Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 4

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tfi a I Cured by Pink- hams Vegetable Compound ton Ont I had been a great for fire years One doctor told me it was ulcers of the uterus and another me it was a fibroid tumor No one what I suf fered I would always be- worse at certain periods and never was regular and the bearingdown terrible- was very ill in bed and the doctor told me I would have to an operation and that I might die during the operation I wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Vegetable Compound Through personal expe rience I have found it the best medi cine in the world for female troubles for it has cured me and I did not have to have the operation after all The Compound also helped me while pass ing through Change of Life Mrs Ontario Vegetable Corn- pound made from roots and herbs has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills including displacements inflammation fibroid tumors irregu larities periodic pains backache bear ingdown feeling flatulency indiges tion and nervous prostration It costs bat a trifle to try it and the result has been worth millions to suffering women A press despatch Ottawa states that it is understood that af ter the Sir Wilfrid will go to Switzerland for a week in the Alps He may return until a few days after the House resumes on July Mr Monk leader the old line Protection in Quebec is holding meetings and making speeches against reciprocity The disgruntled Mr is also speechifying in concert but the latter knowing that public sentiment in the Province is strongly in favor of the agreement hesitates to declare himself opposed to reciprocity While therefore ad hering to the principle he eggs on Mr Monk in his opposition t details running with the hare and hounds as it were House Organ For Sale in good condition large size with several stops Would do excellent service in a Sabbath school will be sold at a bargain Time giv en on satisfactory security Apply at the Era Office 2w 3 Engines for 8ale Portable Wanted Second hand Clover Mill and Traction En gine Apply to Second St Newmarket A court trial reported by is the novel experiment suc cessfully carried out in Montreal cerly An experiment trial was ar ranged Sir Melbourne acting as Judge Mr as Attorney for the plaintiff Mr Genet as At torney for the defence and Sheriff as a crown witness After a prolonged trial the re cited what had taken place It is quite within the range of possibility that our courts may soon be con ducted without court stenographers to report evidence The Ontario Motor League of To ronto last week passed a resolution recommending to the Good Commission in charge of the con struction of the roads of York Coun ty that the of construction be adopted This means a rock bottom with tar asphalt sur face making a road that is imper vious to water and will not wear into ruts The Motor League people wont lack any good thing for the want of asking Farmers can take the nest concession when once the good roads are completed leading in to Toronto- Niagara June police today are making a thorough search of the Canadian frontier for four who yesterday held up an Erie freight Strain within the city limits and succeeded in getting away with about car load of merchandise The robbers boarded the train at tba yards A Utile way beyond they cut the air hose slackening its speed While the- train was still in motion two men rushed forward to the cab levelling guns at tie engineer and fire man and forced them to bring the train to a standstill The two others of the gang opened the cars and tumbled the merchandise into the road Covered wagons drove up and the booty was hastily loaded and hurried away The value of their haul has not yet been deter- mined SERVED AT OUR feS ra i warn a Wire Fencing Five Yean Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND MADE BY Steel Wire Co Ltd Come Quality For SiJe By J High Ontario The Toronto World appears to have received a jolt and is now becom ing mere optimistic It says Now it begins to look as if this year is to be Canadas greatest year Business is remarkably good all over and the Canadian West likely to have an output of two hundred million bushels of wheat al most double of any previous year Yes a Liberal Government at the helm and consigning the NH to a secondary place is doing great things for this country The World man is getting his tar down to the sidewalk all right The article in the News seems to be along the same line as were the fig ures it quoted from of pros and cons which the Expositor dissected Accurate information is what the people want not a bolster ed effort to manufacture parti7an sentiment At oclock last Friday even ing marked another epoch in the matter of transportation between On tario and the Western Provinces on the part of the On that evening the Vancouver Express took its departure from the Inion station Toronto on a timetable to reach Vancouver in four days This will remove the delay of J hours at Winnipeg and also the inconvenience of transferring there to the through train from Montreal- We are told the new service and the standard of equipment of the