Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Apr 1911, p. 3

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S VOl Vs si r ii 5a as iv Peeks w a tot lecture mere be a lecture under the auspices the Womens Christian Temperance on April Pro ceeds in aid Frances fcall in Toronto- Particulars later Remember the date oys Canadian Century are sending Canadian Hoys on a five weeks to during the Their advertisement appears this issue and will be read with interest by our boys farm Produce Good market again last Saturday of butter and eggs Most of the butter sold at and some at Kggs usually at but some low sold at and some at loads of potatoes sold from 90 to a bag at 230 oclock in the Temperance Hall A full attendance is request ed A National Subscription King George V at his Coronation is to be made the recipient a testimonial on behalf his loyal subjects who themselves bear the christian name of George The expression is Imperial in the most thorough sense of the word and is being managed by a central organ ization in London England Sums of from five cents to five dol lars may be contributed The names of the donors but not the amounts of their individual contributions will be forwarded with the funds to head quarters not later than April A local subscription list has been result of a quarrel this morning neighboring farmers in system lor field nor Township about fifteen miles to be fully of North Bay Lawrence Morin arranged ths week dean and John years of age is locked up in police station the admitted slayer of and lived on farms about two miles apart and was working for taking out poles on contract This morning went to see to get some money on his wages He found in the bush alone with his dog claims that the dog was vicious and that he took his shotgun along to pro tect himself against the animal became angry when asked about due and according to McDougaPs story set the dog on market Get Your Empty Can for cents at Christian Church The pastor will speak on Sunday April on the following topics am Jesus drinking the vinef gar and gall pm Jesus in the home of Church At the last regular meet IVjiiing Workers held in room it was decided that for a time meetings in future will be held i he homes of the members the one being at the Manse it forget the Talent Sale of baking in the Thursday afternoon of next week Villi followed by tea in the iari iw He claims that he warned the Bank of Montreal New- Morin ihai he the d6g if it attacked him persisted and fired the dog the charge entered the head of Then McDougal states he fired the other barrel and killed the dog He left lying dead in his tracts and went home afterwards going to the township magistrate and giving himself up was brought to North Bay and locked up An in quest will be held tomorrow at Day According to story there were no witnesses to the although some men were Th report that the Christian tine of th thousand dollars from the School- llon D received was- usual papers to make out for Mr Carnegies consideration The gift may come providing Mr Carne gie is satisfied with all the answers but there is nothing definite as yet Dont forget April at pm Miss Maude the elocu tionist and other featuscs the date- Mr Alias Rogers of the Crowds Nest Coal strik ing coal miners says the men have violated their own union their agreement with us and the Labor Act regulating trades and disputes Mr accompanied by daughter leave for England wee Dr J Adams a wellknown physician Ave is serious ly ill with an attack but there are signs of improvement A liquor dive was raided by Coun ty police and a lot of the U be joyful seized John J p dealt with the onenders on Tues day last Arrangements are being made for bringing out the oid country a lot of marriageable young gins Our Canadian young lassies will have to look sharp or these women will be making oia mams of them Mr for East Toron to ecleoratcd his last Saturday It is now thought Mr A E Kemp who used to represent the Division in Parliament in Conservative interest will he the Tory nominee lor Toronto in place of lion i Poster Miss Trullope Dupont street fell from a street car on Saturday ji A R If S in b If- ffm a mm if i v ft SPRING PRINTS CARPETS POLES AND FITTINGS OIL CLOTHS LACE CURTAINS i LINOLEUMS AND DRAPERIES w SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Every man women and child should buy Jheir Shoes from us Ey- pair bought for spot cash low est prices and we guarantee every pair A BRUNTON j EZRA in the bush near by and must a we laKen tne have heard the shots was a man about years of age and had a wife and large family is also married with a grownup family and seems to feel his position Probated The will of the Lecture on the evening of this week The estate is at The bulk of the was left to her husband however had predeceased her I- will was originally made in but in Mrs added striking out a of to the Presbyterian Church in market The following year she ji another codicil revoking her decision arid leaving 100 to the church To her brother Frank she bequeathed an JH to her nephew Joseph I and to his wife equal fiums and lecture with lantern and slides will be given in the Town Hail New market by Mr Watson the Secre tary of the National Sanitarium As sociation Subject Tuberculosis and the work- of the Sanatoria A collection will be taken up in aid of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives This lecture is well spoken of where it has been given His Worship Mayor Pearson has consented to take the chair A wonderful lecture instructive interesting racy entertaining Au- Why Hesitate AN OFFER THAT INVOLVES NO RISK FOR THOSE WHO AC- IT Death of Miss A if age Another break in the Arm I tag family who for many years enjoyed bowels They have a neutral each other company took place last I action on the other organs ami J- ridgy evening when Miss Jennie Ar- milage passed away at the residence of Mr has Wilson on street