I rt J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c OfficoMain St Newmarket to loan on Farm Se curity prank Dunean AUCTIONEE AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter and House Decorator RESIDENCE Comer Niagara and Streets Newmarket aSV FIVE Beach Dont miss the Excursion to Scar Beach on Wednesday July 26tb For a- day of sightseeing and plea sure it cannot be beaten The tick ets for the round trip are only for adults and for children Make a note of date and write your friends to meet you there Dr Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Dp Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket liyman G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Keep the -V- whole system in the pink of condition Farm Produce w mm Not a bad market last Friday Following were the rul ing prices Eggs to per Chickens per lb Live Spring Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Hides per lb and Calf Skins per lb lie and Horsehides to2 Sheepskins to Tallow per lb Pall Fairs Sept 25 27 Bolton Oct Oct Sept 1921 Hamilton Their singular curative discovered by an Indian e introduced nearly a century ago com pounded since In the Laboratories at Ontario Dr Morses Indian Root Pills have a remarkable record for consistently tlonbiliousnessandindlgestlon purifying the blood banishing headaches and clearing the skin a box everywhere Office Private- Lindsay Sept 23 Papers issued at private London Fair Sept rfeiee if desired Oct Newmarket Sept Oct 11 Sutton West Sept 28 20 Toronto Can Oct Zephyr Oct NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- paCall before ordering elsewhere Dr S J Boyd Rural Mall Delivery Word has been received from Ot tawa that seven new rural mail de livery routes will be established this month in various sections or Ontario They will be known as follows Graduate in medicine of Toronto Don and Toronto Oak wood also Licentiate of county Weston York County Royal College of Physicians and Arthur and County of the Royal College Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant and Eye Hospital and County and Crown Point near College Ear Nose and Throat The Mount Albert and Hospital London England Sharon route will have twenty boxes Whitchurch Council Council met at July 5th- Members all present but Coun- Bills were presented by E A refund statute labor tax Si 50 Fred Graham Ralph Connor yds gravel Geo Hopper yds gravel- 1100 A J yds gravel 1C10 Geo Hooper yds grave A cedar for culvert P Jaques yds gravel A Harrison yds gravel Baker 221 yds gravel 2210 J reps to fence ro winter road H V Co coal for en gine on Eagle St Eves cedar for road A Thomas gravel for road Carter reps to fences re winter roads Blizzard shovelling snow on Eagle St J as- use of room for Communication from Rogers re injuries sustained on Town Line North in was granted as part payment of the burial the late Henry Brown of Dennis claimed for six A CHAMPION MURDERE3 317 300 500 room with her father Miss Alice rendered Wed ding March The drawing room decorations were very effective consisting of dais- registered sheep killed by flogs and ferns The ceremony tookj The Treasurer was instructed to place under a bell of daisies pay the bills presented and two- wbile the background was bank thirds the claim of damage to sheep hilled by dogs Councillor was instructed to build or repair culvert on between lots and on on The Clerk was instructed to in form Rogers that his claim for furl Iter compensation could not be entertained by the Council Council adjourned to meet at Hall on the 10th day pi August ferns The living room decorations were in pink cream and n the dining room in white and Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket No Hours My services may be had at any of day or night by calling at office or phone a T Time Card NORTH a p Toronto 545 Newmarket MB GOING SOUTH with J Cook mail carrier rural mail delivery routes being arranged the system thus far prov ing very satisfactory Leave Newmarket Toronto a p Furnace Work Obituary Mr Hamilton Stewart of Bar rio father of Mrs very suddenly about midnight on Saturday night Ho in hia year and had practis ing law for years The fun eral took place on Tuesday The Barrio Gazette Bays Ho was a very capable and derived a great deal of pleasure from that source Mr Stewart was one of the men of Whom it can truthfully bo said world better by hav ing lived in and green The electroliers were beauti fully adorned with white roses and ferns while the centre piece was also of white roses After the ceremony and the Usual congratulations luncheon was served Many gifts were received among others was a beautiful and useful pift from the choir of Central Meth odist Church of which the groom was a member and consisted of a copper chafing dish and tray The