AFTER SUFFERING I Was Cored by lydia Pink- hams Vegetable Compound I had female trou bles for seven years was all run down and so nervous I Parliament to Adjourn At a caucus towards the close of last week the political situa tion consequent upon the general de sire that Sir Wilfrid and of his colleagues should attend the British Conference and was fully and frankly discussed It was decided that Parliament should adjourn on May 23rd or a few days before to again resume some time towards the close of July when Sir Wilfrid Sir Frederick Bor den and Hon Mr will have returned The reciprocity agreement could not do any- then be fought out to a finish thing The doctors A special to the Globe after the treated me for was over makes the follow- I had been given up to die by three or our best doctors things but did me no good I got so bad that I comment could not sleep day reach- j possible source of knowl edge If you have any of the signs of a weak heart such as pain in the left shoulder or arm fainting and hungry spells short ness of breath smothering spells fluttering or palpitation of the heart you need Dr Miles Heart Remedy or night While in thiscordition I read of Lvdia Pink- ham Vegetable Compound and began its use and wrote to Mrs for advice In a short time I had gained my average weight and am now strong and well Mrs SalliE Stevens No Box Another Grateful Woman London I feel as if I could not tell others enough about the good a Vegetable Com pound has done for me was weak and tired that I could not rest j nights A friend recommended your Compound end I soon gained health and strength could not wish to Bleep better I know other women who have taken it for the same purpose and they join me in praising it MRS A Dame St London Vegetable Com pound has cured many cases of female ills such as inflammation ulcer ation displacements fibroid tumors irregularities periodic back ache that bearingdown feeling and nervous prostration after a good deal of serious The absence of the Prime Minister the question of getting supply the fact that the United States Senate is not likely to take early action with regard to and the health of Hon Mr Fielding who has to pilot reciprocity through the House and who would be in charge during Sir Wilfrids ab sence were all factors which had to be considered Between now and the adjournment it is expected that the Government ho able to put through the bulk legislative program still left Dominion Parliament Hon George P Graham has intro duced a the Commons to amend the Railway Act By its pro visions telegraph telephone and ex press companies are made subject to the Railway Commission Except in extreme cases this bill will remove discriminating rates by these com panies Hon Mr bill to regu late the manufacture storage and im portation of explosives has passed the committee stage In the Senate the eighthour day bill on public buildings was referred to a special committee The grain bill as amended by the Senate now reads Every person shall be guilty of an and li able on summary conviction to a pen alty of not less than five thousand dollars and costs and not exceeding twenty thousand dollars and costs and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years a who while owning or in way operating or otherwise interested in any public or terminal elevator buys or sells grain at any point in the western inspection district contrary to the which for over twenty years has provisions of section of this been recognized as the best The subsection imposing the penalty for mixing grain making un true returns specifying every officer of a corporation personally liable I could not stand it to be oh my feet and I was so swelled in the abdomen I could hardly breathe But thanks to Dr Miles Heart Remedy and Nervine I am able to be about the streets a walking ad vertisement of the curative qual ities of your remedies although I am years old John Cochran Lewistown 111 Better than any statement we could make regarding the value of Dr Miles Heart Remedy are these words of Mr Cochran He speaks from experience the Sixs MB 9H USUI ma Our Field and Garden Seeds are all No earn Sum H9 KB USUI urn Wis on the order paper with tire excep tion of the bank act which will re main over till the reassembling of Parliament and exclusive of course also of the reciprocity proposals Then when the House resumes the decks will he cleared for the final fight on the reciprocity issue Mean- while the sessional indemnity of will have all been drawn and if ration of its kind to be had Sold under a guarantee assuring return of the price of tho first bottle If It fails to benofit AT ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can PERFECTION BED MAMMOTH YELLOW INTERMEDIATE YELLOW GLOBE GIANT SUGAR MANGEL a fag ran turns his face sideways when passing another official at a public function only earning Wonder is this true Or is it a libel on the Inder Liberal rule Canadas trade and authorizing the Grain Hoard to suspend a terminal elevator license remains undisturbed to grown he three the Opposition members adhere their present threat to continue the I than when- assuming power in fight indefinitely until the is now nearly six times as great The as the first year of confederation Immigration into Canada this year it is estimated will reach Should this he realized it will make By a vote of in favor to against a bylaw to raise on for- the municipal Hy droElectric power scheme carried in on Monday Of the amount will be used to buy out the 1 eater j ex private plant and extensions and improvements power will be supplied by the I for is forced through the obstruc tion of supplies to appeal to the country they will have to stay in the capital at