Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1911, p. 5

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V Sfe v J RobePtsotiv Barrister Notary Public c Office Main St Newmarket to loan on good Farm Se curity prank AUCTION AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Comer Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dr Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Weeks Local Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket layman Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket tar Papers issued dence if desired Office Private at private At Hill Crest Farm the borne of Mr and Mrs John A Cole Bast on June there took place a very pretty wedding when their daughter was united in marriage to Mr viss of Pine Orchard Ont Sharp at twelve oclock the young people filed out upon the lawn to the strain of the wedding march played by Mrs Charles White The marriage took place under an arch of evergreens and roses the ceremony being performed by Rev A McNeil of The bride who was given away by her father was beautifully attired in white silk mull trimmed with lace and veil of wreath of orange blossoms and carrying a shower bou quet of carnations Miss Tarviss who was bridesmaid was dressed in pale blue silk and carried a bou quet of pink carnations Mr Fair- barn of attended the groom After the Ceremony the hap py couple attended by a company of upwards of one hundred guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner to SUFFERED THREE YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured his Kidney Trouble There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr A Thomas of Sudbury Ont is one of those who know it He writes For oyer three years I suffered from kidney disease First I thought I had sprained my back for suddenly the pain would catch the small of my back and it would be impossible for me to straighten myself up for several minutes A dull ache across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and passing it caused a burning scalding pain Tried medicines but they failed I was advised to try Dr Morses Indian Root- Pills as they had cured my wife years before A few boxes affected a complete cure I now enjoy the bles sings of good health which is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney trouble its too dangerous as well as too painful That old reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indbn Root Pills has cured thousands and will cure you It is equally effective in curing constipation and its attendant evils biliousness indigestion and sick headaches and in the blood a box at your druggists 10 The High Schools McCreadyro is Agricul tural Director Ji v A number of in the regulations- providing for agri cultural instruction in the high and continuation schools have just- been announced by the Minister of Educa tion together with the appointment of Prof McCready of the Ontario Ag riculturalCollege at as in spector of these special classes and as director of elementary agricultural Our Toronto Two companies to take charge or I stores have been formed The which ample justice was done to the local dry goods house will accompaniment of joke and laughter The young couple left on the five oclock car Or ill la and other be known as the firm of Joseph Co Ltd and Mr Dank merchant of who has a NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere- CASSIDY LUESBY Dp S Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and mem- of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical In Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephore No Consultation Hours My services may be had at any of day or night by calling at office or phone Q Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 247 340 GOING SOUTH points On their return they will re- considerable interest in the company side at Pine Orchard to which place will be local manager The Chatham good wishes for a long and py life will follow them from the many friends of both Lea t5rkt Toronto ar p MS Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties See tha Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS On the Job On Monday morning tbe new teach er for the Agricultural Department of the High School Mr J Ed wards USA arrived in town and commenced to get in touch with rep resentative farmers and business men Mr Edwards is the son of a farmer residing in Ontario County and af ter a four years course graduated a year ago at the Ontario Agricultural College Last year he was sent to Essex County in con nection with the Agricultural Depart ment awl was exceedingly successful in his work He conducted a class of twentyone students all farmers sons in Scientific Agriculture He took an active interest In organiza tion work among tic farmers of the District addressed a number of Farmers Institutes and was large ly instrumental in the success of the Corn Fair at which there were If A exhibitors among whom was distri buted SI 300 in prizes Mr Edwards attended the Excur sion to on Tuesday for the purpose of getting acquainted with the officers of the North York Farm ers Institute as well as meeting as many farmers possible who show ed their Interest in progressive agri culture by visiting the Provincial College He is anxious to know the needs of the