Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 2

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ft i Girls Wanted To team operating at the Ciothmg Factory j Furniture for At Mrs Lloyds on Lot Street op posite Temperance Hall Held Wanted Good Kitchen Woman or Girl also elderly woman to take care two boys ages and 5 years H Wilson Orchard Beach Daily Work Wanted Drop a post card to Mrs Newmarket and it will receive prompt attention Lost On Sunday along street a gold locket heart shape and chain Reward at Era office New Home Prejudice Prime Minister Canada A v- Irs Clark spent the SIR ALAN A Coming Victory Last Saturdays mass meeting of Liberals in the Town Hall here- was For sale or to7ent bath in successsomething like an Inquire of old time Reform demonstration Prospect avenue Newmarket It had the ring of days yore when Wanted I the partys pronouncement meant certain triumph at the polls In I the event of an election this fall no Near Newmarket two to five acres one questions the certain return of with good buildings Apply to Box sir Alan Minister of Newmarket justice by a larger majority than he received on the past two occa sions The report given elsewhere in the Era today of his speech at the massmeeting last Saturday will be read with interest by bis friends throughout the riding who Popular Tourist Route Lake of Bays French River Georgian Bay Lales Algonquin Park River were unable to attend that gathering while the repeated demonstrations of approval accorded by the vast assem- I who had the pleasure of Kawartha Lakes etc TORONTO am daily except Sunday mating direct connection at Muskok Wharf for all Muskoka Late points ROUND TRIP Excarsions TO WEST At Low Rates via Chicago Literature and from any Grand Trunk Agent or ad dress A Duff District Passenger A Rent Toronto Pull particulars tickets front J Depot A him must have been exceedingly gratifying to the Minister himself The manner in which the name of Mr T Robinette of To ronto was received as an alternative nominee should occasion require a change of candidature betokened a unity of sentiment not- only demon strating a hearty endorsement of his nomination but must have been decidedly gratifying to himself His speech was listened with great in- j I as was manifest from the fre- quest applause of that vast information is being honored in the old land both by Ms Majesty the King and in diplomatic circles is a distinct com pliment to this country At public functions too be is quite a central and distinguished figure But not withstanding the prominence thus ac corded him the Toronto Worlds vis- so obscured by partizan pre judice and its opposition to the pro posed reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States so pronounced that it not only ignores the recognition accorded Sir Wilfrid but misrepresents the situation by declaring that he finds himself in London a somewhat discredited man And why For the reason that the Canadian Government has been guilty of conducting secret negotiations with the Washington Government with the view of obtaining commer cial favors not granted to the mother country This grievance of The World is thus answered by the Ham ilton Herald It is true that the negotia tions have been secret AH such negotiations are The ego- tiation of treaties between two governments is not usually open to the press and public But the official representative- of the Brit ish Government was a party to these negotiations and Ambassa dor kept his government in formed of the progress of the ne gotiations at every stage Be fore the Canadian people knew the nature of reciprocity the British government was in possession of that information Moreover the treaty had the approval of the imperial government So far as regards the assertion that Sir Wilfrid is being discredited we have not seen anything in press reports of the old land to justify that assertion On the contrary he is not only admired hut generally re garded as the most picturesque fig ure of the Imperial Conference These facts do not strike one as being in dicative of being discredited i the old land hut rather seems to inspire the impression that Canadas Prime Minister is a man of whom the Do minion has reason to feel proud j o THINK ABOUT IT About tie Home Piper to you and It all news of the community of and Of and of la which you are directly Interested you Home Paper La a good thing to have With a candidate now in nomination it becomes the duty of local commit tees in polling subdivisions to see to it that their organizations are meeting the expectations of the Cen tral Committee and certain victory will be assured Alternate Born At Man on May lull Mr and Mr Va- Rogers a daughter Mffs of Buffalo Ik visiting her Leonard at the par- towage Those pending the holiday in the Milage were Master Fred at his grandmothers Mis of at Mr J arris Messrs and Watson at their home Several from this vicinity took in the circus in on Tuesday Mrs is quite ill Mr M is having no trouble In disposing of the products of hothouse which firstclas and he thoroughly understands the The Ontario Government is trying to wipe out gambling at and given Its annual warning to EDITORIAL J0TE5 It may not be generally known but It is true nevertheless that people who refuse to answer questions put to them by the census man are liable to a fine of for each offence Cranky folk who seem disposed to obstruct are liable to get into trou ble they little expect The confident tone of Sir Alan observation at the mass meeting last Saturday has sent a chill down the spine of the Oppo sition press They are all trying to something but they dont know how to say it the Tele gram got