I J I Peeks Local Items Everything was sold at the Talent Sale in the Christian Church school room las Friday afternoon and the proceeds were very satisfactory These talent sales are developing do mestic science in the household A Little Memo In mating your arrangements for weft do not miss the Welsh Singers in the Town Hall on Monday sight or you will regret it Se cure seats Bjoughtoas Drug Sto Looks Good The Davis Leather Co are very busy and the is being increased Six cars of hides arrived from France a few days ago besides ears if Points Prospects are that the tannery will be enlarged coming summer to meet the de- bands of trade A Handsome Case few days ago office Co installed in the Newmarket Office a commodious metal cabinet a cost of which is paid by County It is fire proof dust proof made in compart- r drawers with roller bear ing It is used for Mounted is regulation Government size and is already over half filled In future all plans that are Med have to mounted before taking them to office Band Concert and At Home The Newmarket Military Band will hold a Concert and At Home in the Town Hall on Monday evening Feb in aid of new uniforms pro gram for concert wilt be furnished by local talent also selections by the Band Concert to commence at oclock dancing at 10 oclock Good music will be furnished -v- Friends Church Quarterly Meeting next and Sunday The Rev MA of Toronto is to be present and on Saturdav evening at oclock will deliver an address on The Joys of Sharing Sunday at am and pm Mr will preach His subject for Sunday evening will be Between Supper and Slumber The public cordially invited Curling Three rinks from Bradford were defeated by Newmarket curlers here a few days ago On Saturday night rink won from Luke Doyles rink for the A Cup by a score of On Monday night in the same series won from Howard by and J Weir won from Luke Doyle by One of those happy events long to be remembered occurred at ton Street last Wednesday afternoon when Miss Dora daughter of Mr and Mrs was united in wed- I of DunviHe the being per formed by Rev Samuel Sing of in the presence of the im mediate relatives only of the con tracting parties numbering about The- bride who was unattended wore a beautiful garment of bisque silk j Congratulations being extended a I sumptuous repast was served and the happy couple left for a short honey moon across the border showers Of confetti On their return they will reside at Brief lets hockey match on hand last night Seven or eight rinks of curlers went to Toronto on Wednesday evening Mr Albert Collins has bought the residence of the late Timothy ford on Main street Band practice tonight Friday All members requested to attend St Valentines waving last Tues day was altogether too blustery to last all the year round Carnival The High School pupils had a fancy dress Carnival at Newmarket Rink on Wednesday evening which was quite a success Many of the pupils were in costume and there was a fine at tendance of spectators Miss Leila Manning as Gipsey Queen won the prize for best dressed lady vanus the gentlemans prize Miss and Vern for best dressed couple and Hooligan Herb Murphy as comic An iceboat collision occurred on Saturday while both were running not less than miles an hour and although the boats had eight as well as crews on board no one was injured worth speaking about hut the iceboats were knocked into kindling wood Four young men left this city for Halifax on Tuesday to become re cruits for the Canadian Mr Dennis Murray was so badly injured at foundry on Mon day death ensued No one seems to know- how the accident oc curred 319 men gathered at the Mission Rooms last Sunday for sandwiches and coffee and to join in gospel songs No doubt among thequmber were those who wouldnt do a tap short of the regulation price last summer and now their stomachs suf- Simpson Ave Methodist Church had a reception last Sunday morning when new members joined on pro fession of faith Chicago dealers are offering local dealers in this city any quantity eggs at a Canadian grown henfruit has consequently dropped to 25c on the market this week Jacob Saunders charged with keep ing a common gaming house pleaded guilty in the police court The agist rate remanded him for sen tence as he was desirous of knowing ffiiV FOR A BRUNTON A pretty house wedding took place something of extent of the alleg- on Wednesday afternoon at 1 oclock the residence of Mr Sharp Hackney Tonic Is not a food but medicine for torses cattle sheep hogs and hens satisfies Hardware The bride was tile recipient of many I Timothy street Newmarket when his beautiful and costly gifts besides a daughter Miss Beatrice became the kitchen shower last