bride who has always been a resident of and very among the younger set has many friends who will wish her happiness The groom is a representative of the Harris Abattoir Co Ltd of To ronto- Mr and Mrs Brock left- on the P R this afternoon for St John thence to Boston and other American cities where they will be absent some weeks returning to before proceeding to Toronto where they will make their home STOUFFVILLE Mr Jacob fell on the way in his son barn 3 of Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Grocery Churches Divided Tuesday the Toronto Pres bytery decided to divide the six congregations In the township of King into two charges eastern and western The eastern flection will consist OX the congre gation of St Andrews Church King and ere ley and the western of the on ninth tenth and eleventh con cessions of the township Rev of Richmond HSU and Rev Dr Claw of Bolton were ap pointed moderators Of the East ern and Western charges respec tively SETTLERS TRAINS TO -r- MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN line LOW COLONIST RATES tit Special Trains TUESDAY 1040 PM tegular Trains KM Colonist Cars on all Trains charge tor bertha rough Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and Vest cm v a M Agent Greenhouses 8t w Order Your Flowers FOR Decoration Day EARLY Ihouaandfl of and Conservative The annual political and social ev ent at Point called tin name of Is an nounced to take place on the follows have been Mail Jhe great only Lennox picnic will be held at Point on Thursday of July A new feature will a decorated automobile parade It is expected that there v ill be earn take part In parade The Highlanders has been trgaged and also five other brass bands There will at least Ministers of the Crown and ten or twelve members of Parlia ment present to deliver addresses ill bo run from five different points alio to by from Karrle A of money is for prizes for athletic field- and ajuatlc sports There will a grand pyrotechnic display in evening A special train will leave the Union iXiuh at p in and returning leave Jackson at The Transcript of ban the of the of Mr fourth of Mr Isaac of this town but the bitch in bar- is a noble young roan and wish tf couple and much happiness Tran script says The marriage of only Of Mr Mrs Ackman Mr of Toronto was solemnized at noon Unlay at iht residence of the bride by I pastor of Central Methodist Church The Included Immediate livea ihe bride a tailor made cos tume of colored broadcloth he bodice over white silk lace hand In sflk beads wore a pink roses and carried a of bride lil ies of tfce valley and hair i were Mothers Meeting There will be a Mothers Meeting on Friday the of July at p in the Temperance Hall We would like as many mothers to come as can and we want all the good sec ond hand Clothing we can Presbyterian Church There was a large attendance of Orangemen at church last Sunday evening the Newmarket be ing joined by the Aurora Lodge Thomas preached a good sermon Sunday School Picnic today Pri- to Wilcox Lake Next Sunday the pastor will Ex change pulpits with Cam eron of Mount Albert Sounds Like The Office Specialty Co has been awarded the contract to supply the Census Bureau at Ottawa with eight and a half million cards for tabulat ing the census of Two new printing presses and other machinery are being installed this week in the new addition to the factory to assist the other four presses in getting out the work For the present power is being supplied from the old factory tn order to facilitate the work It is he Intention of the Company to motorize the v hole premises They were In hopes of getting power from Niagara Kalis but apparently no move is being made by The author ties to bring It here and the Com pany has ordered a new hp Cor liss to take the place of the two small engines now in use- and have also given an order for tors for the new factory The factory be motorized after other is in running order the stair- last and fractured several of his ribs hut he is now getting along nicely Mr Truman son was driv ing a team in a mower yesterday and undertook to walk out on the tongue to knock a Ay oft one of the horses with the result that the team ran away- He was thrown in front of the knives but they fortunately passed underneath him tearing his clothes and cutting the heel of his hoots just grazing the skin The mower was badly wrecked The hot weather this week is liter ally Cooking the raspberries which promised a very large yield The gooseberry crop is also burnt so as to be unsaleable Young strawberry beds are in a had way for rain Cur rants are not more than hall a crop Plums are a complete failure and ap ples are but very small crop Hay was a short crop and unless rain will coine soon barley will not be worth cutting The heavy