Public School Hoard A special netting was held last Friday evening when Mr was unanimously chosen as SecretaryTreasurer at the usual of to fill- the vacancy by the death of Mr Finance Committee was to balance the Treasurers and make the transfer lll Mrs At a previous meeting Miss True- ttas a Of the of was as rislcr in place irf re- MrK of Toronto Miss Prince allum will vJl tf the place of Miss tt ycars Mis Hurdy of Stratford aRhmai will the Model School McKay in place of Miss Murtoti We are so positive that our remedy will completely relieve constipation no matter how chronic it may he that we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails Constipation is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine or descending colon To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier We want you to Orderlies on our guarantee They are eaten like candy and are particu larly ideal for children They act directly on the nerves and muscles to nave her injuries dressed Hue will recover A regular ferry service to Haitians point started on Saturday J resident of the South African Conference the Methodist is in the city tie has been engaged in African work for years and is now on a visit to Canada and United Mates to study missionary and metnuus By the finger-print- system of track ing criminals the Toronto police made the arrest of an named Urn Walts He is wanted in England His record is bad having already served years in various prisons He will he deported Barbara was committed or trial at the next Assizes on Won- day last on four charges of forging checks totalling in vame Thus OBrien who his two sisters and a next door neighbor three gold watches an opal tiepin of sending some of the prisoners to other jails less crowded to serve out their terms The statement made in an evening paper a few days ago that Elm St Methodist Church was to he sold is totally without foundation A French Canadian named Joseph aged years residing on Ontario Street was electrocuted by a live wire of the Toronto Electric Light Co near his home on Tues day night The wire had been blown down by a strong wind and a trash light stem to indicate that a house was on fire rushed out to give the alarm when he fail ed to notice thp wire which struck him in the neck It took five trains to accommodate the people who left the Union Depot on Tuesday with their effects for the North-west- Ellis jewellery store Vongc street was burglarized on Tuesday night The hoot y taken away included sev eral trays or jewellery A commercial traveller by the name of Dudley was arrest ed on Tuesday on a charge of biga my The choir of the Metropolitan Church celebrated its annual banquet in the Sunday Schoolroom last Tues day evening There were about IT Ask to See our NEW SPRING D A CORSETS STANDARD PATTERNS The Ladies Store of Newmarket a lie in an unrivalled collection of- distinctly charming i ami considerable sums of money was eighty present an it proved a very Primary in the WaK Easter arM Mies disease she was a lady of of Primary School Vacumn Cleaner The method of cleaning for rent by flu at Hardware day or I beautiful disposition and beloved by a host friends Tin- funeral obsequies took place on Monday afternoon conducted by Revs Thomas and Cornell Inter ment at New market Cemetery apprehended in Chitago on Monday and brought hack to this city Some the goods and money was found on him and in his suitcase Io more effectively perpetuate his crime he induced his sisters and neighbor to visit the theatre and then robbed the premises in their absence On Saturday last the Milk positively overcome chronic or habitual constipation or the J st myriads of associate or dependent IS can of milk delivered in the city dur ing the next six months year the price was for the first three months and for the succeeding three months The last reception for the season given by Lieut iovernor and Mrs took place last evening chronic ailments Try Or derlies at our risk Two and Sold only at our store The store Drug Store KETTLEUY social gathering During the even ing a goldheaded cane was presented to Mr A Austin chairman of n listen committee ft J about the A consistency of daintiness There is something just right that is strikingly impressive which will strike a responsive cord with the most discriminat ing women of today It is most interesting to review our stunningly varied profusion of colors and shapes and note the unique manner in which we have anticipated the requirements of he season Come and see the bright display I ft EASTER NOVELTIES in a wide and varied assortment Pretty Melts Jabots Eas ter Rows Ruchings Collars I a t Dominion Census he Commissioners for taking the km iii York fount are fol low Mii York- Davidson York a foulfi Crawford for Riding- I on Riding If 1 ope OeorV North South Ontario A Handsome Gift Hi Worship Mayor a letter from Mr CarnCgfts see Ten sturdy athletes forced the Rev Thomas Leonard will discuss I for a run last Marriage Question Sunday the day They Competitors for the Mill of April at Renville Snowball of representing the lCAC anil Kettiehy famous Marathon Mrs John is visiting her was home in and rather Mr Thorpe of Aurora 2nd in I 30311 Consider While asifstlriK Mr Ia Murray to the unfavorable weather retary lart to erect I he a Public Library building in New cut wood Mr West had I hand badly cut fl Kg Dolly Is from ill with and for Anniversary of Stockton a of d a ib four had a Ihj month ID many in r a pure Canadian yli- banquet among maple leaver iii ill- Mr and Map at a cost of pro vided the town furnished ftlle and Spent annually in hooks ma gazines arid The proposition In one that should accepted at once We are now ween and on our Public Library annually and the accommodation is very Inadequate In a manufacturing Own as we are growing to lie such a library building is capable of doing much good beside giving a status the I own The Council on Monday evening