Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 12, 1911, p. 5

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Wi ffiS J Barrister Notary Public Ac office Main St Newmarket to loan on good loan on curity Farm prank AUCTIONE AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dp Clank DENTIST Main Newmarket Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket this ous It is Weeks crusade against the housefly year is to be exceedingly strenu- rumored that the summer time table on the Metropolitan will go into effect on Monday Dont Belong Here The Examiner says Wes ley Donahue young in years but old in offences dropped into town from Newmarket on Monday got drunk and landed in police court Hes un der the care of Jailer for G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence if desired MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere Dr J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant to ifoorfieldB Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No Consultation Hours services may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Time Card lavs Victoria Day at Newmarket Entries are coming in for the Athle tic Championships of the Province to be contested here on the of May and everything points to a big time Both the Central and West End of Toronto are sending teams and the best in Ontario will be here Division Court The regular session of the for the County of York was convened in the Court House New market on Friday last In the ab- Judge Morgan and at his re quest Mr T J Robertson preside Only routine matters were taken and Court jadjonrntd in about hour up an Jumping at Pall Fairs is announced in the City press that Mr Wilson Superin tendent of Agricultural Societies is of the opinion that if jumping com petitions were included in the pro gram of the Fall Fairs many fann ers would- enter their horses and some good sport would result With this end in view he has determined on a plan whereby handsome prizes Will be given or this class of com petition At present the only extra attraction at these fairs are to trot ting races and the introduction of the jumping contest will likely lead to more extensive breeding of Class fencers NORTH a North York Licenses An adjourned meeting of the Li cense Commissioners for this riding Sutton on Saturday all the hoard being Stevenson in tea must be pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use The flavor of Red Rose Tea is all its own and it never fails to win and because it never fails in quality Try it St- near the of Nova Scotia market beat using some of the has granted a quarter of a million sidewalk to Sfiow their goods dollars for the building and equip- When they get through the Police of an engineering college which they will keep their goods courses in- civil mining and Another plea for local option has electrical engineering The system the store for customers to examine just been presented The Verdict of the Coroners jury on the death of Mrs Richardson reads as follows That Mrs Ev Richardson de spair of regaining happy Conjugal re lations with her husband was addicted to drinking in a fit of des peration took her own life by drink ing carbolic acid A licensed hotel at the opportunity he needs for every boy in Nova Scatia who has inclination or ambition It is possi ble for all to enjoy the advantages of the college because the Govern ment has provided twenty full schol arships of apiece one for every county in the province and two for Halifax and for Cape Breton The sum mentioned gives free tuition The Technical College during the SOLD BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It dering on has been menace thirty students to the latter local option town the scholarships were now the Provincial Secretary has orders to the License College and under its sioners not to grant the Atherley twentyone difier- a license this year This technical schools Every upset the calculations of mimn community pro- toughs Twelve students at Albert College Belleville have volunteered for mis- Dont be a Quitter has an evening school for coal miners where the men are taught the theory and practice of ventilation sionaev service in the foreign fielfd methods of working mines- as a direct result of the mission stu- geology and surveying courses which have been held in I attendance at these schools the the college during the past year Religious differences on Sunday p IB was held at the members of sent viz Or chairman Archie- Leave Toronto and Donald Ego Sutton and Licenso Newmarket Inspector Col James A1Ubdaletr j were granted io lowing Aurora Geo Umoh GOING SOUTH Leave Toronto the A other fJSf9 Mint 1M- Ursolic I xA J Sutton T Holland Land ing I os Sutton two months to p Vi Harris dispose of business I at King one month to dispose of business Wright at Life is a fight from nursing bottle to tombstone the first breath to the last it is a struggle for ex istence a continuous strife against countless foes that lurk the paths of moral ity From the moment that the primordial parent germ of life found lodgment upon this wheeling planet some millions of years ago it has been a never ceasing battle and the farreaching shores of time are with the remains of the quitters the pessimists and whimper ers of preceding geologic ages Na ture abhors a and detests a quitter She has permitted to vive only those forms of life which can fight and win Always for coward the husks of life that is the iron law of nature Anything that is worth while is worth fighting for in fact has to he fought for if attained No race of quitters has left its impress upon history The men who created the high standards of life in ancient CI recce and Home paving the way for the upbuilding of that Teutonic civilization