Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1911, p. 4

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a AH Relieved by Lydia E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound Mo For seven years I suffered everything I was In bed for four or five days at a time every month and so weak I could hardly walk I cramped and had backache and head ache and was so nervous and weafc that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times and said that I ought to have an operation I would not listen to that and when a friend of my husband told him about Vege table Compound and what it had done for his wife I was willing to take ft- I look the picture of health and fee like it too can do my own house work hoe garden and milk a cow I can entertain company and enjoy them I can visit when I choose ana walk as far as any ordinary woman any day in the month I could talk toevery suffering woman Mrs Mo The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Pink hams Vegetable Compound It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements in- ulceration fibroid tumors irregularities periodic backache that feeling indigestion and nervous prostration other means had failed Why dont you try it Departmental Expend they be extract ed One out- out over I Dont La too and consult Thy MAY bo aaved I worth nothing SUCCESSOR YORK DENTISTS if wtMMtfa Sows Seed in Dirty Fields If you a Champion Disc Drill you ran BOW In dirty Where corn and fctrav manure are in The a cut through such rubbish The cut leryHeel the dlee Scrupulously clean Machine never gets choked In criticising items in a to an order of the House respecting the travelling expenses of the Govern ment and their departmental staffs several Conservative papers reported the bold statement of totals of de partments thereby leaving their readers to infer the amounts given were expenditures by Ministers but Sir Wilfrid gave one illustra tion which applied to other Depart ments which put a totally different construction thereon Referring to the total expenses granted for the Minister of Trade and Commerce he pointed out that they applied to the international and transcontinental peregrinations to trade commission ers and inspectors actual ex penses of the Minister and stall were moderate and economical But the climax came when Mr for Ontario made his little speech Dealing with the detailed return of travelling expenditure for the Transcontinental Commission he unearthed the item charged to li quor cases and eloquent ov er the hundred dollars which went for liquors Hon Dr rose and quietly pointed out that the item in question was chargeable to ex penses in conducting liquor cases for infractions of the law by sales of in toxicants within prohibited terri tory on railway construction camps- Then Mr Sharpens be came evident and he petulantly com plained he not be expect ed to understand items so worded- But the House roared with laughter at Mr expense- Sir Foster took occasion to say that the objections urged by the Opposition were not petty and protested against the actually crim inal throwing away of money be pour ing it down the of the favor ites of the Reference to the days of old when he was in Government would have been In teresting just then He concluded objecting to Sir Allan method of computing expends Sir Alan had noted the almost intoler able condition which would result I from an endeavor to maintain a de tailed record of every infinitely small expenditure For fifteen years before he had come into the house he had been travelling at the instance of other people and generally charged for what he had actually spent When in two summers ago the covered by the return he had been absent from days ami during that time his expenses had been within the usual allowance granted to department officials I certainly lived no differently when abroad on government business than I when abroad on my own plea sure he remarked with some feel ing But while the actual expenses of Ministers should not be too closely scrutinized some of the items quoted some of the Depart- seem to represent include more than a gentle hint from I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry that it is the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen Dr Maes Heart Remedy cured Mrs C Gokey of a stub born case of heart disease such as thousands are now suffering with Read what she says Before I began taking Dr Miles Heart Remedy I had been suffering from heart rouble for oter five years 1 had grown so weak It was impossible for me to do thirty minutes work in a whole day I suffered intense pains in my leftside and under the left shoulder blade I could not sleep on the left side and was so short breath I thought I should never be able to take a full breath again The least excitement would bring on the most distressing r ti L1CB0SSE BOOM OH OPENING GAME MAY AT TORONTO ISLAND Nationals Champions Meet Tecum- In Exhibition Game Both Toronto Team Will Be and Expect to Make an Exciting Race L A Series to Start Victoria Day May 24th I m 4P HIP ft 7 I I XT Our Field and Garden Seeds are all No I had scarcely taken a of the Heart Remedy be fore I could see a marked change in ray condition to sleep well had a good appetite and im proved so rapidly thai when had taken six bottles I was completely cured M C GOK E VL If you have any of the symptoms Mrs Gokey mentions it is your duty to protect yourself Dr Miles Heart Remedy is what you need If the first bot tle fails to benefit your money is returned Ask your druggist MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can Lacrosse has certainly struck a winning streak this spring From in formation- gathered from the local press throughout the country more clubs will handle the gutted than has been heard from for past ten years In the Maritime Provinces where Canadaa national game baa never received much atten tion men whose early training taught them to admire lacrosse are getting In behind the clubs and helping to put the game before the school chil dren which if looked after cannot help but bear fruit Toronto will have abundance lacrosse