their own expense The consideration together with increase of more than 2000000 weight of public opinion in favor j by immigration since the Liberals of the agreement will it is believed came to power in This mar- induce a collapse of the Oppositions growth and expansion is cold fight to the hitter end after a com- comfort to opponents of the short endurance test ment Despite the loud protestations from the Opposition ranks that they will press despatch from Acton dated not allow reciprocity to go through this session and will first force election through the obstruction supplies it is known that there is a large and growing section of the party who do not want an election on this issue If the Will of he- ex tremists however prevails the in order to end the dead lock would confidently appeal to the country just as soon as a redistribu tion bill be put through fol lowing the tabulation of the census returns of next month In case a general election in October or November might he looked for But the chances are that long before that Almost the whole town Power Co No Appetite I REM ED I It k t to see o Acton turned out yesterday the unusual sight of a river of lowing down the streets of a dry town From the particulars given learn that the proprietor of the Dominion Hotel was fined on two counts Mis two sons were also fined 100 each for wiling After the convictions had been registered the confiscated liquor was rolled out before the Town Mall the officers knocked in the heads from the casks and beer flowed freely down the streets A special correspondent of the To- of Sows provided the American Senate has endorsed the agreement the fight here under date of April kidneys SI will have been ended reciprocity rati- referring to conflicting stories and Parliament prorogued rent London regarding the of the Duke of Canadas new GovernorGeneral contradicts If you have no appetite for meals cant work cant rest and are annoy ed with frequent urination and a burning scalding pain in making pas sages If at night you retire hoping for sleep that either does not come or is troubled and fitful you have kidney trouble and need Booth Kidney Pills the guar anteed remedy for all kidney and bladder trouble A few Of Booths Kidney Tills will up the sluggish kidneys and Continued treat- heal the weakened cut through such rubbish The keep the scrupulously Machine never gets choked mpion em The Hamilton Herald suggests that ii he used to crown King George On Tuesday last Sir Francois of the Su perior Court of appoint ed tenant of the Pro vince in to the late Sir of people and there would le very general disappointment if any thing intervened to put a limit to his public activities A A P IVIletier Both Grain are before leave the factory You CUR the you can tow to a fraction of J is J I In make From Wood champion -ijUi- disc drill Home In and ex amine const ruction ox this machine the a chat with you We n- with an farmer A pre- dCKpatch from Ottawa dat ed May 2nd stales thai three vacancies in the Senate have by the appointment of Mr for Queens PKL Mr Ma In of Montreal arid Governor A of Saskatchewan UtiUttliiU W NORRIS last was t- an- of the Mirth of Prof ttin- Draper scientist philosopher and the father of modern photography He was the first to photograph Hie Agent features and the firu to he his sister thy Draper Ills camera was made of a cigar box and spectacle lens In March of made photograph of the moon press patch from Ottawa ini tiate of May referring to proposed International Conference be held at Washington Ms month on pelagic sealing says Joseph Pope of State for Imperial and foreign A Acting of Assistant of the I very and apt Harris of Victoria IIC sealing expert Wilj fr Cana das repremilatfves Canada has al ready agreed to the principle of the proposed International treaty prohi biting pelagic sealing in the Pacific I but details of the agreement which will apply to I lie Pulled states Great Britain Canada Itussfa and lap in are to hi- sHtled Out of municipalities drv and wet Tin and of the Dominion are gcMfal Alliance that he expects about now under will Vote tin MXi SdWtoty At Cornwall la week men were eeeuvueed They were tutor raising of a boom and had hold v ire to steady it When was raised tafnd itagainfct power arroy volt making a fchort erenJi of age and a Widovi and children Cook wax aojt of a- ar A few years ago the City Hall wax thought to ample for a couple vrafious but already it grow ing pain The pity the judicial and occupy the atse Court Mouse with for court officials been complaint would no watch Ihe grow for the and ihd he another raid on the county forToruMub Cannot he Cured local application cum portion A ViJte one way vise I of Court Appeal to allow women to a representative in a win a I con some Lake talk in of lhe here d olfwr internal organization- At meeting of the Toronto Minis terial on Monday last it was decided to appeal the Herbert case in Montreal in regard to mixed marriages In this ease the husband and wifeone prolistant the Oilier I toman slhoHo were separated after after living together three years leaving an illegitimate child Tne appeal will be taken to the Privy for final decision court of the Pending ibis decision none of home governments will he memorial ized as was first Intended and will land as now is until this decision Is reached The finan cial hacking will be forthcoming from the different Protectant lions doses wake regulate the urine ment will cure and and restore the appetite in the natural way Sold everywhere box or postpaid from The Booth Co Ltd Fort Brie Free trial sent on application Sold and guaranteed by Pattersons Drug Store Be ft ill mm SJUS ana 11 GIANT YELLOW OVAL JUMBO BEET ROYAL GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE Hail AM Sim ANY OF ABOVE AT A BETTER PRICE E PER POUND LARGER QUANTITIES ail EJUS J iX e Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone bSl a srS erg BBS imp lis it u To the Editor of the Era Cure for the Worm that the Apples In the spring while the tree is in bloom or before inch auger bugs or flies laying a germ bore a hole into the trunk of the blossom that form a worm which tree as close to the ground as you when matured comes out of the ap- inches deep Have a small pies and clusters tin the trees and To the the Dear Sir Vou wrote a piece in the paper about fruit trees and recom mended using sulphur down on the trunk of the apple frees when bloom or before so as to prevent in scope that you Could put a tcaspooil- f ill of sulphur into the hole have a pine stick the size of the hole With a hammer drive the peg in take hand saw and saw it off close to the tree then go to another When the sap runs up it will carry the odor of the sulphur to the tiniest and prevent the laying of germs in the blossom Try it and see the results Header of All caketins should be lined with evenly guttered paper before baking and all rich cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top destroying the leaves also eventually destroys the trees You wrote in the spring of or We tried it with great success Vou also said it would lessen the scabs on the apple It did all that it said There are a good many that wish you would put it in the paper again One man in the West thinks it would be very valuable to know A Reader of the two hours It was the worst ever known in that pan of the pro vince The fire raged with terrific fury Men women and children worked to save their valuables many of them not having time to save any thing so fierce and swift was the progress of the flames The re broke out in three different points at one time Gravcnhurst Banner A accident occurred at the house of our townspeople on Monday Tie wife thought to have some nice warm fish for her husbandVsuppcr so plac ing a tin of kippered herring in the oven There was a goodlire on at the time and hubby was law Sud denly the door was blown open the fastenings torn off and a hole blowjr through the heavy steel by the explo sion of the gases formed by the beat- Halifax May Fanned by a fish Had the range been a licht strong westerly wind a raging fire affair and the catch heavier serious destroyed sixteen buildings at damage might have been caused Mo- ford this afternoon Fully dont heat herring in a sealed of the village was swept away in can Council of London the highest orlh Pay May Hotel situated two from at Trout Mills was burned ground on Friday night The CEMENT 3600 in Cash Prizes Oil You may win a prize by doing so SUPVGHK yi pulled up our friend Wilton next coneemilon at front Kate wayback from market about that alio or barn foundation you built you glad to tell him wouldnt you Arid It wouldnt take you long either would It And ah a of fuel youd fij much him on be would In that rlffht first you would take him over to view the Alio or barn founda tion Then you would Mart to it Its dimensions the of the proportion of used number men employed- of hours working time- required of mixing kind- of forma method of reinforcing If liny- and the Job Ho it by the time you neighbor would have A pretty accural Idea to coupon or a If circular which fully tin- f the kind ever held In Canada I handler and write for ho of the first eon- dealer who handle a these clrcularH- your town If that CANADA will also be given Hid one from dealer of couldnt you Mind ft that the particular piece of work which you deter I bod you do the for with thin eood Its Mm conditio twin till is destroyed forever out of ten are caused by Catarrh ft an twin We will One for cue of by be cured L Cure Bend for more desirable for the country All the the Marys play an Important part in church work an ad your until you better that just about tits dont lay Hie paper aside made a note It III to an br ad is a tile IntelleeUisI attainment- CO Toledo historical best families MA by lot dropped a line i lie answering of Crew at Ottawa are Au telling wextrrr readers that the fAilU the turning point of social function prevailing Federal I with Its bettered living conditionsWilson book clarification disregards entire- or I upon the monthly from the countrys exchequer A year employee it It said Children FOR FLETCHERS I A IT I of well pild for your time of our open to the farmers of Canada we to In each Province who will UN with the beat and djferlptlon of how any of concrete work by photograph in wan don- The li- of the work no difference The thing to In that the work mutt be In and Cement in writing your description dont be too particular about gram mar or or punctuation that to literary folk Tell It to you would tell It to your rTcltfJibor Whit we want are the plainly and el early told Hound pimple It And It And it well worth your while hen you think of the reward In Nov lt right down take your pen or pencil fill out the at- I all and de- for one of thereafter the an tin- Jury of more convenient than writing for it Contest will close on mum be tent by that date to these prizes will be made as as The dcelaloni will lie made by a diidiiteretted lowing having contented to for A ward Prof Peter Lecturer In Theory of I of Toronto Prof Day of decided to one be all the Information on point thill anyone can complete book with Concrete A farmers have nlrendy for thin free book Have got youd better Bend one ruin and ol your of our prizes really ought to have your Cor It contains a vast amount of inform and blot are farmer Canada Cement Company Limited Montreal jtarxit I i I