Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 2, 1910, p. 6

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SIX FRIDAY i DECEMBER jig I J Mi Albert Telephone MU8T OUT K Ft MANAGER Selling at Wholesale Prices GROCERIES MILLINERY To wind up the Fall Millinery sea son Steeper Dunn will dispose of a number of Fall Hats at greatly re duced prices CARD OF THANKS Mrs Traviss wishes to express her sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful during the illness and death of her husband Mr Erastus fts Best Granulated Sugar SI Bare Comfort Soap 25c a Corn Meal lbs Flakes for 30c Corn Starch for 25c- a pack- age Star Ammonia for Tea regular 30c for regular 25c for 19c Rice regular 5c It for Coffee regular 40c for 30c Washing Soda Its for 5c Sulphur regular lb lbs for Pot Barley regular 5c for 3c lb then withdrew and after very care fully considering the points brought out by each side decided in favor of the affirmative The solos by Miss Terry and Miss Ruby were enjoyed Very much The president also gave a reading and expressed his delight that the community take such an interest in the League which should be one of the most important organizations of every Methodist Church PERSONAL on account of the League- night being Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Smart oi changed The next meeting of the are visiting with friends in League will be held Monday evening Holt 8 pm The date of the annual Sunday Rev will lead the de- School Entertainment of the exercises The topic will be dist Church has been fixed for Dec taken by Mr Scott Crone Monthly BE J I J ft I I i I 28tb Mr Woodruff of Franklin is seriously ill and is not expected to recover Mr and Mr J of the Traders Bank Building To ronto will be visitors at the home of Mr John French during the Jelly Powders regular pack- i week of December age or for Dr Smith dentist reports business Epsom Salts regular lb for good since Baking Powder regular Main Parlor Matches a box Coal Oil 20c gallon Oar Toronto Wifedesertion is becoming all too common in this city Relief Officer stated week we have four cases of before us every week A bad record for a city classed as Toronto the- Good The smallbread question was be fore the Court of Appeal this week and judgment reserved A cup of tea about the middle the afternoon- is now being served in a large industrial concern in this city to customers who may happen to be on the premises at that hour This is a new departure Steps are being taken by business firms to have the assessment law so Though tis changed as to allow buildings and arc scarce- improvements to be taxed lower than wiped from our eyes and the land values blotted from the book of remem- A manufacturing firm which lias brance The genuine fox seems too made it a practice to give turkeys foxy for Uncle Johnston Thanksgiving Day for several years Many farmers- are still ploughing told the forewoman a few days ago Keep in mind the Tree in con- hut they cut a sorry figure Wait that on account of poor business and BALDWIN BREEZES Last season foxes were conspicuous by their absence from this locality but this season they are so numerous as to be almost a nuisance having migrated from other sections Their pelts are sought with avidity by our trappers Uncle Johnston the vet eran hunter and trapper has been af ter them He has caught a super- fluity of almost every other game cotton tail and Jack rabbits red League will be withdrawn this week squirrels Irvin Wardens dog Foxey and last but not least not by a jug ful Johnston old sow Oh my shiminay craciofls how she squeal for a double spring steel trap takes hold with a vengeance and is rough on bare toes as Ive ample reason to remember fifty years ago the tears roll call and consecration evening AH are cordiallv invited to attend to which we wish to call your attention to The QUALITY of these goods is No 1 They are in fact worth fully half as much more as we are asking for them 1 Womans Double Knit black wool Mitts Elbow Regular 50c- for 30c Womens Felt Boots Kid Vamp good strone leather soles Regular for fine lino of Wrapperettes Regular 15c for extra Heavy Tweed Pants Regular Si 50 A 1 Mens extra weea rants SI 50 for 5 Boys Shoe Packs oil tan Regular for 6 Mens Wool Sweaters all kinds all sizes Regular Si and for SI You Ought to See Our Xmas Fruits with the Sabbath School in till January boys t the Presbyterian Church on Dec 1 The present and rising generation of A cantata entitled Santas Little this burg go in heavy on candies ing into his new office ffiJI he given There is a large a very large trade and he now visits Services both morning and evening done in sweet stuffs here Probably Albert every Tuesday NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS DRY GOODS Shaker regular He for lie for yard Shirting regular for Tea Towelling regular lie 10c regular for Thread all kinds a spool Table Linen regular for