the coming season with two teams in the National Lacrosse Un ion the senior series of the Canadian Association and a fourclub senior series in the Ontario Lacrosse Eusy Time for Royalty London April The King and Queen are making many engage ments assuming all the obligations of social leadership and giving a fillip to the season which this year really opens in May They have vis ited the Royal Academy appeared at Coven t Garden dined Lord and Countess at House and will be constantly seen during the gala months with its four Courts its unveiling of the Victoria Memorial and its costume halls and town shows The German and and several and Princes and Princesses will be guests at the palace about the middle May Queen Alexandra will be back from the Mediterranean next week and will attend the ceremonial of the un veiling of the Victoria Memorial and the memorial service to King Kd- at Windsor She will entertain the German and Empress at Marlborough House during the Cor onation month She will probably remain at Hall and start for Denmark and Norway at the end the summer When Dr Morses Indian Root Pills Cured her Liver Complaint Both Grain and art thoroughly before ibey leave the You can adjust the Index bo you fcov a fraction pint in Champion -tKU-rt- running dire drill Come In end ex amine of excellent machine Let have the of chat with u anyway We with fin uptodate W NORRIS Agent Newmarket April Last Week home ten or twelve miles from here About forty men been ftofklpK to ftrd as tips officials amounts which mere and heads of Departments that thfis kind of expenditure is not agreeable to the country would be quite in order Tips running up Into the hundreds or thou sands is not that kind of de sired the people EDITORIAL HOTS The Daily Globe ill be sent to any address in Canada the I fit of Sept for I Send I he money this office This is a special rate view of approaching events Mra Smith of Winnipeg Man tells an interesting story of relief from almost intolerable sufferings I can hardly tell you how great my suffering have been Chronic liver m- to in in As a result of a plebiscite vot If ami I ton the license commissioners required to make a reduction six hotels in the city The sloners met last and beside hopping out the number asked the plebiscite they made rtducMon of four more ten in all and one shop license Next thing youll know Hamilton local option J he prosperity Canada exem plified final figures prepared the Government at Ottawa for the past fiscal year They show an Increase of in the total volume of Imports and Compared With the preceding year the One great danger Utile rain airj tit and hush very dry only caved by the own er Mr plowing a wide around It burned area one Dr at eight miles east of here fte cover the aggregate for we year was WifiHiflm or nearly double the trade of ten years ago and over three time the trade of fifteen ay when WW power years present Government v ft Cannot he Cured by ftPpHtiUOBll portion at to cure deaf- DeaXoeca by of MUCOUS Dg the fbe tea mi tjbe you i sound or Is Mid flAmmAtton can be out to Its normal conditio beaming ca out by which ta in- fii mAiUm Ve will give One for el of canaid by Catarrh tbt for J CO Take RfHi M1U lor The people of Kentucky lake the law into their own hands when deal ing with murderers of the colored Class and save the of court trials A negro pained Will I otter one night last vaH dragged to the Magi lied do post and by fif ty men quarrel with a white the negro had shot and killed Mm This mob law but it seems to OS the enactment of a lav such as passed he Ontario House last ses sion confiscating dangerous aM prohibiting thereof ex cept on permit would nt bo a bad law for Kentucky s Kour entered he jewelry store of in Chicago yesterday beat the proprie tor and a clerk helpless and escaped with plunder at out In the plant Canadian Car and Foundry company at Ambers one of largest car shops In Canada and the forge shop the grey iron foundry and the storeroom of and forge department FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A plaint accompanied by biliousness were a daily source of trial to me day I experienced the sickening effects of these ailment I longed for some medi cine that should permanently drive them away Hearing of Morses Indian Root I thought they were worthy of a trial My surprise was indeed great Prom the very first J experienced relief Continuing With them J found my were slowly but surely leaving and before long once more knew what it was to free from the harassing ef fects of the ailments that had long sick ened and weakened me So great Is my faith In Dr Indian that I on any account be without them Dr Morses Indian Hoot cure Bowel and Kidney as well as troub les and keep you healthy a box at your dealers Province Buys 1300 Acres of Land The Ontario has pur chased thirteen hundred acres of waste lands in the generally fertile county Norfolk and J is now engaged in planting them up in white red Scotch and black locust and other var ieties of trees suited to the district Tests are also being with oak walnut butternut and chestnut fills Is the busy season at the when seeding trees arc being sent nut the thousand to farmers In different parts of the and when the work ol setting out perma nent plantations Is at ft height Dr Dean of the Facility of Forestry the University ol To ronto deemed this a suitable oppor tunity for IhoSO students who had studied lumbering lie woods to gain practical knowledge of nursery and planting work ac companied by Dr If ton and Howe one of the lecturers In fores- try he took Slfclecn of the student down to Hi Williams In Norfolk where the Ontario nur series and are situated Here the hoys set out trees on the sand land and by an doing learned the use of the various modern tools for thin work and how can be most rapidly and economi cally done They also made a study of the various specie to be found in woods of this most st tit hern edge of Canada ft was that chest nut gum and tulip tree form ed a larger proportion of the forest than had been expected This work of planting is not pri marily extend the Commercial forests