farmers of North York and be of service to them Mr Edwards will open an office in Newmarket where he will be pleased to have farmers call upon him and discuss their agricultural difficulties He is here to help them and hopes that when school opens in September he will have class of or far mers sons in the new at High School firm will be known as Spencer Stone Company Ltd with Mr Stone as manager Both stores were taken over today Mr Joseph who is well- known Windsor purposes remain ing in the city hut will retire for the time being at least from the mercan tile line of business It is expected he will devote his time to real estate In which he is already interested 1 understand Mr Appelhe retires with something like that he has made in Windsor in the past dozen years stated a wellinformed gentleman to the Record Nobody can talk to me about going west to make money Windsor looks good enough for the most of us R OSBORNE SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery raore heavy SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through ling COLONIST RATES I Special Trains TUESDAY iMBCa ma PM Hint fibular Trains 10J0 Colonist Car on all Train for Through Train Toronto to Winnipeg and Vet Great Electric Storm About ten oclock last Saturday morning thick clouds stretched across the heavens like and the dark ness of night settled down upon followed by a thunderstorm and a downpour of rain Again on Satur day night Unfiling was almost contin uous and the most spectacular for many a day Vivid forks descended followed by crashing of and accompanied by rains Farmers in Whitchurch tells us that they could ma four Arcs burnhig at once information since received confirms report Urn In was burned the ground with prac tically all the contents Mr near -Stourivilk- lost his barn other outbuildings another barn destroyed in Vaughan in Kin Temperance Sunday The Dominion Temperance Alliance will fill all the pulpits in Vork Coun ty Sunday In Newmarket 1 will speak in the Christian Church in the morning and at the Town Hall in tht evening It Hamilton is appointed for the Presbyterian Church in the morning and the Friends Church at night A convention pi temperance workers in York County is called to meet in the Temple Building Toronto on Tuesday June 25th at pm to consider the present situation which as follows Under Local Option Newmarket North Toronto Richmond Hill Sutton Weston Township Township Markham Township Vau Township and Whitchurch Town ship Held up by Threefifths Clause- Aurora Township King Township Scarborough Township Defeated Option Holland Landing Village Markham Village Village Town ship Never VotcdMimico Village and York Township Can Vote on Local Option this Year villages of Markham and and the townships of and York It is very important that temper ance workers get together and care fully consider what action should be taken at the present time church temperance society or other organization in sympathy with the movement Is asked to send two dele gates to the Convention and every friend of the cause will he cordially welcomed New Train Service to Lake of Bays education in the Province Prof McCready will enter upon his duties when the schools reopen after the holidays Under an Advisory Committee Under industrial education act last session the local control of these classes is in the bands of an Advisory Agricultural Committee composed of four members of the School Hoard and four other persons who are actively engaged in agricul tural pursuits and in the judgment of the board competent to advise and give other assistance in the manage ment The teacher of agriculture is hereafter to conduct classes not only at the high school centre to which he- has been appointed hut at other cen tres selected by the Minister of Edu cation on the application of other High School Boards or the Continu ation School Hoards at such centres in the county Must Stay Four Weeks In addition to pupils who have passed the high school entrance ex aminations others who in the judg ment of the Principal of tbe high or continuation school and the teacher of agriculture are competent for the work may be admitted to the classes with the approval of the Advisory- Committee Pupils at a high or con tinuation centre may take the classes either alone or in addition to one or more of the other school classes and the minimum length of a class in agriculture is to be four weeks Shorter classes for farmers are provided under the au of the Minister of Agricul ture Eighteen New Classes Agricultural Departments have been established at the continuation schools at Caro and Markdale the high schools at Essex New market Norwood Orange lie Ica Port Hope and Stirling and the Collegiate Institutes at Col- lingwood Gait Lindsay Perth and Whitby Excursions to Western Canada Agent Newmarket and was row ship and Stewart a fanner had a man and colt struck and instantly killed During another Storm on Sunday afternoon Wellington Curtis of lleby had a Similar experience los ing a mare and and another farmer In the same neighborhood had a cow killed by lightning storm Sunday afternoon appears to have been more severe at Point and Orchard Ki lls says the storm on Lake Was the worst he eve knew Five large trees were on Dr Wesleys lot at the point nearly