Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 6

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V I v THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE We have a Fresh stock of Red Clo ver and Timothy Seed and our Prices are Right Vegetable and Flower Seeds 2 for Leather Label Overalls and Smocks The kind with the Big Guarantee SHOES Have you seen the New Patented Seamless Working Shoe There are o seams to rip out Dry Goods Albert can MANAGER MANAGER RY ffe CHURCH OF ENGLAND The usual Church of ser vice will be held on Sunday at the Friendly Societies Hall at am All are welcome sickness There are several cases of whooping cough and tonsilitisin the communi ty In act so prevalent is the for mer disease that it is materially af fecting the attendance of pupils in the Primary Room of the Public School SCHOOL REPORT Honor Roll Room I Result of May Exams Sr Erie Forrest Ross Dorothy Thirsk Grace Wright Jr Donald Ross Arthur King Gordon Wagg equal Cook Mona Stevens Vera Dike Sr I Herbert Charlie Man ners Evelyn Cook Annie Jr I Dike Lambert Crit tenden Raymond last Saturday was the few flags flying The places of business were open all day but likely by next year the citizens will have become used to tlie of Junet3rd being a public holiday The lawn of Mr Harry Wright was a popular resort last Saturday even ing when the Presbyterian Choir served icecream They will continue to do this each Saturday evening dur ing the summer months UDORA We have just received a fresh stock of Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money pa7 two prices in Coal Oil Best American gal- CORONATION DAY June will be by the loyal people of Mount Albert and vicinity at a grand garden party on the grounds of Mr Brooks one and a half miles south of Mount Albert under the auspices of Church Tea from to p The programme will consist of Graham has engaged H to build the stone work of his house Song service here next- Sunday night The Quartette will be in attendance Wesley Wallace of Newmarket spent Sunday last the guest of Mr and Mrs Shier J Taylor Master of the County Orange Association leaves on Tues day for the grand lodge which opens at Winnipeg on June 28th j BALDWIN Pringle is off to the seat of war Military Camp at Niagara which fortyfive years ago was the scene of such a scare known as the Fenian Raid military ardor is beyond the normal degree but his love for taking the conceit out of crack rifle shots is away upto degrees in the shade May success follow him and safely home Wedding On Wednesday evening May 31st Mrs Mary Draper widow of the late Joel Draper was- SUTTON J Water White selections by the quartette and patriotic addresses by local and visiting clergymen See posters for further particulars A NOTE OF WARNING On Sunday nights the sheds be- W SMITH Queensville Paint Liquid Paint at a quart should Interest you Every can guaranteed longing to the Presbyterian Church are supposed to be used only for the accommodation of rigs belonging to persons attending church service The driveway leading from the street to these sheds is not a public race course This information one would think should be utterly unnecessary and yet several young men seem to be ignorant of it to judge from their conduct They drive at full speed whirl around and retrace their course at the same rate This too while service is in progress within the church Do they realize that they are thus rendering themselves liable to prosecution A word to the wise is sufficient ried to Edward Draper cousin of her late husband Rev officiat ed What I have to say is this hubby No 2 is at all as industrious and anxious to succeed as was hubby No I they will prosper the bride is wellknown for her thrif ty good housekeeping The gro has yet to set up the refreshments or the boys will make Rome howl That is their ultimatum It is announced that on Tuesday the Miss Wolf will marry Mr Samuels merchant of Sut ton West The bride a sister The Presbyterians of Egypt intend of our towna holding their garden party on June sens young woman well at the home of Mr Donald Ridel I J Patrons of the store by her A splendid program is being provided business ways The Albert Band which has Hebrew friends including our utmost satisfaction on previous friend Miss were guests at Messrs Wolf Bros over ay Miss Solwav is PERSONAL- It i3 earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss agent at once and get a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely once to Sedore AGENT Batter Than Ever Everybody Is delighted with the work dona in Millinery at COLES J And the sales have thus far exceeded all expectation Still we will try to satisfy thereat of you when you come Be sure and tee our Stock and get our prices before buying The Reliable Store KESWICK PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Geo and Miss of Zephyr were guests at the of Mr M Summer eld t on Sunday Mrs Helm and son of Port Hope are visiting at the home of her parents Dr and Mrs Forrest Rev Cameron left on Monday for Ottawa to attend the General As sembly to