although some lulnber and pulp already doing tint but to occupy I he soils not fit for agriculture and to prevent IhehlOw- of sand from the and lands over adjoining good May rationale June Capitals TfiftihUtH June M Cornwall July fihamrock July 16 Montreal Auk- Nationals Kept at M Tecvrnech June July I July Nationals Auk Cornwall mi PERFECTION RED MAMMOTH YELLOW INTERMEDIATE YELLOW GLOBE- GIANT MANGEL MANAGER ERNIE MENARY Toronto Club have all last year a in line with the exception of Nick who Joined Con Jones Cup at Vancouver This player a great lose to the Toronto team the management have of material to fall hack upon this From the Queen City end the A this year looks lie between the two Toronto clubs The meeting and Toronto will be Reach on May This game in tot the city lacrosse fftris would just as leave wo these two teams fighting honors as driving for the Mint Cup Here the schedule of frames in the I both ftt the Island and flench Tecomieh at Home t GIANT YELLOW OVAL SUGAR BEET ROYAL GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE ANY OP ABOVE PER POUND LARGER QUANTITIES AT A BETTER PRICE Store Canadian Express Company Phone Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch mane MANAGER Lacrosse Club junior and juvenile school leagues and church the came looks exceedingly for The management of the Club have a new lor opening senior lacrosse in Toron to For the past years baseball has opened the Sporting season this year it will be different Manager Charlie of the Club look ing ahead put his team in the pink has arranged to piny the Champion Nationals on Isi land oval May at least three weeks earlier than any former The Frenchmen are very Ions to the Indiana it on tin Inland that the their first defeat last year Manager Joe wants to out the ting and Charlie ia just to tafce another fall out of Hie pea soups The team will have very few changes from last years lineup The defence are all intact and it ia likely that the management will work the against the on Saturday May The will have be reckoned with The management will the Property of Newmarket CAPTAIN No is a seal brown foaled Sept stands weighs Its bred Scott of Caledonia and brought to this section In Ian CAPTAIN No 35867 by he by Simmons 228 ho by George Wilkes he by First dam Viola by Diplomat ho by Nutwood he by Bel mont he by Alex Abdullah Second dam by Caledonia Chief and bister to Hilly Weir high sulky Third dam by Toronto Chief and she the dam of Viva Maggie Allen 22J Parm er Hoy and Douglas II I CAPTAIN dam produced Dal ton McCarthy Hugh Scott trial Harry Mary Scott and Jennie Scott 211 These last two are said to he the fastest full sisters in the world and they are full sisters of Captain whose get took first prize at Newmarket Fair in Hear what one of our best horsemen who has developed and given as many horses their records as any man In Canada A Proctor has to say about taptain Captain if given a chance would get a record as last as any ol his famous brothers ox sisters named above and if given a chance he would he a great trotter I have seen him step a half In without one hit of training and bo- sides being a great trotter himself he has proved himself a great sire of extreme speed He is the sire of Lord trial at 3 years and Bessie Hryson one of the best colt pacers I have ever seen She paced Newmarket track mile the time ever hitched to sul ky In and last winter at Point she won tho first race she over started In and heat aged horses one that was Imported to do the trick and she is one the best and best mannered colts I have ever seen Also the sire of Hud owned by a Collins of Sunderland one the best judges and race drivers in Canada and he is a sure 215 trotter I know lots of his colts that could step very fast if given a hall chance Breeders should use this speed producing horse as there Is a great demand for high- road horses with speed and Captain will without a doubt get them Captain has won more red rib bons in the show ring than any other stal lion in the country In fact was never beaten in his class He has also won in out gentlemans turnout until he was barred You will at once sec by glancing over Captain breeding that ho is hound to sire speed at how many full brothers and sisters lie has that were the best trotters in the country Sec what a producing dam Captain is out of How many other stallions have such a producing dam I dont know of any And as for his sire Bryson no better of speed and road horses could he had and as for a race horse he was one of the very top Captain as you will sec is bred in the purple and has the Speed producing blood on both sides as well as style and beauty has a reputa tion as the best show horse Sire of speed and show colts so what morn could a breeder look for I might say Captain is one of the very best mannered horses a child could drive him and this is a point well to he mentioned His colts bring high prices hie man was offered for a colt rising and Mr would not take for his colt Those desiring to breed the light harness horso Cannot do better than patronize Cap tain He has proved himself a sure foal getter April A gas explo sion in the drying house of the plant of the Dominion Limited miles west of killed four men and demolished the building at a loss The force went downward Causing a big excavation To be member of a hand for years continuously is something that very few bund musicians can boast of yet that Is the record ol Mr Johnston- the man who blows the big horn In the Citizens Hand Woodstock April Fire which started in the boilerroom of J Williams cheese factory on the concession this njoW completely destroyed the with all Its contents The loss is with about insurance i Vagon has made an alignment The liabil ities total about and are about the CURB FOR SKIN INJURIES A purely herbal balm best thing for the tender skins of children yet powerful enough to an soro highly antlsoptloj oases pain and smarting soon as applied that Is Remember It Is herbal no mineral poisons no animal fats Power and purity combined All tell a box j a hi- if rt i

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