BIX J 1 v rv I in I 1 ii TV J i f j Wo have of Red and Timothy Seed and our prices Vegetable and I lower Seeds or Leather Label i Overalls and Smocks h MANAGER The wilb the Big SHOES Have you teen the New Patented Working Shoe There are teams to tip out Dry Goods We have just received a stock of Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can you money Why pay two prices Coal Oil Best American Water White gal- Paint Paint at a quart should Interest you Every can guaranteed F W SMITH Queensville PEGO Alberts dealer in ail kinds of Farm Implements Pumps Engines and Binding Twine of the best mate Hope and all Hay Car rier Goods ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Report of Promotion Examinations To Class Ruby honors Nellie Shields honors Anna Dicks honors Frank Allan Millie Brooks Jesse Harrison Stan ley Cook To Jr Class Gladys Earls honors Nellie honors El- Ross honors Gordon Smith Oscar Dike Audrey Woodcock Willbee To Ill honors Stuart Rowland Hill Mary Kightly Llewellyn Shut- tleworth Olive Lloyd Ruth Rams- den David Harrison John Graham M Leek Teacher PIANO EXAMINATIONS Hardy of the Toronto Conservatory of Music held a local piano examination in town at which the following pupils of Miss Leek were successful Junior Miss Myrtle Rear honors Miss Nettie Ross Primary I Miss Marc- Moulds honors Medal Miss Mary Watson Miss Etta Will son Elementary Miss Leila Sloan honors Sliver medal Miss Olive Lloyd and Miss Audrey Woodcock equal Miss Florence Miss Toole Miss Leila Sloan is a Conservatory candidate the highest standing at SUTTON Civic Improvement The judges made a visit to those who entered for the money prizes which to be awarded by the Society for the best kept gar dens lawns etc week Their final visit will be made in a few weeks time May we suggest to the Council that a few seats be placed near and in the cemetery These would be very welcome in the summer time as many of our townspeople and visitors enjoy spending an hour in the burying ground which is attract ively situated About Town BALDWIN BREEZES L Our blueberry brigade mand of Field Marshall Sir Smith are off the rocky of Southern It vill be blessed hot on those rocks Berries are reported abundant It was with deep regret I learned of the sudden termination of the life of my esteemed friend John riner of Keswick I feel confident that in the use of patent medicines such as Dr Wil liams Pink Pills etc his life might have been prolonged for many years A and Constitution of the Association Miss Aylward who has been on the staff of for the past year returned home on Thursday Mr Mrs Harry of Aurora passed through on Tuesday evening on their return from an auto trip to Lindsay and other places Promotion Examinations Sr IV Elva Marion Jr Douglas filacFarland Rus sell Strasier Albert Ross But medical etiquette is inexorable Sr Bo Under no circumstances would Mich Milne Earle remedies be lur sin- Grace Maries Personals Miss Cameron and Miss Jennie Mc- are stajing in Mr W Dyke of Porcupine was on a visit here over the weekend Mr and Mrs J A are at Maplehurst where they intend stay ing the season Mrs McBean and family also Miss cere sympathy is with the byreaxedf j HI Hillary Stephens friends Watson Viola In the midst of youth and Russell Stickwood after a brief illness Miss Vera Watsotn ham daughter of Jeremiah f- ham passed to her last rest on Ray- Ralph Walter Bertha KatHeen sity She was dearly beloved by Arleigh arc at Maplehurst a who enjoyed her acquaintance twentyseventh year of her age Swimming is the delight of our young lads Sometimes as as thirty at a time are enjoying aqua tic and sports I under stand from his boasted powers tie th the who took the recent The Rev and Mrs Morgan Dean are happy in the realization of a visit from some members of their family Mr Frank Dean of the Mer chants Bank Napanee Mr Wm Dean of Enterprise manager of the Northern Crown Bank also wife and examinations in Toronto PERSONAL It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss agent at once and get a box of the reliable Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood PERSONALS Miss Vera Walton who has been successful in the recent Civil Service Examinations has secured a position in the Government service at Otta wa Miss Clara Walton is visiting her sister Mrs A French Ot tawa Mrs Israel and baby and Mr have left for a trip to the West Mr Thomas of Newmarket and Key Cameron will exchange pulpits on Sunday next Mainprise and Jack Armstrong left for the West on Tuesday Mrs S Barrett is visiting friends in Toronto Mrs Eugene Rowan spent the week end in Sutton Miss Myrtle Ross of Newmarket is visiting at Dr J Forrests Mr Kenneth Ross haw joined the of the Dominion Bank here Mr Rowland and have returned from a trip to British Col umbia Mr MHton the tick tablets list andthe dollar back promptly not ben efited and surely at once to W