af ternoon by the Womens Institute when ladies were resent and folly time enjoyed ere present and a Rummage St I At linns Hardware window Church Anniversary sermons will be preach ed nextSunday by Rev Dr Baker of Public School Hoard The See north in warm wel- Ave church Toronto Dr was a boy and at one a store clerk lie will have a come The trustees are asking for a from the instead having a teameeting and hope it will be a liberal one lecture of Rev Johnston under the auspices of the Adult Bible Class is to be given about the mid dle of next month league Christian Endeavor we got our Bible Miss A Mr bride of Mr Edgar Dennis of Raven- show Rev p Simpson offi ciating The grooms sister Miss Annie Dennis was bridesmaid and the brides cousin Mr of Toronto was groomsman About relatives were present After the customary congratulations and ban quet the young couple left for Toron to to spend tlie honeymoon They gambling Thc extreme penalty is fine with one years im prisonment Government has received word that a whole carload of whiskey and beer consisting of cases was seized in transit last week on the way to Cochrane where it was to he dis tributed to blind- Mrs T A and her three children had a narrow escape Friday morning about five oclock when they awoke to find their house on Rhodes Avenue on lire The family had been awakened by the cries of Sale Register FRIDAY Feb Mr Allen Gra ham Centre Road half mile south of Mount Albert will hold an ex tensive farm sale at one oclock Ten months credit on sums over J Kcster Auctioneer will reside in Ravenshoe Regular meeting last Wednesday evening Present Clark chair man Dr Scott and Messrs and Manning The name of the Rev J Simpson was substituted for Rev Cornell as trustee of Public Library Board the latter having been pre viously appointed to the same The young people of Methodist by Town Council Church spent a very pleasant and The resignation of Miss Morton as profitable evening last Monday night Thomas Shields was followed into primary leather was accepted and in the church parlors The lecture ja secondhand store last week by a the Secretary was instructed to ad- room was decorated with hundreds of policeman where he was found try- SALE IN FAWN FANCY BLOUSES The WC Ladies Store Newmarket See our assortment of Fancy Nets and AUover Laces the little boy and got out in their What s Left at Cost clothes In sleighs skates hockey sticks The Tercentenary of the English dolls cabs shin pads Plain prices Bible issued in arid since south window at Binns Hardware styled The Authorized of King James was duly Valentine Social celebrated in many of the Protest ant churches of the city last Quick Special Meeting York County Council is to sum moned for a special meeting in To ronto on Thyrsday Feb on Account of the Good Roads Question The subcommittee appointed at for a teacher to take her place after the Easter holidays at a salary of The application of Miss Viola Eves for the position was placed on hie The Principals report states that pupils were on the roll in Janu ary with an average attendance of Many pupils were absent thru illness the The Primary School was closed on meeting met in Toronto on Monday forenoon because of and discussed the terms and con- jefent heat Nonresident fees for the of the proposed roadbuilding I The report was dis- The sum proposed to expend month 50 cussed Following but in all probability it will to finish- the work If the proposition passes the Council work will probably be commenced in following order street Kingston Road Lake Shore road and Kennedy road Arthur PugMey of Village was present during on Tuesday but unofficial ly a- the northern township in the movement nor for i Whitchurch Township ffpxiKtnU6 Reeve who was present hills passed Watson reps to clocks A reps Cedar posts arid cartage Kennedy supplies IV Wallace reps and material A supplies Cornell supplies Board adjourned 85 Death of Mr Cyrus an Illness of seven months I passed away oclock last Saturday mofn- in his year was a son of flic late John and he the qualities of upright character of his father a large degree Out of a family iy- and daughters there are only five remaining namely Thornbill John Man at Seattle Wash one year ago the late married Miss Sarah Jane Presbyterian Church The pastor will preach next Sun day morning but in the evening Rev A Armstrong Assistant Foreign Secretary of the Presbyter ian in Canada will occupy the pulpit On Tuesday evening despite the clement weather the Valentine So cial in the school room was a great success- The place was very taste fully decorated Games were indulg ed in some time but prior to serving refreshments a Young red Cardboard hearts and in