Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 28, 1911, p. 2

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jgw Wanted Young girl to take care of children Mrs Christian Ontario Street Furnished House On Victoria Street to rent for six months from of May Apply to JOHN ROSA Three TwoWheel Road Scrapers Enquire of V CO- 2wI4 Newmarket NOTTS The Christian Guardian will be sent j Mrs Mason of Richmond Hill to end off to a new subscriber j spc Wednesday with Mrs Dr for It should be a weekly j Boyd- visitor to every Methodist home Ad- ft eu dress William Briggs Wesley Build- party some p on Toronto put I The Canadian Reciprocity bill pass- the United States House of Rep- Wednesday evening I Dr and Mrs H Clark en tertained a large number of friends resentatives last week on a vote last Tuesday evening to and now the prophets linker Ross wife extended who predicted that the measure their hospitality to a large number would be defeated have gone into the guests last evening lamentation business Mr and Mrs S West left this week for Hortons Bay Mich- Mr Lennox lost his oppor- and may be gone for three months when he refused to accept the Kidd science master at the speak at the Aurora School attended the Teachers invitation to speak at meeting last Saturday night and the Convention in Toronto during Easter holidays statement since made that he was unprepared is simply a paltry ex cuse A press despatch from Ottawa states that Hon King Minis ter of Labor has telegraphed Rev Dr W Gordon popularly To Rent A house and acres of land on Second Street one mile from town Good stable and good water Apply to Thos Newmarket Driving Outfit for Sale Consisting of 7yearold Mare New- Harness Top Buggy Cutter Robe and everything complete Mare is a good roadster Apply at this office NOTICE Clerks by Inspector J Winnipeg who is attending Bishop CO aId considerable College spent a few days RE ia amounts being paid over to the Con- with Miss Edna All accounts owing to the above fund of the Province It was the must be paid to Thomas Cross tt certain Division Court M Clark for ten ihand Saskatchewan The customs returns for Prince Al bert for the year ending March 31 broke all records and are more than three times the total for Compared with the building permit figures for March for the past two years the month just closed has made a great stride forward in Prince Al bert TheMigures for the month the past threeas shown by the reor in the city engineers office are as follows March Moose Jaw is to be a radiating centre for the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern railways as well as a divisional point in the Can adian Pacific system An agreement 10 this effect was made between rep resentatives of the civic government and Chief Engineer Kelliher of the Grand Tmnk Pacific who also acted for the Canadian Northern Sole 35 pair Alberta Calgary is receiving many indus trial inquiries lately These include such industries as a stove factory and a paper box shop Thirteen cities and towns in Alber ta met in convention at Taber f Mr and Mrs peter also and Mrs Timothy at tended a wedding at Falls last week Mr Jackson left on Monday morning to spend a week with known as Ralph Connor appointing daughters at Bronte Hamilton and him chairman of the Western Mines Conciliation Board charged with the Mr and Mrs Aubrey Davis were duty of settling the strike troubles at home in their new palatial association for pub- last Saturdayevening with nu- J and the general betterment of Inquiry into the unclaimed monJmerous guests in the hands of Division Court Miss Catharine Sutherland of at Mr JR Carles had unclaimed- Store Main Street moneys belonging to the estates of on or before Monday May 1st otter People Where will the axe next I at T 2wli To Rent Assignee Methodist General Conference special committee at a meeting held in Toronto last week adopted a re solution A brick house with all Apply to RICHARDSON Prospect street upon the Provincial Canada to take Town of Newmarket I EOT NOT I Notice is hereby given all yards stables outhouses cellars etc in the Town of Newmarket must he thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on or before Monday the of May which date I will commence the duties of inspection Every place that will not pass In spection reported to the Board of Health By order modern con j Governments of confirming the validity of all town and son marriages according to I has been selected law The Committee gives this an swer of the Methodist Church of Canada to the temere decree of the Church of Rome We deny the right of any Church our own or any other to declare invalid any solemnized according to law in any of the Provinces of Canada- hack in Winnipeg about July rs- Playter was seasick nearly the whole time crossing the Atlantic as well as suffering from neuralgia The safe arrival of the ship at Naples j was reported last week Mr Brock formerly of this of Mr Isaac Brock from the hand of the Cameron Highlanders of Winnipeg to make of a picked company of Highlanders numbering men Who are to attend the Coro nation on June They will their part of the West Organiza tion was effected and these nineteen Boards of Trade will act along the lines indicated The Cam rose municipal electric light plant produced a revenue of in March the third month of Its operation This is unusual a year being generally required to make such a plant pay Business at Red Deer is active J I Archibald of Toronto who has the for building the Alberta Central bridge over the North river here has his men in camp and is busy getting in con crete piers for the bridge A large shipment of Ladies Lawn Blouses in Fancy Embroidered and plain Tailored