Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1911, p. 3

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leeks jleais IS Several new recruits were initiated Organizer Finch goat has had a busy lately- Hockey It to was a big crowd and an Social The Bible Class will hold basement of fcfotiiodist Church on Friday March 31st Be sure keep the date in mind Barker Bros propose to have an ucu last mat the present Telephone Centra They fifteen minutes after the whistle blew intend to hare a bookkeeper present during offices hours and will add Fire insurance to their rapidly increasing business This will make it convenient for those wanting work done A Worthy Cause Mr Editors you kindly- allow me a space in your paper to speak a word two in favor of our Firemen I am sure you will agree with me that there is no other Order that deserves so much as the Firemen I noted at the last fire that in Nationals by a score of a closing of a It successful The Opera There was a splendid attendance in reserved seats at the Operatic performance in the Town Hall last Friday night but the rush seats were rather vacant which is quite zisl- So far as we can learn the gave general satisfaction Reform Executive adjourned meeting of the of the North York Reform will take place in the Tem perance Hall Newmarket on April tn at oclock The Committee appointed at last Meeting will meet at one oclock Foil Attendance requested Business Change rumored around It town last that Messrs Cody York had rfissolvird partnership but the dis solution did ir late Place till last Friday night Mr York continues a business in his own name and is looking after a business in Toronto If he succeeds in fat he another city buy er market every Saturday Firemens Benefit April a benefit Entertainment will be given Hall by the BowWow Minstrels of Toronto The program will be en tertaining and the cause is a very worthy one It is therefore hoped that our citizens will give them a bumper house The organization is coming from Toronto by special car for their expenses only consequently everybody should feci an interest in the success of the affair See letter elsewhere in this paper Coming The ladies of the Christian Church are to be congratulated on securing Miss Maude of Toronto who will give one of her selections in the Christian Church on evening April Every where where Miss speaks in Toronto standing room is at a pre mium She has numerous selections including Sowing Seeds in Danny and others given in four sections There will be music vocal and in strumental between the selections Watch for later notices meanwhile reserve April Surprise dm Monday evening the girls in Sunday School Methodist met it the home of their teacher to spend a farewell evening with Miss who is about to remove from tows They had a fine time and he re presented Mary with of their friendship an The Library Contest For some months a voting contest been going on In town for a library of hooks provided by a lumber our merchant It ended Saturday night in a fizzle Re- port that bogus votes were by the million in Toronto and passed In to be counted The three contestants were the High School School and the Mens Literary Society The fraud was BO apparent turned the books over Public Library of the town The eases were sold and the proceeds the Town Firemen COLONIAL THEATRE COMING TUKSDAY Mar We have secured for the above date The Big Buffalo Bill Wild West IN This Show consists of of film PICTURE IS AN Come Doors open at Show starts at One Only Special price and Amusement had that fire under control- That building as ft stands today in Ontario Street speaks plainer than I can of what our Firemen can do even with their present apparatus Now Sir when a raan who is no way related to us will leave a com fortable bed and go out on a with 2 below zero that he may help his fellowcitizen in distress and that without expecting any remuneration I am sure we as a town will do whatever we can to show them our appreciation So we are asking citizen to buy a ticket the Firemens Concert to be held in the Town Hall on Friday April The RowWow Minstrels of Toronto have kindly consented to give us an evenings entertainment Aside from the fact thai some of the young men are personally known by some of our townpeopjc and in order that our citizens may under stand who and the BowWof Minstrels are may I give a clip ping from a Toronto newspaper The HowWow Minstrels is com posed of a number of young business men of this city who for their own amusement and the assistance may give to benevolent societies and organizations have handed themselves together and they become proficient in the art of minstrelsy Their re cent performance at their annual en tertainment in Association Hall stamped them as the best nonpro fessional organization of its kind in Canada Last Christmas night they gave a fine entertainment at the Banquet in the St Arena and at that time Mr 1 Wilkinson director of the Peoples Sunday Might Services in Hall secured a promise from them to sing at his service CARPETS OIL CLOTHS Our Manitoba Winnipeg Man March 20 VJU Winnipegs bank earnings jumped three millions for week enUng March over the corresponding week of last year Wholesale houses in Winnipeg are increasing their warehouses trade demands The J Hardware Company is building an addition to its wholesale de partment and J Company is expending in the same way and several other firms have enlarge mentContracts let Winnipeg may buy the Electric Street Railway Negotiations look ing toward this were opened two years ago and were taken up again this week by a proposition made by Sir William Mackenzie for the railway and the city government of Winnipeg The Companys pro posal is to sell the railway as a going concern on the basis of a share which would make the pross price about The offer is under consideration with some prospect of acceptance by the city Big realty deals of the week include the