Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1911, p. 8

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Do You Have TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AMD THE PAIN IS GONE My first experience with Dr Miles AntiPain Pills was a sample package handed me They relieved the pain so promptly that I have never been without them since 1 have given them to many friends when they had head ache and they never failed to relieve them I have suffered with neuralgia in my head and the first one I took re lieved me They have cured me of neuralgia I would not be without them MISS COLLiNS P No Salem Va Price at druggist He supply you It he does not send to prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto flub A AT AMD to uooao Mrs Michael of a few ago slipped on the ice and fell rendering her unconscious for a considerable time J Two Houses for In Good in Town Apply to ROBERTSON House for Sale On Street brick class domestic water- good garden on easy terms GEO- Choice Building Lots For Sale on Lake North minutes walk from stop on Metropolitan 200 feet frontage and feet depth Apply to Geo Mr Jacob from toe Bible Training- School addressed the Sabbath School at the Brethrens Church last Sunday At the skating carnival in Aurora a prize was given to the person bringing the largest number of people to the carnival Mr Roy Nelson of this place drove a load of but a larger load arrived from king Tp during the evening Mr and Mrs Jesse Sider left last Thursday for Perry Sta tion in county where they purpose making their future home Mr was married a few weeks ago to Miss Alice She will be greatly missed in church and social circles BOO- THE RIDGE The marriage of Miss Rlia Evelyn Sutherland to Mr Eli Foster both of East took place at highnoon on Wednesday Dec at the home of the bride The ceremony was performed by the Rev in the presence of only the immediate relatives the brides wedding gown being a beauti ful white Miss Rachel Johnston of cousin of the groom attended as bridesmaid in pale blue Mr Eddie Suther land brother of the bride was best man After the they all partook of the wedding dinner after which Mr and Mrs Foster left for a weeks visit En Toronto the brides travelling suit being a shamrock green- Upon the return trip Mr and Mrs Foster were given a recep tion at the home of the groom Mr Bclwell of Pro- Ave St Boniface Winnipeg Somotima children took diphtheric and while atendin them the entered a email scratch the second finger of ray left hand toon children were quite well I from a shockingly bid finder The scratch caused originally by a i and itself not at all serious The consequences of neglect ing tome When the a set tried a naive I in the bouse did not the desired Quito the the more and more swollen and of colored began to fester and I had to call fa a doctor Ho lanced the finger to let oat the and foa cad painful the finger it again festered and the and other prepare I bat it I went to the Hospital the fin be We were told of a similar to my own In which had effected a cure when everything hi I fa- led the doctor said that amputation could the persons baud We therefore decided to a trial A procured and wo coiuiriencvd treatment It nee lei a few to show wisdom Of step and wef reduced the pain ctme acute and It was erfdent that th trouble and less area We with the and the the festering ore thorooshljr Cleaned then In three weeki from fit commencing with the finger entirely well end Farm for Sale III acres being lot in the of North Good bride barn fences in good condition laaaiy soil Living stream crosses half down Apply to GEO lit Newmarket House and Lot for 8ale Mr George Snider one of the- old est residents of the Township of Whitchurch at the residence of his son Mr Albert Snider Vantforf on Wednesday morning Mr Snider was horn near on Aug and when three years old along with his parents went to reside on a farm near Hoi ton Ten years later the family returned to Whitchurch and purchased lot on the fourth concession where decease resided until Ms death On Oct 1851 he Miss Booth who I predeceased twenty years ago food water good foundation Three children survive him Mrs IS of an acre good garden St Catharines Mrs Ann Use stable and henhouse of Toronto and Alfrnl with whom deceased has resided since the death of wife Mr Snider had been a member of the Methodist Church at Wesley for over years In politics he was a Reformer fruits At North Apply to Box Newmarket 1 New House for 8ale Timothy Street with furnace alto bath and electric wiring made Possession immediate ly- Apply to COLLINS Box Newmarket For situated on Huron street Newmarket first aad all TtDiencea For information apply to A J DAVIS Newmarket Farms for Sale lot eon house tarns j aad outbuildings spring creaks 2 wells acres timber acres un ite cultivation in good order and well fenced Holt P ihK M Albert Central Mr Jonathan Is busily gaged erected a new wind mill I ho end of his barn A large of our young people attended a surprise party at the home of Mr Aurora and after a very enjoyable in games and music departed for their various homes fully that they had had an excellent time On Wednesday evening Jan the Temperancevilte was favored with a- return visit by the League of King and