Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1911, p. 6

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Si I l THE NEWMARKET ERA The New Corner Store j A Few Snaps Best Granulated Sugar 21 or Best Yellow Sugar 22 fts for bars 25c Tea Rose Liptons and Mela- 30c or Lard ft AH Fancy Biscuits or pound Smoked and Side Bacon pound i MANAGER GUILD SOCIAL its ye we are the Social nixt Wednesday The admission fee is only cints and its tin the value av money be getting in pure fun RUBBERS At Cost Trice We handle no conds SHOES for SPRING IS HERE And so am I with a full stock of Melotte Separators the Worlds best If in need of one call and see me or drop me a card or call rue over the phone and I will give you full particulars hi Mr and family Mr Alex Dunn and Miss Alice Bain left for Manitoba last week Mrs Brooks of Zephyr has purchased the residence of Mr I Hancock of Cochrane by the Rev A Sinclair of the Methodist Church Sutton The wedding march was played by Mrs Sinclair as the young- people en tered the room and took their posi tion under the pretty arcji The bride was becomingly in navy blue silk over taf- and wore a gold crescent brooch the gift of the bridegroom and was attended by a flower girl little Bertha Allen who carried a charming bouquet of white carna tions of the valley and nar cissi After the ceremony the bridal par ty and their guests to the number of about sat down to the wed ding dinner the table being prettily decorated by flowers similar to those carried by little Bertha Allen During the dinner Mrs Sinclair Men Kelt Ladies Felt reg for for BALDWIN BREEZES More Luck Rumors have reached us that- George the no torious George of Sutton strolled down to Jacksons Point to enjoy fiscatororial pleasures in the blue wa ters of the classic Lake He was making his way to the house of parliament out on the ice mounds Two gentlemen drove up slow How are you coming up queried they Oh not so bad responded he Thats a fine spear you have there Yes theres no better in the land Thats one of a most famous brand said an affectionate look a his weapon Well Ill keep as a small memento of first meeting Im the Inspector Gen tlemen I frankly admit youve got me etc Grandma is still about en joying life at Port Huron and her grandson Charlie Owen is getting quite an at keeping bach With the occasional assistance of Ai mer Foster as cook and piemaker week Vie the GENUINE MA OKIES COUGH POWDER Stop That Cough Dr Snoops Cough Cure will do it Guaranteed 9 FWSMITH OUR to but Good Goods Cheap PERSONAL It is earnestly Dr D Smith dentist of several selections on the will address the Womens In- and Miss Hilda Trivet t sang on Tuesday March at A photograph was then taken of pm in the Presbyterian School the entire company by A and Room on The Care of Adults Grant of Sutton after which the Teeth j bride and bridegroom left on the Charlie is getting along 210 car for Toronto and other places Master Alow Foster has engaged I mm best wishes of or the season as farm help with lhcir and rc f their can Crawford Though less than A grand treat is in store for every- future happiness and prosperity teen years of age Aimer is in the near future The exact The wedding presents were both to earn money and is well- date has not been decided upon but numerous and useful known in this community for his in- sometime in April we shall have the Among those present from a dis- dustry this re- pleasure of hearing Miss Arleigh were Miss Had cock or Lindsay at the Presbyterian church sister of the bridegroom Mrs The Misses have been re- Miss Ramsden comes under the aus- Newmarket Mr and Miss engaged in rugmaking Under pices of the Young Peoples Guild of Pine Orchard Mr and the fine generalship of Miss Vera Firstclass talent from a distance Mrs Keith of Zephyr Mrs Allen ably supported by Adjutant Pat been secured for the musical part am daughter of Lindsay Miss Cole j f they have completed a number of the program This will be with- Miss Glover and Mr and Mrs It artistic productions more Glover of Misses handsome in color effects than those Turkish rugs One of unusual beau ty and rich Colors has a large cross for centre piece Mr Silas Co north of is visiting his Valentine and oth er relatives here Silas is the of eight sons the Canadian Brotherhood of our National Band the frogs had any prior intention of celebrating St Patricks dav in the all such nonsensical notions were quick ly dispelled by the great We will all be glad to see her in our midst again We are very sorry to hear that Mr Cole is seriously ill We hope he will soon recover Quite a few of our summer birds are back with us once more and we are all glad to see them as it makes us think that summer will soon be here Word was received here last from Davison Mich that Mr Geo Croutch was dying He is the son of Mr Frances of East He moved to Davison- some years ago and for a