Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1911, p. 5

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Robertson Barrister Notary Public Ac OfficeMain St Newmarket to loan on good Farm Se- curity prank Duncan AUCTIONEER AN COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dr Clark I ENTIST Main Street Newmarket J Brief lets Easter holidays for the schools Club Freer Trade is one question promi nently before the Aylesworth Club I Tonights meeting April Or Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket O Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET WORKS LATKST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere Dp S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear Note Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My services may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Q rime Card Industrial Home The tenders for supplies for the year April 1st were awarded as follows Dry Goods Co Au rora Groceries J York Newmarket Beef Stanley Osborne Newmarket Simpson Newmarket St Johns Church On Goof Friday the devotion of the Stations of the Cross will be held at pm On Easter Sunday Mass will be held at am There will be Gram Musical Ves pers and Organ Recital on Easter Sunday at 7 pm and the church will be elaborately decorated for the Easter festivities p SO Girls Wanted For Light Rubber Shoemaking Wages paid while learning Good wages Steady work The Maple Leaf Rubber Co Limited Port Coronation Day We notice that several Ontario cities and towns are making prepara tions for celebrating Coronation Day June 22nd Rarrie is preparing for a monster demonstration Wonder what the corporation of North Yorks Hub purpose doing The occasion is only a little over two months away If Newmarket is to have a jubilee time the authori ties should get to work oncerform committees and set the pace for a celebration worthy of the event A public subscription might to be taken to meet much of the expense New market people should he allowed the opportunity of joining the patriotic citizens of this fair Dominion in hon or of Britains King and Queens Coronation Let the Town Council set the ball rolling I Good Friday and Busier Dictionary of Dates says Good Friday probably Gods Fri day From early times this day has been held as a solemn fast in of the crucifixion of our Saviour on Friday April AD its appellation of good commenced yesterday and continue a cHmax to the meeting of- a till Mond A month ago when members turned J out to hear Hon A McKay and Hon Duncan Marshall address them on that allabsorbing theme To night members crowded the Club room to listen to TV deliver one of the most mas terly and convincing addresses ever given before the Club The recep tion given Mr Robinette was most flattering indeed The Club are a unit in endorsing his can didature for Dominion honors on the retirement of Sir Allan our present member- Mr Robinette though suffering from a severe cold was in fine form and the frequent ap plause which punctured his address showed bow a be carried his audience with him When part way- through his address Mr got so warmed up to his subject that he pulled off his coat the members him to the echo In a few well chosen words the president Mr intro duced the speaker of the evening Mr in opening went briefly into the historical aspect of the question showing that ever since prominent Liberal and Conser vative statesmen were until the treaty was announced favor of freer trade relations with the United States He characterized the annex ation agitation as an insult to sturdy The people of Dominion would resent the impu tation that they were going to sell their loyalty along with their wheat and hogs The opponents of the reciprocity pact had come to realize that their hysterical talk of annexa- was worked out and so that ar gument had largely been abandoned Mr quoted from The London Spectator February which printed an opinion from The Times stating that American opinion seemed to be that reciprocity would act as a preventive rather than an incentive to the aspirations of those favoring political union And I may- say continued Mr that a careful analysis of the speeches of both Conservatives and Liberals of the British House of Commons shows that they have no fears whatever of annexation The speaker described as absurd the argument that the manufacturers would be seriously affected by a re duction of per cent and per cent on certain articles It must remembered he said that those same manufacturers fought tooth and nail f the British Preference Mr Fielding YOU have pro- 11 been in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for time but from force of habit have just Kept on using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time HOTS r NEVER BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It S3 The Quebec Telegraph says it does not promote loyalty to force men to pay inflated prices to their lowpi tizens Guess Tele graph bit the naif on the head by this observation New Brunswick has recently fallen into line with Ontario and Quebec in regard to the exportation of pulp- wood As these three Provinces hold most of the pulpwood within reach of American manufacturers of paper it Is quite within the range of possi bility thatthey will eventually be compelled to come to Canada with their plants or goout of manufac- paper HARDWARE STORE A I Speaking of the Legislatures of On tario Manitoba and Saskatchewan boasting indemnity allowance the Canadian Courier remarks When the members of those three provincial bodies were elected the sessional indemnity was Si a session Now without any election intervening these trusted legislators have voted themselves an increase from to The principle is vicious and the action of one par- and three or more tures does not palliate the wrong I If we cannot look to these honorable gentlemen for light and leading then