th the Conservatives went a a durable timbers thus decreasing heir and sound to the con- annual but alto permits I This engine will revolution of the will of Interior automobile and aeroplane the from Centre York for repeats at Mtffft the to whose reduces the drain upon the more deIrMe Fun you a forcible hug ibakei laughter out of you whether 1 doubt that the Intention the A U perfect the system without most nail without now is to make entrance examinations conform to purpose of the technical and com merce schools and he constructed at cost than old fctyje Truthfulness Is the foundation of all At Winnipeg half a million next year In Improving its terminals and hotel service I i CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL and from Euro- Greatest Greatest conli- matters display ever shown in Special Prlzci of btst collections in America man- IncrcaKcl Prize in all Canada and United States Ul act wait while you THREE GREAT SPECIALS Mlstrian Guards War Beneath lha Wanes of the Cor- of the Royal Showing a battle between by special a Dreadnought and a rxrforrocra in uniform permission of the King Submarine HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS Athhtlc Sport Boy Review VajlvII Firework HUM TlOttlas and Pacing etc MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS For J flat Toronto if 1 p I J ii