child Mr Edwin Dean of New York Bruce is he chain- Mr Dean of Brampton p round Sundavs and wtek- and Mrs Ferdinand Kuhn New jays Another wedding looming up on Miss Bessie and Miss Margaret fiocia in the Wiley are spending the vacation districts about the less with tleir grandparents at Jacksons dusk Point and solemnly assured Mr Donald was Toronto tnat had met her Bedford Park and Newmarket last public to week k t Suffice to say Mrs Beattie child are staying lhe on apace with her parents Mr and Mrs end of a light crop I of hay is safely housed Mr Percy Reed was in the city on Sam spent short Saturday tion in the NorthWest He Mrs James child was Saskatoon and very sick on Sunday last j an containing our We are glad to see Mr Frank Cul- humoroua back at business Wednesday Deceased was a model woman every re- 1 Sf devoid of selfishness Byron a true friend in prosperity or Hill Foyd Mitchell Gladys Tow- IEmraa Basil Mario- Watson Ronald Pearson A Pearl Miller Angus Smith Jr 1st Joan Rosa Alice Smith Wright Gordon Primer A Smith Arthur Cecil Byron Cunningham Hill Lena Smilh Jean Gladstone Bond Primer Gladys Lewis Clarence Charlie Watson Ruth Turner Hoy Cody Principal Pearl Cain Assistant v Humorous lines on back at business per a Joseph Ryan of Niagara staying transitory delight reading his the Manse j jollification Sam brought Mrs Waller Scott and family with berries They Its several young friends spent a few hours at the lake shore on Thursday Sir Robert Ingram late principal of School has accepted a position as schoolmaster at Trout Creek in the far West write I Mrs Foster is staying with her daughter Mrs Mrs was away last week at attending marriage of her Miss Jean Wright to Dr are buncomb fruit Joe has a little farm of five hundred acres a good big fishing pond thrown the bargain too hot cant and I nice into to write I aint Than Ever Everybody delighted with work In at COLES thus far will try to the of you cat our price before The Reliable Store KESWICK Cattle Lost Point five en to two marked with hole reward Write fitephea lo- greatly July hi at of Coun cil ftflCteCit Arctic orders of the Sbriw Hal by the It a fco hour to Jly Vol the of year tfDomloksi bait fit afcoot three MIX If rate A kt up the total tot year will by twelve iUi to far ft Just kbout Miss Allison is visiting friends in Toronto this week Miss Sloan is friends Brampton Mary is visiting her grandmother at King City Miss Wilson spent some days in Toronto last week Miss Kffte is vihiting friends in Mr D in Toronto on Tuesday attending the annual meeting of the Sovereign Bank Mrs George of is vlhitifig at the home of her father Mr Terry Miss Lapp of Mount Joy Is visiting at the home of David- fin Mrs and family Toronto ate visiting at the home of her mother Mrs Mr Brooks is working on the eaU of Minn has returned to Toronto speeding a at Mrs fA Toronto has been friends in Master Allen of spent Sunday with his parents Mr arid Allen No service the Presbyterian Church Sunday on of the extreme beat Mr John returned from fcd reports a very enjoyable tirr Darius ard daughter Sunday at with ster must be good at the Hoi- land as some of our popular married trips there Come Willie try and bring borne more fish trie next time Charlie Be on friend here I of v again opened up bet business here ftWt0 v early Mr Joe our well dirr bad a narrow escape from being killed week One day while a well at Mr Items Tin Governess at the summer cot tage Mr near Jacksons Point who was thrown and trampled upon by one of the sad dle horses was a little better on Monday Mr p Kelson intends spending his vacation In Toronto where he is taking course of study He in tends spending the weekends at his home in Sutton Sutton Town Council are putting down a new sidewalk on River St The Farmers Telephone Company have a man overhauling line around town and The weather was not very promis ing for the Briars garden party on Tuesday morning Knox Choir picnic took place last Thursday at Reeve farm on the lake shore Incre were a good number Including friends After games ciats arul trips ever to the Island tea time around which a Important Item on the program and was done good Justice to After tea more games and walks and then the car for home everyone greatly pleased with the outing The funeral of Miss Vera Graham took place on Friday of week A large number of relatives and friends followed the remains from her late home to St James Church where service was conducted by the Rev M Dean the church being crowded with sympathizers After the service the coffin con- veyed to the Briars Hill Cemetery where took place burial service was read by Rev Clellan The wreaths flowers were many and beautiful Lennox Picnic takes place at Jack sons Point on July 20th Mr McDonald opened up his new store In the Cuttle Block Sutton la showing signs of pros perity ttere Is not vacant store nor dwelling