Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1911, p. 3

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mm THE ERA FRIDAY APRIL Peeks rait oh ton H I WERE YOUNG AGAIN Brief lets The eclipse of the sun today is not visible in Canada Warmer weather is expected after this Farmers in attendance at the mar- on Saturday were jubilant over condition of the fall wheat crop this season They say it seldom I better- So the spring hats one yard not all wool Mr- Isaac Rose closed the contract Saturday for a new house at Bond I Lake will be after you see the production of that Comedy in one act entitled Under the auspices of the Chancel Guild of the St Pauls Church to be held in the Shop Furniture for Sale All kinds Safe Cash Register j nil Cabinet Tables Show Casts etc Also Horse Waggon and Sleigh Dastard Co Town Hail Newmarket -ON- New Bocks At a meeting of the Public Library Board held on Tuesday evening it was decided to purchase a goodsized consignment of new books Patrons the Library are requested to leave with the librarian lists of books de sired Friday Eveng May A more laughable and unique Sketch would be hard to find as the play introduces many fanciful characters which go to up an evening of fun and enjoyment A short program followed by a dance are also included in Fine J Use The best interior Finns Hardware wall finish the evenings entertainment Reserved Seats DOORS OPEN AT Meeting at Aurora- April The series educative meetings on the which are being held in the riding of North York was continued last night in the Mechanics Hall here The building winch seats six hundred was filled and twenty or J thirty people stood at the back ur til the meeting closed with the unanimous passing of the following resolution This meeting being a representa tive gathering of electors of North Liberal and Conservative de sires to express the opinion that it has been clearly demonstrated that the reciprocity agreement about to be entered into with the United States will be of incalculable benefit to air sections of the community Believing such to be true hereby express strongly our approval of the agreement and we hope that the influences which have been brought to war against the passing of the measure in the House of Com- mons will early be withdrawn Conservative Support This resolution was passed in haphazard manner Perhaps one third of the audience were Conserve- j among therh Mr Lennox for the riding who was press- ROYAL HiGHNESSThe fashion- fill RRI IMTnMQ mm J i CARPETS OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS LACE CURTAINS DRAPERIES SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Every man women and child shoulduy their Shoes from us Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair W A Stock Register Tickets 25c COMMENCE AT 8 J Plan of hall and seats reserved at Drug Store Monday May 1st at pm It is about time the Chief began to look after the bicycle boys who course the sidewalks A Great Success There a large and appreciative audience at the Christian Church last Friday evening and the Recital of Sowing Seeds in Danny by Miss Toronto gave unbounded satisfaction From the very start New Terminal Miss captivated her hearers Not only was she clear in SV but the various characters were SJ- given a living expression and the the proposed diver- ist of this fascinating book of Mrs JSP was impressed aVC Cr Wood I awn Walker and Birch avenues and curving the congregation The recital was given in four parts and the In tervals were very pleasantly filled by solos from Miss Eliza Stephens Miss Maud Richardson and Mr Walter Stephens Mrs Rev Mackenzie presiding at the piano which was kindly loaned for the occasion by Mr j westward to a contemplated new sta tion near Cottingham street school The franchise of the tracks which they now use for feet north of the tracks expires in about five years and a connection with the electric line to Niagara Kails as close The Ml Aid is to be 1 lated on the financial success of the evening The proceeds were nearly over all expenses Get Busy Now This is the season when the ap pearance of back yards attracts with their beauty and odoriferous the attention of health offi cers When the sanitary inspector is around hack premises peeping Lev and there it must not be taken objections for granted that there is any com- Board as plaint What takes his fancy are bones decaying vegetables and dis carded can and to auction sale language other articles too numer ous to mention which generous win ter covered over with snow but which the warm sunshine reveals Now let every one that all rubbish is