which he is a delegate He was accompanied by Mrs Cameron who will proceed to Wonfreal visit relatives there Mr Cameron will be absent two Sabbaths hut service will be held as usual Next Sabbath the pulpit will be oc cupied by Mr McDonald a Knox Col lege student who is supplying Bal- lantrae for the summer Mr of Toronto is visiting relatives here Mr and Mrs 1 Moore spent the weekend at visiting their J daughter Miss Moore who is teaching school there is attending Con ference in Toronto Mrs A Mainprise was visiting her parent over the holiday Mrs Geo Main prize has returned from the city after having an operation on he eyes She getting along nicely now Personal Miss Muriel Howard who has been spending few days under the paren tal roof left last week for Chicago Mr Johnston of was in town fasjt week Miss Eva Merchant of who staying with Mr Merchant is- regret to state suffering from a severe illness but was a little on Monday Mr Wm Kay of has been spending the past lew days with m friends in Sutton and neighborhood Mr son of Magistrate of Toronto is staying at Maplehurst Rev of Toronto officiated at St James and St Georges Church last Sunday Miss of Toronto has been staying the week end with her friend Miss Vera Mr Sam Allen made a visit to Bel- haven last Sunday Mr Robert Dean was home for the weekend Miss Barnard is staying with her parents Mr and Mrs J K Barnard Miss was in the city last week Miss Townley of Toronto is staying with her grandparent Mrs John I Mr John Yates Indian agent was at the Island on Monday census tak ing Rev made a short visit to town last week Mrs Stiver and son also Mr and Mrs of Unionville were visiting Mr and Mrs Sam Al len over the week end Mr Greenwood of Toronto was staying with his brother Mr Kiroal Greenwood over the weekend Rev Sinclair and Mr Peter Grant were at last Wednesday at tending the annual District Meeting of the Methodist Church Our new miller Mr who comes from took over the mill on the 1st of June Mr Herbert Kay has moved to Ma ple Farm Mr Leonard Greenwood of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents night had the misfortune to let Johnston began his and Mrs K Greenwood driver get away from him but he got nual crusade against the crow nation Mr Foot left last Saturday pretty lucky only upsetting Mr week His first raid captured a for Sturgeon Lake where he will join of corn- mate fields a warning of impending fate Jones spent Sunday at to any crow has the temerity to trespass Id like to see crows put ladv friend spent amongst the extinct bird class Some values in Hosiery that are well worth looking after Wo have Ladies plain black Cotton Hose extra value 15c or pair for Ladies plain black stainless Hose extra finish 25c pair Ladies- plain Cashmere Hose summer weight pair plain Cashmere Hose Llama Brand pure cashmere 35c pair The STOCKING topiit on BOYS and GIRLS for STOCKING SATISFACTION is BULL DOG WE HAVE 20c25c A PAIR Mens Cotton Socks 25c Ladies Vests ranging in price from 10c to PA T When you want to do a particularly fine BRIGHTEN UP Job on some of your old- chairs tables etc let us show you what SHERWINWILLIAMS VARNISHES and VARNISH STAINS will do for you The Brand that GUARANTEED SATISFACTION is en utmost sausiaction on occasions and which according to are prepared to furnish ample 1 oiway is of such a music for a social function such a Vay excellent will be in attendance The Sfctoi place chosen for the social is an an old ideal spot Dont fail to come as ana theres just enough of rny good old Irish grandmothers nature me to make me endeavor to make history repeat itself as shown good evening is assured you in the courtship and love of Isaac and of old Get your Bible and read it it knocks out any novel ever written But as the case stands at present I am her sincere friend and Mr Rose has moved to Lake for the summer months Mr It loaded very large car of stock last week Zephyr Vwr has io chivalrous ever Mr larend- Wilson last Friday I whims PAR We are prepared to fill your Paris Green Needs acnin this year with the BEST PARIS GREEN ON EARTH viz GENUINE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN done up in 1 It Sealed PACKAGES DOMINION t HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Osier MP President Matthews VicePresident RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS 6250600000 A branch of this Bank in England on 1st July next at This Branch will issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description of banking Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided for the use of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit C A General Manager on worth of medicine and bending black carcasses now adorn the an axle Mr Markham Mr and Local Items Knox Church intend having Sunday at Mr Atkinsons Whit- All tone In three weeks Frank their annual picnic on Friday June church formerly of told out a car of Mr Crittenden and lady friend com of nearly thousand bushels and Mr Duke Dean who A very large crowd attended the another car load to arrive in a attends market here every