electric storm yesterday afternoon which passed south to struck the barn of Mr Er nest Mr and his hir ed man were in the barn at the time and were both struck by the lightning and knocked down Mr fa ther who was in an adjoining build ing seeing that the barn was struck rushed in awl found the hired man dead and his son lying behind the horses badly stunned and burned hut still alive As the building had caught fire he at once secured water and put It out Mr Casely will recover understand that Mr Hardings was destroyed as al so a house at There was also a heavy hail in connection Tri bune Canadas Contain a Record- Breaking Case Gory pamphlets to be issued alter executions not only in this coun try but in England In London there were printing shops which produced nothing bat horrible booklets treat- of murders and hangings They joyed a tremendous sale and were bought by all classes of people One of the most expensive of these extant is a book of 32 pages describing the iniquitous career and tragic end of Sophia Hamilton who was sentenced to death at in for ah almost incredible series of crimes And if the story con tained in the pamphlet is true she was entitled to the championship as a murderess The achievements of Kate Bender and were trivial by comparison One may speak flippant ly now of her career since all con cerned are in their graves but the people of New Brunswick sixty years ago mentioned her name with shud Her father was a murderer before her and was killed by a dog belonging to one of his victims So phia when years of age married an excellent young man who refused to believe stories he heard reflecting upon her character After being mar ried awhile he was convinced that the Stories were true and took his young wife to task which proved so embarrassing to her that she placed poison in his soup and he died the death Then she established a wayside inn near Woodstock gathered about her a corps of skillful homi cidal experts and took up murder and robbery a her life work had the house remodeled to facilitate her work and there were rooms with trapdoors in the floor and sliding pan in the walls and similar con trivances Her cellar became morgue At first she buried her vic tim carefully but as and business Increased she became rather careless and just left them lying around There was much traffic along the quiet road where her inn stood The banking facilities of that time were not as they now are and some of the way to buy furs or or other merchandise carried large sums of money Sophia easily picked out such travelers when they stopped at her cozy caravansary ami madr herself agreeable to them and treated them to wine which she had drugged with much skill and then the travelers vanished from the face of the earth hne did not always kill them in the inn however She was a woman of resources Two gentlemen from Quebec who were on a fur buy ing expedition visited the inn and Sophia soon learned that they had a large sum money in gold She was hoping they would stay for the night but they had an unreasonable desire to on and started away in their sled Sophia seeing they could not be detained sent a couple of her de puties up the road waylay them The deputies stretched a rope across the road and when the travelers horse ran into it the murderers did their work arid Sophia came up just in time to see the victims die and re lieve them of in gold Upon another occasion she waited upon a guest at the breakfast table with her own fair hands and took occasion to Stab him in the back while he was commenting upon the excellence of the coffee Finally Sophia was arrested for the murder of a Quaker whose body was in her cellar She was tried at and sentenced to death but some of her friends managed to convey to her a few days before the date set for the hanging and she in her cell Degenerate mo- old the Ottawa July Fifteen million feet of hoard measure of sawn lum ber intended for the United Stales was destroyed by fire this afternoon in the yards of Bros at Que The cut Was alied on there wan Insurance of Cobalt Out July yester day evening destroyed Cochrane the Northland Printing Office and two smaller residences In Cochrane tar ted in hotel and the fflfient lire protection could Viol flames The Cochrane Hotel a three storey structure owned by lames You Take No Risk OCR IS MONKV BACK OK THIS OKI We pay for all the wed during the trial If falls Bend to I As tfc bride entered the drawl I to completely relieve yU o con stipation we take all the risk You are Hi to my way whatever If you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for there any reason why you should hesitate to put our to a prac tical test The most scientific cotnwoiHiehse treatment Is Orderlies which are eaten llfce candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant