Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 7

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HALL Seeds Seeds mux is sows Presbyteran Church Rev Thomas will occupy own pulpit both morning and evening on next Waterworks Extension Engineer and staff are extending the 4inch main on Pros pect a couple of blocks south and will put a in pipe on south Elm Street to accommodate the three new houses there Willing Workers of the Presby terian Church purpose folding a social on Friday June Par ticulars later Store to Rent Store Furniture for sale also Horse and Waggon Safe Cash Reg ister Desk Cash Carriers etc lord Roche Co The meeting last Monday evening was in charge of the Christian Samuel Meeting next Monday evening in Charge of the Missionary new slides have been ordered from Toronto for the occasion Winnipeg Man- June Heavy rains durjhg the past fortnight have placed the wheat League satisfactory basis weather appears to have been made to order for crop purposes pe spring was Mr Harvey farmers plenty of dick taking the topic on Lessons ig and tber has been more ram since planting time than the west has had for years A number 0 new slides have and from rams held back planting oats and barley in some sections the land is in good condi tion now and all seeding operations Brief Ms Mr K Robertson has bought have been completed Winnipeg business men are on tour Mr residence on I throughout the West A special train Street and purposes moving there in of seven Pullman cars and dining car the near future We are giving Seeds our special attention this Spring CLOVER ALFALFA LUCERNE TIMOTHY FIELD CORN ETC All Kinds of GARDEN In Bulk or Package and as far as we can see or know the quality is No in every case We buy only from Reliable Seed Firms so as to secure the Best and Most Productive Seeds Wanting Seeds Come and In spect Our Stock New Flag Staff The law requires every public school to a flag for the sake of teach ing patriotism to the children but the ordinary wooden pole is short lived The Public School Board upon the right article and thru I Mr Blizzard the energetic agent a fine steel flag staff SO feet high was erected Tuesday It has a splen did appearance and will probably be permanent No More Trouble With leaky water hose if you Multiped It wont kink will for years See it at buy last left Winnipeg May and will carry about leading business men to all the principal points as far west as Banff Reports received show that the trip is a great success and party is getting splendid results in the way building up closer relations be tween the cities and towns of the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church an enjoyable will be held- first June the Mapleton corner of Park avenue clearings amounts to tern Canada- Building and banking figures in Win nipeg continue to show enormous Church street on Wednesday ev- an increase over the first five tafc win served at toe conclusion Admission The public cordially reCord invited Proceeds for benefit of new R A DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA pipe organ Baseball The opening ball game of the sea son under the Newmarket on Thursday evening of last week was a great success The crowd was im mense The match was between the Town and Canes Factory and the former won by a score of to Mayor Pearson threw the first ball day evening when and Mr R Schmidt made a foul of next week commencing at months of of Con- oclock The program will of the same propor- a number of vocal and place the 1011 total well mental selections Ice cream and I mark cake will be served at the conclusion are not up to the wonderful but permits for worth of new buildings have Doric Chapter Regular communication of the above Chapter was held on FOR Housecleanin Necessities SUCH AS Soap Starch Ammonia Powder Dustbane Stove Blacking Etc Etc A AT til Li OSWORTi The Leading Reliable Grocer Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OK I I Main Timothy Streets j Greenhouses of it while Alderman S Cane took the position of catcher Owing to the dampness on Monday night last the schedule match was postponed- Police Court On Monday last Jack Turand was brought before Col Lloyd on a charge of aggravated assault com mitted his wife on Saturday af ternoon last in the store Mr A Smith Mrs was the store when Turand entered and ap parently without provocation delib erately knocked her down and made violent threats Before the Magis trate on Monday he pleaded guilty Several witnesses confirmed the out rage The magistrate committed to the Central Prison for twelve months Constable Trivett took the prisoner down to Toronto atd handed him over to Warden From the Central he will like ly be transferred to the Prison farm at to learn farming and pos sibly mate bricks A New Inspector At a meeting of the town council on Monday night last suctefcsor to Chief Anderson was appointed in the person Mr Oscar Stephens The citizens hope will read up the bylaws and see to it that their provisions are enforced It is a common saying that a new broom sweeps clean and the great mass of the people will he glad if the new Inspector sets about the sweeping process in dead earnest Let us have do more bicycling over side walks more manure heaps to to poison the atmosphere no disor derly boys Capering among the crowd In the market on Saturdays no child ren almost recklessly riding wagons down inclined places on sidewalks to the dismay ol lady pe destrians town expects the new Inspector to get busy been granted since the first of Janu ary City Electrician Cambridge has outlined plan for the better light ing of the city This plan will in clude- the installation of new orna mental steel poles and light clusters an official visit and that will make Winnipeg one of the was accompanied from Toronto by lifted cities in the world Comps Milne andj of power from the municipal Cairns During the evening the Power plant in July or August will Royal Arch Degree was exemplified enable Winnipeg to deal with the