yard Everything in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Hardware etc at Cost Price FWSMITH Queensville vard for Mount Albert Continuation School Form HI Marks obtainable with out French Honors Pass Pickering Kenneth Presbyterian Church next Sabbath j not excelled by any burg of similar Mrs Thomas of Newmarket spent proportions in the Dominion You weekend at Mrs Kan draw a deduction from this J McFarland is in- j ExMayor J J Foster Staff Mc- something new in Tomlinson and Chas the way of a voting contest were our representatives a He is offering two cash prizes to the Keswicks shooting match on Ladies Aids securing the largest day The former two came home with a goose egg apiece the two Ross Byron Sister Gertie amJ largest number of votes Harrison Floyd Myr- j between Dec 1st and Dec 25th The Charles a goose apiece Respecting tie Rear Melville Moore An- 1 contest open to the Sutton contingent Ill Mainprize Methodist Ladies Aid not say who has said Jennie Oldham p Ladies Aid and the Oldham Christian Church Ladies Aid on Form Marks obtainable with- street Vote for your favorite out- French Honors Pass Hockev Club purpose holding a Harry Bailey George Well- soCial lhe Hall wood 75 Barbara Armstrong the evening of Dec A good lime is promised BlsforBLISa BUbb stands for best family mooUcdn Bliss Native Herbs strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood It restores tissues strengthens every organ A tablet at night morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation Dyspep sia Kidney and Liver Disorders Be sure you secure the genuine Bliss Native Herbs In a yellow boz bearing the portrait of O tablets Money back satis Ask agent Moore Bruce Lapp 753 Horace Pearson George Harrison Form I Marks obtainable Honors Pass 750 Mabel Picker ing 1120 Daisy Watts Nettie Ross Stokes Everett Godfrey Lome Stokes Max well Walker Meril Gertie Goodwin 80S John Armstrong 702 Lyman Pearson Mildred Florence Russcl Graham Mabel Ben af- 111 AGENT Sedore Than The in Millinery at LEAGUE LITERARY Although the prevailing weather conditions last Friday even lag were not such as would entice one to travel far there was an exceptionally large number in attendance at the league meeting The chief feature of the evening was a debate on the subject Re solved That Travel is Superior to Reading as an Educative Force Mr as leader of the Urinative very ably opened the bate and spoke most convincing favor of his side of the subject point- out in part that in order to he useful to mankind we must gel our understanding from the practical side of life and not be merely knowledge crammed human beings Further since travel must always precede the writing we can only conclude it should be first in our estimation Many other splendid points were made and the speaker still had others in reserve when time was called Mr J then opened the negative side of the question and made a splendid effort to uphold the literary of the subject He showed clearly that reading was the greater good to the ZEPHYR Mr has bought back the butcher business from H Mr says that is not in it with Zephyr so he has come to the conclusion not to leave Zephyr Mr Joseph Taylor was to ihc city and purchased five horses He is going to run a sale stable since he gave up the livery business l He will make things lively around here for some of them Mr James Ketch is Mr Panes house in Mr Albert Horner has purchased all the lumber in Mr Cooks mill yard There will be a cleanup for once at the mill Owing to the heavy snow fall the carpenters are unable to go on with J A Mitchells stable It vill be quite a drawback for him SHARON Miss Emrna Terry was home from over Sunday Mrs Thirsk and Mr spent Sunday at Mr Israel Mr John is building a fine new hen house Mrs Fred Shaw Sutton has been spending the past week at the home of her aunt Mrs Shaw Miss Ella West was in Toronto a few days last week Miss Laura Tate is spending a month at Mr Walter Kightleys Albert Mr and Mrs Norman Kay a backward season there would be nothing doing in the poultry line this year The girls decided to show that they were not concerned because of the decision which some of them thought was prompted more the recollections of recent labor move ments- than hard times made up a purse and sent to each of the propri etors a big turkeys with notes con taining their Thanksgiving greetings Jack a reporter on The Telegram for several years left Sat urdaynight for Edmonton to take a position on the staff The Jour nal there The Telegrams staff pre sented him a suit case The Park Commissioner is getting ready for the winter months putting the rinks and toboggan slides in shape- for their icy surface An ad ditional toboggan slide is to made at the ravine Driven to a demented state through illhealth Mrs Fund a- woman about years of age who resided at 193 Richmond street west ran half clad j before buying QUALITY the very BEST and Select