Thursday church on Sunday night few days gave last week Butter eggs The choir sang a couple of anthems On Thursday of last week Elder I Mr- Dean is buying for a IV ft and Mr J Grosser was here and at public roiito firm cock are doing are rushing business making shingles I things suit coming home late on Sunday night y HOLLAND LANDING auction the house and store known as The Metropolitan Bank was closed Mrs The property was last Saturday it being a bank didnt as Munro for four day in honour of The hundred and thirty dollars only birthday about onethird its first cost Preparatory service was held at Our humorous potatogrowers are Knox Church on Friday evening and unanimous in declaring that the hugs are on the watch ft appearance of the green tops that munfon they may break their long winters Literary Society photographs are fast I ready for sale at A and Grants Frank is getting in a The of this month is Corona- carload of cement What docs this Day Is Sutton holding any of mean Well Ill tell you More ficial celebration The Improvement Society is making headway Mr Nixon the Mr of was in town Saturday evening with his that munion names of those Who are Competing for Fine Orchard over Sunday The Womens Institute held a vttry Interesting meeting on Saturday Miller of gave a most Instructive talk on and I as Nation Builders after which refreshments were served Mrs A Milne of is in town guest of Mrs The of the Church propose holding their annual strawberry festival Mr and Master left last week for Indian Head Mr an Mrs of To ronto the weekend with Mr and Mr Ed Henry Willie Clark of market spent Sunday here Mr and Mrs Harry of Aurora were at Mr Henry Mr and Mrs J spent with friends at Keswick Mrs Little and Miss re turned home on Saturday evening af ter spending two weeks in Toronto The Methodic choir gave a party great building improvements of which to Mr I Mussclimtn Ill speak later agent last Saturday evening at the Mr the popular buyer on secretary Is kept busy receiving home of Mr Webb a most en- our market informs us that he will evening was Spent Mr buy in Sutton every Monday am having soon for Mus0 to rain or shine and will be greatly missed as parties have been trying to he has been an active worker in the ir him out but he going to give church and Sunday School during his them tit for tat Ill say this for Sunday next stay here His many friends wish on own 2M evening success Hes a gentleman who minds his The annual garden party will be held The annual garden party of the business Stand by him on the following Monday at the home I Methodist Church will be on the Samuel Cuth- of Mr Donald Riddle Tea from school North removes to Mount Albert Band will shareholders of the Fanners Bank Miss Marjorie SaUlt Marie Mich is visiting- her uncle and aunt for a few days Dr Henderson takes- some early Mights especially Sunday mornings Mrs A Sharpies and Mrs J A Mitchell were visiting their sister at the money prize Mr and the The Rev of Richmond Hill Little Company have Mr Horn- will conduct the anniversary services shingles cut and have returned the Egypt Presbyterian Church on to Brownhill for the summer over Sunday for Hatching From Zephyr Poultry A Fruit home the rainy weather many villagers to Newmarket to see the circus on Tuesday Mr John Boag left last week on annual trip to the British Isles here he- makes of fine borne Mr his farewell June nth grounds OR the evening of June prison removes to p rn Particulars later render mi lisle in addition to a good Miss of Toronto spent in program admission and Sunday with her Mrs Miss Flora of Newmarket spent a few days with Miss last week Mrs It of Newmarket spent last week with her mother Mrs Marsh MISS Owen of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday with her grand mother Mrs Rood Mr 1 of Toronto spent believe still a resident is the last holding a picnic at the Lake on Were I as clever with nation day June 22nd pencil as with the pen I could draft Is the Main Street to be oiled this you a picture of the old village at summer We Understand that many that time ft would make you stare of the business men and residents on shoot Venus and Mercury are now at ft the front street were well satisfied hammer and torts trying to see last year and are ready to fall Into which shall controlthe weather line with the same arrangement for says want It warm yes Oils season hot I Mercury like a saucy little Some of the sidewalks In town are We are glad to see Mr Harry music land out again after suffering an lack of pneumonia Mr Ernie KcltCh Is able to It out again affer having a severe attack of scarlet fever A large crowd from here attended the circus at Newmarket last Tues day All report a good time Mrs sale was well tended last Saturday W J our crack shot won the cup and the gold medal at the on May Mr and Mrs Walter ol Newmarket Visited Mr and Mrs Geo ham on Sunday A lock will he found on tin Methodist Church shed gate at at- Saturday and Sunday her t V on Sunday fir ir J i Urn i IrUbimm a bit do I car In need repair Was this matter few days