ere favorably idea and a pointed to consider a site plans etc noma towns having able prcrnlwh have been generous enough Jo donate the land If there no such in Newmarket there of here was certainly nobody mean enough fine I Live Stock Market The demand for choice cat tie Was very brisk in Toronto this week steers land heifers hold from to 1030 flood butcher steers run from 1510 to Mm her cows old from 5 to and Poorer ones from to Veal sold from 15 to S per Much cow from the speed was satisfactory Justices of the peace for the Ju dicial fount of York held their an nual Session on Monday Judge tester presiding I Ugh Constable in his annual report inti mated would probably he the nine for him looks like retir ing from tin- position Two more charges wen- laid barrister I looks like of a gone wrong is that the citys of fal to the Toronto Light Co i to he Ill On last the City Council Arrangements are being made for a Womens Missionary Convention in the Methodist- Church on the J of Ma Miss Allen returned mission ary from Japan has promised to be here and an interesting time may be anticipated All local societies are expected to send delegates which our auxiliary will he pleased to take care of The Hotel a summer hotel between Coney Island and Brighton Heath was burned The Dominion Government is spending on seed grain for Northwest settlers A large part of the amount goes to Southern Al berta quickly Mop- coughs cure heal unci lunr ft from fit Hi per rams from year ling Jambs from to 1750 and spring h to c each lambs Hogs earn in Toronto ORCHARD Mrs Ion Ii north Committee on Subways for under ground sliect traffic lo in- for the project Was anbiirialed to plans find specif Ions Ah he das go increasing evi dence In seen of the early opening of so unfortunate as to along the tarn on current report about the limp up the price of a lUljablc day morning this Origin ol dial member of lire Mail and Km- ill gel he Surrogate made vacant by the death If on febould be for Two or three properties already been Let lire matter he settler at Mr Carnegie is not going to forever fire Is- unknown but was probably caused by a spark from the kitchen Chimney as the hie started in corner of the op pile stall Court of Mr Tail Arthur Chart aged 2i EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta PIL4 MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT 19 LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES ft I witfifl TOURt ST SLEEPING CARS t Early mutt he AUK TOR DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE Of CfiS Our List of Snaps for This Week Which a scouring powder cts package Ammonia Bulldog or Star for Gold Dual Washing Powder for cts packages for Canned Pine Apples tin Canned Strawberry lab per tin Canned Apples tin Canned Salmon I ted Sweet new and crisp a variety lb Jam lams and Sultana per lb PORK 12JC Crockery Department See our Dinner Sets at Best ware patterns A large assortment of Milk I tellers and Water all sies to clear at a sacrifice Water see oui line this week A fluted dear glass I m Lois choose neat each Phone A special c Howard Toronto Markets Newmarket Markets was caught Maple and appeared in a play- en I it Home of aM I he Mr Moir Splendid A A recited il- which Mr a a eon- roil of and fdlirc Parker and Air Tins waft a true Canadian program frXpfftwd and to Wdrar old home among the fan brought the to two in the thaiiSod all inviiK all him on March were Mr Mr Alice LMrvr Dili L X Mn If Parker A a the kitchen A Votive Street and Math child rah over to there was a ntreel car on front Street last Thin was about Sunday and Injiired Inter- Mr Morton and young I I f was taken the lioHpf- found it had made ton much headway get it extinguish all standard fclzes Kitted Clip I next to Impossible from pockets The are assorted to all iHK JACK CO Jeweler opticians ticket of Licestts but the v aire has it that Constable I retiring from posi- ATKINSON Agent Newmarket April Kali Wheal per hush l loose Wheat per bus Oats per hush Peas per hush ft ft Ml Barley per hush li Hay per ton in no18 no Butter lb ft per do Potatoes bag Chickens per lb- IS- Turkeys per lb per ft ft Hi Bucks per lb ft 17 April Kail Wheat per hush Oats per bush Ilarlej bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Mutter per lb Ivgs per do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb per lit Turkeys per lb I III OM mil J0 0 77 21 26 12 ft I ft 11 20 mm Had it right away irom the and other out buildings The horses cat tie and were saved but hay straw and were all destroyed The phone brought help quickly Mrs Morton received a had burn on her arm her son bad Montreal neck homed and Mr was Was badly hurried in the the wind been from tin north as ban been the SO much this would have licen much more serious Winter is certainly lingering long Last Sunday was felt to he oro ol the this winter ice i a Solid on the lake Carpenters already at work along the shore Lion and will he appointed Co Police Magistrate by Ihc A frenthCanadian was a short time ago on a charge of rob bery by a jury of bis countrymen in because the offence was whoTconrinltted In the Interests his to save a show church it Is causing a lot talk i but April day practically wiped out a brills doing In the Scott a brick building on Main originated In the top storey Kit discovered am The Is ft Somewhere about SOU girls belong ing to the Athletic Associa tion full of chatter and feasting up a pleasant gather ing Raton manufacturing build ing the of this week Miss vicepresident the girls committee made a capital presiding official Two noted burglars recently ar rested In St Catharines will he In the toils of city very soon They wanted on charges burglary Mo less than had to hunk on the of the city jaillast Monday nlghtr for want of accommo dation The arc talking i Away below Regular Prices in Good Qualities t MILLARDS BLOCK r I J f if f

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