half the Pine trees in Mrs grove levelled pact of a veran dahwas torn a collage at the Point about a hundred trees wec Mown down iodge bit park as well as a long retell cedar fence a wlndwlll was torn oil a bar and a number of trees hlovn AttKH the road tchif shore boat was at anchor in had ol the rigging and Mrs Ibe storm and had an as well as Mr An important feature that will he Inaugurated luring the coming sea son will be a new train service to the Lake Of Bays district A standard firard Trunk passenger train will have Toronto with through coaches parlor cars and din ing cars at oclock In the morn ing daily except Sunday for reaching the latter point about three oclock in the afternoon con necting with the steamers for points in the of Bays district and affording passengers the opportunity of reaching their- destination In lime for dinner The Sunday evening boat service from Hotel Point Ideal Portage and other I important calling points on ol Bays will be run on same schedule as for season dur ing the months July and August and which will a boon lo week enders desiring return the city business on Mondays 8t odd Way along Mr the bay and torn off Mr son was out in exciting experience ft A who went to the recue loss suit Five dead and a property yy York June persons missing ol nearly 11000000 is the re- ofia storm which has CARNATIONS the very 40 e Mock doe Mauve to Sveet Peas Made fortune following Is clipped from Windsor Mr atone time kept store here the premises now Mr The says J an important real estate Barrister yesterday one of Windsors long mercantile past years successfully con- ducted by Stone am Is also In the deal the two McKay I a hands The firm pf is the time to get vow of banging baskets boxes Smiled a wholesale raged in New York Paint the walls of your kitchen blue and flies will not Intrude you do not care to do this plant hops about your home and Mies will not invade its precincts These two recipes are given by a Kansas man who claims to be the original fly swatter The Grand Trunk Railway System announce that on Tuesdays June and July and 25 August Hand and September and Excursions will be run from all Stations in Ontario and Quebec to Western Canada via Chi cago and or via Chicago St Paul and Minneapolis at reduced round trip fares The wellknown double track line of the Trunk from the East to Chicago appeals to the traveller and with the superior train service that is offered by this line including the famous international Limited from Montreal daily at am and which is the finest and fastest train In Canada many passengers will he attracted this way The route via Chicago is a most interesting- one taking passengers through the princi pal cities and towns in Canada and In the Slates of Michigan and Indi ana In addition to this a choice of seven lines between Chicago and St Paul and Minneapolis is offered Owing to the great number of Can adians who reside in Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Duluth and other cities en route there is no doubt that the Trunk will find many pa trons who will take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded them for a brief visit at the stations with their friends Canadian citizens are exempt from examination and there Is no detention at any point Baggage is carried through the United States In bond without re quiring any special attention on the part of the passenger Inspection is not necessary at any of the point at the border Another feature that will appeal to the home seeker is the comfortable transfer at points like Chicago St Paul and into freshly clean cars avoiding the neces sity- of travelling a long distance In the same car addition to the above routes sale of tickets Is also authorized via Sarnia and the Northern Navigation Companys magnificent steamers across Lake Huron and Superi or For further particulars apply any agent of the Trunk Hall way System or write to Mr J District Passenger Agent Station Montreal or Mr A Dud District Passenger Agent Union station Toronto Eight Jewish Societies engaged in a common station to jobn the township ot owned dog ana was dollar and costs Magis trate tne canine jumped at a horse and nit on the nose wis worship ordered the dog destroyed A in with raoies pit a who now undergoing the Pasteur treatment in this The circumstances have led tho municipal authorities to or der ail owned in the ipwtfahiu to be chained up tor days White riding a horse a last week John was thrown from his mount and his right leg in two places On Tues day he was brought to- the General Hospital A quartet of Japs from the the Mikado have arrived in Toronto and will be used as porters on the new Vancouver Express Miss Ethel won the silver medal elocutionary contest held by the Templars in Victoria Pres byterian Church West Toronto last week There were five contestants Rogers president of the Crows Nest Coal Company denies the accuracy of the statement that the entire NorthWest and particu larly the Hill lines is seriously suf fering from a famine in coal to the strike in Alberta and BC He says its true the mines have been closed for two months and that several thousand miners have lost fit- apiece in wages hut he pro duces telegrams from officials of the Hill system to show that they have a sufficient