destroyed or removed to the dumping More houses- grounds before the sun fructifies j the of disease and we will 1m- repaid with the neatness and cleanli ness seen On every hand and com- 1 immunity from any If all do their duty the work of Ih of Health vill be easy Tne annual notice the Inspector appear in another column by which it will be seen fifteen days of grace remain Nov- is time to rake busy dont wait till the last day or two ami possibly have to pay a fine as well as do the ork to be found Some of the property in the line of the proposed tracks has been bought but much hasnt and the fact tnat from avenue down to the tracks a deep incline Is en countered makes the proposition a serious one from an engineering standpoint as well as the standpoint of the people in a fine residential district The residents are making serious to the Railway they consider the proposi tion an exceedingly dangerous one All the same people who use tin- Railway are anxious to Bee a double track for two or three miles out of the city as an awful lot time lost at present wailing for cars pass at the south end of tie line The members will hold a box social in the Young Mens Club Room over Hank of Toronto on Wednesday ev ening May 3rd Next Monday even ing is the regular meeting r St Pauls Mens Association Large attendance at the meeting on Wednesday evening including a bunch from Aurora Rev Blacker occupied the chair Songs recitations and re freshments occupied the evening and a good social time was spent Lecture There was only a small attendance at the Lecture on Wednesday evening pointed in th6 Methodist Church but Rev It f I Simpson showed that he was well acquainted with his subject and was very interesting Nearly were realized for the new Francis Willard Home in Toronto is to fnkc Out Your Note Book And mark down upon it the date A Spinsters Convention a laughable sketch to produced in toe Town Hall next Friday night Way Wedding It Is not given to a Wilson has sold some of property on Andrew street and Mr a If Phillips has commenced work on four new houses Three these will be built specially for workmen with small families at a moderate price so that In a few years they will be able to own their Own homes Any who would such an opportunity should con sult Mr G Phillips at once a his would be willing to make any change to suit purchasers The roof is going on one house now which gives an Idea of the size of the build- arid how it can he laid out these bouses meet with ready Sale Mr Phillips is prepared to put up four more on the same street Mr George Stevens has purchased a lot from Mr On Huron St and making preparations to build a home for himself at once The above will make on the An Exciting Moment The caretaker of the High School caused quite an excitement on Wed nesday afternoon by the call of Fire He was burning grass in the yard when it got ahead of him and the fence caught ire By the aid of the school boys it was ex tinguished but not before a Panel of fencing was destroyed cd to express his views to the audi ence but declined the invitation ol the Chairman Mayor Baldwin to come forward After the motion proposed by a Liberal Mr and seconded by a Mr fames Hill had been read he audience was asked to vote standing with result that whilst a few kept their seats at the firstcall no one stood at the word against Mr who had spoken in the riding previously gave way to Mr W Rowel KCl and only spoke briefly towards the end of the evening Mr Rowcll re- erred to the various phases of oppo sition to the reciprocity agreement and pertinently quoted Mr William Wytes prophecy that within a de cade the province Saskatchewan alone would grow more wheat than the whole of the States in the Ameri can Union Where asked the speak- er was all that wheat to be if the market across the border was to be kept closed He also out the remarkable fact that owing to the prohibitive duties Canadas export of agricultur al products to the United States stood now where it did in 18PK Appeal to Prejudice Mr deplored that side opposition to the agreement which was based not upon a criticism of its terms but on alleged distrust of the good faith of the American Government and people An ap peal is made he said to our pre judices against the United States in the guise an appeal to our layalty to the Empire Such an Clydesdale Stallion and reliable stock horse will visit Sha ron Holt Mount Albert Pine Or chard Aurora returning to his on stable in Newmarket Walter Thompson manager CAPTAIN celebrated standardbred roadster the proper- of at King George Stables Newmarket will visit Sharon Mt