the future outlook for democracy is dark indeed The Buffalo News is an admirer of Canada and is neither afraid or ashamed to say so Commenting on a remark of a military gentleman in the States the News observes The difference between Canada and United States is everything and as broad as the ocean And though we dislike to admit it the difference is in Canadas favor There a diilerence all the way from the administration of government down to oil of cloves truly there is Strictly Canadianpressed oil of cloves has about per cent more bite to it have to support for Women fcne Americanpressed article when that question comes up for Inhere need of the west would be more and more railways Some traffic might go South but the Canadian railways were so strongly entrenched that they had no fear of the future Mr Cornelius in moving a vote of thanks to Mr ex pressed hope that the next time we had the pleasure of listening to Mr Roinnctte it would be as the standard bearer of the Liberal party in North York The motion second ed by Ivan Folliott was carried with much enthusiasm The Club is greatly indebted to the ladies for the dainty and plentiful lunch provided They certainly will OUR I 7 J You Can Save Money By Buying From Us i Full Line of Electric Light Supplies i Si i I Ins i A w a m Paints Oils Etc a ft mm i m s w 4 consideration At the close of the meeting they all went to their sever al homes feeling they had spent a pleasant and most profitable evening Fierce Fighting in Mexico GOING NORTH Toronto bow appears SOUTH Toronto p land our Saxon forefathers denom inated it Long Friday on account of the great length of the offices ob served and fastings enjoined on this day Next Sunday will be foster fells us that the festival is observed by the church in comrneni- of our Saviours resurreo- So called in from the Saxon goddess The at that time that they told would be made more prosperous in spite of their protests and his proph ecy has been verified Mr Fielding says Take my advice again I was right in I am right now and if you will give me two years of op eration under these new trade you manufacturers will We the i CbanEA rrxilK Our In real Furnace Work Plumbing ciine hack with thanks instead of of was instituted AI the day for the observance held up ridicule of ft was fixed in England St we enough alone appeal much That he declared was the the Council opponents in when of Nice to be observed on y the whole April General Stanley Williams a deserter from the United States army hurled his little battalion of rebels against Col Miguel Mayo Its Mexican regu lars on the Mesa five miles south of today insurrectos went into he twenty returned from the battle field Williams himself was fatally wounded and is now in the Customs house here with his head torn by a fragment from an exploding shell Atlixco Pueblo Mex April Trapped in a canyon six kilometres from Atlixco a force of ninety Fed erals was almost annihilated last night by a hand of rebels in whose pursuit they had been engaged for twentyfour hours at least 75 per cent of the goes out in dividends Were not Canadian The Globe is quite right in saying Better late than never We en dorse the following extract The Department after obtuse ly persisting for several years in keeping the former County model schools closed has announced that some of them will he reopened in or der that the available supply of train ed teachers may be Increased The substitution of Provincial formal schools for county model schools was an error of judgment in the first place but it was aggravated by keep ing the experiment going on too long Those who knew anything about the trend of matters in rural localities saw the truth long ago the Pro vince may he congratulated the fact that it has at last dawned the Minister of Spring Stock THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT i I mm Toronto I House I mm on same throughout 3 of Our Specialties See Outfit the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft SONS Next to Christian world Easter is the Sunday after he tint full moon that occurs the of March ago Called Easter lie Queen of all others as the sun ex ceeds the other stars and which it fcdll known in the east as the bright j- Another typical name or he Holiday of There are some superstitions also down with of that past ages being the something new on KM M of the British Preference was introduc ed It was their argument wfieil it was to build the J rand Trunk Pacific ami in using this argu ment unconsciously approv ing to the utmost the Liberal policy in Canada since If he Govern ment of Sir Wilfrid has brought Canada to such a point of perfection that she can well afford to stand then I It is sah to trust this same Government to go farther andl instead of letting enough alone make it better and still bet ter for the people of this fair ion And that is exactly what they are to do Nations can- not stand Mill There is no such i thing and the nation that would do it must go hack Canada with all Parisian Sage AN IDEAL HAIR TONIC Parisian Sage is compounded on the most advanced scientific princi ples and nothing on the market to day can compare with it It accom plishes so much more than the or dinary tonics and does it so quickly that users are astonished Parisian Sage kills the dandruff and dandruff falling hair Itching of the scalp and splitting hairs in two weeks or we will refund your money The Winnipeg Tribune says A far mer writes advising a boycott against the east but it advises the farming community to go slow Commer cialism Hoards of Trade and com bines representing large capital in our manufacturing and I lading cen tres of Ontario and Quebec furnish the antireciprocity kickers ft is to be hoped the outcome will not result in creating among the farmers of the west a boycott against the cast hy way of resentment The Winnipeg Free Press has bad he same experi