Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 2, 1910, p. 8

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Cured her Complaint Mrs Smith of Winnipeg Man an interesting story- of relief from teT TO daily source of Hal to me Every da experienced the sickening of these ailments for some that should permanently drive them away Indian Pills I thought they were worthy of trial My surprise was indeed great From the very first I experienced relief Continuing with them I found my troub les were slowly but surely leaving me and before long I knew what was to be free from the harassing Cts of the ailments that had long Bed and weakened me So great is my faith in Dr Morses Indian Pills that I shall never on any account be without them Dr Morsels Indian Root Pills cure Bowel and Kidney as well as Liver troub les and keep you healthy 25c a box at your dealers- I Two Houses for Sale In Coed locutions Town Apply to K i I Farm for Sale Lot 3 in the 2nd of Good buildings Apply to Newmarket STRANGE Mr P Ferguson hall a pumpkin bee last Saturday Those who where there were Miss Annie Maggie and James Mr Silas Goombrldgc Mr Harry Mr John Mit chell and Mrs Mitchell Miss Stella Clubine and Mrs A few around tbefce parts were at the meeting down at and it is said that the women are going to have a vote VANPORF The Vandorf Institute met at Mrs Melville Bordens home Friday Nov Mrs A Van gave a paper- on Waste through Injudi cious shopping followed by a paper by Miss Ester Starr on Why is Autumn so beautiful in nature com pare it with the Autumn of our lives The program was very instructive and a very pleasant afternoon was cf pure good blood conies when stomach liver kidneys and bowels are kept in proper condition by a little care and Sold Everywhere In boxes lb was da the Lake Shore Railroad The time was The train was puling out of Cleveland depot when a man of about five and thirty looked up from his book and a time engaged me in conversation What business are you in You apt like a commercial traveller but your talk and the subjects you spea oi are more like Well I replied I do lecture t fashioned custom of kicking the dust in the air firing off the rusty mus ket and ringing the cowbell leaving the new married couple to fight out the battles of life to their own lik- some Houses it wanting to buy call on M Hughes Real Estate Agent A I House FOR RENT OR FOR SALE WKh all convenience to A BRUNTON FOB SALE Fire any form to suit the Must be sold The tim- Is en farm Apply to i ff ARMSTRONG New House for Sale On Timothy Street with furnace also bath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession immediate ly Apply to COLLINS Box Newmarket House for Gale St large lot good gar- on to premises to Mrs or to Newmarket For Roomed House situated on with first sad all modern For further information to A J DAVIS As Rev boy from the St Catharines Evening Journal J Ferry is an old we clip the following What the Old Alan Says Speaking of matters pertaining to our health reminds us of foolish suicidal custom we have we On what subject Home missions Home missions he said with a slight tone of sarcasm I answered Well well I used to be a profess or I was converted in the old- fashioned way and joined the Baptist Church but now dont believe any thing I dont believe there is a God or a hereafter In fact I have lost all faith in everything of that nature but there is one thing that troubles me I have a little of three- and I dont know what to do with her I can teach her Now I lav me down to sleep and that dont with to be a man who has WAS IT A TRICK The City Council of Windsor- re jected a resolution proposing to sub mit to the electors next January the question of reducing the number of tavern licenses by ten the was overwhelmingly against the pro- Some of the aldermen held that the movement originated with a few of the downtown who wanted secure monopoly of the business Two alderman declared that one of the approached them and solicited their votes f the cut ting oft of the licenses seem a man who has read a good deal Perhaps you can tell me Give me your advice Let her go to the devil I re joined The man stared at me with a questioning loo in his eyes I went on I suppose you that Congratulations to Rev J Per- to the diet we follow the aver- ry who Nov 5 reach- age length human life could the thirteenth annual milestone of ably almost doubled if intelligence his ministry in St Catharines Since of habit was used in selecting views the reverend gentlemans first material we put in our stomachs Z s in the local field on We eat what tastes good to our pal- P only he has exerted a powerful in- and scarcely ever think of the fiuence for good Although a zealous effect it will have on our bodies rector of hfs own parish which has are certain elements which are flourished under his ministrations he food and nourishing and others that has been able to find time in his busy are worthless and simply obstruct life to lake a keen interest in public the free action of the organs of the affairs always with the laudable mo- body or worse still eat into and tive before him of bettering mankind break down the delicate tissue and blood cells The wonder is that any of us have good health considering the conglomerated mass of matter the organs of the body have to MARK TWAINS LOGIC Mark Twain is responsible for a good story which shows the fallacy of the or the assumption that liquor monov is all gain A man bought a pig for fed him with worth of corn sold him for 55 and went around bragging that he had made a profit of on the deal It is the feed of the pig in the cost you know but what to do sanity caused I ier puzzles me- You seem IS that more than offsets the liquor tax The ratio sixteen