listening to a very lengthy and well delivered program given by our King friends our worthy President Invit ed all to the basement of the church where all were given an opportunity to plea- the appetite of the Inner man After a short Intermission for social Intercourse our King friends departed for home We trust that these visits become a more fre quent occurrence In the future a v 5 preparation no I ayed had woappHciZarnRalcIn of I acute agony All toolkit should not Ihli M aura for acratThtt Iron tr li ri tile bid all iJ i i V for aUcup for ree MX MB lots of work next summer around this little burg Miss Laura who has suffering from a severe attack of La is recovering The Banquet held in the Methodist church on Friday night was i grand Success After enjoying a well pre pared oyster supper conducted by the ladies of both churches we listened to violin solos by Meyers and ad dresses from the following gentle men McDonald Rev Mr Patterson and Mr Gundy both of Toronto Everybody enjoy ed themselves and hoped that in the near future they will repeat the en tertainment i For Sale Haas Choice Boars Hows Jersey i Wfcrooitfl at if run so Farm for Sale l Mile from Town fa a rUsRe an West East A couple of sleigh of young people from Head attended the rink here on Saturday afternoon The doctors report number eases of scarlet fever In this locality The people intend hold ing their annual upper on Mr Neil McDonald confined to the owing to he talfied on afternoon by le- out of his cutter CEDAR a are on the list around here Brown has sent out his sec ond carload of pulp wood to Canes factory at Newmarket Robert was shipping again from here last week Archie Phoenix has again unto himself a wife As this third one ve congratulate him heartily and hope they will be many years Hay is preparing for a big summers work In the trade Mr John Moore and family of have been in the vicinity of Cedar Kay Bros are busy getting out a carload Ol stock taken is- the most c I number of young Acre under cultivation fallow each year o l Club on for pasture Stone Basement Friday By the wee hold bead Two In fitttfAiU IAWMih Good well Price per half bilaAce of post office w For Taxi property Huron a The Homestead A lAfjlifil home SOU art fruit i tiia furnace A for yr of they they mutt have enjoy ed them wives Immensely A very exciting match witnessed In the skating rink v hen defeat 1 the Wanderer- of Aurora by a score of The members of the a a bad an enjoyable even- to the borne of Mr John Tecum set The orchestra In the rink in a wan her Improve ment a season progresses a- The Laymens he held in on February Inst The speakers be A KC Senior and J It Starr Mr Samuel Lapp was charged with getting a ear of lumber from Hall Toronto under false lenses lie got the goods by declar ing that he was going to but Instead promptly sold the stuff for when it worth JS75 put In a good defence but attempt ing to go one better showed an greement which he claimed had been signed by the plaintiffs allowing him to the lumber The plaintiffs promptly declared the document a forgery and the case was adjourned for a week to have the handwriting tested by experts Winchester Palling flair ZEPHYR TV Meyers has been kept busy this Icy time shoeing horses Ve are pleased to hear that Mrs P Is recovering from her like A number of our Zephyr sports at- tended the hockey match at OS Mr ird Mrs attended year- set fa at three oclock this j the of their has unabated on Monday fay and all Cook Is the mill yard oiUr J usual stock frhicfa will mean NO YOU VC promise you that If your hair Is falling out and you have not let It go too far you can repair the said would have been discharg ed if he had not bothered bringing up the document i J Richard Graham of Toronto visited his sister Mrs Graham for a few days last week Miss Maude La was in for a few days- Last Wednesday played Peflerlaw here in the iTri- league defeating the Home Brews to the tune of Frank of Sutton refereed the game Court I met in their lodge room on the 19th of Ian The boys had an enjoyable and the business of the year went through with a nice surplus Mrs Marshall Graham is visiting her parents in Toronto for a- weeks M JH- Johnston is meeting with success in his big bush job at Mud Lake Messrs Graham and Mar tin drove over to to see the hockey match between and The rink is in fine shape for skating Good ice every right Our reeve Mr return ed home on Saturday evening down for- the most part of the week at the county council Corners has a few houses to figure on for next season A big seasons work is looked forward to by our successful builder H Corner intends to erect an- uptodate general dry goods and grocery store in the spring A large number of skaters from town skated down the river to the lake on Sunday and returned tired out Mrs is spending a few days in Toronto with her sisters Lemuel Godfrey has been very ill dropsy setting in Howard The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in powers that they offer One ilundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials ddress J CHENEY Co Toledo Sold by druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation l Column THE DESERT SCHOOL VISITOR Teacher teacher exclaimed Anita something moved in the cor ner Every dark