so that it called out On the Inst His Excellency Karl Grey laid the Comer stone of the new Montreal Hospital with appro ceremony There was a large representative gathering of social and municipal leaders In the course of his remarks Ivurl announced that this function was his last as GovernorGeneral of Canada Between the ol June and end of the month no less than nine Liber als Conventions to nominate candi dates for Parliament are announced to be held It is further stated that Hon A MacKay will be present at all IhCSC gatherings Between the and of the present month four reciprocity meetings have been announced to be held In four different constituencies evidently the elec torate are preparing for ap proaching contest ha managers of Agricultural that where they LEMON V1LLB vices on the grounds during Fairs that the government grant will he withheld the Inclemency of the weather on Sunday evening the attendance at the Methodist Church was good pator Rev Walker he pulpit The solo from Ottawa states that HI by Mis received the reply of Ages was well rendered London June My Mr and Mrs for your telegram expressing attended meeting congratulations of my 0h I Rural School teaching terms are the same as In urban schools Sec- of The Statute Lav Amend ment Act passed by the Ontario Leg islature at its repealed Societies subsection of section or the allow gambling School Act and the following The school year shall consist of two terms the first of which Khali begin on the 1st day of September and shall end on spent end in Miss Hughes was home from Toronto over Sunday Mr and Mrs Osborne spent the weekend at Sutton Mrs Porter of Tottenham visited her nephew Mr John last week- Mr Thos Kelley of is spending a week with old friends in town Mr Will Kent of Toronto was a guest at Mrs Wrights over Sunday Mr J spent a few days with Br Greenwood in Sutton last week Miss Madge Porter of Toronto is spending a few days with the Misses Robertson Mrs and son of Toronto were guests of Mrs Schmidt on Wednesday Mrs Scott and two children I from Sutton are visiting her mother Mrs Mrs Ellison and daughter of Brampton spent over Sunday with Mrs Laurie Cane Mr Douglas Scott who is attend ing Business College in Toronto was home over Sunday Mr p Caldwell of Rochester spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs A private picnic party drove to Holland Landing yesterday to have a fish down the river Allan and a lew soldiers left on Monday morning to join the in camp at Niagara Mr and Mrs Thos of To ronto spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs Mrs and son Corbett of Oxbridge spent the forepart of the week with friends in town Miss Vera is back from Pembroke and is staying with her aunt Mrs Mr Richard and wife of spent over Sunday with his brother Mr John Hon K J Davis and wife have opened their summer cottage at St Elmo Muskoka for the season Miss of Toronto sister of Mrs Simpson was visiting at the Methodist parsonage over Sunday Miss Jennie Simpson for California on Wednesday where she is to be married and will reside for a time Mrs Lehman left on Tues day for Cleveland Ohio to visit Mrs formerly Miss of New market Mr Silas Pearson of Toronto was here over Sunday on account of the serious illness of his sister Mrs Richardson Mrs and Miss of Toronto and Miss Brooks of Zephyr spent over Sunday with Mr Brooks and family Mr and Mrs Watt of Fergus spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs M Hughes also her mother Mrs of Fergus Mr and Mrs Ross Vernon and Miss Vernon of Oxbridge were visiting with relatives in Newmarket for a couple of days this week Miss Beatrice Wesley was home for the weekend accompanied by a College Chum Miss Lockhart of Sar They spent Sunday at the Lake Mr and Mrs Atkinson also Mr and Mrs Manning were guests of Br and Mrs Wesley at their Roachs Point summer eoituge on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jacob Johnson Ol were in town on Calling on old friends while on their Way to Toronto They expect to spend the weekend in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ken Robertson al so Mr and Mrs Lundy mot ored to the Lake on Sunday and spent the day with Mr and Mrs Watson in their spacious summer house The boys and girls of Mrs Wilkinsons and Miss clashes in the Methodist were entertained by their teachers at Orchard fist Saturday and they had a fine time Rev Wilson of Little Cur rent formerly of was In town on Monday Grey GovernorGeneral of December and of Dominion sent a greeting which shall begin on the irddayof to King George and a despatch January and end an the day of June This legislation determines the school holidays returned to her a the Christian- Church at Alton a on Sunday Moon has home in Toronto few- days at Mr Ihe tend Lake on the 17th June welcome and rammer pie in Canada Signed George to attending Conference in To- He was called to Brampton last week on account the death of his father He reports work very satisfactory In and exacts to return next year One of the siost delightful social Sir Alan at the events in town for months was meeting in the Town Hall here las tithe reception given Mrs Saturday lId the electors that on Thursday afternoon of election need he- anUcfpated this fall week at her cosy and the Opposition continued their pointed home Limit In honor obstructive and thereby pre- of verrted parliament from transacting I Vancouder Peonies spjrcfts and According to a press Ottawa Is likely re- r Methodist Sunday School in- a Visit from King George ft the business they were elected to ferns were holding their annual picnic at reported at Ottawa from a charge ihe Toronto World wmie able Source to the