Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 2, 1910, p. 4

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nwiri KWKNnB w iW he to pjeasi able to refer to Dr I easure Miles AntiPain Pills as the best rem- we have yet had in our house for the prevention and cure of headache My wife who has been a constant sufferer for SB years with above complaint joins me in the hope that they may fall into the hands of all sufferers JOHN BUSH Me Used Them Four Years Dr Miles AntiPain Pills the best I ever tried for the relief of headache I have used them for nearly four years and the ever fail to give me relief I many other rem edies but have never found any better JOSEPH Trombly Detroit Mich There is no remedy that will more quickly relieve any form of headache than Dr Miles AntiPain Pilla The best feature of this re remedy is the fact that it docs not derange the stomach or leave any disagreeable after effects are Price at supply you If he does not to Lit we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Torento He send price THE NEW CATALOGUE Of the Central Business Col lege Of Toronto contains some guarantees ol very peat inter est to who desire to attend a firstclass reliable School You are invited to write for it Address IV Shaw President 395 Toronto T Time Card In all probability the Ontario Leg islature will convene for business in the course of a couple of months and as usual a number of amendments will be made to our mu nicipal code The country press is suggesting legislation on various mat ters more or less importance Fol lowing in the wake we take the lib erty to call attention of Yorks member to the necessity of a needed amendment to our municipal law re specting fire protection in cities towns and incorporated villages Under European laws an owner is held responsible for all dam ages caused by fire to his neighbor hood arising from carelessness or neg ligence in permitting dangerous trades in his building or from the accumulation of rubbish or anything else calculated to make his place highly combustible thereby becom ing a source of danger or damage to adjoining This only seems reasonable and quite as much iri the public interest as municipal responsi bility in creating Public Health I Hoards with power to prevent the spread of infectious diseases When it is remembered that oftentimes the accumulations years of toil are swept away in a few hours by a seri ous conflagration arising from the negligence and carelessness of some one person it only seems reasonable and equitable that the damages aris ing through such negligence or care lessness should be made good by the person responsible therefor such provision were made people would be more careful about leaving rubbish and combustible material around in a loose way An Associated Press despatch states that the steamer Alva built to the order of the Dominion Govern ment for quarantine service sailed from England on the J ult and will arrive at Halifax in two weeks war between Great Britain and Ger many was- inevitable and that the was obtaining informa tion as to the fighting strength of the FrenchCanadians A recent despatch from Paris France states that while the contro- as to the extent to which flesh is used for human food in Ger many has attracted great attention France where probably more hor ses are slaughtered annually to feed the people than in Germany it has almost escaped notice Two hundred thousand horses were required for food consumption this year are available with the- re sult that the price of horseflesh is now nearly as high as as that of beef GOING NORTH Leave a p to Toronto 545 Newmarket 705 GOING SOUTH A parole Board will be established in connection with the Prison Farm at Guelpb at least so it is reported The scheme has been approved by both Federal and Provincial Govern ments and provides for examination of all applications and recommenda tions for royal clemency right at the Prison Farm The Hoard will inves tigate the respective cases and report to the Minister of Justice Of course the action of the Board will not override the Hon Ministers du ties but it is expected he will in most cases follow the Boards recom mendations Hon Mr Hanna states there will be no salaries only reim bursements of actual expenses If dont creep in no doubt the scheme has much to commend it Newmarket Toronto ft 520 30 they bo extract ed out out for over bo too hasty and consult They MAY be caved Surety tfMlliatttrh worth minute talk you nothing The lews of Toronto arc following in the wake of and purpose cutting a swath for themselves At a meeting on Sunday night an In dependent Citizens League was farm ed and the principal speakers an nounced that it was the purpose of the Hebrews of Toronto to work for 55 1 in both the Dominion and Provincial Parliaments as well las in the local municipal council hoard without regard to present po litical parties The Hamilton Herald has l his com ment with respect to Hon Minister of Finance General regret is felt at the absence of Hon Fielding parliament on account of ill health Mr Fielding is one of the favorites of the house of commons almost as popular among his opponents as among his political friends He is always fair- courteous and goodtem pered A greatvictory has recently been gained by the farmers of Kent and Essex Many of the farms in that part of the Province were purchased from the Canada Company who held that they owifed the rich body of oil and natural gas although having sold the land A judgment recently giv en not only disannuls any such claim as that held by the Canada Company but it orders that said Company shall account for the profits they have tak en from gas and oil operators to the land owners Under their pretended claim the Canada Company disposed of royalties and rights to operators to which they had no legal claim to the detriment of the- farmer who bought Company lands By this re cent decision the land owners have secured a recognition 01 their legal rights i0 Child Found A pamphlet comes to hand prepared by direction Minister of Agriculture for Ontario and print ed by order of the Ontario Legisla ture touching the Dairying industry of the Province The following is the