In action and particularly agreeable In every way J hey do not cauie di arrhoea nausea flatulence griping or any Inconvenience whatever Hex- all Orderlies particular children aged and delicate We urge you Orderlies at our Two sizes and you can yet In this community only at J Mr Is now running a gaso lene launch and he has also made a bowling green on the lawn and erect ed a line Hay start Miss Jean Davidson of last week with Miss Madge Miss Marion of Ketvrboro lit spending the Vacation with her mother Addison and family and Miss Addison of Hull Toronto are with Addison for a lew weeks There were at Mr beautiful residence at Point oVcr Sunday- Mr family of To ronto are occupying Mrs aeons residence at the the latter having decided to spend the summer in Mrs Worth of Toronto Is occupying I he Pines this season Workmen will soon have the switch at Crossing ready for the ruilu Janes men are getting the log into the bay switch will have length along the shore to load ten cars will be the amount each day or as soon the road is equipped lor business Mr Robertson and Miss gave a Card party on Monday evening was another terribly hot day greatly affecting the attendance at church Dr Grant preached two wry effective sermons In the morning on The Harvest having particular reference to the progress of Christianity over the entire world and toe duty of Individual reapers christians The evening message upon Abrahams faith Next Sun day Dr will be preacher both morning and evening Mr James of Toronto wan the guest of Mr and Mrs Sunday Mr one the boarders at Wilsons dancing party at the hoarding House last Saturday night which was apparently much en- Joy Miss of Newmarket spent over Sunday at hoarding house Mr daughter of Is Visit her aunt MISS Fish- That artists as a class are somewhat inclined to be degenerate a widely- held notion but it would seem to be disproved by a funny little incident that took place a few days ago Arthur Iteming the wellknown Canadian Artist recently went to New York invite American artists ex- at this years Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto Gardner who baa a high standing among American artists asked out dinner Kerning and Frederick another noted Lets down and have a cocktail before lunch said when the tir got together at the club never lake anything said Item ing when the waiter had been called Neither do J said laughed Thats funny he said Neither do J but anyway well nave some cigars A box of strong cigars and one of mild ones wen brought I dont smoke said when asked to have a cigar And dont moke said Well this in a great joke said I dont smoke either but thought you fellows would at least a cigar Hay you eat dont you because Ive lunch More Buffalo One lone box car end of tht evening ihe For Park tacked on to the ram arriving lay contained the lasl nt right In charge At there arc one thousand head bison on in the great park with one hundred calves and an expected butch another hundred babies hundred of hay were con sumed by the herd last winter and then are seven hundred tops more Oil baud The park with hay diva lows will sullicleul to teed a herd live thousand Hot Exactly It in remarkably lor a clergyman to get a verfe of or a line from a hymn On a certain warm a as tor came the con clusion of his with the fol lowing Startling announcement We will now our close In the onehundred Mid hymn And only about half a doten listen er were to smile at the declaration Send Era to friends UAH FORGOTTEN Ah valet rue Im going to a wedding tomorrow Miss Will iamsons to be married to some fel lah you know but I cant think of confounded name Why old man you re to marry her yourself By love so I am What a mem ory youve A Missouri man has a be for harem He calls it a runabout NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE r m ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us mm mm a j 5ra v 1 k Full Line Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc ALLAN NEWMARKET I I Our Summer Sale IS ON STORE CLOSES EVERY Wednesday Afternoon DURING JULY AND AUGUST i A j Toronto Jobbing House ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS I I at all ttntrea In Canada and In London En York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former the Bank Branch will be NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager i I- vie have twelve different shades In also white Just mix the powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives beautiful velvet finish that will not rub oil I it Martin Floor Paints aro celebrated for tholr lustre and i In qualities on Pair 3s- And Get It At my Hardware Newmarket PHONE A CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Marks Dcsioms Co scieiKific pat i i ARCHIVES OF ONTARI Hi Co New York SES