ence as the Tribune And says From three or four liferent points in the Wist then- have came letters suggest ing a by farmers against he products of eastern manufacturers are opposing reciprocity Tribune urges no such and believes the question will soon Established CAPITAL ALL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS UP tit On 168001173 I tranches at all Important centres In Canada and In London York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description ol a Hanking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former cuatorncra of the Ontario will be tags NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Social social held in Church hi SETTLERS Methodist ho flais very flUCCOftwfuI chair by Mr and a good Parisian sage gives a fascinating fight lustre to womens hair and makes it 1 beautiful ft makes the hair grow Referring to the fact that Mr luxuriantly it is the daintiest 1 llradbury Manitoba Conservative refreshing hair dressing that jecteil to the reciprocity agreement the ambition of a young produced and has it in not sufficiently must strive ever onward and grease or stickiness la I to suit the free Parisian Sage costs at your lint ought to have been extended Kcjbtoetfa took issue with lhc from pro- and then on the other hand to the Martin Senour Floor Paint just t paint you need to paint floors you art on the floor not off I Worn on programme wan an TO TRAIN Bert lawman recitation Stark MANITOBA ALBERTA argument that Cast and WW ff would uner and that Canada would with the he broken in two beyond Lake Sold If that is so he by I s dr why has the CPR stock up JO a share since the freer trade Wonder Left proposals have been introduced and why in It the Canadian Northern I Railway not sell one share of common I ll tor Truck in April J I- says if a Red Indian could his further fart that the Conservatives fiMm In Closing Mr that for twenty declared years to come the to come 1 COLONIST RATES I Special TUESDAY KM wit Regular loftttUj 1010 4 Cobnut on all Trail tot Lrth Train Toronto to Vbiipt2 and Vtt r ritWtv MUtt Barker duet Mr iUtrkhr and j speech if Rovman A content In WiintW Pohenhagcn and realised much Mr sMthrt wa adjudged host Jhe menu form of and in many rase he knowing v hat they going to an follow ground for complaint Quarter of the of iJIlddtm What some rile L A cent Every Woman Should Have This Book J dont know love- 4tAt School delight XtVfA2e BarkU in Might Vanity J Please order ly if bacon one care- not to let fat burn It may for frying for fiih MfUl an- a i the haOft Before beginning to with fcot and them fiUr fifteen itc can be removed To HeadOff a Headache Better Dr AntiPain Pills The Relief For four years I to Almost constant headache At severe I unfitted for Through the advice of a friend I persuaded to try Miles AnilPain Pills and he result lias been that I have entirely eradicated my of those continuous headaches that followed a hard and continuous mental I Russell fay All Octet be spirited to Toronto from na tive wilderness without coming In contact with civilization and act so that he Could obtain a clear and unimpeded view of an approach ing fiveton motor truck he would probably depart at high speed for he Happy Hunting Grounds to spread the report that the devil was abroad in the shape of an enchanted cabin which shrieked as it ran along the white trails that mat ter it Ik doubtful if the Ontario pioneer ol fifty years ago accustom ed as he was to carry grain on his back to the nearest mill perhaps twenty miles away would regard the newest modern carrier with equani mity An Inspired mass of cogs and wheels rolling along with a liveton load weaving In ami out of the traf fic of a great city Impelled by no visible motive power stopping or starting at tTIe touch of would be regarded as a phenomenon In an ttge less crowded with Inventions than this Hut wondersated progeny of the twenti eth century merely glances at the la boring giant and curses him for not doing more and doing It faster One section ft agreement Quebec arc kicking be- 1 TrV Wall cause of Its free trade tendency the Hamilton Herald points out i that need to chin party nok rUD Thus the opposi tion to the reciprocity agreement of a twofold character of the party opposes it too far In the direc tion of free trade and the other aecJ Hon oppoMs it because it doesnt far in direction How limg can Mr Dor den keep these two of patty desiring as they do to travel in opposite directions going along contentedly in harness side wonder he wanted to resign We sell it in eight atarfss dry Its for 25c as a v To prevent sausages from bursting let them get hot through very gradu ally and fry them over a alow fire till they are all over A way leftover la to put a piece of butter In the frying pan and adding the rice when the sizzles- Fry until brown Marie int April Harry Cornell years of age was Instantly killed at the Merchant mill afternoon bring caught In the and terribly mangled Your Hair Will Grow J It A TONIC THAT MAKES TUB HAW mow IN ABUN DANCE OR MONEY BACK Now la time to tae care yoir hair Dont waft until It to out If you it will not be long until you are bald Hair Tonic the beat known ailing hair It Is prepared the of of the greatest medical authorities Irr Canada Is So he the beet nourishment for the hair wall deadly foe to Ve have ftrrn In this that will the price of same to any Is not foJ with It alter two weeks Price tenia at Drug Store Newmarket Use Laquerette On your old furniture It will make It look like new One Coat of Elastic Floor Finish Applied and Kail will keep your Linoleum good We have sole agency far the famous pure If It not give perfect applied directions back your cans and have money refunded years Hardware Newmarket YEARS EXPERIENCE Anions o41d EaU Marks atari Ac opinion Scientific KioUa9 tva j J J- f A I

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