Valencia Raisins 3 lbs for cents Thompson Seedless Raisins per lb Griffin Skelley Seeded Raisins per lb Best Cleaned Currants IOC per lb the prices The list in Peels Spices Fruit Candy etc at the moderate of prices most Get Interested in the Voting Contest SEE THE SMALL BILLS Let us see a sample of your Clover Seed J QUEENSVILLE rJ Our sports were there and went right in With steady nerve and eagle eye And did their level best to win Rut still the goose hangs high Artie Tomlinson deserves hearty congratulations and he shall have them too for having won the aggregate from such a galaxy of ex pert shots Anybody who can lower the colors of our Charlies has Saturday night I got tote a taek driver Arties jut llic h j took a hemorrhage and died In St Michaels Hospital shortly after her 1 CAPITAL PAID UP mi tit RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS On DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS a- I J up to the present exceeded all expectations far surpassing any previous season White Can Please You if anybody can Why wear an old bonnet when everybody else Is getting the latest and the fttyle And the vay the in general is Increasing is proof we are pleasing our Call at Reliable Store and see W COLE KESWICK E sun on A meeting Interests of Local Option in the Town Hall Button Friday 2nd at Pear son of editor of lh will These business shop the effects Local Option on the as compared to extensive travelling which is only for the moneyed few He further pointed out the great educational benefit of having a ledge of works of Shakespeare Socrates and that this know ledge could not be derived by any amount of travel Mr J was followed by Miss the second speaker for the affirmative Miss Haigh em phasized the fact that there Is a clearer impression made upon the In- j when all the senses are brought into play as is the case when travelling with the idea of observing the things of nature and In an endea vor to be benefitted from an educa tional point of view The second speaker for the negative Miss Smith placed special stress on the ability of practically every per son to read and dealt with the com parative expenditure ol the reading and travel type of persons She rightfully claimed that newspapers and hooks are now obtainable at a very cheap rate and from such the poor as- the rich may derive an inestimable amount ol knowledge Miss then spoke for the affirmative and made a further com parison of reading and travel substi tuting theory- and practice and show ing that the practical Is undoubtedly firfet A vtry real example given I was the Influence of the hearty were at her fathers Mr greatest number Arthur Halls on Sunday Mr Rich was rilling on friends in the village last Mrs TIlCO Sutton and Children were visiting Miss ft oanc a few days last week The Annual Sunday School concert will be held in the Town Hail Fri day Dec Ifitti a good program will be given commencing at oclock after which refreshments willbe serv ed Everybody come ami have a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS business and tl general politician in securing the town Let every this necessary vote as- compared to Important question discussed the influence of printed matter In the Anniversary services- Knox j Miss Etta Wilson the third Dec T the fact that Toronto will derived from travel Is Ob- SI f In a haphazard manner there gradingierccpt to concept Particular to general This grading SNTP educational matter Is a most will hold their anniversary Social in with all t James flail A good program For Sale A SawyerMas Corn with feeder and wind stacker attached al so a Separator Apply to STEWART TRAVISS Holt T For Sale Shropshire Ram and Choice Breed ing Ewes Berkshire Hoars and Sows Bred to Imported Roar also Jersey Cows and Heifers Metropolitan Car stops at Farm No Phone the boy Mrs was pleasantly surpris ed lately by the receipt of a present of a winters supply of flour Super fine brand She has a soninlaw Port Huron who we all reckon is pretty good fellow full of jokes that is one of his best Twentyfive years ago Saturday last I enjoyed tho luxury of a plunge in Lake Eric The water was delight fully warm though the atmosphere was a trillc raspy I enjoyed it much until I observed a female with the curiosity inherent from Mother Eve squatting behind a fence and taking in the Sights She vanished like a spirit It caused me the loss of a most constituent part of my Owl suspenders The bathing all along the north shore of Lake Eric is unsurpassed by any other lake in Ontario The water be ing shallow it is always warm and the shelving bottom- clean hard sand The shoot sporting rifles lor the Elliott gold medal is al present in Tomlinsons possession will be held at Baldwin about New Years It is about time Doc Graham was scratching around to find a sure winner I reckon its going to slay another term in Baldwin No dark horse will win Of course