he friend Mm you at the council meeting TZlW P Ill It hat Monday last n Ml a number from here attended Its hot Toliy weather here J the circus Newmarket on Tuesday cold is cold and dam accompanied will ffiS I TV and it iont live In bar- wind r on Saturday night to dis Mr M preached his farewell J Man About service on Sunday evening and was ous and so time a i largely attended 1 UiShh The harem appeared time in this village on alrnoon the Chinese cm nil In your trousers ladies other afternoon Bill for the Sunday coat and In the Mel hod ill Church Sun- pound evening hi- He be leaving new charge in From winners of nearly in White Brown nd Bull Dorkings shortly for Golden Bull jVWte Alberta j Barred Rocks BC Island Redo Boll BC Lord troth Blade j the Me I hod I Church Duck Bantams and other varieties taking virv Been a pig in the or setting Mphft few2 It would Milt the iconic 1 V Health A young lady frightened car the other night The annual scrap ensues One soft and balmy evening when the night jays were singing their plaintive melody Whip poor- Will Whippoor Will the boys vere assembled at the evening ehool be Some of the kids sassy and one to came mighty near running his nose Man About IONS CORNERS up agin of cuss whether any action should taken to resist the claims ol the liquidator of the bank for the double liability Imposed on the shareholders Mr Juft Arnold acted as chairman Mr Sutherland spent a few and a general discussion took place days last Week In the city visiting it was decided to fight the matter friends a committee was appointed- to Mrs It Hoover spent last week see all who were not represented at j with her daughter Mrs the meeting Messrs the wedding hells this Cooke were to TOMS GOLDDUST That boy knows how to take care of his golddust said Toms uncle often to himself and sometimes aloud Tom went to college and every account they heard of him he was going ahead laying a solid foun dation for his future Certainly said his uncle cer tainly that boy I tell you knows how to take core- of his golddust Gold dust Where did Tom get golddust He was a poor boy He had not been to California He never was a miner Where did he get his gold dust Ah I he has seconds and minutes and these are the golddust of time specks of time which boys and girls grownup people are apt to waste and throw away Tom knew their value His father had taught him that every speck and par ticle of time was worth Its weight in gold and his son took care of them as If they were Take care or your golddust the big twins to the wedding hells this were to handle the lA in awful rtfsas- arming SO I am led to mi- to defend the action An nick Him to an thinks ho will try effort will be made to get the share- neceaule keeping for a change nut has holders in the vicinity of lilts like Wolf Bros at Baldwin and to go In with motor- you miller rty Con nee to his for generally a most for Florence of about the firi It ion with Cburelj be held i Marie fcpendlng hi s week Of home at July event always over era Smith guel of was at Orchard vi This In I he day From Choke yon HATCHING and district and this is Coronation year the com- charge the are making effort to an the holiday at her I ill further Increase the attractions and are looking for a record of Newmarket Is hoped to announce week lied Mrs last week Mr will conduct Barred Plymouth Rocks morning In the Methodist Butt and but there will Setting Alto evening owing to the for Mn at Bull a J Milne and Km Alto l Milne are visiting Mrs Fred Milne in Karl Rote J COWIRBOK GOSH only was of the Kings birthday I on Sunday at clock next 0- when lie gets riled the I had a nice warm Version It- are the peace- baptizing were seven candldatcf Some Im afraid our Presbyterian friends he water would be cold hut are doomed to disappointment t i doing fine more now menrocra have joined and It is hoped that they will all stand true to God There will be church here next Sunday night come and the township HAMILTON BROS SUTTON WEST Having opened up a business in the premises lately occupied by the Metropolitan Bank we are prepared to do business at PRICKS We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes and are selling them at small profits For Gents we cannot he beat en We have a good line of new est Muslins Ginghams Prints etc And in Groceries we are selling IP lbs Boiled Oats 25c fi bars Comfort Soap bars Sunlight Soap fi do Clothes Pins Yeast Cakes per box We also give highest Market Price for Produce HAMILTON BUGS Sutton West When dusting celling or walls it Is a good plan to fit the with a bag provided with a string to draw it With this cell- and wall- can conveniently eon for the pretence of tho letter at the kings table I soup is to he good it must nev er allowed to gut cold in the saucepan but bo strained oil directly it Is choked To clean rolled wall paper dip Laughter is a great aid to diJ whitewash into hot vinegar There a hygienic brush all over it When he paper Is It will as I fresh when first hung liuuuAdliD A5cWiassW

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