which today dominates the world were neither or pessimists Individual success In Hie is subject to this same relentless law whine at hard times or lack of op portunity Buck the line hard and keep at it Hang on like grim death things have been known to break loos at the other end as some genius has wisely said Dont wait for op portunity make it Dont to hear it knock that fateful men can gain knowledge to enable them to pass the examination for cer- between the RomanCatholics tificafcs competency as responsible and the Independent Greek Church up a meeting at the Labor The Cornelius Shields when Temple- is disorder The meeting camc that was called to discuss the freedom of had expected to bring officials here Poland- enterprise in Cape lire- j Nearly members of the local when he examined conditions regiments took part in the first nativeborn official i ticc shoot for the season on trained in these schools to be afternoon at the Long Branch to the American rifie ranges It was the first real In this connection it is worth on the ranges given the Ross that the death rate among the dries with which the Queens Own miners of- Nova Scotia is lower than have been armed anywhere else on the American Provincial Government is Much of good showing is vcrtising the Central Prison proper- j traced directly to these evening tech- and also the site of the Toronto n schools for the Insane for sale part of the technical of the best known min- system of the province there in India Hatch is established now staying in Toronto coalmining communities classes is prominent for her work among the for stationary engineers where the lepers of the trile study mechanics steam engines The anniversary services of King boilers pumping and compressing Street Methodist Church were held machines and mechanical drawing is on Sunday last when the sermons prosecuted In these schools labora- morning and evening with various electrical prcached by Rev T- of chines and instruments have been Kingslon a former pastor who for practical work been especially active in the construe- At the four principal industrial of the new King street church tres Halifax New Glasgow Sydney The anniversary of King George to and Amherst evening teachnical the throne was officially observed in schools for men in the various trades Toronto by the firing of a Royal have been established and the sub- lute at in the Queens on studied are business English A detachment from practical arithemtic practicalalge- Canadian Field lerVi lint Charge cry pharmaceutical chemistry Sessions Court opened last technical chemical analysis Furnace Work 3 of Our Specialties Bathroom Outfit the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Lacrosse The A District Commit tee met Friday at the Hotel Toronto when the final grouping of districts was Convenors of different groups have the schedule drawn up before May Newmarket in grouped as fol lows Intermediate Group New market Bradford Aurora Con venor Frank Doyle Newmarket at Newmarket Group Newmarket Aurora Hill Convenor Meet at Aurora He Group Newmarket Aurora Hill Convenor Frank Doyle wait ones every door hustle out ami get its number Chase into its hole if necessary arc only for Bradford Richmond Bradford Richmond those who dare Be a live wire tor a live wire never has time to whine and doesnt know what the word quit means The quitter is to he pitied He makes up the great bulk o natures seconds and thirds He is by starting out in life a made has been He passes his winning life on the shady side of the street Some one else with red blood the girl he wants to mar- Tuesday The following cases were metallurgy mechanical drawing ma- on the docket IV McLean two chine drawing machine design gar- charges of theft Walker M Wood ment making architectural drawing lionsupport of wife Win Bryant and design theft of horse and buggy and steal- At present plans arc on foot to chickens Kate Fuller theft fer trade instruction in many- other John Harvey theft Charles Moore- 1 subjects during the coming year and house criminal negligence Frank a system of instruction by corres- horse stealing Gordon Mac- pondence is to be this Co and A Malcolm breach respondence schools managed by of the Cold and Sliver Marking Act Government institution A J Connolly three charges of false The aim at the Nova Scotia Tech- pretences College in the secondary branch accident the elevator in the work Is make a mechanic United Typewriter building Adelaide skilled and efficient a- more street dropped three stories with the intelligent and independent a i ready tor man and a woman pants By clinging with all his weight to the rope the elevator man partially checked the force of the fall but his hands were badly torn by the as These schools have been in oorra- for three years and the results thus far show the great value of the Nova Scotia system of technical edu cation as developed up to the present time Whether man or woman the mind swears pessimism hi her gossip Hoarding natural haunts and they without their hammers knock- sorts are prohibited from throwing Inl and SETTLERS trains TO MANITOBA ALBERTA only throug LOW COLONIST RATES Trains TUESOAY PM Regular I i Cbrt on all TfiinJ No fof Through Trains Toronto to and Weit i caw Agent Newmarket Every Woman Should Have This Book with tfc FOR MY VALET fit Hoard of Trade The council of the Board of Trade met on Tuesday evening and struck the following committees Hallway Committee Aubrey Si W Cane j Committee if Caoo Pearson Charles a Thompson Hunter Mercantile Committee a It Or Clark Local i vtnt Committee v V A J A Cody Publicity J Me- Kay Jackson a v WiddlI eld J Cane Or Canvassing Committee a a A A number matters were Aug- gdsted for the several committees to look Into have Improve ments made