house town The young Peoples Mission Circle are to have meeting and at Mrs Iewfs on Tuesday July All mem bers are be present at the meeting in the after noon and all young people are Invit ed for good time In the evening Tea from ft to Ed AH Kras for Baldwin go in a parcel together and should get them at the mall They always leave Newmar ket on Thursday night Wit tU being up about three feet rope parted and let fife full of dirt back in the well Mr Sheffield taw coming arid put up warded It off so that all OK a liry to Ms right band Mr been 111 bit now on toe mend Pa- July ad- deatbl from heat are re ported at coronet day makig a total of 24 deaths past two School Reports The following IS the result of Pro motions Ho Bast To Jr Mary Frank Senett Cam To Willie Miller Henry Ada Wright Milne Chicago III July Heat death and continued although the temperature Was Twelve death by heat sd many prostration were reported Owing to so many passing over the Shore Road the dust is something awful Some people sprinkle the road with Water in Lloyd gone one better He has purchased a barrel of oil and tring the experi ment Mr has a lot of pipe on band It looks as if he intends pumping water from the lake Mr and Mrs Klrby of Toronto are occupying cottage this season Bass Ashing Is getting better Sev eral beauties have been caught this week Dr and family of Toronto are occupying Duart this season Mr and Mrs Mac Lean hav ing gone to the old on ac count of the demise of her mother Mrs Herb and little son Ivan of Toronto are visiting With Grandpa Jackson at Zephyr Vil la for a few days this week Also Mr J of Bronte Five wooden silos are being built this summer by farmers In this vicinity Apparently the cement silo is not Just Whs thing Mortons Ice Cream Parlor Is a big business The new menu cards are very tasty The boom of exploding dynamite r the removal of large stumps etc preparatory to the switch on the shore was cause for wonder to rn Tuesday Mr Cole of Keswick and Newmar kets only Italian fruiter are doing a thriving business on the Beach season The special drawback to North Yorks MPP picnic Is found In the fact that the Newmarket canal not lu completed In Holland Landing Excursion to Jacksons Pt for the occasion TMs Is for grief to apt Tom Wallace M P for Centre York Col Lloyd has sold his launch to Kelly of Toronto Mrs Ben Lloyd and Herbert Lloyd are the Col The Methodist Ladles Aid monthly and business meet ing in the church basement on Thurs day League was held on the church lawn on Monday evening Rev P Tiller conducting meeting and Rev A McNeil giving an Interesting talk on his work among the Indians la A meeting fA to or- a company of Boy called Friday evening In the Church basement bn Mr McNeill will explain the Lodge walked at on the and had fine time To Editor of Newmarket Era Dear Sir Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to express on behalf of myself and family some apprecia tion of the many kindnesses shown us by friends in Sutton and and in Brown Hill during illness ol our daughter Although it seemed best to the AllWise to take from us one whom we loved so dearly and thus cause us to pass through great sorrow yet the sym pathetic words and the acts of kind ness of friends did much to sustain us when the burden of our grief seem ed greater than we could hear feel that mere words are mate inade quate to express our appreciation of all tliat was done by loving friends not only to brighten the sick room but also to lessen the grief when death had entered our home and however feebly we may express our thankfulness our friends may rest assured that their kindness and deep sympathy will not soon lie forgotten Yours truly James Merchant Brown Hill July on Council Above Council met at Saturday July at J pm all present a number of accounts were ordered Paid The Clerk was instructed to get notices printed and have same post ed up in gravel pits par- tics taking gravel out not to be yond the boundary of the township property Councillor Shier was instructed to have the old bridge over the race loading from Peers mill at removed and to have same properly filled up The Clerk was endeav or to get a settlement with Town ship of North on all Cash and labor expended on town- line A ByLaw authorizing the sale and transfer of portion of Concession line to K In exchange for a roadway leading to Lake through Lot Con was passed and the reeve author ized to execute the transfer Council adjourned to meet at ferliiw on Saturday August 10 at Pm Fruit Trees Our numerics are open ta Inspec tion at any time Those Interested In the subject of fruit growing will do well to Inspect our Immense blocks of growing Peach Apple Plum and cherry trees small fruits Ornamen tal trees and Shrubs If our local Agent ha3 not called upon you write us Catalogues or terms to Agents sent on application Brown Bros Browns Nurseries County