Styles They were shipped to the late firm of MARTIN but held by the Express developments THE COLONIAL WHITEWEAR OF rather than have the shipment returned offered them to us at a big reduction We accepted the whole lot and will pass them on to our Customers i Oar Toronto better- A welldressed baby girl three weeks old was left in the ladies The trmere decree is revoked While in the special some of the old countries across the company sea will he the guests of the Queens 1st Rati- Cameron Highlanders and they will also visit We agree with the opinion of Scotland Mr Brock was form- Packet expressed In the ColorSergt of No Co lowing paragraph There has been York Rangers and served nearly two P J ANDERSON 2vir Inspector Perrlns Greenhouses 8t the fcOc choices per dozen Stock White to Stock Mauve 10c to Sweet issued by the Government printing Bureau at Ottawa a volume of some pages containing the names of the shareholders of the chartered of Canada The hook repre sents one of the petty wastes that go to make the cost of the national administration so high It serves no public purpose and fills no public need It is no more called for than would be a book with the names of tall the stockholders in all the rail- way or land with I h United States those who think that anything causes the outlay of public tol ration by the way is good and people with such ideas are not safe guides leave Winnipeg about the or waiting room at Eatons store last of May and are expected to Saturday It was taken to the In fants Home The colored Methodist Episcopal Church on Elizabeth Street will be removed to make room for city play grounds A new church will be built Five thousand dollars has been ac cepted by the liquidator of the Farm ers Hank of Canada in settlement of instituted by them against J Saunders who withdrew from lie bank on the day it went broke That he had obtained an unjust pre ference over other creditors was al leged and the liquidator succeeded in tying up the money through an in- junction secured from the court On LOT No I Consists of Fancy Lawn Blouses and Linen Tailored Gibson Tucks worth each On sale at each LOT No Fancy Lawn Blouses front pi Em broidery and Clusters of Tucks fin- ished with Lace and Insertion Open Front Long Sleeves ail sizes each LOT No 3 Ladies Fine White Lawn Waists fronts all over Embroidery Collar and Sleeves finished with Valen ciennes Insertion and Edgings Open Back Long and Short Sleeves All sizes SI each LOT No Ladies Fine Lawn Blouses front all over Embroidery and Lace Insertion Collars and Cuffs trimmed with Lace and In sertion and Valenciennes Edging oicn back long or short sleeves on sale at years in the South African Constabu lary through the War Our Manitoba Letter Winnipeg Man April 24 The great rush of settlers into the West continues with increased force and numbers S from south and all the manufacturing com- w in Canada Its- preparation cars The estimate the day the hank admitted its many are corning ft i ability to meet its clearing house- east that the rail- ligations Mr Saunders hail on de posit He withdrew before the regular hut it was claimed at a time when the Rebels Capture Fez in Of will The of was persons cars of effects valu ed at and cash to the amount 6288000 In spite of a short week on account of Easter holidays Winnipeg hank Several other lines will be included in this Sale Dont Delay Come early as in some instances the quantities are limited MAIL ORDERS filled on any above lines carriage free Money back if not Satisfied ARK On Wednesday of last week Win Ferguson shipped a sow here which weighed lbs bought it from Mr Frank of hank I Mr from He was legally in a state of suspension Charles Nurse who runs the hotel at King City in the township of King pleaded guilty to a charge be fore Magistrate of selling liquor out of the house One charge was withdrawn He was fined j and costs Popular Tourkt Route OF PARK HAY TKIP Excursions 10 TUB At Lovest Rates VIA OK and irunk Agent or dfiv A District Toronto Out Full and tickets from if fepot Agent of the captured the rings con It r in a on that the rebels have Capital When Arab managed iJCape from the city the rebels were running amuck in the foreign quarter butcher- fug men women and children The adherents of Sultan before being put to death The Sultan and all of the foreign ers had taken refuge the consulates where will mate a desperate re- if attacked J here are about persons in the foreign colony of whom a are women So ration will exceed that of year and that the crop any previous year Over lOOOflC acres of new land was plowed for crop last year New plowing Ik an Interesting in view of the sharp demand fori of were being terribly tor- rt I world over far as known there are no Americans there According wed and Consequent high price this grain There is an almost I shortage seed the and the high id last year will probably be eclipsed before this years crop is marketed Farmers have cleared the cost of land and in the returns from a planting of flax since high prices went into The great value f raw materials minute Start in a ten mile race at and came out one lap ahead The Athletic Association has applied for privilege of erecting two rye tents at Wards Island lor the accomodation of from to onel hundred girls who have formed swimming dub Toronto struck on clubs these days The kidnapping if two children by their father from Hamilton has cam- a sensation Father in- temperance in a sermon last day delivered at Mass In the Church of Our of Mount Car me I to an THE TOMB WILSON At the residence her son in Courtney- North Dakota on April 22 Wm Wil son formerly of the Con of Whitchurch in her year Deceased had not been well lor some time