I J Robertson I to loan op Farm Security J prank COLLECTOR Bolton Decorator JDENXBCorner an tfeeks Itoeal Dr Clark DENTIST g Newmaret Bazaar The Young Ladies of the Christian Church will hold their annual Bazaar in the Schoolroom on Friday Decem ber 2nd Or Wilkinson In Block Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSES Newmarket slued residence if NEWMARKET iiARBLWORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN iMunuments and Head Stones- The Way It Looks Spring summer autumn winter all in their turn and it now looks as though the snowshovel crop would mature about the time cranberries of Holland Marsh will be in demand for Christmas turkey sauce Clubbing Rates for Era and Weekly Globe Era and Daily Globe North York only Era and Toronto Star Era and Toronto News 250 Era and Weekly Mail Era and Era and Toronto Daily World Era and Toronto Sun Balance of 1910 Free to New Sub scribers to weeklies paying in ad vance St Pauls Church The Ladies Aid of St I Pauls Church will hold their annual Sale of Workin the Court Room of the King George Hotel on Wednesday Dec commencing at oclock and continuing all day and evening There will be a large assortment of fancy and useful articles for Christ mas gifts and a table of homemade dainties 3w tea is the result of care and Experience in blending must be the combination of fine flavor smooth strength and richness Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the good tea term Ordering Dr S J Boyd in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons el England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No Consultation Hours 79 My services may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the or phone si NEVER SOLO H BULK f Your Grocer Will Recommend It A Breakdown Last Saturday while the driver of Mr Eves delivery wagon was fil ling an order on Church Street the Free Demonstration In connection meeting on Dec the Aurora Orchestra has been engaged and vo cal selections may also be anticipat ed Seats free Everybody wel- come It is hoped that the hall will be filled Demonstrations on the Judging of Live Stock to be in the Town Hall Newmarket Thursday and Friday Dee PROGRAMME Thursday Dec to am Light Horses C M Dominion Livestock Branch Ottawa to Heavy Horses pm Prof Reynolds of the Ontario Agriculture College will address the meeting Friday Dec to John to 330 Dairy Cattle 33r to pm Fat Steers John ion Perish in Flames the evening tM Newark Nov A lire he most fatal that has ever visited the city occurred in Newark yesterday when the old Domestic- Sewing Machine Building at High and Orange Streets burned to the ground Probably girls employed in the building met death and fifty were taken to the hospitals It was a little after oclock yes terday morning when Sadie Hanson of Stone Street who works for the Anchor Lamp Cp on the third floor was cleaning a carbon for a lamp She had been using gasoline and somehow a switch near the machine she worked at sparked There was a puff as the gasoline vapor leaped into flame and the girls clothing began to blaze Others working in the same room ran to her and attempted to put out the flames subdue the fire that was eating jits way along the floor by throwing bags of sand on it In this way time was lost and the third floor was pretty well afire when the alarm was given One hundred and twentytwo girls were employed in the building by the N MARKET HARDWARE STOR a with every decision and the class will be given an opportunity to express their views regarding the placing of animals Ladies especially invited at the evening session of Dec when a musical program will be given For further details notice will be given in the papers Mayor horse which was untied took a no- will preside tion to return home but experienced five firms quartered there On the The judges reasons will be given floor was the A A Drake Pa per Bov Co the Newark Paper Box Co had the second floor the Aetna Electric Co and the Anchor Lamp Co were on the third floor and the fourth floor was occupied by the Louis Wolf Co manufacturers of muslin undergarments coo The vote last week on the By- Law to grant a franchise for water i5 11 i It You Can Save Phoney By Buying From Us i Accident On Monday Louis Walker young est son of Mr Walker St was playing at the Separate School when he fell and broke his collar bone Two of his companions went with him tov the- doctor