introductory chapter and we make no will be read With interest by our farming readers A GREAT INDUS Ontario Canada though not among the largest provinces of the Domin ion is nevertheless large It is square miles greater in terri tory than the British Isles The sur face of the ground is generally flat or undulating the soil is rich and re tentive with a great of excellent quality and although there are extremes of heat and cold the in tensities are not generally prolonged and the climate is delightful There are no serious droughts or frosts and irrigation is unnecessary The Province is one of diversified A particularly revolting white slave case was tried in the Police Court last week when Mai was sent toprison for six months By threats he forced a girl 17 years of age Into a disorderly house He then intimidated her into marrying him and from thence kept her in con- finement at another resort John only out of jail a cou ple of days was again arrested on Friday for picking the pockets of a farmer named House who resides in the vicinity of Brampton Wo will spend his Christmas in quod cars are in vogue on the street railway At the close of last week the City Treasurer reported that 59000 peo ple were behindhand in paying water- rates The food and water bills these days appear to be eating up the wa ges of thousands of people- Special temperance sermons were farming and it may be said rea- I Poached in pulpits of this city sonable safety that it is the only one in which various lines arc fol lowed with marked success There are agricultural possibilities of a greater variety than in any other province of the Dominion Although there is of course more of wheat on last Sunday In a street car two or three days ago when a lady entered an intoxi cated man called out to her a sheet lady and with much diffi culty arose and reached for a strap The lady thanked him and sat down fc so much better than ordinary physics thoroughly effective ther lose heir Coowtny l CauH Limbed Established the prairie yet grain and fruit andl travelling perhaps half a block vegetables Jive stock and dairy pro- witnessing the painful efforts the ducts are here more ed Taken all in pro- equally develop- man maintain his equilibrium all the natural arose and said to him resources of the Province are not equalled by any other Province and certainly not excelled Dairying is one of the great- indus tries of Ontario It is followed with Witnessed the scene Local option much success by the man that farms wouldnt hurt Toronto the had better sit down again I am better able to stand than you are A broad titter was visible on the faces of the other passengers who CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS CD Branches at all Important centres in Canada to London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking teanscted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager J When a fire broke out on Saturday morning in a building Queen St West two Chinamen and three white girls rushed to the street from the top flat The fire was put out be fore serious damage was done George Tate KC left the A West Toronto resident returning to his home from his duties at the Canada Foundry on Thursday even ing was amazed on entering the tingroom of the house to find his young son having a gleeful time with bundle which contained upwards I of six thousand dollars in crisp new Traders Bank bills The child was not at all overawed I his find but regarded the as I decidedly novel plaything upon scale as well as the man that has 50 to acres It can be made a line of profitable production by a careful industrious farmer at a comparatively small outlay When a few good cows have been secured a herd can be maintained and improved I at a minimum cost With increasing the city last Friday evening for the population home dairying is becom- country in response to ing more and more profitable a to take part in the English ready market being always found for campaign good dairy butter the sale of milk After art assault committed on him in the cities and towns is one of the City Hall Daniel most remunerative lines A depart- went to his home nursing a broken mental store in a large city disposes for- a week without knowing it gallons of milk and COO of sweet broken On Friday last he cream per week and utilizes thought he had a severe toothache gallons of sour cream per year A went to a druggist to soothe large distributing dairy in the samel Then it was city receives cans containing was broken and went to each of whole cream and milk I to have it attended to per day The export trade in butter Today will he a big day in and cheese is established upon a solid I circles It is the date of basis But by far the largest pro- University College- dinner and Victoria College Con versa t I We Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Spruce Hemlock etc to Order Special Sire On found his the hos- Col- the the portion of creamery butter finds a rapid sale in the markets of the Pro vince and even with the high price of products exported during the past two or throe years the provincial market has been quite as profitable Dairying is worthy of commenda tion especially the production of cream and the feeding of skim milk to hogs and in relation to what Hie at the value of J industry involves as a means of the bundle as a fining the fertility of tl- soil among the farmers is a strong feature in cheese and butter Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order The gentleman in question had but moved into the house and E the child fired with the zeal of dis- j Department of Agri- CO very had been diligently exploring culture maintain a staff of thirtyfive the new place Left alone in the I sittingroom he set to work to pick EH DENTISTS COR AIDE fr NOTICE is hereby given that Mabel of the City of To in County of York and Province of Ontario married woman will apply to the Parliament of Can- at the next Sessions thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Harry Condor of the City of in the County in the Province of Ontario horseman on the ground of adultery and desert DATED at Toronto in the County York and Province of Ontario the day of September