supply of coal While cleaning clothes with gaso line in her home the other day Mrs Ira Kates was slightly burned about the right hand and arm and was cut on the left in an to put out some of the liquid which had caught fire The lames spread rapidly and the firemen could get them un der control about damages hail been done to the contents and to the building The purchase of the farm on street for the purpose of the proposed Municipal Industrial Farm was decided on by the Property Committee The which comprises J7i acres situated on the east side of street a mile and a half south the village of Richmond Hill price is or per An assignment was made last week by the Dr A Limited makers of proprietary medicines which Mr Louis chairman of the Hoard of Education is presi dent Another chapter is thus add ed to the sensational history which opened an investigation Judge Winchester with regard to president influencing civic farm and is of The before the school teachers to take stock in Co Acting Premier Has received a notification from the Colonial Secre tary to the effect that on the Kings Birth Bay and the days his ac cession and Coronation the Union Jack without any badge shall be down at the Government House from sunrise until sunset A Aylesworth of Math Richard Hicks of Picton a in their room a pa A very pleasjni ceremony took place at the plant of the fining and Co Limited when Manager and Superinten dent Daniels were presented with a handsome loving cup made from the silver refined In file presentation was made by Mayor on the employees Tragedy in New Ontario Unit Jrfd Era to absent friends of Toronto I he consideration was St over the drawing big end of the somewhat over branch money and WAS a tangible evidence of good feeling that exists between management and the men at smelter Times the the the Children FOR FLETCHERS R A They were crossing Thomas Chamber and another man In a canoe when a Sprung up The heavily laden Canoe filled with water The men clung to It but the three mentioned became exhausted and I rank and the other man aged to bang on to the submerged and drifted after being in the water about two hours who came from a few rears ago lived at and leaves a young widow and a weekold child came from Falls and from All employed on the LumUr Companys drive The bodies were recovered were found unconscious t the Albion Hotel from rtlal They found about oclock when some ol the employees entered their room al ter smelling escaping gas The men were hurried to St Michael Hospital and regained consciousness some time afterwards It is thought that they neglected to turn the gas properly The Local Hoard of Health last week endorsed the action Dr Hast ings MILO in ordering the cutting Oil the water the public drinking fountains at the Island and the removal of all public drinking cups in schools parks and other places A wellknown divine of Toronto in the person of while at the Sanitarium at committed suicide by banging in the ant Secretary Moral of Church in Canada a wife and two children Rev Dr reported to To ronto Conference that the sum had been turned over to the Superannuation Fund of the Church from profits of the last year Last week Hon Dr Pne Minis ter and Hon Col Provincial Treasurer as sisted In laying the foundation stone of new Collegiate Institute Smiths Kails The Niagara Camp shows a total number of all ranks to he less than half the number of last jear The second camp will be nearly twice the size The York Rangers have been a complete Issue of Ross rifles of the latest pa tent He was and the Methodist Deceased leaves June 12 The barns of Sudbury Urni Archibald aged Jad Hunter were drowned In Lake Monday at were lake urday with pi farm Implements and one horse which Lifes daughter had Just put in the stable A lender lie a painter working- at a nearby house had a close escape the lightning burning Ihe from a brush he held in his hand- rnomau Belli a younj farmemear was working in a field With bis team when he wa rknocked down by a and rendered uncon scious The man In a critical Con dition and may not recover William I Jar ton of the Norwich Road had two horses killed by Same storm and numerous farmer lost sloes In the other NEWMARKET HARDWARE ST OR t If TRIG LIGHT FIXTUR You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line Electric Light Supplies fKJ J 1 Hi Paints Oils Glass Etc j a w mm g NEWMARKET I Spring Stock THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT Toronto Jobbing House ANEl j IQ CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS GO I ranch w at all Important In Canada and In London Now York Chicago Spokane Mexico Newfoundland Every description of a Banking hi lr- 1 INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate heretofore- NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS J We have twelve different shades fa also white Just mix the powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives a beautiful velvet finish that will not rub of 00 H Martin Floor Paints arc celebrated lor their lustre and wear ing qualities Insist on Paint IS f And Get It At Hardware an Newmarket i j PHONE 3 mm out out and Thy MAY I you nothing YORKk DENTfSTS- YEARS EXPERIENCE IE r Scientific tot IS ft vs J frM f

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