Too Hot ft i When buying Binder Twine you naturally want to buy twine that will save you time and labour twine that will not be a hindrance when you are your very busiest Then buy the Twine that Proved Itself a Labor Saver and a help It is Plymouth the Standard of the World We Sell it You might just as well have the best it coses no more Hay Fork Rope Pure Manilla fourstrand with a pure Manilla Centre Plymouth make The most satisfactory rope made i BERGERS GENUINE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN done up in 1 ft Sealed PACKAGES I v We are selling more and more and- more of it every day That one best kind Lewis English in the Sealed Packages Every bit of it is Guaranteed Satisfaction J QUEENSVILLE DOMINION HEAD OFFICE TORONTO B Osier Presfdent Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS A branch of this Bank will be established in London on 1st July next at This Branch will issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points in- Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description of banking business Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided use of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit A General Manager Sweeping Bush Fires TOWN AND CAMPS BY FLAMES North Bay luly A terrible disaster has overtaken Northern On tario as a result of heat and lack of rain The whole country is burn ing up with bush fires everywhere which have been blaalng for over a week and reached their climax to day licking up in their fiery everything before them Fanned by a of wind the flames swooped down on villages min ing camps of the north country and the loss of property will run into monse figures while the death roll must be great as the Porcupine dis trict where the fire Is at its worst contains thousands of prospectors whose camps are scattered over a wide area of country heavily tim bered From North Bay northward for three hundred miles and covering the wide section east arid west the flames arc busy at their work ol destruction and death and miners prospectors and settlers are des perate plight If they even with their lives for supplies build ings and equipment are being wiped out existence by a roaring wall of fire which Illuminates the for many miles Cochrane wiped Out The town of Cochrane at the junc tion of the T and and transcontinental which was nearly wiped out the other day by fire was levelled tho ground today and the Inhabitants are In a bad way for food and shelter and asking assist from neighboring towns to the outh South Porcupine and Pottsllle wiped of the map while Golden City was visited by fire but the best part of the town was saved thus far only tlto outskirts Icing burned The south part of Tlsdate has swept clean and other townships have suffered severely All the mining camps from Dome to Whitney have been burned Hundreds of people men women children were forced to rush Into lakes and streams to seek refuge from the intense and blistering heat of the conflagration an inferno of terror with immense clouds of smoke darkening he Illuminated by sheets flame the fire leaped from tree to with frightful rapidity and a rible roar Sky as Electric Wire Caused Serious Injury While his way to milk cow on Mr Harry farm opposite stop 10 on the York Radial Railway near Mlmico John Cole years old wus knocked unconscious by an elec tric shock During Tuesdays storm a wire broke on the Intcrurban line and fell on Mr McOces wire fence charging it with electricity Cole who is gardener at the farm put hand on gate on his way to tho barn was hurled to the pave ment Dr was called and after Colo was attended to he was removed to his home Cole was severely burned but his Injuries are not serious Three hundred Immigrants arrived from England Tuesday hun dred and remained In Toronto Several farmers who were on hand looking for help failed to Induce of them to accept a position on the It Is too blooming Hot In this country was the answer one man made The farmer was so disappointed that replied with some vigor gosh it will be cold for you In a while Two hundred people died from sunstroke In New York last week horses died in Ave days New spell last week of Union Hill J died after In tense caused by a fly The Insect crawled Into his ear causing Inflammation of the brain Two men were burned severely and awnings on five storeys of a New York apartment bouse wero set afire when a taxlcab ran into a touring car and the taxljs gasolene tank ex ploded to Eat you Docs the fear of indigestion spoil the enjoyment of r meals It neednt Just take and you wont know you have a stomach They will sec to it that your food is digested They arc among the best of the NADRUCO preparations compounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale in Canada If your druggist has not them yet send us joe and we will mail you a box chcmical Co or Canada i ii ARCHIVES- OF