to one out to take care wrought the saloon Keeps Perfect is about TJie taxpayer pays of the havoc the sake of getting SI back from the saloon That is fine business management it wonder a wellknown I has made a hit with his tore The Fool Taxpayer which he exposes and ridicules argument that the liquor source of financial gain July I am a seventynine yea old man and a great believer in and user of It is the medicine I take and truly say that FnutathS arjd exercise keep me present good health my WILLIAM PARSONS ESQ Bowels ffM and I found to do me more good than other remedy My doctor advised me to stick to Frail I have so with the best results I have been in business here for a good many years and have resident of for over fifty veani so that if you think reference from me will serve to induce some others to Fruitatives J authorize its publication Ohstmate of the Bowels and StriCoJoJuS and oil tax is ice- in the a can be cured by purgative silts senna eT pi have positively no action on the liver They do not increase the winch nature provides to move the bowels They merely lg the intestine One may as well the as well try to cure the Mart the Program for the League Dec Lords teachings about Supper Matt 2C2C-2fJ- Lute ReaderMinnie Wright o lords teachings about Holy Spfnt John Header Willie Speaker Ella Milne Lords teachings a His abiding presence Matt Reader Ida Speaker-Max- The missionary message of Christ mas HeaderDa Moore Speaker Lewis the other day I told her of a farmer who saw dromedary for the first time and he stayed so long staring at it that all the people had gone into the circus but as he turned away an employee heard him Far Shucks titers such animal Well sir my wife did not sto the look here mv son Your is not the only one to miss the point- I was skeptic before you were born I lived on Infidel street price FACTORY WORK JAPAN a take Iroiii by Miss Mart Auxiliary of Guild San the Biblewoman letter Japan to the a for trial size by Limited Ottawa nstipatiou At all dealers or sent on receipt of A GOOD INVESTMENT A good advertisement will carry a business message to more people a day than any other means of talking is ITT means ol good at getting into new places Last reach as lar I rZ re- a by talking on the street if a large factory in and to as many wrestle with spices acids tea coffee arc unfurnished chance month All ft were any homes if you send dozen messengers The and I beverages and a great va riety of indigestible articles health is the most important thing wo have consider for without it our mental faculties are dulled our worldly success handicapped happiness an impossibility I have lost all and apartments Said the Man faith I said Arc you in business Yes and a good one Well you must have faith to run chat Nothing is ever accomplished so Pleased that the owner asked us You will see t go twice a It is really tout RHEUMATISM BOOTHS PILLS Foster of St John St says I have found Newmarket m J Farm For 8ale W in a high of cultiva tion the Township of East on street 1J miles Newmarket For further apply on premises or to Newmarket Ont lltf Farm for Sale Lot Con King one all under hundred A pretty wedding took place on No vember when Sophia Johnston youngest daughter of Mr- and Mrs David Johnston Toronto was united in marriage to John Watson son of Mr and Mrs James Watson of King Township The Rev J Wilson of Pres byterian Church was the officiating clergyman The bride was attended by Miss Catherine Biggs while the groom was supported by his brother James Watson The grooms gift to the bride was a pearl sunburst to morc actual relief from Booths Kid ney Pills than in all else I have ever tried for rheumatism The pains in my limbs have lessened greatly and am better and stronger than in years- is the bridesmaid a pearl brooch Af ter the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served at the home parents The My general health im proved and can credit this only to Pills than I have in three years ncy Pill way arc sold under refund your money if of young andhappv the brides Brick House Modem WtmB showers good wishes atone Good Young their friends for a short Orchard of Winter Apples Good Well WP to eastern points the bride Cistern an everstanding pondl jelling in a suit Convenient to School PostOffice and beaver hat 1 cream serge and Ms origin Backache in Only three miles from Priqs 58000 easy fcrrns ap ply to J Kneeshaw PO or on the premises AURORA For Sale Mr George W Johnson of street met with a painful accident in Foundry Monday evening r That vaiuabl oh Huron I ffid mCtd1 street Newmarket known as broke is the Roolh Kid These wonderful a guarantee to fail to relieve or trouble having the kidneys They cure footing pains thick and cloudy urine gravel and stone rheumatism and all diseases of kidneys and bladder Booths Kidney Pills are sold all druggists and dealers fiflc or Postpaid from The Booth Co Ltd Fort guaranteed Co and the metal splashed up on The Kelman time shop when one of the ladles LIVING A beautiful home situation ich soil Fine large garden fruit Fine lawn with trees Jrtdgf Flowing well Furnace A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars it comes to J When comes earning a com fortable living a certain young some time who ai We Ire question in a without faith Well what do you mean my not seeing the point Why you live in a land schools and hospitals and freshair funds for thc poor and aid given to the needy and like the man with the dromedary you say Shucks there aint no Christianity was a Httle taken back at this and then I went on An old prophet once said A little child shall lead them and it mav be your liUe child will help you If I could only believe You there was a man born whose name was Yes