and the last week of her ill ness she suffered from pneumonia At Chester Aven ue Toronto on Thursday the April Hill Herbert Hani Hi years Funeral last Monday Interment at Aurora on April Margaret widow of Peter in her year Interred at Newmarket Cemetery Scott On Mon day April Norman Ash ion infant son of Mr and Mrs aged year I and days Funeral Wednesday to Although this is not a good year for Maple Syrup we have a quantity Ontario Pure Maple Syrup And wo have also to arrive gallons of Quebec Syrup which has a Govern ment Guarantee of Purity Leave your order Vegetables of Different Kinds Lettuce Parsnips Turnips loej Oniony Cabbage Carrots and Potatoes F T which arc found all to the report the led over it Western There received becoming Is an exhibition of matting in from General the success the reikis arc led by Ismail made from wild grasses Hand broths the lakift ifM Manitoba and manufacl April JO jaged years on Wire Fencing ed in The Company which did the work establish a factor in Winnipeg and Place Close to the material and the Splendid market of the West Announcement was made this that the new tenstorey hotel of the rand Trunk railway in Win- will be called The Selkirk tan attracting recruits to his ranks from every part of Morocco A number of former lieutenants of Including two of his lead ing general officers have deserted to he who are supplied with arms and ammunition A force of Moors left Tangier I relieve Colonel iAyHK and hi force who were re- WjJfrflf ported surrounded by the rebel audience of fellow Kalians He said In lie shadow of the At glass the gallows and forbidden Ah a test of school lire drill an alarm was suddenly sprung by fire- WILSON On Saturday April Five FIELD AND M a Canadian Steel wire Co Ltd get By J High Behoof Attend the Best IT IQKOUtO La national twenty miles to the of This force Is well armed and equipped and Is commanded by was admitted that there was little they would arrive In time to Rave Col but the officer in command said they avenge his death If he and his men ft was believed that unless Prance and undertook stern repressive measures at once all for eigners In Morocco he massacred while foreign Interests will lose bear- iy hotel cost about a dol lars and be one the finest in Canada young will be turned into Lake Winnipeg from the Dominion hatchery at Selkirk The years hatch has been very successful and the lake slock be greatly helped as a result Winnipeg will have another cereal mill soon A site has been secured by Dow owner of a mill which recently burned at and the industry will be re established in Winnipeg and will have wardens at Avenue school and children marched out orderly in less than one minute run i liner a I ST In Newmarket on April IM I to Mr and Mrs St Clair a son St I I TKISfY In Newmarket on April April mi IfliJ to Mr and Mrs Trusty a daughter J0J1 at the residence of son- inlaw Mr James Coulter street Toronto Margar- Smith widow Die late losepll Wilson formerly of Au rora Canned and Raw Fruits of different kinds Phono to- Aurora Hospital In morning Walter Wells 1 J a son In on April to Mr and Mrs for work all year Enter now CaUloguel tte iue a strike of worker in has tied up tea out of employment factory and a couple of other buildings at Bound were destroyed by fire and of Ottawa lost or hogs a lot Of Jersey cattle and horses by fire which destroyed their barn of electricity led Joseph of Montreal to climb an Iron power tAer Before be up he declared was not afraid of electricity He did not get up very far The shock killed him Instantly he to the ground a capacity of barrels a day In an address before a COnwilirse Ol bankers in this city last week Sir Walker Iresldent of the Canadian Rank of Commerce said the past years have- never done anything but underesti mate this country has shown that we have underestimated It erected ten years ago are inadequate What oc curred at Winnipeg has repeated at other western points Sir pointed out the fact that the prairie provinces require two and a half as many managers as all Canada did years ago III Markham on April f Hill to Mr and Mrs Fred Harper a son TfUVKTTAt Maltland Toronto on Sunday April Iflll to Mr anil Walter Trivett a daughter THE LEADINO House You cam buy yoar Cheap For Cash A SPECIALTY Wight attended to at John Millard ind s aged years Mr Wells In King City Int May lh being about years ol age On Feb 15th ho was married to Miss Ada of King City and the following spring went to North Dakota as suming the management and rental of of large farm seven miles ol He was most successful In his venture and succeeded in a lucrative fund and last tyring purchased outright the section farm twelve miles northwest of McVllle known as the Sam ton er place on which he and hlSfamiiy have resided during the past year His neighbors became his fast friends and they feel the loss of their valu able neighbor most greatly NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE All Inscriptions and Family Receipts personally attended to and nothing but the AND PUREST DRUGS USED Agent for CN W Telegraph Co Agent for House Phono Phone Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to J JOHDHOOSH MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will Careful aid Prompt Attention BOOHS THAT you the thing you want to know la you n J which will be you free open ill Hi l lit Mr litre are popular lbs operation of trains and stalk a work practical and machine i railroading and l concrete and healing lien and No mailer what for may be that will you he training and Information lhat you waul and need Will today foe uptodate and popular price liil It ii free 3 Ji iT

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