the cen tre of the platform stood a Chinese Temple The program- was presided over by one of the members in Chi nese costume and the evening devot ed to thc study of missions in the province of China Two addresses were delivered and a num ber of telegrams received from the missionaries on the field These were delivered by a little boy In Chi nese Costume opened and read aloud by the one who addressed After the the program nearly all visited the tea room and refreshed themselves with rice and clear strong tea Rice was eaten with chopsticks and I seated themselves in true Chinese fashion upon the floor while they were being served by young ladies in native dress The room was gaily decorated with palms and Chinese lanterns While some were in the tearoom the rest of the company were enter tained by musical selections or en deavoring to find out who the mis sionary was whose picture hud been banded to them when they entered the room The tee was delighted with the the evening and vitation to the church to visit the League Monday night to sell a bag containing pairs of rubbers which had been stolen from store Shields was lock ed up An evangelistic campaign was com menced last Sunday in Kew Beach section of the city by Gypsy Hawkins and will be all next week Two Methodist one Presbyterian and one Baptist church arc united in this work Percy had his ankle broken on the Park slide and Clara Nicholson had her back in jured on High Park slide last Sunday annual of the Toronto printers Board of Trade took place last Friday evening It was a picas- ant function principal speaker be ing Mr Porter of Boston Covers were laid for During Che evening u presentation was made to Mr W Brown of an easy chair He Is the oldest master of the craft in this city fly the death of Mrs Jane Milne York Township has lost the last of Its pioneer settlers Deceased was WEDNESDAY Feb Mr Robertson will have a sale of stock and implements on rear of the 2nd Con of East Credit to Oct Sale at one oclock Ka- auctioneer clerk is MONDAY Feb Mr Robert MacKrill will have a sale of stock and implements at Sharon Usual terms Sale at one oclock auctioneer THURSDAY Feb Mr Francis Kay will have an extensive sale of stock and implements on the Farm near Roachs Point credit or fi per cent oft for cash Sale at one oclock Kavan agh auctioneer TUESDAY March Auction sale of farm stock Emblements etc on lot St miles north of Aurora Arm it age PO stop on Metropolitan property of Ben jamin No reserve Sale at one oclock Terms months J Saigeon auctioneer WEDNESDAY March Mr John Sirrs will have a sale of farming stock implements tools and furni ture on lot 31 con Whitchurch Sale at am lunch at noon Exceptionally good sale thorough bred cattle good horses No re serve TUESDAY March Sib ley Lot I Old Survey King at will sell by public auc tion farm slock implements etc No reserve Sale at one oclock Terms ft mouths Blough Auctioneer FRIDAY March Auction sale of farm stock and implements on lot rear of fith Con East limhury the properly of Ft Harper No reserve Sale at oclock Terms mouths prentice Auctioneer Hosiery Week at Lundys it Llanla Hose sizes 810 Price this week 3 pairs for Seamless Ribbed Spliced knees Double Soles Regular special price 25c Plain Black Cashmere Superior Dyes sizes Regular for 2iC pair Basket Hose assorted sizes and prices from special price pair All our New Spring Goods arc now in You arc cordially invited to call and inspect them a I FRESH OYSTERS PURE CLOVER HONEY i commit- u years of age success of- Rev Vhltelaw left this week to extend a hearty in- enter upon Mission work in China young people of he A runaway horse on College street last Saturday caused a great sensa tion The cutter was badly damag ed and it also collided with a costly baby carriage demolishing it For tunately babe had been removed from the baby carriage Peoples Society was organized with the following officers Pre Miss I Smith A 1st 2nd 3rd lib Vice Mis ViceMr Vice Mr Vic- Marjory lack Rowland Kate Rowland Cor See Miss It Mis- A Convenor of Com Mr Stew- Mr Robert Seymour spent the weekend with Mrs A Seymour Master Jack Davis is very ill with pneumonia Mr and Mrs of Nicholson are visiting their uncle Mr James Murray Mr- Kirk and daughter of Toronto From certain observations made by Feb 2 render Whitney the other day it is Evans lot daughter of trie late CI of Township and her resident of year She mourn I he of yn husband Her Mrs Pratt who Is in Pt has also made her with for a number year i fateful obsequies on Tuesday a da were attended and resptefd by all knew him pallhearers were Messrs Wilson Dr J rough- low Among the relatives and friends in attendance were Mrs Marshall Mrs Mrs