and got the bone and then went home with him He is only eight years of age but he walk the mile and a quarter to his home He is progressing nicely Choir Recital An evening of exceptional pleasure is promised next Friday Dec when the Choir of Queen St Metho dist Church Toronto with the assis tance of a- noted reader Miss Ethel Stocks will give the entire program under the direction of Mr Beatty in the Methodist Church Newmarket As we stated last week there are over in the choir and the program Representative for given in Toronto on the York A with unbounded satisfaction It some difficulty in turning around Climbing from the ditch to the ce ment walk it slipped down and broke the shaft but timely arrival of- as sistance prevented further damage Stationery Our holiday stationery is especial ly appropriate for Gift purposes The box as well as the contents is beau tiful Broughtons Drug Store The New Harness Shop Has One Overcoat for 11000 also Two frozen in Halters made from Oak Tanned Leather and One Set of Double Light Harness A tie County of position and exclusive territory for the right man Stone t Welling ton Toronto Burglary PaxtonCreedon About two oclock on Monday quiet wedding was solemnized at morning the store of the Toronto Johns Church Newmarket on Jobbing House was broken into and Wednesday Nov when the till robbed of some coppers that youngest- daughter Air and Mrs were left for chaugc Entrance was was married to by cutting the frame of the Whitney cellar window so that the iron bar could be removed The glass was sui and carried only tacked in with brads so that it a She was attended was easily removed and the door Paints Oils Etc I NEWMARKET or gas to Mr- James result ed in a vote of for and i against the proposition Halifax Nov The worst storm of the year has had this province in its grasp for the past hours Charles a machinest while attempting to cross the harbor in his gasoline boat last night was swept overboard and drowned Lindsay 21 Lindsays new boot and shoe and glove factory and tannery bubble to employ men has gone bust and the fairy tale is in everybodys mouth As yet no trace has been found of the gentlemanly beardless young man who with his optimism took the town by storm and left behind him from the cellar to the store was un locked hence after once the whole store was at his mercy But Ir Fortune sleeps in the room up stairs adjoining his office and his dog made such a racket barking that he woke up and yelled Oct out there The evidently thought it was a warning for him and he skipped without touching anything else The disturbance was just in the nick of J time to save further loss It was On Saturday by Miss Blackburn and Mr obligations of or more Frank brother of the bride I Haskell proprietor of the assisted the groom The grooms House was fin- gift to the bride was a set of furs to CO on Tuesday the bridesmaid a birthday ring and liquor without a license to the groomsman a watch fob Amid sa was actually made by the showers of rice and confetti the hap- bartender of the hotel Percy py couple left for a short trip and ncr decamped after he had been OUR FALL I on their return will reside in summons Haskell denied any knowledge it hut was held responsible by the magistrates one million bushels Millard and Mr evidently the work of an amateur and J grain was put in the elevator at Haskell was lined storekeepers should he on their J Midland and a car of grain was load- is a city concert at the town price and it is hoped that the visitors will be received by a wellfilled Church guard A thief is not away minutes and costs about three months ago on a charge Of keeping liquor for sale THAN EVER Toronto Jobbing House Dollars Given Every Saturday Night Come and Get Some AGENTS FOB CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS I I North Yorks Greatest Store AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase OUR TOYS IN THE BASEMENT Come and bring the Children Never before in our history have we been in such a position to offer to you the Very Best of Everything at the Lowest Price Our Store is Brimful of Suggestions and we want you to come and see us Now is the time Very Special Bargains in Mens Clothing Overcoats fcOrnc in Chesterfield cut built from good stout Tweeds and black Melton I loth other of Varsity style with close fitting collars inch long boll from good strong tweeds in grey