little face in the Mexi can school was aglow with excite ment A scorpion boldly said Juan rt a tarantula cried Maybe twas a horned toad- sug gested little- Rita and the other pu pils laughed Be quiet children said the teacher Miss Allen trying to re store order and nerving herself to meet the strange intruder She was more than a girl herself this teacher of the country school out on the desert and she was unac customed tbe queer animals of this arid country Let me find it pleaded Juan one of the larger boys whipping a string and forked stick put of his pocket The Mexican children crowded to the corner without fear for the desert animals were often inmates of their abode homes Juan moved a bench and as he did so there was a flash of color A Gila exclaimed Juan Dont let it breathe on you cried Anita or youll drop dead The boys laughed at Anitas fears but the teacher entreated Oh be careful for she had heard that this species of lizard was the most Five Boxes Of FruitHives Cured Her as he brought the captive from the corner with a strong cord ft was a stupidlooking creature but as the boy drew it forward it running out its long forked the illness of who is asthmatic a hand for Mrs A Held was visiting Mrs Gordon on Wednesday Solomon bought a Clydes dale three years old filly from Lester Webster for the sum of Mr Simpson Horner of is visiting his sister Mrs Robert Marshall and other friends a fortnight Wo regret to report Mrs Robert Marshall from an attack bronchitis Arthur sold Clydesdale mare to It It Webster has leased for term of years that part of l ho Web ster recently occupied by Lester Webster who we understand is going to the west Dominion Inspector fenderon of Toronto was called on Saturday by Bryant VS to examine sick cattle at stables of one of whose cattle died and a contagious disease was feared After a thorough examination of the stock he predicted the trouble was due to feeding musty fodder While working in the wood felling a tree Julius J Maker fluttered a very bruising if not a fractur ed by the tree he was chopping falling upon him When Mr llakcr had he tree nearly cut off a gust of wind took it in the opposite di rection to that expected and caught Mr Maker before he could get out of the way f John and Geo who were appointed a delega tion from Scott Agricultural So ciety to wait on the County Council to ask for the county grant to bo given year to Scott Were In Whitby on Friday last on that business We are pleased to re port they were successful in that the council promised they would give the matter their careful considera tion Messrs and Lapp have both hat at the County Council and knew just how to go at the Job out ts Alia Feb Between and iririu sheep have perished In the storm that Is raging through out this section which already done by using Wacntd here today from ionic with persistency and regularity for a reasonable length time It a antiseptic that destroys microbes stimulate good circulation around tbe hair roots promotes hair nourishment removes dandruff and reitzreti hair health It Is as pleas ant to use as- pure and it In delicately perfumed ft Is a real toilet necessity Ve want to try Tonic with our promise that It you nothing unless you are perfectly satisled with its use It comes In two sixes and you can ob tain Remedies in thll com munity only at our The Store Drug J V- grass Mont across the bound ary say that thousands of sheep have been driven from their range by the storm and that herder have been forced to abandon them Thou sands have been smothered In snowdrifts Montreal Mrs Mar- low went to a moving picture show this afternoon leaving her two child- red Donalds and Anne six and Seven years of in the flat occu pied by the family on Chatham St Roys playing In yard In the rear noticed pouring from the windows and summoned the firemen A few dashes of water extinguished the The children had taken refuge In a cupboard off the kitchen and were both dead when the firemen managed to gain access to the place kept tongue Its color was a bright orange shading to various tones of yellow and irregularly marked with black which gave it a blotched ap pearance On the head were tubercles or hard bony lumps and the body was covered with scales like nail heads or small pebbles Juan said the teacher as she and the children stood watching the Gila monster you say you help father catch these reptiles Pray toil what he does with them sends them in the east replied the Some times he went on doctors want them for the poison Father says the teeth of the monster arc connected with big glands that are filled with poison If you make them mad and give them something to bite you can take the piece they have bit ten and soak out the poison I can catch them too said eager to have a part in the conversation Out in Canon theyre thick I took a dozen Into town to the curio store They ship ped them away some place I wonder what they eat asked Miss Allen Birds eggs mostly and bugs too This one is only about ten Inches long said Juan looking at it criti- cally Most that we find are about eighteen inches The Gila monster is one of the largest lizards in North America said the teacher returning to the desk and has the distinction of being the only one that is poisonous Do you know