train equals any transportation service in America Library and observation cars will be attached to these trains during the tourist season right through from Toronto- Scene of More Than Medieval Splendor Those in charge of the arrange ments for the coronation of King George and Queen Mary his wife have made the event one of more than medieval splendor The ceremonies in the famous Westminster are by the Archbishop of Canterbury chief prelate of the church of England assisted by many archbishops and bishops Persons of royal rank from various nations are among the official guests All foreign governments are represented officially The British Colonies figure promi nently with civil and military re presentatives It is estimated that J25O0O0O0 will be spent in London during the fortnight of the corona tion festivities IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE IT IS POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE It Could not be otherwise because we Smoothest select Richest Finest its obtainable from one highest class Dairymen of the country and freeze it ourselves All soda flavoring Syrups are of the best quality made from Fresh Ripe Juicy Luscious Fruits exclusively i la JUNE BRIDES are and to begin right will order their Wedding at THE ERA OFFICE The Provincial Treasury is still reaping a rich harvest from Bion duties The returns of Ma reached compared with only for corresponding month of last year Since the of the fiscal year on November I receipts from succession duties have been nearly the total for the same months of They amounted W 1 6 compared with last year the lion Treasurers at titude when in Opposition these suc cession dues makes inwardly groan or the widows and orphans Me used to call it something like robbery STUDY AT and qualify for a good position in life It will cost little to do this Get our plans Write the Correspondence School Toronto June Word has just been received from Arrow Head out hundred fifty north of this city of a bad fire one mile in width that plarttd early and Iff at present racing throvhJt that fcectlon Kilty I he Tehgram has a editorial on Thursday of last week sarcasti cally alluding to thoM journals which favor an amendment of the rules of the House of Commons that now make it for a minority to obstruct public nuijness indefinitely fn another column of the same under the leading of The fjne we this Item People who talk loo much never talk well The Opposition have freedom or full discussion but when it Comet to organized obstruction pur and simple they talk too much and it time put on the brake When the next appeal is made to the country let the electors pronounce on the issue involved it ii becoming more and more ap parent an days go by that the Opposition in the Commons are kick ing against the reciprocity agreement In order to fore the Government to fighter from Arrow Head have been appeal to the country rather than fating the flames the greater because of being opposed to the of day but are unable to pope with the situation hat asked for arid surrounding towns the wind the city lit No lives- been so far ax can be ascertained he dis trict in which the Is timbered llov to Live Long treaty U real purpose be ing to have the general elections take place before the of teats is made which will follow the Completion of the census now being The farmers of the Prairie taken of will likely have Increase I With fcldneySj ha- a good chance to live long weak old with great The hack become bent and lame rbeuoatfszn eye- fails frequent or Involuntary by day HA sleep at Booths Kid- bey new strength old and to weakened Ity banish bacVeche ard rheumatic pains the bladder and Kidney are for sick kidneys in old or young are the The Booth Co VjiX Erie tot everywhere trial sent on request arJ in about twenty repreifentatlves after redistribution and this Is what the Opposition In Parliament The prospect is to the denKoter fraternity and they kick avrdirgly A vigorous effort is king made by a section of the Conservative press to the- country respecting the recfprrycfly The Toronto had an article from a staff re porter some days ago indicating that there fs the most- Intense hostility In J big wood and vicinity toward and that this feeling was voiced at meeting held ago sturday at which farmers and mecnaokv AageHarneritv etc Pledged themselves to oppose the measure A meeting was held that true tut the puts quite another face on the in tense hostility it Says rjidiculous In the extreme the rous ing by actual count lees than one hundred strong with but thirty or forty present when the The Toronto Telegram voices public sentiment when it declares that to observe the Queens Birthday May 21th the reigning Sovereigns Birth day June 3rd he followed by Cor oration Day towards the close of the same month and Dominion Day on 1st of July is making alto gether too many holidays It says It is fool flunkeyism not true loyal ty that closes bunks and shuts the doors of the Customs Houses and postoflices about one week after Canada has celebrated May a holiday which the British nation will never give up and three weeks be fore Canada will observe as a the actual date of the Kings Coro