Albert Zephyr Baldwin Sutton Jersey Hol land Landing and Aurora See large and small cards BRUTUS Pure Bred Stal lion the property of IV W Toole Siloain will make the season of through Scott East and Whitchurch Mount Al bert Thursday nights Live Stock Market There is practically change in prices ol live stock on Toronto mar ket since last reported Ask to See our NEW SPRING W A CORSETS STANDARD PATTERNS The Ladies Store of Newmarket Cotton Nainsook neatly Beading 98 SI and The Signal of April says A prairie fire of no mean dimensions swept the district north of the lake for two days last week Oscar a fifteenyearold New York boy deaf and dumb for two years from flic effects of a fall regained his speech and hearing when about pin over by a trolley car Mrs Duncan Crawford doc township had both legs broken when thrown from a buggy by a run away horse The order for the china for the Ladies Corset Covers fine nainsook Lace and Embroidery Sizes to In and 50c each Ladies Nigh Robes fine Mercerised made with embroidery yoke and Ladies White Underskirts fine Nainsook wide lace Insertion al so embroidery flounce Si and Ladies White Drawers fine N neatly finished with and beading special price and SEE WINDOW DISPLAY w SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OP PRETTY BLOUSES I MILLINERY AND LADIES TAILORING and Varnishes For all purposes at People to Celebrate a golden wedding Specialty Factory 94 Mr and Mrs Isaac McCfejUler of Library new Methodist move His spring already- Ffve or great many six of these have the on With were doing last Monday and and big bunch of new dwellings what more unusual both loo well Newmarket will be busy again this hearty enough to celebrate some summer The new assessment shows day a wedding lh w has dealt Madly with dollar mark and with the north end Methodist At 10 oclock next Sunday morn ing will be the last Fellowship Meet ing in the old Church and it is hoped that there will he an extra large at tendance The morning sermon will be followed by Communion Service Grand Rally the Sunday School in the afternoon and special collec tion for the Building Fund Last preaching service in the old Church on Sunday evening when the Fellows will he the of the trustees The League will meet In the School Room on Monday evening for last time the next meeting will he In the Temperance Hall The annual meeting ol the Sunday School will be held in the Church parlor on Tuesday evening Full at tendance requested The final service in the old Church will be the prayer meeting on Thurs day evening of next week when It IB hoped the schoolroom will crowd ed It is possible that a former pastor present on occa sion The chUrch be In the hands the contractor Hie following service banquet service palm room or tea room service and a luxe for um in thii royal suite peal is greatly to be regretted in bateau the new Grand the interests alike of Canada of the Trunk Hotel at Ottawa has been Empire and of the harmonious awarded to the Theodore I Operation of all brandies of the Aug- Company of Limoges France loSaxon rate for the peace of the china is of a very handsome world About fifty per cent of unique pattern and will be the total foreign trade is with the United that can he turned out by this well States and by reason our known Company and includes regular graphical position this condition must continue and he trade will grow with the growth There had been Mr Rowell point ed out a great change in the atti tude United States towards Canada which was to successful arbitral Ion on questions dispute between the two countries to inter- trade relations ami to a greater sense of responsibility on the part of Americans all diplomatic re lations In view of this change of altitude and of the many ties of race language and religion which hind AngloSaxons together it was particularly unfortunate that an el- fort should be made to stir up strife and illvill between two peoples NORTH GROCERY is nccn Our List of Snaps for This Week he best atop cough cur en cold heals Which a scouring powder els per package Ammonia or Star for Gold Dust Washing Powder for cts Lus packages for cts Canned Pine Apples tin Canned Strawberry per tin Canned Apples gallon tin Canned Salmon Red Sweet Biscuits new and crisp a variety lam Jams and per PORK lb per lb lb fit Just a little Included the population is very near ly 1000 Owing to the crippled Condition of rmukMv healthy Mr through rheumatism f the people of Newmarket have sub- Ireland when he was five years old scribed sufficient to build home for hard of bearing and he has bad this winter but other remarkably