any other place where the monster fs found besides in Arizona Father has seen them in New Mexico answered Juan Yes said Miss Allen and they are also found in Texas They are named from the River in Arizona- I always have had a great curiosity to see this animal for I have heard marvellous stories of how men have lost their lives from its bite whose poison is said to act directly on the heart My father said Juan does not think the bite kill a man As he spoke he drew the lizard out in front of the desk the children gathering around him What shall we do with our strange smilingly asked the readier Homb Toronto Dec I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year and my right arm was swollen and the pain was fearful All down the right side the was dreadful and I could hardly move for I was treated by two physicians but their medicine did me no good and I tried numerous remedies but received no benefit I was simply a helpless cripple and suffered from Rheumatism all during last wihter IsawFruitativea advertised The decided to try remedy After I had taken one box I was much better and the less and I continued the treatment with good hopes When I had taken three boxes I was so well that I could use my arm again and the pain was practically gone After I had taken five boxes I was entirely Well again no pain no suffering and now I am as WELL I ever was The cure of my case by FruitatCves was indeed splendid because all the doctors failed to even relieve me of my sufferings For the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease Rheuma tism I give you permission to publish this statement Mrs BAXTER fs the only remedy that actually cures Rheumatism and Sciatica because Fruitatives is the only medicine that actually prevents Uric Acid being formed in any quantity in the body If there is no excess of uric acid in the blood there can be no Rheumatism keeps the stomach clean the liver active the bowels regular the kidney strong and the skin healthy These are the organs that rid the body of all waste When Fruitativea so regulates the system that all waste eliminated then there can be no waste or urea to- be changed into uric acid Thus there can be no uric acid in the blood to inflame nerves and cause the paia which we know by the names of Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago Neuralgia Fruitatives every trace of Rheumatism Pain In The Back Swollen Hands and Feet and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by acid If you are subject to- Rneumatism cure yourself now with and be free of pain this winter a bo for J250 trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid OH receipt of price by Limited Ottawa OnL Have on Hand a Large of answered White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Sash Flooring Moulding and All Klnda of Inside work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work CO If I guess it belongs to Anita roguishly said Juan I dont want it quickly answer ed the child drawing back to a safe distance Here boys said Miss Allen holding up two straws draw for ho intruder Its time to close school Mine laughed Juan as the lot fell to him and he started for the door pulling the monster after him and followed the other rcn Dougherty in Advocate He not deceived is not mock ed for whatsoever a man that shall he also reap Theres a road that IcadH to safety To right and truth sublime And another that leads to danger To darkness and sorrow and crime With liberty life and manhood And alt that Is good at stake Of the two roads open before you Which are you going to take To him that to dp and it not to him it is sin mm JOxJokly stop cold FOE SALE Fire Wood In any form to Must be sold The la on the farm Apply to AR13STRONO Which of These Pictures Represent Your Madrid Feb Despatches re ceived here regarding the havoc wrought by the great storm which swept the coast on Wednesday night report the wreck of an unknown steamer in which 22 persons were drowned Out Feb J a grocer of this place was badly burned this afternoon about the face and hands He was attend ing to his acetylene gas machine when in some manner the gas which had escaped caught fire- blowing the machine to atoms and burning him badly 1 I IP your Stable well to and Interior Is youll down those old unsightly and build ones feet Entire arid of Concrete This In the merits and Is fibrillary modern material It has the new endurance and economy farmer himself can by I many little Improvement that with any other arnployment of S4i of the of Concrete fill out the coupon and It to us return mall we will end you a copy of our free book What Farmer Can with Concrete In book youll find complete instruc tions for the construction of almost think of In the way of furm floors troughs etc etc Nowadays for how io mix and use concrete himself away behind timet What the Fanner Cm Do With Concrete will only Inform you It will lntorest you r t not to to FARMER caw CONCRETE What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete Tails you how to In Clstsrns Tank foundations Tones Ploorf Him Horso Housss Poultry Root Cellare Biles Walla etablaa Tanks Valka curbs ate eta Cement Co Name may a copy What the Can With If Ad0ffJ a V

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