vear or so he has been in poor health I will report later news when revived Mr John Profit wa9 calling on friends on the seventh one day- this week Mr and Mrs George King one day this week in the city with their son out doubt the great event of the season Further particulars will be given later PERSONALS he many friends of Miss Jessie sell cheap will be glad to learn that she has recovered from her recent illness and resumed her duties as teacher at Sudbury Last Thursday while assisting in moving some heavy barrels Mr Paisley had the misfortune to gel his left hand caught between two barrels No bones were broken but two lingers were very badly bruised and lacerated Mr Stuart Terry is ill with la grippe Miss L Terry has returned from and bourne Hilda Trivett of East- Man About Town requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss agent at once and get Sudbury where she was in attendance a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood BOO tablets andthe dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to Chas W Sedore AOZNT upon nelce Miss Jessie Guerre Mrs Walter Gould of in on Saturday on a visit to her daughter Mrs Baker of is visiting relatives here Mrs John Shields Toronto is visiting at the home of her son Mr Shields Mr A of Toronto in town over Sunday Miss is visiting at the home of Mr John Walton SUTTON Personal Mr James for the West on Thursday much to re gret of his many friends who wish Irish Dance A successful dance was held En Ihc Town Hall on St Patricks night v hen there was a fair number They report having a good time Mr Wm Hill has returned from the West where he has spent the last two months Mr Hoy Flanagan is clerking in Smiths store for a month or six weeks Mr and Mrs J spent several days in Toronto last week The Methodist Ladies Aid met for their monthly meeting in the Church on Wednesday and spent a pleasant afternoon The congregations were both morning ami evening in the Methodist Church last Sunday Rev A Mc Neil occupying the pulpit in the morning and Rev Jno Griffiths of Victoria College in the evening The League meeting- on Monday evening was well attended The topic for the evening was one of the scries on the History of the Bible and was taken by Airs Mc Neil who gave a lend id talk and concluded by reciting Kiplings Miss Clara Hill ZKPHYR Reception A reception was given by the Choir at the Manse on Monday season has again op- enjoyable lime was spent At th Miss Walker at of the evening Mr and Mrs John spent few days last to Mr and Mrs last week visiting Port Perry friends were about I he and Miss at the low- we doubt there will I- hit display of headgear of Aurora Visited Mini Maltha Sunday Win sent tributed a solo and Miss Kel ler a recitation after which tin- enjoyed an Spelling match followed by refresh ments served by the Social Com mi tr ice Monday evening there will be held a Mock Parliament with Rev A McNril Premier anil Mr Roy Cody as Leader tin- Opposition This will surely prove Interesting as subjects of national and local crest will be discussed Mr Austin Richardson of Aurora is visiting his brother Mr Richardson of Union St this week Miss spent Saturday at lur home in Aurora The regular meeting tin- Branch of the Womens Knox place at pm March Mrs will give a paper and Mrs Jacob will an swer Drawer All are cordially invited a- on and Thursday and 18th Mercury period was central at that dale and had fore warned our citizens a week in ad vance to be prepared for just such weather as we really did hove Mer cury is a wet planet hut she makes some startling changes in and therm orotic conditions After fiunday I look for milder Springlike weather After doing about the whole Tp of our friend William Sheppard lias finally closed a deal with John and purchased and taken pos- of his acre farm has got a fine properly at very price Our friend Mossie Mrs Joseph Bra mm or was home on Sun day to cheer up the old folks at home but as she returned on Mori- day it was like opening a door and letting the light in a dark room- when she is gone the darkness ap pears deeper than before She is an ideal good young woman no grasp ing selfish nature about her She is touch the type of her aunt Nellie I Mrs Will Arnold who is generally beloved for her tender afTcctlonad and generous nature KESWICK The many friends of Isaac Esq will be sorry to hear he has been confined to his bed for the past ten days with a severe attack of la grippe Mr Harry has left for New Ontario where he has some thoughts of moving his family later in the season We arc sorry to lose a good citizen like our friend Harry but wo wish him success in his new undertaking There was a large turnout at the Womens Institute Meeting at Mrs Glovers on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Milne president the institute was present and gave an address on Purity Mrs and Mrs of the ville