sale of a million dollars worth of Portage avenue property bloc This purchase is said to have been made for the Hudsons Bay Company who will a chain of dew de partment stores in the West It is announced from the Srtud Trunk Pacific offices here Id new stations will be built west of Winnipeg this reason Railroad work is to be very along all lines in the West The Can adian Pacific will spend and the fifty new towns will be established by the this summer Automobile men are rejoicing in ex cellent business and the progress of the good roads movement Sales are already ahead of- the total last year An important project in J Camps a visit good roads is the building of an auto mobile highway from Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach a distance of GO miles Saskatchewan The rush of settlers into this pro- WINDOW SHADES POLES AND FITTINGS LINOLEUMS Lace curtains in- AND DRAPERIES SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Every man women and child should buy their Shoes from us- Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair a v vc A BRUNTON i 1 Mr Wm Sheppard from lbs US has moved to Mr John place We welcome the family to our neighborhood Sorry to report that Mr Neil Morton known around here as Postmaster merchant pass ed away on March We mourn with his friends The funeral of Mrs Albert on Thursday March was lirgely in spite of the disagreeable Her son Will ar rived on Friday Sugarmaking has commenced around here Wo hope thev have a for fi run We want to pav He are equally good in sacred and is so great that some difficult plantation melodies and will tonight in Hall J Trusting that I have not taken too much space and hoping that may have such a profit from concert that will be proud appear up we our to ask our true friends accept the Firemen to 1 am respectful yours A Friend of the Firemen Salvation Army The farewell service Captain Clark who has had charge of the lo cal corps of the Salvation Army for the past eight and a half months will be held in the hall on Queen Street Sunday night March at in Disease was Spreading TILL I I IT The Captain wishes to take this op- This is a translation of i written in French on April by Mr Dan N I had been suffering with eczema or aiioill months and had consul letter Dilh several an the of thanking the many kind l iU nYtJuZ was I- as for their hearty co-op- lfl0Ught TV ands unless I rid parting blessing and cheer to 11 treatment One day I read about your I is found to provide them with tem porary lodgings Saskatoon is so crowded this war that the Board w of Trade took tire matter up to pro vide better accommodation for the newcomers The Saskatoon Board of Trade received more inquiries in two weeks in March than it had in llio whole of I CI I Twentylive carloads of traction en- were received in one consign- by a house this week I The value of the consignment was and the capacity of the en gines to plow the prairies was great er than that of WW horses Moose has a new factory for making pressed bricks The plant is of thoroughly modern construction and equipment and will have capacity for six million bricks a tear Alberta Sale Register TUESDAY March Mr John Murcll and Sons will have a sale of stock and implements on lot in the Con of North Usual terms Sale at one oclock Kavanagh Everything will be sold without serve as the has sold his March Sale of fur niture etc at the residence of Mr A Strang Victoria Ave New market at pm Some choice pieces See Duncan Auctioneer A CORSETS C STANDARD PATTERNS ho Ladies Store of Newmarket j DELIGHTFUL DISPLAY OP I I Every woman who loves BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY and appreciates DISTINCTLY stylish Hats at MODERATE COST will not fail to visit this Store during OPENING DAYS Thursday Friday and Saturday March 23rd 24th and 25th AND FOLLOWING DAYS I Aside from this feature there is always a charming showing of apparel for women for which this STORE is becoming more noted each day SILKS AND LINGERIE WAISTS FANCY NETS AND TAILORED WAISTS LADIES WHITE UNDERSKIRTS NIGHT CORSET COVERS ETC You arc most invited to be present and view our new thing and up TO THE MINUTE la menial picture dii do me Calgary is to have a Hudsons I face eves HEART 1 Hear I culture I What a nameless grace there is in this term for to have heart culture is better than to be born a king Whenever we hear the expression almost unconsciously we draw a mental picture of a Presentation On Thursday of last week Christian Church of Aurora took tie in the Christian Endeavor Society on Tuesday evening March Everything on the program Mrs of this contributed a splendid solo the program the home refreshments J J Simpson will occupy Miss Robinson a pulpit of the Church on j schoolmate who was about lore morning move with the family to the North- afternoon the pastor will During the evening a token Sunday a sermon on given accompanied High School pupils Thomas spen a I very pleasant lime with his number of the met at the residence of Mr Eagle St and instead of the Quarter with the following address To Miss store that will cost a million dollars A chief object of the store will be in centralize the mail order business of Alberta Saskatchewan and East ern British Columbia It will be I ready for business In November in thr Messenger flic sugar heel industry at Ray and niond was the subject of a joint con- asked for a sample did me so between the manufacturers much good that l order- and the farmers last week ft was two large bottles It took eight agreed that the farmers shall plant bottle altogether to Cure my of this at least 2ou acres of beets and that disease I shall never he the price shall be no less than without a bottle It I in A big spring rush has begun from Hie words ten years of com- Edmonton and Into the cures of thousands of most River country Settlers and ease that IK pctors have been waiting all winter stands today as the absolutely reli for their