GODFREY HENDERSON 15 Toronto Toronto Solicitors for Mabel which when It it rambling or is not hard to answer announced in that fifteen thousand price offered Christy for as a baseball player by the New York Clubs During the- past year received Fancy ten thousand dollars for one I mans services not in producing something calculated to add to the sum total of human happi ness hut to swipe the ducats from some other fellow This is running sport to an extreme j out a few of the tiled grates expos- ling to view underneath the fireplace jthe beautiful new notes which l dollars is the dairy instructors whose duty during the manufacturing season April to November inclusive is to teach the makers in securing ami maintaining a uniform quality of high class mate rial They also instruct the indivi- his speech on the father immediately on Obtaining session of the bundle communicated the police the money was handed over to the proper authori ses The discovery of the package of bills startled the authorities oil a train of thought that may lead to an arrest In the course of a day or so Some few months ago a big bundle of banknotes consigned from Ottawa to the Traders Bunk Toronto dis appeared en route It was clearly I tin The Star speaks of Torontos Of all the sociologi cal phases that have attended the phenomenal growth and development of the city of Toronto within the past decade the evolution of the shackdweller is one the most in teresting Two and a half years ago with a stringent money market a scarcity of labor and a local sur feit of laborers the problem assum ed proportions which threatened to become a millstone about the Citys neck- Rut today the danger of a suburban shmi is past and the in digent shackdweller is practically extinct Upwards of three thousand people left this city for Hamilton on Sat urday to witness the great football match between the Hamilton Tigers and Varsity Bulldogs ft was the final game and was won by the latter Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work IK OLD FOLKS dual producer in the handling of milk Ihefaclby r rt 1 over people witnessed the game Four last time that the Sir Wilfrid stated in stolen and although the Commons Ill never lead the was dirreted against a Whereupon the Tele- railway employee the theft could gram remarks the great grievance Send Us Your Evening Gowns tad fiijk6liuad ficr Lac yourOitilth nuinta it i wore your yssi mining FOR ftur method work ur it you MY VALET FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide St West Toronto is that Sir been in the hab it of leading both the Government land the Opposition It is now said that Mr Monk is after Mr position and salary as leader of those Who sit on it he of the Speaker and then theres MI for North I Toronto he wouldnt object to take IMF Bordens sit but possibly lie may have fears that the Premier might not think him worth I he price not be brought home to him The banknotes in question were unsigned and the thief hesitated to run the risk of forging signatures to the notes as up to the present time not one of the stolen notes has been put in circulation The package anil cream and its delivery to in such a condition as will con- j tribute to the evolution of a manu factured article of superior quality With in creameries and cheese I factories an Industry has been built up which signifies a great deal in re lation to the prosperity of the farm ers and the good of the whole coun try During the- manufacturing sea son of the quantity of milk lie- I at cheese factories as 1301 pounds the amount of cheese made therefrom was pounds with a total value of The quantity of milk made into butter at cheese factories ami creameries was pounds the butler produced therefrom choice seats in the grand stand were sold for The organized root ers was a feature of the occasion on both sides each led by a its yells and songs hand and Few of us realize the tragedy there ios to dyspeptic I is in growing old To feel that one lis thrust into a corner while the world in which he once bore an ac tive part goes whirling on without him must more than account for the I peculiarities of old age Make Christmas at least bright and helpful I I to the old folks Do not count or trouble in visiting the old home and cheering the hearts of I those who gave thought and effort to your welfare when you were getting your start in I life When you miss the dear old faces from the fireside you will wish many and many a time that you could run in and say pleasant words or leave some little love token The sweetest you will have in after life will he those which call to mind the Never give hot buttered nv alms there is nothing more Christmas Photos Now is the time to make pre paration for your pres ents and what better could you get than Photographs How your friends will appreciate such a gift from you We have a full and complete stock of fold ers and fancy mountings for you to choose from Come early There is danger in delay k it Artistic Photographer Opposite Post Office Newmarket Phone 153a I Hows This One Hundred Re ward or any case ol Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh 1 A CO Toledo We the undersigned have known Cheney for the last years and tie things done to smooth the for those the Other side of hill on their way down into I he j ley of shadows way the J Perrins Greenhouses Carnations Chrysanthemums With respect to the sale of Cocaine Dr Mayor of Montreal takes the that there is no use let- ting morphine dealers off with a line I of Druggists who the 1 son to victims fch fluid do a term in the penitentiary To spread the habit is worse than It degrades its victims to a lower state I than the beasts to give a I person strychnine at once than to cocaine The Mayor and were authorized by the Montreal Hoard of Control to ask the Government for more stringent legis lation on the subject consumed Oil the farm sent to notes so dramatically unearthed by milk factories and sup- the child are now found to he Piicd to towns and cities Heal with the notes stolen from the A conservative estimate of the train en route from 1 The police have good hopes of being able shortly to place their hands on the man who secreted them