despatch says I day commenting on the observation that a visit will be made to this says Ills speech looks like an and Mrs Trammer bv His Majesty while l j Hunters Store Has An r Characteristic of the GOOD STORE doing things just a little bet- ter than is commonly done The Merchandise is Dependable and the Mer its of this Store have the stamp of Sterling just like the best silver If you are already a customer you will appreciate these things If you are not a customer we give a cordial welcome to Come and In spect HUNTER CORSETS A LA GRACE CORSETS appeal to every woman who appreci- ates elegance- and beauty combined with style fit and perfect comlort They have the embodiment of the highest Art the deepest science in Cor sets fit every A LA GRACE CORSETS to pair Models to figure- SPECIAL Corsets 98c pair 3 Dozen cc A La Grace Corsets models 299 and Sold everywhere Canada at pair Sizes to On sale at pair 9 Hose 2 Pairs for 25 Cents 5 doz Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hose fullfashioned sizes and Regular pair On sale at 2 pairs for WAISTS Each doz Ladies Lawn Waists in fancy embroidered fronts open back or front also Linen waists sizes worth up to on sale at 1X0 each I PARASOLS 100 76c Ladies Fancy Parasols paragon frame natural wood handles worth up to each On sale at and each PRINTS AND GINGHAMS 7c YARD Bought at a Bargain we pass them on to you at a Saving ol yard Patterns to choose from While they last yard CASH STORE NEWMARKET Miss Fisher Miss Stephens Miss Velma Widdifield and Miss j spent Wednesday at Orchard Reach with Mrs Dr Wilkinson ThB CRADLE WEIR At on May to Mr and Mrs son Weir a of 11- otcoiinlrv ins Majesty en were at Karl route to India where be he oners on crowned His A number from here attended th w V important In the show at lOomfnion during Journey Mr Ja of Toronto he country and will sail for India ed over with bete from Vancouver King George is ft Mis ha to her arrive at Bombay on Dec 2nd home in fttoufivllle a make State entry into Delhi couple of weeks with Mr and crowned on of lor that month therefore may be- expected in the To linen latter part of October or beginning turning yellow during winter cod of on In the red and unite was the color scheme in the tea- room presided over Mrs 1 Mrs Meyers and Mrs Field hy Helen Robert son Miss Mr Reginald J run ton and of hla Hank chums The guests were numerous and everyone greatly enjoyed the oc casion when not in starch out In put KM glove may be toiled with a piece Live Stock Market cattle advanced thin oiled tightly around Toronto Drop of In the finger tjA vigorously Mo change In other prices the wrftce of the lore last week elec tionthat parliament will never wmhle that It he dissolved he- lore the end of July vlth an elec tion In The same paper further adds an election Is held now It Is not because Op position may hold them up but be cause the Government Is hound to get it over at the earliest moment Now who best The Minis ter Of Justice or the World Alan declared- that the Government desired to have the work of redistribution of seats according to the census returns no en before another World still in declaring that the Government and election ftt the earliest possible moment- THE LEAPING el Undertaking House You your owb Cheap For Cash lion but the ftir Alan Is rather the authority and future events furnish the proof will A Might calls to at residence John Millard and archive HOWARD In town lue to Mr and Mrs Frank Howard a son At on June 2nd to Mr and Mrs A a Schombcrg on May to Mr and Mrs Cabell a daughter At on May to Mr and Mrs Leonard Hill a daughter on May to Mr and Mrs las a BOH THE ALTAR On Wednesday Mine at Broadway Methodist Tabernacle Toronto by the Rev Dr Emily Mary Miller to Walter of Lindsay of Newmarket TRAVlSSCOIE At the residence of the brides parents on J by Rev A McNeil Mr Am brose Travis 1 Whitchurch to Miss Melvina daughter John A Cole of East KnTOWAfKKR At by Rev Mr Kltto to Mrs Margaret Walker both of Whitchurch At Richmond Hill on May by the Rev Sidney Smith Annie Gran ger eldest daughter of Mr John Granger to Mr lames Nelson Bolton all of Aurora 9 DODDK-ROIIKRTKON- At Winnipeg on June J by Rev 1 Gordon pastor of Central Con- Church Margaret MI Robertson daughter Win and Elizabeth of Toronto to Amos W of Winnipeg formerly of the Era Office- WARKKNM1UKR At the residence of Mr William David Miller on May his daughter Miss Miller was united in mar riage to Silas Walter Warren of King by Rev Ross of vllle fit J R0HD80USB MAIM NORTH NEWMARKET Alf Orders receive Careful and Prompt AttenWon BID Wo arc receiving nearly every day all kinds of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Now is a good time to buy your PINE APPLES for pre serving Special prices by the dozen Wo have about Cans Apples which we arc clearing at per gallon can PURE MAPLE SYRUP the best in the land COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS sliced to suit you Something special in ORANGES for this week Our Phone No is Use it and get your goods Deliver ed promptly NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE All and Family Receipts personally attended to and nothing but the BEST AND PUREST DRUGS USED Agent for Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers Phono lit Pkon Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to ffflOi THAT TEAOH you thing you want Our which will be free open reqaMt ill thou iho Books lor Homo Study WO on fl and eleiraph and ilephonh wd orcblicc lure afld boatiftZi tic Ho mailer whit your ambition or for be la at will jutl vir in i and thai yoo want It It It I J CO- 06kt

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