nation May aught always to he recognized as the date on which Canada honors the anniversary of the reigning sovereigns birth and no public holiday or quasi public holi day should he proclaimed in honor of tJio actual date of any sovereigns birthday Coronation Portraits King George and Queen Mary The Era ha made arrangements by which our readers can secure most beautiful Coronation portraits of their Majesties KWg and Queen Mary They by the cele brated of fondon and copyrighted The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has se cured the Canadian rights and are now offering these portraits free of Charge to all Who subscribe to that great weekly lor the balance of at Fifty Cents We will include the with the Family Herald and Weekly Star or the same period for only SO and each subscriber will receive the Coronation pictures The two portraits are on the one Sheet size about W inches a most convenient size for framing They arc acknowledged by competent Judges to be the best portraits of their Majesties in existence and will become historical growing in value year after year The small sum of cents will bring you both papers Until January 1st and the Coronation por traits he latter alone could not be bought for the price Woodstock June aged about was in Police Court this morning charged With perjury ran ofl with a gfrl a few weeks ago and the two were brought hack from after tin marriage ceremony as performed An arrangement f made whereby the girl should re main with her parents while Young contributed to her keep In order facilitate the ceremony It appears that made a false affidavit as Jo the girls age Young is in jail o Program of the Coronation June State banquet at Bucking ham palace June Dinner given by the Duke of Con naught at St James palace June Coronation Day June 23 The Royal procession through London June 21 Naval review at June Return of the king and queen to London Gala performance at the opera June Garden party at Bucking- ham palace Gala performance of His Majestys theatre June Departure of royal guests Visit of the king and queen to royal agricultural show at Norwich June 29 Royal progress to the city Service at St Pauls and luncheon at the Guildhall- Return of procession through north London June Kings coronation fete to a hundred thousand children at the Crystal palace A Great Boon in Ocean Traffic aura BUB The J Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone man u a una nil Montreal June I Since naviga tion opened on the St Lawrence River for the season of Mil five weeks ago no less than ocean going vessels and upwards of lake vessels canal boats and barges have the harbor each for the em barking or discharging passengers or general cargo The total ship ments carried away by vessels hound from Montreal to other points has increased all round by at least 50 per cent The eighty wangoing steamers which have corne up to Montreal within the past five weeks have brought to this country fully passengers Assuming that ten per cent of this number represented re turning Canadians transient English Visitors and Americans passing thru it safe to say that the stream of new arrivals coming into the coun try via the St Lawrence route has averaged weekly Last sea son the arrival in one week of or was considered excellent Strings of vessels Coming down the canal from William Pert and Kingston are filled up to the hatchways grain and while boats coming from Chicago hove carried on a single trip as much as bushels of gram Cargoes or and bushels are of common occurence and forming one more complete col umn Here is a lonely sparkling pond en circled by a of peristyle of or namented pointed columns some of a rose pink some glittering as though formed of rock crystal or aquama rine some almost as if built up by the hand of man of superimposed of marble Here an arch ed and embrasure the clnstered columns beyond in some de gree resembling the delicate tracery of Gothic architecture And here a natural organ the stone pillars of which if struck with a suitable mal let give forth a series of musical notes which echo and reecho round that thousand pillared and hundred aisled minster And as the spectator entranced with the wferd beauty of this v crystal cathedral and oppressed with its mystic magnificence and strangely fascinating charm threads those pil lared galleries and gazes on those crisped and pendent decorations or its canopied roof he must be Oiled with wonder and amazement that the Almighty not only has beautified our lovely world with such lavish hand hut bus even extended His bounty to some of the nether parts of the earth chine with the result that his fingers were taken off near the knuckles Mr T was turning the machine and the first he knew of it was by the fingers drop into the cut feed nay Send the to absent friends When cooking onions set tin cup or vinegar on the stove and let it boil and no disagreeable ador will be noticed To prevent spectacles from steam ing when outside rub both lenses with soap rub with clean cha- mois land polish with tissue paper June 2 It is a long time since the village has had more excitement to the square inch than has followed the advent of a mad dog