chance and are now taking anothers gladness or row a perception or what gives another pain an instinctive of the art of giving pleasure- that indeed which the Apostle had in mind when he wrote Tin- fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long- suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance Dull must be that soul which cannot perceive the subtle grace the refinement the heart culture which these words rep resent and which as exemplified in the Christians life becomes the out ward symbols the visible presence of the invisible SOME FOR THIS WEEK Crockery Department Glasses all kinds Tumblers all sizes Urn- hick and thin plain fi cSSJTXt to fe will clear them all a iii each able cure Write for free trial Mr rijrh Jands Cwillimbury Bradford hold project private our a year calling owners much of options lor a thousands t acre that did not j more than per fft if in aroii circular that towards reclaiming MS to recall the past and con tern in West and plate the future During your Vtat here have by your kind Of the I and unassuming manner and your juiet and devotion to all work to you temimr- fn eVfnfug Party Was held at the I upon waste the of the y certain and Mr tV five of A ma spiritual ati you and Ill a- a 1 life and tabor with ao your if Ma at Mr v for found out circular he a but a land owner if Newmarket Monday to us matter and they were to repudiate all liabilities the options heard of the matter and came to Newmarket official but not inclined to In one joy and nraive ard thanksgiving that Mr and you In the IT continuance and devoted service which- you have fully Mr and Mrs Henri and it wholesale Winnipeg and American syndicates put through deals in lands last week that called for the delivery of acres for which about was paid The laud will be used for colonization on a big scale The mineral and forest resources of the are certified by returned prospectors lie as rich as its agricultural possibilities Copper coal asphalt and petroleum have been located and Valley hi counted upon to furnish the prairie provinces a great her when transportation an oyster hitli avr Tin- hail I building into the count and will line a of Mr About and that the Divine presence may with yon and the day to Ofoe Signed on of school if completed thi KKTTM3ISY lit on and turner A rA to be that a ich importance and value to of the community where ol atH of waste land brought Into a fctaU cultivation thou Id any or that anything should be rowj in if- way of carrying out project We are Informed that tie third organized attempt to the Holland Harsh if of l options or rovgi llj present it quite that it will b- many will be tac up again A project of such vast importance v Counties of york receive the hearty support of owner Use the work entailed has been carried without costing them one cent It a scheme of more than tocal toportafice it w prejudice on he ifce Have You Good Eyesight be able to CW do work of any troubled with boid blurring etc you you want ft t our Rimless masses fcive saturation drd more ordinary riat and P ft- Wfcrt I fair it regret that we learned on were about to sever your this com- During lh many year that IfOU have Jived lis to i rue kind ami We ever ready and willing to in every good iiiidertakfug thatcou tned We A prellv place at tin home of Mi John on the th line on lVdneday March lath when their daughter In- came the bride of Mr Leonard luvejly Tin- was by Key fonanl In of over thirty Tile bridal party stood under an arch of evergreens the bride wearing a pretty grey cloth dress and EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba Saskatchewan WierJa I i O MAY 16 JUNE JULY 5 J ftontiwii LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES a- 1 J j l TOJRISTSLEPING CARS ASM firi ONLY LINE 0 Of CARS 1 Tea Plates heavy printed ware at about half at Tie fancy dips were to clear at 28c Dinner Sets Peacock- blue pieces lest ware reeulac set for China Salad Howls were to clear at Glass Tea Sets pieces only the set Grocery Department Roll Bacon lb whole rolls II I Clover Honey Valencia Raisins lb Oranges seedless sweet do White and Salmon lb Monster Bottle Catsup bottle Phone 5 Newmarket Markets March Fall Wheat per hush Ju Jll Oats per bush Toronto Markets March 11 ATKINKON Agent Newmarket Baric per hush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb per do Potatoes per hog Chickens per lb Ducks per lb per lb Turkeys per lb 30 fl fill Kail Wheat per bush loose Wheat pel bus ooo 26100 fc ef 170 I 75 PC I20 n ii 0 in per 11c rey cloth an your from j veil and hit feel that our will Us and enlwlnw but that our will someone elses a Might token of apprecia tion ask you to accept thin lock and whenever you look upon trust will call your mind miny you have in We assure that have our best wishes for fuim- and in new surrounding nope that you entirely or- your Kilned on lhalf of the of Mr Sibley made a reply Ilf MlirU broke up the wee small hours of the morning with many Wishes for Mr and Mrs i future Mr and Mrs Sibley will reside In Toronto in the future having rented their farm to Mr Live Stock Market Slight in and lambs in Toronto this week but otherwise prices the as quoted week Bonis and carrying bible entwine with white satin The bride attended by two little flower- girls In charming white costumes After partaking of a sumptuous re past the happy couple left on the evening train for Mlmvale a in Id showers of confetti and girnl the bride travelling In a blue suit with hat to match Mr White spent Sunday Mr res ton Butcher while engag ed iii drawing to Mr Alfred Lloyds had the misfortune to crush his ankle badly on Satur day last Mr Is In the city this Mr King returned from To ronto on Friday night and went back OH Monday Dales conducted tit- vice night at had a good attendance Ducks prlll SO 70 JO 7t I 80 0 I I 20 Hi 17 J- b iZ 1- MILLARD f a Sviws 5r 95 EaWSi4 mm

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