Williams Mr Mr Pratt and wife and Mr all of Toronto Mr John Pratt of Midland Mr Charles Pratt of Vm family of Messrs Albert and Wm of Palermo Out- Wlsrne of horter Mr and Mrs Jas Dr Mr Miss Mr and Mr Mr- Reynold of Aurora ard wife and Mr SMMut and wife and Mr Utus of Whitchurch Mr At Organist Miss fane ft was decided that Monday will hi Newmarket on Mondaj there will he no meeting next Mori- day evening on account of the Con cert by the Welsh Choir in the Hall which is expected to be extra good spent Sunday at Mr J Curtis Crosby of Zephyr is the guest of Mr Terry Miss May Archibald of Grace Toronto spent Sunday at her fathers Mr Leonard returned to after vacation at horn Mrs John Elliott and daughter Gertrude are spending a month In New Orleans and write that they enjoying line warm weather and more than probable he will Oppose the proposed change in the municipal law to require candidates to file by a given time the same as now obtains In Cities and means the loss a A Mr ben Mr of and of street Mr Wififaall Lloyd Toronto Mr afd Wr Oliver Met W of Mount Albert aid Mr tntAv were interred at Cemetery I Gold Mounted Umbrellas Aiiiiiltiy it hAtlty Initials engraved on free of charge Our Optical Department complete with of Holders Chains Etc QUALITY MOTTO ATJUI80I CO Jevelera and Optician P it Ticket of Marriage in abundance inO of our young men left ronTo on Wednesday to claim a bride of good men to the municipality who would not take the trouble to travel miles to make the declaration Sylvia PankKurst the English leader addressed about people in Mas soy Saturday She is very saugume About Chinese assembled at Victoria Hall last Tuesday evening to hear Wring address them on 1 affecting the Celes Wong Is of China and TUESDAY Feb Mr Thus will have a very important sale of farm stock implements etc on lot 3rd con of East No reserve Usual terms Sale at one oclock sharp i IV Auctioneer FRIDAY Feb The household ef fects of Mrs Timothy will he Sold on the premises Main St Ecwmarfcct at pm No re serve cash Duncan Auctioneer Silas M on one mile cast of Virginia on Sutton Line will have an extensive farm sale at one oclock Eleven mos credit on sums over J 1 J Hester Auctioneer March Mr Robert will have a sale of cows and pigs to be held on the of Mark- ham about half a mile SOU 1 1 of AuctionHrs March Eu gene Shanks will have a sale of stock and Implements on lot on the Second of Whitchurch treet Usual terms Sale at one oclock Headman doz Lemons at per do 100 doz Naval Oranges Sweet Seedless CO pails Jam Assorted Flavors pail Brooms This week at A DINNER SET CHANGE Just Eight Sets pieces peacock blue gold best English Ware substantial material set for See sample in Window Want your Butter Eggs Apples Beans any Produce you have Phone 5 HOWARD Toronto Markets Fall bus Feb Wheal per bush Wheat per Oats per bush Peas per bush per hush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per do Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb Turkeys i per lb per lb Ducks per lb Newmarket Markets ion Oats per hush ft per bush Bran per ton UK IB i7 no on Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per per Turkeys per lb tt 21 20 12 0 0 12 o a hours last Sunday the One of our young men left for moved freight trains of perishable goods turough Toronto Each train was made up of about earn The grocery store of Gardner College street was gutted late Mon day night and damage done While dressing on Monday afternoon fair Health IF YOU HAVE SCALP OR HAIR TAKE ADVANTAOE OF THIS on Monday for an Hilton Alpine street was suddenly seized with an fit and expired before help be procured The next automobile at the Armories will he held oil the Inst The place will be elaborately decorated Taylor on Tuesday fail ed to get an order for her ideate ed at Osgood J fall to get an older fur her release She is three months time on a charge of stealing WO While on a to the Sir Knights of ICCptory Mr John the garth prevent premature bald- wilh fo that we you im to try It on our positive guarantee that your money will by cheerfully re- funded R ft doe not do a ve claim Two Sizes 5fv and Hold only at our store The Store Drug Store S3S We could not afford to SO strongly endorse Jl Hair Tonic and continue to Mil it as we do If it did not do all We claim it Will Should our enthusiasm carry us away and Hair Tonic will give entire satisfaction to the Users they would low faith in us and our state ment and in con sequence our busi ness would suffer you that if your hair Ik I beginning to unnaturally fall out or you have any trouble flex all 33 Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair To Day at Our Tonic Children WIILLARD8 BLOCK ARCHIVES OF ON