toon an possible the railway crossings at ho different streets having a placed on Huron street the Metropolitan cross- log securing better telephone con nection better post office accom modation etc have no doubt that with these committees looking after the derails the whole Board of Trado potting shoulder to the- wheel up the town and the In genera growth of our town In the- past decade will be surpass- Wife A tree you know new clothes every spring hat every thing Husband darling and rnakew all was the location of the college his Barbate rubbish or other filth Into Halifax and the other tongue drips the poison of the lakes and streams- colleges thought that a neutral place The Ontario Government has pur- for the Technical arc never chased a new for a residence College They advocated Amherst the site on Sydney The the and the Meter street was found not exactly suitable took the bulls by the lord deliver us somebody blundered horns however in brave and a lawyer when igeous Style tried to find what rets rained a charge forgery U would bring the greatest to the and in connection with greatest number wTiat all round was a mortgage for on the proper- lnIn they of In favor Miss hc the Wilson in the Assizes of Halifax as the Thursday of last week pleaded the college and in this city the col ly and promised to make restitution lie will appear for at next Assizes When the scare came a drill- shed was erected on this spot the I j Windsor May ft Sunk In CO I with the steamer Clement just before midnight this the of the steel steamer lies on her side about feet north of the Intersection lower range in the lower Three of the Fishers crew went down to death In the depths of the river after the Nine men leaped the lawyer who throug drink became a forger and money was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary The annual gathering of the Cana dian order of Chosen Friends will he held here on the and of next month A military procession and io Queens Park for Coronation Day An evening paper is looking ahead it will donate Site for an insane hospital and who knows but that theyll live to the day that they thus provided the comfort of their old A coroners jury has made a Ihftt all hotels of this city he required to light their dcctrlcitv instead of The building is erected on land once I previously the property of the pro- tin r ranged owners a 1 1 lor and after Confederation the land was made over to the Canadian Govern ment for militia purposes When Technical College was proposed and a Site wan needed the Dominion Gov to the province as a free and land for forty years devoted to the art of war Is now dedicated to the preparation of young Nova fans for taking a place on the firing line of Industrial operations there must be training as complete ensure success as was ever need ed to make soldiers good enough to defend their country should that dread necessfty arise by Home people- not with the Creasy sllrfs or ribbons may he Kas blow it out and death cleaned by rubbing them with mag- use Already way for and parade under Show in ncsla or French chalk and after wards holdlkg them the fire This will absorb the grease after wards the chalk can be brushed off arrangements are the openair Horse will be held Queens Park on Dominion Day connection with a recent case robbery at Newmarket Judge Win chester made 01 magisterial business in J rtfaern of the Is A boiler used In connection with the construction work on the new branch line near Midland blew part- ConducM appears the sinking steamer to the deck of the Clement before the ships drew d by the growth In population In- apart and three were picked up In the crease value of properly the In- river by members of the Clements development and the I Of si prosperity the citizens I the jean J tar faun to Absent FOR FLETCHERS I A there was no Isle trouble till the struck the police Magistrate fad City papers appears to entertain the notion with the return of Mr general manager of the Toronto Light Co from about dune 1st where he has been for several weeks Sir Mackenzie Into whose the Toronto Light Com with con panys stock fiea passed v ill in all likelihood be unfolded a story of a new amalgamation as startling as It is farreaching jly no one was hurt The cause Is said to have been due to something wrong with the pump supplying wa ter and it ceased to operate without being noticed years crop of In France was a short one and in seojience France ban been buying Eng lish potatoes some time past The result Is that the price of pota toes has already risen and may rise to the normal lev el- So great has been the demand on the supply both from Bel- France that a potato fam ine Is threatened HARDWARE STORE JO J R I TRIC LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Electric ffl I j A Paints Oils Glass Etc a ix mm E A R E T fc Spring Stock THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT as- I is Toronto Jobbing House 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS I GO at all important centre In In Lotion New York Chicago Spokane Mexico Every of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Bank Branch will be accomxaodab as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS have twelve different shades in also white Just mix the powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives beautiful velvet finish that will not nib off i Martin Floor Paints arc or their lustre and wear ing qualities Insist on And Get Hardvare Newmarket PHONE YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Copyrights c BTOtiJr I Imi Cm t net for A k it i a tuft flftcrtUkjO qnVF m for UfOVn A Scientific UloiUtM of crxi or ft BON Photographer Newmarket M m York i -A- m I Itf

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