excepting death nothing is absolutely sure in this world but I pick to win Our boys are wonderful whistlers and as it is a fact and facts arc Stubborn tilings that you make a very poor attempt to whistle with a dry mouth therefore needs must be they very frequently to Sutton Hut all this I hope will soon- end I hope that Local Option will run the wet goods out of town for say this Where a man has not the moral courage to hay handle not the vile wise legislation should prevent him making a hog of himself Reports say that our good friend Arnold Buffering terribly from the effects of cancer which is spreading rapidly Morphine is a blessing in such casts Winter has come and there arc scores plows peeping up through the snow just where they were left Saturday and there they may stay till spring If there was only a Public Library within the reach of our citizens it would he of incalculable benefit It would lesson this night barking and add to the fund of information Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY admittance Mr Arthur Blight who recentlv re signed the position of baritone solo ist of Street Presbyterian Church to take a similar position with the Metropolitan Methodist has resigned his position with the latter church and will return to the street choir Singing specialists and church choirs are pretty touchy Two commercial travellers were slightly injured and an engine and ByLaw No ByLaw to Authorize the making of a Contract with one SAMUEL WALKER SLOAN for the sup ply of ELECTRIC LIGHT with in a certain area limit of continuation four chains twenty links to the southern of lot eleven thence along the same to the west the Grand Trunk Railway these southerly the same chains fortyseven links thence westerly four chains and twenty links thence north erly chains and thirtyfour links to the said boundary of lot eleven thence westerly along same to tie place of beginning and containing admeasurement two hundred and D and one half acres more WHEREAS a petition has been pre sented to this Council signed by resi dents of that portion of the Township three cars wrecked in a rcaiend col- of comprised in the lision between the Owen dc- 1 Sound express due here at on scribed praying that a ByLaw he less passed the purpose of lighting the The shall enter Hi- said area in the method and upon the to a contract with Samuel terms set forth in the said petition for erection and installation AND WHEREAS the said petition an electric light plant and equipment is signed by more than twothirds of and for the maintenance of same the persons resident in the said area supply by the said Samuel Sloan whose names appear upon the last re- of twentyfour lamps of not less vised assessment roll of the munici- thirtytwo candle power each for pality as freeholders or tenants the term of ten years from the first da Friday evening and the freight about half a mile north ol St Clair Avenue and Anderson were hurt His Excellency the Rev Andrew Septjcky Archbishop of Austria and Primate of all the licians spent Friday in Toronto as the guest of Archbishop McEvoy and Father Burke His excellency came assessed real property therein I of January at the contract to Canada to investigate religious renting in value one half of the as- price of Four Hundred Dollars pa conditions here of people from- all of which appears by annum upon the terms and condition the certificate of the Clerk of the mu- contained the draft agreement A wordy conflict took place among annexed to the said potij which is annexed hereto and which is Socialists in the Labor Temple on fcl0n hereby made part of this ByLaw Sunday last the meeting breaking up AND WHEREAS this Council Reeve and Clerk of tils in disorder deems it expedient in pursuance of its Municipality arc hereby authorized Rev Dr the noted New powers in that behalf to define ccr- and it shall be lawful for them York preacher who came hero to con- tain area for the purpose of street behalf of the Corporation to execute duct special evangelistic services for lighting- contract upon the terms and condi- two weeks preached in Cooks church THEREFORE the Municipal in said draft contained and morning and evening oh Sunday last cl1 W Corporation of East affix the seal ol the Corporation A midday and evening service has mhury hereby enacts thereto been in progress all this week The rea within the limits in THIS BYLAW shall St Stephens College St Wiis paragraph set forth is hereby celebrated its anniversary last I fined and designed as a special section I will taste not any more For 8ae 20 acres Of Lot Concession In the Township of East Apply to SMITH Sutton P O of and vocal solos du- and will be given will be served Program at oclock Milwaukee Wis Nov Unrig old son a coal dealer was found dead a bath tub In his home last night He had been electrocuted by an tlec- operated vibrater by which he was body educators of the present day and hence