Well you believe he was good previous My I read w petite has go up and I eat and sleep better not in him I cant believe the miracles Man man I am not talking miracles If you believed all miracles ever recorded it would bring you a step nearer listen You and never again TaV- niy advice and get ac quainted with Christ and try to fol low his counsels try to Walk after his pattern for the sak of your Jit lie girl Tell her of and Ms Never mind the hard parts for you will find if you once get acquainted Jesus Christ that things will become plain for- if do his will ye know of his train was slowing up as the man grasped my hand lie am glad met You fiiVc done me Rood and I thank you for it Goodbye lie was gone and my train plunged forward the darkness but I felt that God would otd my ciiger the fight Cong relation later got the promise of to the hands one a month ft newspaper carries the IJBMI to he m the evening a 1aml words where you could the results of Id he able to to me the interest those i girls show after their Inn ours of work and often had had their supper time those two free evenings the work is men and message not go the TENDKHS addressed the undersigned and endorsed Ten der for Fittings Toronto Central Post Office will be received at this office until LOO PM on Monday De cember 12 for the work meo- tioncd Era till J There are it is working a long nar- Packed i and lor a long evening were the only Now not so rushing and they arc free every evening said seven hundred factory They gather in row room sit on the floor so close that it to count them It seemed just a sea of black heads but now as soon aw we get In the upturned faces us a hear ty welcome smile and they are learning to sing one two hymns Now and again San meets some one frojn that factory out in the country having home for one cause and another- She gets such hearty thanks that she is almost ercoine cts of the not Vow meet Sold and Norman Br WA of in a recent sermon criticized men for giving no time to the church lie said they ride and their wives have rich gowns and they are too with golf card parties to give time io the church One man will twice as much for his automobiles and their keep as the expenses of a great which struggles to keep Its doors open One woma costs more than all she Christs work hi a lifetime The religion statistics for compiled by Or K Carroll show that Hie total number of communicants in all religious bodies United States Is it is a inquiry this more than onethird of the total Population does not have more Influence in the nation Their influence very be vastly greater truly said evils the dont want to play with Jessie said a fiveyearold boy to his motb cause shes too ladylike What do you mean Peter dear I mean shes bossyrtells you to do tilings like she was your mother little girl i the class was read ing laboriously See Mary and the lamb she read slowly Does Mary love the lamb button-hook- Why do y say buttonhook asked the teacher Picture of buttonhook here replied thc child pointing triumphant to the interrogation mark Plans specification and for tract can be seen and of con forms of ten der obtained at this Departmental at the office of Mr Thos A arc fc tenders w 1 be considered made on the printed form supply and s with their actual natures stating their occupations Places of residence I the case firms the actual signature the tre of the occupation ami t Too Economical is tlic mes sage the telegraph messenger handed thp young husband Come down as soon as you can I am dying Kate Eight hours after he arrived at the summer hotel to on the za by Kate herself Why what did you mean by sending me such a mes sage ho asked Oh she say that I was dv- nscownl to ten ran Ives Worse Than Chicago The question shall do with our seems he satis factorily answered in the following advertisement which appears in the window of a Road butcher shop Wanted respectable sausages London Tribune occupation and place of residence of each member the must be given Each tender must- he accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to thc order of Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to ten per cent II of the amount of the tender which will be forfeited if the pereoa tendering decline to enter into a con tract when called upon to do so fail to complete the work contracted for If tender he not accepted the cheque will be returned The Departmcntdoes not bind to accept the lowest or any tender By Order It DSROCHERS Secretary Department of Public Worlds Ottawa November Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement If they insert it with out authority from the Department Engines for Corn Cutting Portable Waterloo while Portable It and I Bell portable Would exchange one of these for horse particulars apply to K Wellington street hut it might has been there arc no can stand before Kra till Christmas for els I I return home She came home on Wednesday afternoon and although Still weak is improving quite as rapidly as could be expected Pt Addison a pastor the Executors of Estate Methodist Church here many years ago but who Is now Superannuated lis here visiting his brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs J Wellington St Manner Just as likely herself up against it so here it Is just as the young wo man related not Jong ago Furnace Work Plumbing m 3 of Our Specialties Outfit it the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Hauler was An game of law played here on Thursday last before J JJ in which was suing John Graham for Judgment given Titus for lull amount and costs amounting to after which a number of other men who had helped Mr Graham to thresh stepped and asked a win less the costs and were promptly paid A meeting of Hunt Club