Institute were also present The members report a very interest ing meeting There were a number of new mem bers received into the Christian Church last Sunday There is to he a reception service at the Methodist Church next when Rev Ben McNeil will preach special sermon Last Sunday morning Rev Grif fith of Victoria College preached in the Methodist Church He gave an excellent sermon We predict a useful career for him in the Ministry Mr Griffith is a sun of Mr and Mrs Griffith of Watford Mrs Grif fith is a sister of Messrs Win and Silas of this village Mr Monroe has engaged a new coat maker He commenced work this week Mr Morton is preparing to build another cottage on the iJeach and also finish the one started last fall Mr John Hopkins is his head carpenter MrChas is preparing to build a large hoarding house at the Sandy Beach Point on the North Shore He expects to occupy it this We are prepared to fill your wants with what is best in Clover and Grass Seeds With TIMOTHY so high and scarce Our Prices are of the utmost importance to you Call and sec what we have before buying The Seed is Government Standard and the PRICES ARE RIGHT BOOTS At this time of vear it is ESSEN TIAL that your FEET be KEPT DRY To have dry feet you must have GOOD SOLID LEATHER BOOTS WE SELL THAT KIND The of Strong Serviceable Boots that have been steadily build ing up our Boot Trade for years The H BOOT TESTED and TRIED Remember we stand be hind every pair of them Let us FIT YOU that you know what ROOT SATISFACTION IS Peabody Smocks Overalls the Spring work Get a jar of our Table Syrup draught and sec how much nicer it is than- what vou buy in tins Only FAR I AND CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 530000000 DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States 8AVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER summer Mr Iurdy has had the I i At were presented Kern as a token and in which they held by trie members of the Choir THE RIDGE sorry to report Mrs Frank 4jy4u on the sick We hope for a recovery Mi has returned at- pleasant vacation with and report hivm Six Year Old iirl Lecture ihf lecture on by Pro fessor Doctor Walla of Toronto wrftt lit- of Hie Sutton Literary Society will taki- place In St James Hall on the of Thursday March Instead of March Hi previ ously stated the iforv will a ooj mljil Lecture starts at Free but a wilr will Things seemed rfonl think so now Judge held ltbf at in Hall Mr Thomas Allen had a very furious charge Mr giv ing him a k the Farmers Bank tile sum of He also had a similarcharge against Mr Sander hut both are on 12- hail awaiting further evidence Mr Map has move his new farm near Goodwood lie will be greatly missed especially by the My are gliding swiftly by And I a pilgrim Would not detain Those hours street Oxford ways Booth Kidney cured my little Chris if years Of many srp of weakness She com of a sore were frequent and at night was poor ion made to defray expenses All Invited to attend they I a long to Hie or not I Society is desirous of making thin a successful a very alien i on Ire fall lassies he v live Mr loc had orfuue Jose a horse which means a lot to him under present as he Intends film in Kail Mr Ji- McMillan had a winter stranger as they pass of toil danger for here I stand on Jordans strand Our friends passing over And just before shining shore may almost discover Those beautiful lines came to my wind on reading Era lasi week of my old school- mate Geo f can truly say George was more than usual I bate known and highly esteemed as friend and SChrjolmale years and more During hat j lwi was harmony old friend A straw hows he the wind blow our miller has a cow Sow he Isnt an at dairy work and unless he prof Owl opportunity to how make choice daily products way out- of diiniiy secure a nice MUM dairymaid dont say anything possess your sou In patience ant fortune to lose his driver He found it dead in its stall on Tuesday Ing He never knew it had been j sick At his sale it was hid in at about There were quite a number from hen- attended the funeral of the late I Neil Morton at Newmarket and on Wednesday Then- was a turn out at Methodist School last Sunday af ternoon Next Sunday is Review Sunday Tin- RevfeW is to he taken by the fol lowing Mr A Mr John Mrs WIN and Mr one taking three there may be other internal injuries While the Accident was bad enough the wonder is that more of- the men were not seriously hurt Their j cape was miraculous A strange feature in connection with the building the school is the fact that this is the third accident since the work commenced cava ting for the basement William Thompson had his leg broken and hit one of till masons Mr Jones fatherinlaw contractor Mbpquls met with a injury Mr I Thompson is still confined to his home I oil rnul his seat at once I will make no speech to the court for fear of changing your honors