which came here on Wednesday about noon ami before it was finally dispatched had bitten the little four- yearold son of it Patterson The little fellow was taken to the city where the Pasteur treatment has been decided upon A very sad accident happened to Mr P Morris conces sion of Mark ham on Saturday While cutting corn with his cutting box Mr Morris who was feeding took a faint spell and his left hand was drawn into- the ma- SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men Can look on their early life ami regret their misdeeds Sowing their wild oats in various ways Excesses violation of na tures laws wine women and song all have their victims You have re formed but what about the seed you have sown what about the harvest Dont trust to luck If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees if you are suf fering from the results of Cast indiscretions if vour lood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry If you arc married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past if you are suffering as the result of a misspent K ARE YOUR REFUGE Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Wo Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY BLADDER DU- and all Dueaiet Peculiar to Men CONSULTATION FREE DUu of If unable to call write tor a Blank for HOME Cor Michigan Ave and Gruwold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor If you desire to sec uu personally tall at our Medical Institute In Detroit in Bee and in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Oat Write for cur private Mr iiy member from cloud There 0 of by crying out or hie of of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney make oath that be senior of the firm of J Cheney it Co doing business In the city of Toledo County arid State aforesaid and that vHl sum of LA for each and every caw Catarrh that cannot be cured by Use of flails Catarrh Cure FRANK 1 Sworn to before and subscribed In my presence this day of Ar A Beat Notary ublic Malls Catarrh Cure is inter nally and win directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system for testimonials free P J CO Toledo Hold by all Druggists Take Halls Family fills for jdbn- A CRYSTAL One of Me most beautiful of the gardens of the World Majorca in the Mediterranean appears to he almost neglected by the ordinary tourist notwithstanding that it must be one of the most lovely spots In that region of ever Varying beauty Some parts of the Island a literally a very blaze of bloom and nature has showered down her most attractive gifts with lavish hand beautifying her with a rich adornment of wildly luxuriant growth flower and fruit which might vie with that of many a tropic land the most notable all attrac tions is unquestionably the great crystal cavern where for ages past the slow processes of nature have beet engaged in producing a series of pillared and cloistered halls which perhaps for magnificent and Byrne I natural architecture are any in the world The entrance to the subterranean wonder Is a dark yawning cleft the mountainside which opens out Into the atrium or main entrance vast lof ty hall of noble proportions hursts upon the view of pillars some of which 111- support lljc enriched celling from which depend large multitude Of pointed hangfig pendants of ex treme beauty and varied length Some high overhead sparkling the rays of the magnesium torches like diamonds home more massive depending half way down and appar ently destined the course of the to meet a similar pin nacle standing erect beneath It and some already on point of i 3600 Cash Prizes for Farmers Your Photograph Win MONO prists we In our Content of for farmer In each Province who a photograph of any particular kind of work done an his farm with CANADA work of every la Included Now aoon w you that now bo barn floor or dairy that youve bean thinking of why not photograph It and the picture to The photograph have to taken by a or tin In fact your or your daugh camera will Or falling you might ute the kodak of your neighbors near by la any event dont let the Idea of having a photograph deter you from entering the competition Par ticularly we have your local dealer to help In where It Is not conveni ent for the farmer to pro cure a CEMENT neighborhood By this meant you are placed on an equal foot ing with every other Oct the circular which fives you full particulars of the condttlona and of tho other three prUet Every dealer who sells CANADA Cement will have on hand a supply of these circulars and hell give you one If you ask for It Or If you prefer you can use the attached coupon or a will do send It to ua and youll receive complete detalla of by return mall If you havent received your copy of What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete write for that too Its a flnoly Illustrated book pag full of and practical In formation of the of concrete of Write us tonight and youll receive- the book and the circular promptly Do not delay alt right down- take your pen or pencil and fill out the coupon NOW camera In lh Canada Cement Company Limited Bonk Building tend Con- Circular Wtot ARCHIVES OF

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