and the officers of Doric Chapter were lighting its streets by the visiting brethren nomioally and liberally for their efficiency in the work Al ter the Chapter adjourned refresh ments were served in the adjoining dining room and toasts and speeches soon away the time till visiting brethren were compelled leave by the pm trolly for city Saskatchewan Moose Jaw has a plan of process for securing a number of small indus try tries This plan rests upon the fit- to ting up of an industrial building the Hell the to r Zl a Si I As well as your person and satisfy you both ways Purse and Per sonality are not far apart In the one you protect your money in the other your person Removal The Central of the Telephone Co was moved from corner of the Hoarding House what was formerly Starrs bakery on Wednesday evening without any to subscribers and with out their knowledge The work has been going on for the past two or three months Entirely switch boards have been installed with local connections and enlarged for three operators Also another long distance line has been installed be tween Newmarket and Toronto A neat private office has been arranged for the manager and a commodious room fitted up for local telephone supplies the new office is a credit to the town and shows J the importance ol the telephone ser vice here From Cellar to Theres something in every room where manufacturers may establish themselves in a small way at first and gain headway and experience for bigger business A speciar commit tee has prepared estimates which show that the scheme can be floated for about and would yield a return of about ten per cent Tenders are being called for the construction of a government wharf on the Saskatchewan river at Prince Albert The structure will be feet long but Ultimately the whole river front for four blocks will be built up in this way Recent rains have effectively to sleep the fears of any who were worrying about the dryness of the present spring Wheat is just about all sown now and Indeed is coming up nicely in some parts t the dis trict There is a marked year and all signs point to a record The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway will build miles of new lines in the West this year Much of this new trackage will he in Saskatche wan important lines being those And protect your Personality them at and you pro tect your Purse Tf The Men Main St Newmarket will begin grading on the Red Deer- Calgary branch next week waiting for Its a and stain combined like iron Sold at to Moos and stain combined and wears two miles of Has Come and Gone The circus has just as great an at traction for people today as in the days of yore Howes great London arrived here by special train at the oclock las law seventy- Hi Prince Albert CARNATIONS the very choicest per White to Stock Mauve Peas Miles etc Now in the time to get banging backets window boxes etc filled Phone IW Methodist Church annual congregational meeting was held in the Temperance Hall on I Thursday evening of last week when most gratifying reports were given of all departments of church work appears to In a very branch the line from to Grif fin and the man branch The Winnipeg business mens excur sion touching at a large number Saskatchewan points is doing good work in keeping up good fellowship between western communities and Is Incidentally finding that the country has made great progress since the last annual trip was made Alberta Alberta crop reports are highly en couraging Unpleasant memories of last years drought are swallowed up in the joy of abundant moisture this Season and the whole country is smil ing and green with growing crops SecondHand Automobile Only been about cheap 200 miles and Is In condi tion two pMsepgexs just of Christ was specially good what a farmer wants run about The Can I at the home of Mrs Newmarket next iune ant Tuesday morning and by eight oclock the Specialty fats cast of the race were nearly all un der canvas At nine oclock the crowds Commenced to collect in town and by ten oclock the sidewalks were lined with Inst like fair day waiting to See the procession which owing to ft breakdown was delayed till In going from the depot to the natural vegetation Under the Impe tus grounds careless drivers Caused given by the excellent crop pros- two accidents On Charles street the entire province city and flourishing condition The substance Just before crossing the bridge the I country Is full of life aid growth collated In the annual print- wheel of a very heavy wagon slipped Calgary is experiencing a heavy into the ditch and the whole business growth In population new buildings toppled over causing extra labor and j and general business Tbe building Quarterly delay In crossing the iron bridge on permits nearly double those of last Messrs Queen Street a wheel of a heavy year the actual gain for April being per cent made It was reported the bridge I for the same month Was with plank thru- Medicine Mat Is forging ahead as out an industrial centre due of Course There was a fairly good profession the great of natural gas at two hands and an apology for the hand Such Industries as glass lac- third There was also the customary side show which did rattling good il be held at for an before the main tent flair on opened report for distribution among the members The election of Society representatives to the I Hoard resulted as follow I Patterson It If Barker jg went I be centre planting and Irwin A T through the Mooring As soon A Harris Maw and Wiley pood attendance last morn ing but slim evening The Kfjlos in the morning were over April gain of IC per cent it well taken by Miss Barker and The evening sermon by the pastor on What think ye meeting nth oclock Barring the elephants and lories and steel plants for producing the Intense heat required by such In dustries as these and low cost Is of course a gnat attraction passed last week grant a and 250000 cubic feet of gas a day CHEAP TRIP TO ONTARIO A J TUESDAY JUNE Via Train to Where been