opinion i I and Mt- promised to each lly a sons Mrs Bonnell hav a Solo We are looking for an and profitable season of scholars should point to attend invited I Mr Morton of Cooks wan over in visit his parents Mr ami Mrs I Morton on Sunday lust The Ice In Cooks Bay is still good and sol il It was over feet thick I his spring Miss Olive Bunnell is away lor a to days vacation visiting friends at Bradford and other places Mrs Cole still continues in eery poor health being Con lined to her bill the lime MIGHT Senator w defence In CHANGE DECISION John M Thurston of ho was representing a recent trial in of State courts arose I hit other day to reply to arguments of counsel for on a point of law In deliberate and impiesslve manner the attorney forceful presenta tion to court re lie hud fairly launched his Counter he was Interrupted presiding Justice who said that bo was about to decide she case in fa Vor Senator Thuirton In that ease Mr Thurston re- Silk should not he folded in white papers clorido lime used in bleaching the paper will impair the color of the silk A joint of meat may he kept for many days i wrapped in a fine cloth wiling out in vinegar and in the air Onions cut into small pljys placed in a room where there in paint will the wlor One onion Is enough When removing old wall paper stir a quart Of lour panto into a pail hot water and then apply this mix- lure to the waifs Being thick it will not dry quickly but will rate the paper which may easily or peeled on For Sale Shropshire Rams and Choice Breed ing Berkshire Boars tnd to Imported Boar also Jersey Cows and Heifers J Metropfclltan Car stops at Farm No Phone aw if I caused her to have and least would tire her had tried she did not we of f aiA pro- ffl If exertion a well tuA about her tit secretions have normal she plays around with do apparent We rocommetid Booth Pills Booth Pills carry a if you Strive no will refunded art a JI of itd by Wc- lor or postpaid from th Co by by Mr Dean which place St Patricks Bay was Joyed by those who ere We regret that the snowstorm pre- vitl a many able to pj an appearance The readings by iiuiiurtU It and Mamie Mc- were very amusing and the two Solos by Maud were received The by Dean and Mr W deserve mention i iijfbt view were the ever In At the the Sutton Hockey Team he the Tri- and tb Junior If- ickiicKs tiro house and now to his troubles Is obliged one of his Plank spent a few days list week with her Ulster Miss UrU Thompson Is a few days with her sister Mrs Kelson The whole seornf to like the now teacher May Levy what la the matter with that pacer Mr I was around last week gathering up some of his belongings He Intends team in Toronto this summer People are up very good to church A number of young folks from here IONS COUNKUS toy were thrown the enjoyment of 1 touch of Mr p fusht tU- of an on Wedoeidar last March when dayiUr to Mr Percy Agricultural Society en tertained Hon Duff and Mr on Monday of at the first an nual banquet of the splendid to and the affair a ttteriftM In every way Mrs happened with a had accident one day last When her daughter Mrs Micks bringing her the horse bteame frightened and Mrs KeHlngtpn out breaking her arm She doing as well can l expected There was good turnout to Church on Sunday bight for all it snowed There be meetings both morn ing and evening next Sunday come and bring your friends There will be meeting here every night this vtek Saturday night Dont forget the meeting on Sunday Bid you fcee that big flock of wild geese on morning Quite a number attended Mr Clarks last we We arc glad to near that Mrs Al bert Colo I quite better The a Johnson Sunder land will hold selYiees at the home of Mr on Thursday even ing inst at oclock iaiihe is visiting his sisters Whitby this week has ItutUu starts his and Basil and door factory on next Mi 1 Sparling real estate magnate Minneapolis Is visiting lib many friends here 1 is preparing to rebuild his hou What may yet prove a fatal fall to one of the six victims of a accident at the new public school building occurred Tuesday afternoon The carpenters were working on the top floor In an effort to finish a piece ceiling before quitting time in order to make way for the masons the following day six men mounted a scaffold which had been built to carry two Hardly bad they com menced work when without a mo ments warning the structure gave way carrying down five of the men with it- Herbert Thompson was picked up unconscious and con veyed to he borne of over the way and medical aid sum moned Hi left aide was terribly Injured every rib below heart being broken fragment And JUST ARRIVED this Sim QUEENSVILLE NKW STOCK OK MUSLIMS PRINT Till VKBY IN Mens Hats Mens Gloves and Working Shirts WE INVITE THE and surrounding coun try to Inspect our Goods before buy ing elsewhere P MILK Phono No I

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