leads us to see the benefit of reading and the fallacy travel as a means of education The leader the affirmative then made a suitable reply bringing In no paw matter but emphasizing the fact that the question was not Which is the most generally used but Which is capable educating to the greater degree The Mr Mr- J Mr JL Shields J FOR ALE Valoable Comer Property IN Brick Rooms Stable and Carriage House Wish to sell immediately Ap ply to own MRS HOWARD MORTON Sutton West or to- A Solicitor Sutton West BALDWIN following from a private let ter vritten in which wo consider Is worth publishing Wp are glad to hear that our old- friend Mr Fred Wood is get ting better In health again We all congratulate him and hope hook which he has Just finished entitled With tho Flag to Pretoria will be a success Mr Wood was Sergeant In tho Mounted Branch of tho Impe rial Service served through the wholo of the South African War and from what wo hear the book will bo worth reading He was with us lor five years and wc found him an honorable man and worked hard for church- Wo him In our choir since ho has left Hoping that he Will do for the church ho attends Baldwin He Is the son- of Wood Esq of Kent England at A Sabbath Citizens Toronto will have by laws for the expenditure of various sums aggregating about to vote on at the next municipal elec tion A little 7yeacoldlad son of John McArthur while playing in the yard of the Dawson Street school had his leg broken- last week Mhos Clayton wanted his dogs to hunt with up in the game district Evidence was given to show that the dogs were shipped to Mount Al bert driven over to Zephyr and from thence shipped nortfi Magistrate Kingston smiled beamingly while ho told Clayton and costs would be a reminder to hffn ex pedition aftor venison 1 E the Black Hand letterwriter who demanded from J Eaton on pain of for feiture of his life was sent to the penitentiary for twelve Now will he he good The Salvation Army has establish ed in Toronto a homo for Female In- an Institution which the ex perience of this organization shows Is greatly needed Tho Homo is a commodious building situated at 207 street and woll adapted for the purpose for which it Is to bo us ed Following upon the discovery of the stolen hank notes belonging to Traders Bank hidden In a house Galley Avcnuo a warrant has been Issued against Edward Elmer Mc intosh who lived the premises be fore present occupant Ho was an employee of tho railway when the bank bills stolen and left the service shortly after Christmas will cost tho cents per lb this year That Is vhat city dealers aro saying The city council has decided to ask for tcnderB for proposed under ground railway Smart Alecks often learn wisdom by experience Eight young men who thought it pas a good to take out a launch belonging to another man- earned last Wednes day morning thai it was rather an father may bo proud of such a son expensive one They are required to May he have great success is the pay a repair in addition of all tho choir members of to counsel fees by order of Judge within this municipality in which the streets should be lighted namely COMMENCING at the south west an gle of lot Number Eleven In the eighth Concession of the said Town ship thence northerly along the wes tern boundary of said lot and lot twelve to the northwest angle of said lot twelve thence easterly along the northern boundary of said lot twelve to a point easterly twenty- four chains from the eastern limit of the centre road thence southerly pi- 1 with the said western boundary of said lot to the southern boundary of said lot eleven at a point twenty- four chains easterly from the eastern boundary said centre road thence westerly along the southern boundary of said lot eleven twentytwo Chains thence southerly parallel with the limit centre road four chains come into ti led immediately upon the final past ing signing and sealing thereof notice The Council of the of East will at their iei- lnr meeting which will he btfll December at the pal Hall Sharon give the following ByLaw which is for the Electric Lighting streets Mount Albert Village its and pass same A McKENlE Clerk PROMPTLY SECURER We fcollclt business of and others who ft Of having their Patent and fiftyseven links thence j Preliminary advice In three chains arid cast limit of northerly along same ten links to centre road and a line in said oieiaie pur inventor Shi Montreal ami 1 NflRELY IN EVERY LINE Dry Goods Rubbers STOCK Winter Underwear Hats and Caps Wool Knit Goods- Coat Sweaters Fine Rubbers for Men Ladles and Children hers Mens Heavy Winter Rub- Dishes In ft WinhC3Ui Shoes for Everybody Fancy Designs in Chinawaro Old Willow Cjover Leaf Plain White Sots Groceries at Lowest Prices WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND PROMISE TO USE YOU SQUARE NORMAN S YORKE TRY US BELHAVEN ii i 1 fci

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