Made for BOAT TRIP8 muff of the GEORGIAN BAY And to the TOWN OF MIDLAND which formed part of the I to a which will employ the menagerie wan a poor affair hands concehsionK to the Nearly people attended the Alberta Foundry and Machine Corn- circus in the afternoon and upwards In all twelve new Industries or In the evening There were have been located at Medicine Hat three rings and the performance was or are negotiating for locations continuous for nearly two hours The year r riding and acts IpriTrTrTrand Trunk Pacific and Were extra good especially danc- Canadian Northern ar making and skipping on the tight wire in surveys reach The clowns were numerous and over the be children On the whole people were satisfied hut the afterconcert was pronounced fake When the big show let out at night nearly everything except the main tents and sideshows had been rernov- Everything was done In Peace River country orderly and systematic manner miles a fore midnight everything was hoard the cars and circus was route This Southern is looked upon by good a good thing for the pres sure to be better as time dry cone The advantage of being a town on such an occasion was apparent to those who contrasted the day With similar days In the years gone by Nothing of an unseemly occurred and of sours the Metropolitan leaving Sutton at 6M am will con- it with the Train at and car M UK lor Button at pm await ar rival of W you want the and Cheapest go on thi Excursion More Miles tot the Money than- any other trip of the reason For and fee it about ten years since the last circus was here and it Is to he hoped It will ten years before we have another The expenses the show are nearly a day they car ried about out Alberta judges as nt and ROC 4 The Is also busy with Its from Into the jhis line will and traverse the bleb section In brisk In Bed Deer and buildings are going ahead at a rapid rate A new record has liSbed In prices for real estate feet on Ross street sold at per loot For the first twenty days Of May Deer building permits ran up to more than 00000 The crop outlook Is excellent Blight sunny weather succeeded recent fre quent showers and everything Is growing rapidly The Northern Construction Com Toronto better Pineapples are now at their best No less than fortysix carloads reach ed Toronto on Saturday from Cuba- Florida pines will be here in another week They are selling Jow from to each Teefy of St Michaels College is seriously ill The Toronto and York Rail way Company filed their plans with the Ontario Municipal and Board Monday morning of the new switches they propose to lay thru the town of North Toronto The plans show large extensions all existing switches Toronto has nine public hospitals for the care of the Sick Altogeth er there are hospitals asylums and public homes passenger trains to the number enter and leave Toronto each day and feOO freight trains enter and leave during the same day There are six daily newspapers in Toronto weekly papers semi monthly weekly and quarterlies Local members of organized labor are at outs with the manage ment of the industrial Exhibition and a result the Labor Day pic nic will not be held at the Exhibi tion Park if arrangements can be made with the Island or the Beach Park Company Mr and Mrs He wet son Huron avenge were injured In a runaway on the lake shore road near the car on Saturday night The horse became frightened at a passing car and bolted Op posite the barns and buggy was upset in a- collision with an auto and the occupants thrown The Farmers Hank liquidator has Instructed solicitors to Issue a writ for against the United states Fidelity Guarantee Co of York Travers was bonded In the Company against defalcation for which he might be responsible The Company has a Toronto office which Issued a policy assuming liability up to The News has a Cartoon represent ing Sir Alan and Mr T as In a sporting an old nag of horse named Reciprocity When the races came ofl the Tory News and others of that political ilk will he astonished at the result Just before the Corona left the street with the York Hangers on board on the way to Ni agara a careless drummer allowed a side drum to fall overboard A cry of man aboard went up as the instrument splashed Into wa ter but It SOOn fished out In old cellars of sev eral stores were flooded during the downpour of rain at the time of the electric storm on Monday The sew ers were not large enough to carry the water and much damage was done to goods Your step to absolute satisfaction is when you buy a pair of Empress This vamp style meets the demand of the young people tic one of who tell Shoe sell nothing but the best makes of Shoes and guarantee every pair ivi NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER Repairing neatly and promptly done I a i r hi is i i 1 J- A i It I 1 I ft It I I fc If y i Prompt delivery Is a strong factor In our business Two delivery rigs for town trade and a motor car for suburbs Telephone your orders from any distance Our Immediate attcntioJi is assured FOR Ton Long Clear BacfoQ lb Una for Old Cheese lb Cheese Cleaned Currants 3 for Dried Peaches lbs for cleanser package WE SELL THE BEST lb FULL WEIGHT LOAF OF BREAD IN NORTH YORK- Phone W C HOWARD Out A fttormlast night In North killed a cow owned by Smith a bouse owned by J Jenkins but did not let It on and fltruck a barn which was with con- have over teams at work tents owned by James Micks Loss the the and partly covered by Insurance Salt tor table should mixed Celery relish Chop In tray With with a email quantity corn chopping knife all parts celery not to prevent its forming Into lumps usable on the table as sticks Pack When the head a hatpin comes in pretty bowl and sprinkle over It If it Is glass porcelain or a of granulated sugar wood melt a bit rosin stick the dash of salt Press down and In resin Insert it in the or- nearly cover with pur cider vinegar and It will bold well stand one day before using J

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