healthy Mr left the North parents in Fort Hope came to Toronto when years of age and was i a some two or three yean himself and wife and Mr A Is a life lease the Work will commence neJft At- is four than her husband is a of well remember our told the Toronto ev in- married at i minister who is long dead at A Ills ton They afterwards to iironto but returned to or beeau Mrs j tir lived there way ill daughter nursed her- until her death and afterwards bought a in About eJghVen whole inevn years ago Win burned out and they everything their still high however they came to Toronto made a fresh start Mr obtained portion with toe Harris Company has been with ever since a great favorite With Me In gold pre- tented them by their Ml Mrs on Monday the washing easy at Hardware Your will teed help from time to time and we urge you to come here us be your optician We order for tubtf known Defect of Sight We use the Best Material of For Hardware A gloom was cast over this vicini ty last Friday when we heard of the death ol our dear friend Mrs who was called away to the mansion prepared for the blest lone to her rest aged with Care Gone to her rest in the Saviours care Passed from trials of earth away lone to rejoice in endless day A life of exchange for treasures rale J celestial await her there kissed the pallid Maintain a High Standard of Work but keep our Prices Moderate Satisfaction here Jewel era P Ticket Issuer of Marriage Licenses Fond have brow Fond hearts are aching breaking now With WOllndS only God can heal With grief that only those can feel Whove looked upon some cherished face And traced the signs of embrace The lime is Opportune Mr reviewed the attempts made by Canadian statesmen of both parlies to Obtain free trade in natural products with Ihe United States The time was opportune now he said and Messrs and Patterson had brought back from Washington all that was sought In the past The speaker I Justified as sane and patriotic this attempt to develop the great market at our door It was the most port ant campaign in Canadian politics since the National Policy I- Message From Senator Campbell Other speakers were Mayor son of Newmarket Mr Thomas Vance and Mr 1 Allen of To- and also on the platform wen Messrs A Hacker p 1 Kelly H Cane A Gibbon and A Mc- Senator Campbell sent the following telegram Regret Im possible to attend meeting tonight as Intended Strongly support pro posed reciprocity with Cnlted States It Will free most valuable mar kets right at our doors for fisher men farmers lumbermen fruit and dair products which will greatly in crease the prosperity ol he people ft Should be supported by very true Canadian Archibald Campbell EXCURSIONS TO Saskatchewan Alberta pa MAY J JUKE JULY II ft SEPT LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES TOURISTSLEEPING CARS cattle I f bo ASK FOR ONLY LINC NO CHANGE OF CARS Crockery Department at nest of English ware ItChers and Water fugs all sizes to A special See our Dinner Sets patterns A large Milk I clear at a sacrifice Water sec our stock line this week A fluted clear glass Phone Lots to choose from neat design each W G HOWARD Toronto Markets Newmarket Markets L ATKINSON Agent Newmarkets vp drin April 101 1 Kail Wheat per bush JO HO Kail Wheat per bush 0 2 per bush at- Wheat per bus 7 per bush 10 Oats per hush Peas per bush Peas per bush 0 flran per ton 24 00 OS per bush flay per ton On Shorts per ton 25 Hay per ton 11 Mutter per lb Mutter per lb per do 2D- Ifi so Potatoes per bag JO 1 Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb deaths- a i Why do the weep and mourn On wings of light her spirits home To pearly gate that open Wide An angel guarding either side And waiting there an angel band down to grasp her out stretched hand And looking up she the light angel faces shining bright And hark there sounds a heavenly strain A joyous welcome refrain Her spirit decked with heavenly charms arms is nestled in her Father Flax Mill at Saskatoon April Ward an American has pur chased acres a distance from the city A company of Minneapolis men which be represents will build a plant for the manufacture of binder twine and other Max bypro ducts The company will also make the nail binder attachment which It Is claimed makes the use of flax twine possible on any machine The at tachment will be loaned to farmers who will fe paid a ton tor flax which they now usually burn and who will pay about half the usual price of twine to the Company or their supply Furnishings Hats and MEN Shoes WEAR DEPARTMENT vl if if is ftsiS -t- m -V- mm A

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