and browns The regular price of these overcoats is but to clear we offer them Mens Prussian Ulster style Overcoats button through fronts and close fitting collars nuU- in broad twills arid herringbone cheviots coat Mens Prussian Ulster Style Overcoats built from brown and grey diagonal tweeds all sizes regular Mens Prussian Style Overcoats button through fronts and close fitting collars fin 011s 20th Century built from rrewbrown and twill tf These coats are selling all the line at 2500 each Our price is J I J 75 Mens Overcoats with button through or fly fronts made from broad grey twills and black cloth worth MM each To clear Hoys Varsity Overcoats with Close fitting collars tweed lined worth We clear them out at Varsity Overcoats Close fitting collars made In brown and grey tweeds regular now Mens All Wool En brown and checks stripes well lined and trimmed throughout fowl- value at our price 705 Mens Worsted Suits in grey brown and heather shades plain dressy styles regular up to each to clear Mens good tweed working Pants to be clearer out at pair Mens- tweed and worsted Pants selling at a pair will be cleared at a pair Mocha brown shades with warm wool lining worth yours for Hoys Mule Skin Mitt with warm regular for pair Mens All Wool Heavy Sox good values pair or three pairs for Arlington Celluloid Collars all sizes and styles regular for President Suspenders worth 50c to clear Me Coat Shirts latest colorings and patterns the wake regular shirts for Mens Calf Skin Mitts warm wool lining worth to char 4flc What Time will the Clock Stop LAST IT AT and the following ticketswon the dollars 51 5100 Did you have a nearer lime and forgot to come to our store on Saturday even ing at oclock If so you a loser Come next Saturday for sure w This is where all the Good Clothing You buy from us comes from Saving in Mens Hats Any Hut in the for I J 85 Cloth the In vogue this vorth to clear Men Lined In and brown worth i5c clear Specials in Mens Fine Boots j CO pair Patent Calf Hun j and Storm Calf Cut Boots welted ftolcs sizes to worth to clear palr of and Box fall with j slip to to clear 5 of Hoys latfcr Lace Hoots halr- channel called to worth to clear r The Best Rubbers at the Lowest Prices in Canada Childrens Rubbers Women Plain Over Rubbers pair Childrens Plain Over pair Mens and Boys Rubbers Nine Little Snaps for Ladies Towels good large size Unbleached Linen Towels a pair yard overs very dainty 25c each and drawn Work Tray Cloths not a large stock but great value while they last lc each Come see our stock of Ladles Knitted Vests and Drawers values to Knitted Vests and Drawers all sizes to 7c A nice selection of Linen Collars all sizes Hie each A few odd lines Ladies Melts to go very cheap each 15 Seamless Tapestry Squares for Beautiful Floral anil Conventional Medallion Designs in various colorings Size by yards only quality for Big Reduction in Yard Wide Ingrain Carpets Union for yard Onion for yard Woolfilled yard Wool and for yard Wool for yard Sturdy English Carpets at Greatly Cut Prices Itcgular yard now selling lor yard Regular to yard now selling for yard Regular yard now selling for yard Regular yard now selling for 75c yard Big Saving In Gloves and Hose One of and regular for One lot of Misses and Childrens Gloves 25c lines for nib Cashmere Hose all sizes and for Regular Worsted Hose for Regular Worsted for You Will Like These Dress Goods Wc have a particularly fine stock of Tweed Dress Uoods the colors arc in browns greys and navy and are sold everywhere for a yard As wish to make a clean sweep of whole stock wc are offering them at a losing price of 35c yard Mens Plain Over Rubbers pair Hoys Plain Over Rubbers pair Mens 7Inch Leather Top Rubbers 325 Mens Rubber Hoots knee high pair Mens 2Huckle Rubbers AND IS ALL OUR GOOD RUBBERS FROM MARTIN COMPANY Staples Away Down A bunch of New Uptodate Shirtings regular goods for- a yd All our Apron Ginghams bright new a yard Mill of White Flannelette from yds regular for yd Sec our Remnants of Flannelettes ami White Cottons One lot of Red Moreen Skirtings to be cleared regardless of cost Usual price a yard now selling at a yard 8peclals In Ladies Fine Boots pairs of Patent and Call button and lace Hoots Goodyear welted and black clotlt tops sUcs 21 to worth to clear pairs Patent Leather lace and button I year welted and McKay sewn soles sites to worth t to clear I ARCHIVES OF