When I started in to make a liv ing for mother and- myself I had just rad a little story of how a young married couple faking a In the country had started gus bed and it Set mo to thinking up the asparagus industry and decided to engage in ft Then I bought this comfortable old fashioned five room house and all this land lor Secured from a good nurseryman twoyearold roots which I planted In the early spring My bed did not mature till the next year since then have had good crops The cutting of the asparagus stalks begins about May 1st sometimes earlier until the first week of July you know there Is a mar ket demand for every stalk that up The stalky are tied- In marketable sized bunches and ship ped During June If I wished I could WE COULD NOT ALONG WITHOUT JIMMY A young working girl leaving the factory early one Saturday afternoon slopped at a fruitstand Invested in a large yellow orange Its for brother she explained to the t her side The lame one that ever walked awful hard on you having a brother like that said the other with one another but wed he fllster looked a Utile doubtfu course we hale to have laid up she slowly but thats all part of it Why we couldnt get along without Jimmy none Sonic of the families In our building arc always quarreling with ono mother but he asham ed to say cross things before Jimmy He always wants to hear everything that happens ccpt may lie some things gone wrong I tell you she added returning suddenly to her great It that that religious forces of the nation nil then do evils exist Because hoy an not unitedly opposed Chris- 1 iiiin Observer Bra OH Christmas for OF HAD HOOKS We forbid the safe of opium but allow an unrestricted trad- it Mood- curdling outlaw stories which law nearly always is depicted BOOHS THAT REALLY you the you Want know And in a practical you can Our llluitraied will he yon ttw about la- Practical Mechanical for Homo are popular on operation I rain Halloa practical power Sk tngneiolcc Irfcalwlrlnc anil He sry icily wlftlMi ami efrplioMV cm iiction ami house etc No matter for may be wo by j ifrii fa f I I I will lust v information you Write ami illustrated and popular list It la FREDERICK J DRAKE fie CO Self Books I Mlchloan Chlcagj instituth as an on to be defied or evaded and where those who break j law are as heroes In a hank robbery the president and were shot down and youthful robber unable committed suicide of fifteen PAY Will held En ho- sell bunch to In the For over years the Weekly Toronto ha occupied an envi able position diligently serving the Ontario farmer It is edited for v their particular benefit and a special effort will made during the corning year to make it even more Vwue em before All In farming should read The on Saturday and upon motion of finodden seconded by James Wilson It was carried that the an nual range match be held on Nov 20 followed by a fcuppcr at the hotel Thursday Nov at the Methodist Parsonage Sunderland by the Mr Wallace Mr James of was married- to Mrs- Charity Money the nuptial knot was tied the happy to they will reside in future in theft marriage about a Wore of the boys Vent down to their fcave the aged pair m charivari after t A three little towns all within five miles of me but I now sell with a surety In the city by contract all the season After a bed or field Is started it al most care of and keeps us hustling cut the dally crop J as asparagus only lasts for two months I had to keep going the balance of the I bit on What well regulated on this Island does not have mu16nelbn for how many have really good I grew intloiuwl concluded it be I must know bow but I the secret and the Is In every way I have been successful 1 text couldnt get along if It wasnt for Jimmy There are young people who at limes are tempted to believe arc of no use In the world and such Invited to contemplate the cac of this bedrMdcn who In a family of toilers had made film- self and kindliness love pood cheer all the need for ak in of ftfrvle to our fellow- men No one Is as Ions a he can make another the of about him fit the hflnnjnesq ibon him love has of Ms the to His companion years related how the dead robber never was without a robber story that Tracy was his idol same enthusiasm diverted Into a more worthy channel might have made a hero out him who now fills a Many parents who would ho horrifi ed to their hoys associate at all with persons of low character allow them to associate with such charac ters under thc cover of looks Pa rents that from Pervert ed admiration of such to the of their deeds Is ut a stop Since so many parents neglect of their children this and tho public Is the suf ferer in end It devolves upon so ciety zH a matter of to suppress the sale of such literature It seems to hang a body of men for anarchy to adults who arc to know better and the to allow the broadcast of ideas stupefying ti perception of our youth It noteworthy fact that murders highway robberies the whloh fill by youth and SBr I TAKE ALL RISKS TrlrnTf HO NAMES OK PHOTOS USED WITHOUT CONSENT DEBILITY Kit v YOU WILL BE A WRECK New Method en of lnirs iierre becvoiQ I that nervousness Vficlui full clear i Ami iiionil itutcmt ftrO liTlorAtea vltiil i iiuJ rob of your luru We will cuio you it no EVERYTHING AND CONFIDENTIAL tADEIti No matter treated you for opinion Free f Chtxie Golden Monitor on Secret Men QUESTION FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Cor MichlgattAve Detroit Mich All from must l addressed to our Canadian Correspondence In Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Instate in Detroit as we sec and treat no in our Windsor offices are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor OF ONTARIO

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