beneath the fireplace from which the believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially I he value of hut- l0 obligations ler made In farm dairies and the firm Floral Designs every wriptioj made on no tice Price reasonable Out town orders sol felted A quantity of Celery other Vegetables WINTER TERM OPENS JAN ELLIOTT Canadas Clans Commercial School absolutely wiper tiotr Write today for lare Bale at child extracted them the famous Dominion Hank rob bery case in in he big haul made was a bundle of un signed bills and holder than the man who stole the Traders Hank notes as they forced Signatures and put the bills cir culation It was this that to their arrest to and a conservative to Toj of dairy products for the year VMM would he at least When the product of cheese fac tories and creameries along twill the milk delivered in towns and cities as well as the butter made and con sumed upon the farm is included in dairying there is probably a total which surpasses any other one line of industry And coupling this with pork production which should always be a complement dairying is one of the most extensive and profitable in dustries in- the Province of Ontario Q A MARVIN Wholesale druyjtlsts Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent tree per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family fills for con Marconis Now Field Allan liner Virginian which sailed from St John Friday evening did not arrive here until today hours late Nov Algonquin a small village a few miles west a deer made its appearance in a held hack of the village hall unable to resist I the temptation started after it with and a dog and finally succeeded in killing About this time anoth er villager came along ami thinking the hide would make a good of fered for It His was and he went home happy Hut his happiness was shortlived for he received a notice to appear before the Justice of the Peace at Fresco 1 answer a charge of breaking the game cost him The I graph tele- A Story of the recent campaign In relates how the fears of The Weekly Sun is what it pro fesses to be an Independent Farm Journal for the and home It has accomplished many reforms and has an ever growing number of em1 twentyfirst year the over Subscribe for it for you will find It worth the price were turned into votes for the National candidate Mr Armandt didnt tell the Toronto students anything about it during bis address last week He appeared to be as oblivious of It as he was of the incendiary pamphlet of luxurious and fascinating of the wireless Is endeavoring to perfect an aeroplane that will rise directly from any spot and that will carry wireless J apparatus of sufficient strength to send messages in a satisfactory man ner The Sun has been sold Mr Marconi explained his views to Hicks of an Interview recently emphasizing the Mr Hicks took possession on Dec value of the adaptation of the wire- It augurs well for the success of j less of an aeroplane in peace or war local option when business men take and stating that he would probably a stand in favor of the question and himself in connection with his laws His bid i in addition to the original SI When the two men who killed the animal are located It will cost them at least that being the minimum line for killing deer out of season A Womans Beautiful Hair A hair dressing that will make it the presence of a number of promin entbusiness men on the platform at a recent local option meeting in was one ol the best features of the meeting Saturday morning perlments which- he Is 1j be the author and had not yet rcd it Well the story goes that a few dayn before the election a couple of young men with a large official ledger appeared in a rural district of and began to question the farmers The visitors were taking a census they The Government vas especial ly desirous obtaining the names and ages of all malts of the popula tion and no Jean and his six sons were entered Girls No Girls did not matter Only the men boys to be numbered this time Jean arid both devoured by curi osity Why were tbe names being teed by J Today woman has radiant hair Why she ever on the alert to chase the Dand ruff germ Brought oils Hair Tonic carries and certain death to the Dandruff germ and Is the one reliable that Will eradicate It There Is no reason why any person should fall to lake advantage of this offer as we have such confidence in this Hair Dressing that we arc pro- pared to refund the of same fifty cents to any satisfied it i A large bottle for CO cent at Drug and your CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars of Note Lost In Newmarket on Nov Joint note of hand dated April for made by J and wife in favor of J Huntley and bears tho stamp of Hank of Toronto public are hereby cautioned against negotiat ing said note for return to J Half a Century a Pastor New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Currants Figs Dates haver Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons etc Also all the NEW GOODS Tomatoes Corn Peas etc from the Best Canaries Are well assorted and the Best that money can buy Try Our OUR DREAD Is 316 Standard Weight Fan cy Huns Pies Cakes of all kinds Fresh Every Morn ing None few as good COOKED HAM sliced to suit Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Phone Perkins Old Stand Agents for Colemans Meats TRY Agents for A ministry ofhalf a century over one flock was concluded on Sunday Rev Dr I Fifty years ago he was ordained and given charge of St Andrews Presbyterian Church at King and has remained the pas tor there until the present St Andrews had two similar congregations outside the village and to all three he delivered his farewell message The work at King will be taken up by a younger who has not yet been appointed A Dr will continue to re side In the Manse which has oc cupied for so many years J That food mcj reached their climax and are now on the down the let of meat FOR THE IN are making a- specialty of Shoes in a fulirange and styles that will be sure to satisfy We are also agents for the AI1RENS- Shoe thats absolutely guar anteed When you wanting something special Remember the Phone No is

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